[Top 15] Apex Legends Best Duos For A Great Combo

Apex Legends Best Duos For A Great Combo
01 May 2023

15. Bangalore and Bloodhound

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One of the original combos from the early days of Apex Legends takes up the first slot on this list Bangalore and Bloodhound were easily the best duo from the early days of Apex Legends, because of their amazing synergy with their respective tactical abilities.

Bangalore can use her smoke to block the line of sight during a fight, then Bloodhound can use their scan ability to mark where the enemies are. This allows both players to have cover and still be able to shoot targets with ease due to how long Bloodhound’s scan lasts Though this combination has changed over the years, it's still super viable, especially after Bloodhound’s recent buff

Why Bangalore and Bloodhound is a Great Combo:

  • Bloodhound can lead the team towards fights with their passive ability, whilst Bangalore can keep them out of trouble.
  • Bloodhound’s scan paired with Bangalore’s smoke is basically wall hacking that the enemy can't do anything about.
  • Bloodhound’s ultimate is fantastic at pushing a team, which Bangalore can back up with her own rolling thunder ultimate to force them towards Bloodhound.


14. Crypto and Wattson

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Though this is definitely an unlikely pairing, we think that Crypto and Wattson make a great duo. Not only are they amazing legends on their own, but when put together in duos these two really shine. The name of the game with this pairing is to control the entire Apex map. With Wattson’s abilities, you can lock down buildings with ease, yeah people can still shoot you through windows and such, but they are deterred from getting close because of her fences.

Her ultimate provides shield regeneration to the team as well. Pairing Wattson with Crypto means that Crypto has all of that defence whilst on his drone. He can use it safely and gather all the information his team needs. Crypto can see where enemies are hiding, and how many are nearby and he can even EMP enemies for a stun and a shield break.

Why Crypto and Wattson is a Great Combo.

  • Good building control and space creation
  • Able to lock down situations with their abilities.
  • They can see where people are to set up for Wattson
  • Fantastic defensive play with some decent offence.


13. Pathfinder and Wraith

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Do you never want to stop moving in Apex Legends? Well, then this duo is for you. Both Wraith and Pathfinder have fantastic movement capabilities. This is even more true after the most recent buff to both legends, making this duo even more unstoppable. Pathfinder can use his zipline to get them around the map whilst Wraith can get them out of bad situations with her ultimate.

Their respective tactical abilities are just for them though, but that means both legends have an in and an out if they needed it. These two legends are amazing for rushing-type teams who just want to frag out when they are in the game. There are definitely better synergistic legend duos in the game, but this squad is just insane for getting around the map.

Why Pathfinder and Wraith is a Great Combo:

  • Insane map rotation means they can get in and out of fights faster.
  • Wraith is super safe anywhere on the map, and Pathfinder amplifies that.
  • Pathfinder has the weakness of a large hitbox, but Wraith's ultimate allows him to get away when needed.
  • The cooldowns on this pairing’s abilities are super quick, meaning you can always be on the move


12. Lifeline and Gibraltar 

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With this next duo, Defence is the best Offence. Lifeline and Gibraltar have seen their fair share of changes over the years, however, they are still some of the best defensive legends in the game. Lifeline has her revive ability, allowing her to revive teammates with her drone, rather than herself. This means she can get back into the action whilst also providing help for her team.

This is already the best part of her, but Gibraltar makes that even better. With the use of his bubble shield, lifeline can revive even safer than before. Overall the duo are super safe together and should hardly ever die if used correctly. With shields, lifeline drone heals and revives, this duo can stay on the battlefield to the very end.

Why Lifeline and Gibraltar is a great combo:

  • Between his dome having infinite health and his gun shield, he's almost unkillable in the best circumstances.
  • Lifeline heals are fantastic, and Gibraltar’s dome makes them even safer.
  • Lifeline’s ultimate provides smart loot for the entire team, and Gibraltar can cover her with his Defensive Bombardment ult
  • Gibraltar might have a large hitbox, but his “fortified” passive reduces damage. This paired with lifelines revive and heals, and he's an unkillable beast of a legend


11. Lifeline and Newcastle

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Support is the name of the game with this duo, and it is even better than the previous one. Yeah, Lifeline and Gibraltar might be fantastic support, but Newcastle and Lifeline are even better. This is a higher-skill-gapped duo, but if you can master Newcastle, then this is for you. We already know about Lifeline’s fantastic revive ability and her healing, but Newcastle adds even more to the mix. Newcastle and revive teammates and move them around whilst doing so.

On top of that, he has a revive shield in front of them, protecting them from incoming fire. So if you do end up going down, he can protect you. The superhero legend also has his own small shield to throw down and direct, but his ultimate also throws up a castle barricade. This massive wall protects you, damages opponents who come near and also allows Newcastle to jump onto a teammate with it. Damn, this duo does it all.

Why Lifeline and Newcastle is a Great combo:

  • This duo are basically unkillable because they can both revive one another with ease and efficiency.
  • Newcastle has fortified, just like Gibraltar, so he's tanky as hell
  • Lifeline can easily get Newcastle a golden knockdown shield to make his revives even more powerful


10. Octane and Wraith

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Similar to Wraith and Pathfinder, Octane and Wraith is another insane rurush-downuo team. Octane is a high-speed daredevil with a jump pad as his ultimate. Anyone can use this and it launches them in whatever direction they are running at it. The pad also gives you a double jump, allowing for even better rotations. This paired with a Wraith ultimate means she can get super far away from a fight, or even get into a fight that's far away.

Octane himself has a stim ability, speeding him up for a short duration. This is insane for movement and makes Octane the fastest legend in the game. Pair this duo together for a high-octane speed playstyle, running from fight to fight, having an escape and an entry each time.

Why Octane and Wraith is a Great Combo:

  • Octane and Wraith can get in and out of fights with ease with their ultimate abilities.
  • Both legends have an “out” button with their tacticals, meaning if things go wrong they should be okay.
  • This duo is great for high-kill games, so get farming your 20 bombs and 4k damage badges


9. Wattson and Rampart

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This Duo is so much fun to play around with. Sometimes defence is the best offence in a battle royal game, and Wattson and Rampart make that a dream. We already know how great Wattson is at locking down a building from her duo with Crypto, but having Rampart in the mix takes her to another level. Rampart is also fantastic at locking down a building. She has deployable walls, which allow her to block corridors, doors and even windows.

The great thing about her walls though is that you can shoot through them for 20 percent more damage. This means locking down a building is an even better strategy as you have a better advantage over the enemy team trying to push.

The kicker with Rampart though is Sheila. Rampart has a mobile minigun in her back pocket with 146 ammo. You can fire this as fast as a CAR SMG, and it's got even more damage. Sheila is an absolute monster of a gun, and packs a punch in any fight.

Why Wattson and Rampart is a Great Combo:

  • Sheila can carry gunfights if used correctly. It might be a highly powerful gun that can kill red armoured targets in an instant, but Rampart is sluggish with it out. 
  •  Wattson provides even more defensive support for Rampart, letting her use Shelia more effectively.
  • Rampart walls let Wattson’s fences serve as a backup, rather than the main defence. This works better for Wattson as her fences aren't exactly the most durable things in the world.
  • This defensive duo absolutely destroys in end-game building scenarios, if played correctly you shouldn't lose


8. Pathfinder and Octane

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Pathfinder and Octane are the ultimate rotation duo. Though Wraith works well with both of them, we think that these two together are unstoppable. Yeah, they are both skirmisher legends, so Octane might end up taking Pathfinder’s passive power if he doesn't think, but together these two are crazy strong. Pathfinder’s ultimate can go a crazy distance, and being followed up with an Octane pad means you can get from location to location even on maps like Storm Point.

Honestly, Storm Point might even be the best map for these two as you can just rotate through the entire map, and be safe whilst doing so. Pathfinder’s tactical also works well with Octane as he can keep up with the speed freak, unlike Wraith or any other legend.

Why Pathfinder and Octane is a Great Combo:

  • Their rotational capabilities are unmatched, aside from having a Valkyrie.
  • They can keep up with each other even without their ultimates, making them a more consistent duo.
  • The skirmisher passive on both of them allows them to find Care Package loot way easier and know if it is worth heading out for.
  • If they are contested at any point in the match, especially around Care Packages, they can easily escape or push with their abilities.


7. Revenant and Ash

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The ultimate robot duo is here, and they pack a punch. Though Revenant might not be the best legend in the game, when paired alongside Ash his abilities do way better. Revenant has a silence tactical orb which is fantastic in a fight, and he can also climb infinitely. His ultimate thought is the main thing for this Duo, as he can set up a totem. This gives him and his team an extra life so to speak, as if they die they teleport back.

The old Duo with Rev used to be with Octane, as Octane could pad a Revenant and his team in his ultimate to destroy an enemy team and teleport back if they died. Now that Octane has been nerfed, the new strategy is with Ash. You can ultimate with Rev, then use ASh’s teleport ultimate to get you in and then use their tacticals for value. Ash’s tactical ability tethers an enemy in place, so revenant can deal the most damage and even silence them. This duo is great and a lot of fun in the Apex games.

Why Revenant and Ash is a Great Combo:

  • They have great versatility in fights, as their tacticals provide insane value in the middle of combat.
  • The rotational value is pretty decent thanks to Ash’s ultimate and Revenant's climbing abilities
  • The ultimate combo between the two is fantastic as it can catch people off guard. Everyone turns their brain on when they hear an Ash ultimate or a Rev ultimate, but the two of them together are a scary thing to witness.


6. Horizon and Fuze

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Have you ever wanted to spam grenades at your enemies in Apex Legends, and make it work? Well, this duo is for you. We all know how amazing Horizon is with grenades right? I mean, she was the meta for quite a while.

Using her black hole ultimate, sucking enemies in and then spamming grenades to kill them was quite powerful. Even after the nerfs to her ultimate, her tactical gravity lift and her passive, Horizon is still amazing. She's one of the best legends in the game, but when we pair her with Fuze it's on another level. 

Fuze is the grenade guy in Apex Legends. His tactical Knuckle Cluster is a grenade and deals good damage when stuck to an enemy, Fuze can also stack grenades in one slot, unlike the rest of the cast.

On top of all of that, Fuze can also throw grenades further than anyone. This makes Fuze fantastic with Horizon as you can both spam as many grenades as you want into the Blackhole. The cherry on top is Fuze’s ultimate as well, as he can put down a circle of fire in an area, controlling the enemy team even more.

Why Horizon and Fuze is a Great Combo:

  • The space control these two legends can create is insane, they can stop enemies in their tracks and keep them in place.
  • Fuze’s ability to hold around 15 grenades with ease is insane in close-quarters situations with Horizon’s ultimate as the enemies can't get away from the nades
  • Both legends can use their abilities from far away as Horizon can throw her black hole very far, Fuze can throw grenades far and even use his Motherload ultimate from a distance


5. Caustic and Fuze

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Now into the top five combinations, and at 5, we have a fun one. Just like with Horizon, Fuze also pairs up well with Caustic. We already know what Fuze can do, spam grenades, create space and deal massive damage to enemies who can't see or move. Well, pair that with Caustic’s ability to gas enemies and you have a duo made in heaven.

Caustic has two gas abilities. His tactical gas barrels are set off by gunfire, or when an enemy steps too close. This slows them, damages them and messes with their vision. His ultimate is a grenade in a massive area that has the same effects but amplified. Now, pair this with Fuze’s grenade spam and Motherload, and enemies are gonna be choking to death in an area they can't escape from. 

Why Caustic and Fuze is a Great Combo:

  • They can control space super well as enemies are deterred when they see a caustic near a building.
  • If they do somehow get near the building or the space you are controlling, Fuze can damage them easily once Caustics' gas sets off
  • If Caustic communicates where enemies are through his gas, Fuze has easy shots on enemies with his Knuckle Clusters.
  • If all else fails, as long as Caustic’s gas is triggered, Fuze can just spam grenades and hope for the best


4. Rampart and Vantage

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Vantage has finally made an appearance on today’s list, and with Rampart of all people. Vantage is a legend who can move around quite a lot thanks to her tactical bat jump ability, but she can't bring a teammate with her. Her repositioning tools are amplified by her ultimate ability, allowing her to pull out a sniper rifle that marks enemies.

Once hit, her next sniper shot deals double damage, allowing her to effectively two-shot any enemy if she hits them in the head. Vantage is fantastic and applies a lot of pressure at range. Rampart only makes that better thanks to her amped walls. If Vantage sits behind a wall, she gets even more damage on those sniper shots. The double damage is also affected by the extra 20 per cent, making it into a mini Kraber in the right hands.

Why Rampart and Vantage is a Great Combo:

  • Rampart’s walls are amazing at Range, so she and Vantage can sit back and snipe enemies all around them.
  • Rampart is great with a sniper rifle thanks to her being able to place walls almost anywhere and even reposition them. This with vantage makes them the ultimate sniping duo
  • Vantage can obliterate someone through an amped wall, but Sheila can also be used to follow up on knocked enemies from range to secure kills


3. Rampart and Octane

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And Rampart appears again on this list, but this time with a new companion Though Rampart of course packs a punch with Sheila, she is quite slow and sluggish with it. Good Rampart players know how to get around this with slide jumping and bunny hopping, but Octane alleviates all of this.

One of the strongest pushes you can do in Apex Legends is Octane pad onto a team whilst revving up Sheila in the air. Landing on a team and just destroying them with a minigun is actually quite effective in some situations. People aren't exactly expecting someone to fall out of the sky with a minigun, are they? This duo has some great potential, but can go wrong with a pad Octane pad or a bad Rampart player.

Why Rampart and Octane is a Great Combo:

  • The power of this Pad/Sheila combination is insane and will catch most teams off guard, however, it can go wrong easily.
  • Octane alleviates a lot of Ramparts issues as a legend, making her top tier if used right
  • Octane gives the duo an escape as well if something goes wrong, so the volatility is somewhat alleviated.


2. Valkyrie and Wraith

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Valkyrie finally makes an appearance on this list, and it's easily one of the best combinations in the game. This legend is insanely powerful, even after her various changes over time. She can fly her team into the air similar to a redeploy beacon.

On her way down she can see where enemies are and mark them for a little while. Valkyrie herself can also fly using her jetpack, but it has limited fuel. On top of all of that, she can use her tactical to stun enemies with missiles and deal decent damage behind cover.

She has it all, and Wraith amplifies that. These two can get around the map so quickly, whilst also seeing where people are for fights. When they do get into a fight, Wraith can help them get closer or further away depending on what they need. Both legends have great repositioning tools, making fights even safer for them

Why Valkyrie and Wraith is a Great Combo:

  • This duo have some of the safest rotations in Apex Legend as Valk lets them see where enemies are. This means they can either avoid a fight or head straight into one.
  • Wraith's ultimate works perfectly for escape, as both legends can teleport out and then use Valk’s ultimate to get away.
  • Because of how much safety Wraith has, she can easily push off of Valkyrie stuns and even push a full team instantly after landing


1. Seer and Catalyst

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Finally, we have the best duo in the game right now, and possibly the best duo we have ever since as of season 16. Seer was always insanely powerful. He can hear people through walls, see where their heartbeat is and also mark them with his ultimate.

His tactical allow him to mark enemies, stop them from reviving and even healing. He stops enemies from using abilities if they are marked as well. He literally has some of the best abilities in the game, even after being nerfed a million times. However, it wasn't until Catalyst was released that he reached this true state of overpowered ness.

Catalyst is a defensive legend, able to place down a massive ferrofluid wall that slows and blinds enemies who walk through it. The kicker here though is that scans can't go through the wall and no one can see through it.

The thing is though, if you place a catalyst ultimate and then throw Seer’s wall hack ultimate down, your team can see exactly where people are through the wall…. Yeah, that's overpowered as hell.

Why See and Catalyst is a Great combo:

  • In any closer-quarters gunfight, your team has wall hacks. Is there anything more to say?
  • If your team needs to go on the defensive, Catalyst can use her ferrofluid traps to stop enemies from entering a building as she can also block doors with her passive.
  • Seer can see where people are through walls due to his heartbeat scanner, so finding enemies isn't hard to do.
  • Catalyst can scan the next ring, whilst Seer can use the Recon passive to see where enemies are around the map.
  • They are the ultimate hunter-killer duo, as even without rotational abilities they can find enemies and kill them with ease.
  • This Duo is easily the best thing in Apex Legends as their abilities pair up together perfectl

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