When Apex Legends first released, there were a total of 8 characters, now there are 23. With all of these new characters have come new abilities, new techniques, and new ways to play the game. However, it can be expensive to unlock a new Legend, so you might be wondering which are worth your time. If, instead of chasing down meta tier-lists, you want to know which Legends would be the most fun to play, then here they are. Each character below offers new forms of mobility, unique playstyles, or just pure lethal force. Whether you’re looking to grind out Ranked or play Trios with your friends, you’re sure to have a blast with each of them.
10. Wraith (Skirmisher)
Dr. Renee Hope Blasely was a scientist researching phase shift technology in order to discover other dimensions when she became one of the test subjects of the experiment. She lost her memories and began to hear voices whispering to her. One day, a version of herself from a parallel dimension rescued her from the labs, now Wraith has joined with the Apex Games in order to discover more about her past and her home dimension.
There’s a reason Wraith has been one of the most popular legends since the game was launched. She’s a great champion to flank with, surprising enemies for quick kills, or repositioning to avoid her own death. Learning to use her ultimate also allows for satisfying and spectacular plays that can save her whole squad, or wipe an enemies.
What makes Wraith fun?
- Into the Void gives her a safe escape out of a fight or to avoid damage from the Ring
- Voices from the Void allows Wraith to rotate with less paranoia about being shot at, giving her and her team a faster rotation through open terrain
- Dimensional Rift is a strong ultimate, useful for engaging a fight, rescuing teammates, or even trapping the portals to kill enemies brave enough to follow you in
9. Fuse (Assault)
Walter Fitzroy Jr. was born on Salvo and quickly became friends with Mad Maggie. However, Maggie was a staunch supporter of independence for Salvo, and when the Syndicate Alliance adopted the planet into their organization and chose Walter as the Legend for the next Apex Games, Maggie blew his arm off with a grenade. Walter, now known as Fuse, replaced his arm with a prosthetic one and joined the games, hungry for bloodsport.
Besides his bombastic attitude and interesting character design, Fuse is the perfect character for anyone who loves grenades, or hates people camping in tight rooms. Grenades are a powerful tool, forcing enemies to move out of cover and dealing chunks of damage, and no character can do more with them than Fuse. The fact that he can carry twice as many grenades as other characters means he’s never short of munitions to rain down on his enemies, especially when the circle is closing and every inch of cover matters.
What makes Fuse fun?
- Grenadier means he can stack extra grenades per inventory slot, freeing up valuable inventory space while also allowing him to maintain pressure in combat
- Fuse’s ability to throw grenades further makes him good at clearing snipers out of their cover, or raining down death on the poor enemy teams trying to rotate
- Knuckle Cluster is great for area denial, killing enemies trapped in small rooms, or quickly clearing a door someone is camping to heal
8. Ash (Assault)
Dr. Ashleigh Reid worked with Horizon to acquire a new element called Branthium, however she abandoned Horizon at the horizon of a Black Hole, and then betrayed the other scientists she worked with to the Apex Predators. She was nearly killed in the explosion after the research lab self-destructed, but her mind was uploaded into the simulacrum Ash. Her body would later be put together by the other Apex Legends and she would join their game to prove her superiority over them, and the awakening remnants of Dr. Ashleigh that began to activate.
Love it or hate it, third-partying a fight is a great way to ensure kills and find better loot with less risk to your squad, and no one is built for it like Ash. Being able to see deathboxes on the map lets Ash know where to look for kills with her team, or even where to avoid if they still need time to escape. Ash gets more intel than any other Assault legend, meaning you never have to go into a fight completely blind, only to get wiped and sent back to the lobby
What makes Ash fun?
- Marked for Death is perfect for anyone looking to get lots of kills in a match, it gives you the info you need to start hunting down enemy squads, especially those who might have been recently injured
- Arc Snare, while slow moving, can halt a characters advance or stop them from running away, allowing you to move in for the kill
- Phase Breach has all of the aggression of an Octane Launch Pad, with the invincibility of a Wraith portal, and the accurate aiming means you can even use it to teleport your team into a building
7. Rampart (Controller)
Ramya Parekh was an equipment modder and owner of a custom weapon shop on Gaea, where she would gain notoriety in the Arena games and the attention of a gang known as The Sisters. The gang attacks her after she refuses to throw a match they had gambled on, and burns down her shop. Ramya survived and would join with the Apex Games as Rampart, bringing firepower and protection in equal measure.
Cover is everything in Apex, the less you get shot and the safer you can fire back, the better your chances are at winning, simple right? But the availability of that protection is limited in the game, except for Rampart. One good wall placed down can be the difference between reviving your friend or avoiding the hail of gunfire from the rooftops, and anyone who’s ever lamented getting shot at while running in the open with nowhere to hide will love to learn this character and take advantage of the protection provided. Not to mention blasting down enemies with a giant minigun, that part’s pretty good, too.
What makes Rampart fun?
- Amped Cover is great for blocking off doors or when you get caught in the open with no cover
- Modded Loader gives Rampart extra ammo when using LMGs, you don’t need to aim if you can fill the air with bullets instead
- Sheila is one of the most fun guns in the game, able to shred through squads in one clip, or burst down doors. Everyone knows the terror of seeing that red laser sight
6. Mirage (Support)
Elliott Witt was the son of a famous holographic engineer, and would work with his mother to develop new versions of the technology. Eventually, he began tinkering with devices that would create images of him, however not long after, he received word that his brothers’ transport ship crashed, and his brothers were deemed MIA. He moved on with his life to buy his Uncle’s bar, and worked there until he decided to pursue fame and glory in the Apex Games as the trickster Mirage.
Mirage plays the game differently from other champions, rather than trying to out aim or outmaneuver your opponents, Mirage seeks to outthink them as well. The enemy Wraith second guessing her shot on what might be a decoy gives Mirage enough time to lay her out with his EVA-8. His decoys add a fun layer of complexity to any fight that is perfect for anyone who might be growing tired of the standard aim training that other Legends offer.
What makes Mirage fun?
- Bamboozling your opponents never gets old, and with a short cool down, Psyche Out can be used many times in a fight
- Life of the Party has an incredible 1 minute cooldown, and can easily confuse less observant enemies
- Mirage is all about psychological warfare against your enemies, always making them second guess, knowing you successfully outplayed your opponent is always satisfying
5. Vantage (Recon)
Xiomara Contreras was raised on a barren frozen planet, learning from a young age how to hunt and survive, becoming adept with sniper rifles. One day, after she had killed a bat, she came across its child, which she named Echo and adopted as her own. However, the bat set off alarms on a crashed prison ship, alerting Gaean authorities to her presence, who quickly arrived to arrest Xiomara’s mother who was an escaped convict. After her mother was arrested, Xiomara decided to join the games as Vantage in order to free her mother from prison.
The meta of Apex’s guns is constantly changing, but one part that always stays constant is that eventually you will get tangled up in a long range conflict, and if you only have an SMG and a shotgun, there’s nothing you can do to trade back. That’s when Vantage has your back, always having access to a sniper gives Vantage a better variety of loadouts to take with her, whether a Volt Peacekeeper combo to shred enemies up close, or marksmans and assault rifles to pelt enemies from far away, Vantage doesn’t have to worry about being outranged, and if enemies push in too hard, she can disengage and reposition to a better spot with insane verticality and distance.
What makes Vantage fun?
- Spotter’s Lens can give your team an insane amount of info, including the size of enemy squads as well as the rating of their shields, letting you know when it’s safe to take a fight
- Echo Relocation is one of the best mobility tools in the game, allowing Vantage to reposition quickly, essentially acting as her own personal Launch Pad
- Her ultimate, Sniper’s Mark, means she essentially has three guns, and one of them is a sniper with a powerful scope that can deal 150 damage in only two shots. It frees a weapon slot, too, allowing her to play at more ranges
4. Valkyrie (Skirmisher)
Kairi Imahara was the daughter of the mercenary Viper who worked for the Apex Predators, who she looked up to. After her father died, Imahara went searching for him, eventually finding him and his Titan in the wreckage of Typhon, after which she moved to Gaea. Imahara intended to kill Blisk whom she blamed for her father’s death, but instead Blisk convinced her to join the games, where Imahara chose the name Valkyrie.
Elevation can make or break a fight, even as little as repositioning on top of a crate to fire down at enemies can allow you to start racking up more and more kills in your game. Valkyrie takes it to a whole new level (pun most certainly intended), with quick and easy vertical movement that recharges fast, not only can she move to locations that are inaccessible to other characters, she can keep fights in her favor by forcing enemies to play around her position, rather than the other way around.
What makes Valkyrie fun?
- Valk’s jetpack is great for vertical mobility, and is a powerful tool in a game that often depends on elevation advantage to win fights
- Skyward Dive gives Valkyrie and her squadmates free redeploys out of bad situations, so no more dying to the Ring or getting pinned between several squads
- Valkyrie’s passive tells her where the champion or kill leader are, perfect for anyone who wants to steal the glory
3. Octane (Skirmisher)
Octavio Silva grew up on Olympus where he discovered a love of performing dangerous stunts in front of a giant audience, and became friends with Lifeline who would later flee with Octavio from their parents to perform in the Gauntlet. Octavio would then attempt his greatest stunt, using a grenade to propel him through the Gauntlet at a record-breaking speed, the stunt worked but it cost him his legs. Octavio would acquire prosthetic legs and join the Apex Games as Octane, using Stims to make his tireless legs move even faster.
Anyone who’s tried to heal in a corner and heard the distinct sound of an Octane stim running full tilt at you knows how powerful Octane can be. On drop, he’s often the first one to a gun or shield, and later in the game, if you don’t know how to lead your shots, you’ll never hit him. With his powerful engagement and movement speed, it's no wonder that he was half of the deadly Revtane combo that dominated the meta for ages.
What makes Octane fun?
- Octane is built around going fast, and succeeds by being the fastest character in the game with his Stim
- Launch Pad can push a team in, even against high elevation, and is great for fast rotates
- Octane’s passive healing means he can spend less time looking for and using syringes, and more time running around the map with SMGs blazing
2. Pathfinder (Skirmisher)
Made from a modified MRVN robot, Pathfinder was originally created to calibrate delicate refinement processes in inhospitable climates. Pathfinder was nearly destroyed by an attack of Mercenaries, but 60 years later he awoke and began taking on odd jobs, moving planet to planet. Eventually, he ran into Mirage who convinced him to join the Apex Games in order to get money and have a hope of his creator seeing him on broadcasts.
Pathfinder was the original mobility legend, and even still is preferred by many due to the versatility of his movement. Mastering movement is an essential part of the game, and Pathfinder’s abilities add a new layer of depth to that, whether it be zip lining into a squad with a Peacekeeper, or grappling out of danger to hit a trickshot with a Sentinel, anyone who learns to use Pathfinder will have fun learning a new dimension of travel.
What makes Pathfinder fun?
- Grappling Hook is an incredibly fun mobility tool that allows him to zip around the map
- High skill ceiling using the grappling hook allows for flashy plays that take enemies by surprise
- Zipline Gun is good for moving your squad to better elevation, or out of the Ring in normally impossible situations
1. Bloodhound (Recon)
Bloodhound was born on Talos where they were raised by their uncle Artur in a tribe that rejected technology, Artur was later killed in an attack by a Goliath that earned Bloodhound their spot in the tribe. Later Bloodhound would meet Boone, a hunter they fell in love with, but who was also later killed by a beast. Bloodhound knew that Boone had died without honor, and thus would not be allowed into Valhalla, so they decided to earn valor for him in the Apex games, using the sonar device the two had made together to hunt down their enemies.
Your squadmates have been wiped, you’ve retreated to heal up and then sneak back in to get the banners, the one prayer repeated again and again on your lips is “Please don’t have a Bloodhound,” then you see the fatal words “SONAR DETECTED.” There’s no hiding from Bloodhound, much like their namesake they can track enemies across the map, looking for injured players or finding the perfect time to third-party a fight. When you play Bloodhound, you truly feel the hunt come alive inside of you, and it’s out for blood.
What makes Bloodhound fun?
- Bloodhound’s ability to track enemies makes them interact with the game in a unique way, chasing down sprint marks or signs of bleeding makes it almost impossible to escape from one on your trail
- Their tactical gives them wall hacks out to 75 meters, revealing enemies to themselves and their team, great for any situation, but the scan is visible to enemies
- Beast of the Hunt is a terrifying ultimate to hear, giving Bloodhound that gives a boost in movement speed, and ravens that track enemies down. There’s no hiding when the hunt begins
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