If franchises like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have told us anything, it’s that a world with magic would make everything so much more interesting.
Now, unfortunately magic isn’t real (or perhaps we’re all muggles and don’t know). However, what we do know is that there are some fantastic movies and video games that allow us to experience a life of magic.
From casting spells that shake the earth, to waving a wand to save you hours of manual labour, to unleashing an unstoppable killing spell on your most powerful enemies. Magic would change everything.
So without further ado, I’ve prepared for you a list of the top 25 magic games for you to enjoy. Go walk a life in the shoes of a wizard.
25. Magicka 2

Magicka 2 is the thrilling sequel to Magicka. A game based in Norse Mythology, where you play a powerful wizard who’s tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer. This time, you emerge from ruin after the near extinction of wizard kind, with the goal to rid the world of evil again.
After the wizard war, much has been lost. You have to start from the very beginning, because magic as you once knew it has forever changed.
Pick up your spell book again, and set forth on the journey to once again become the most powerful wizard. Take back the former glory you once held so proudly, and annihilate the corruption that spreads upon this world.
Magicka 2 gameplay
24. MTG Arena

MTG Arena is a simple way to play the popular game: Magic The Gathering, with your friends online.
Magic the gathering is a rather complicated card game that can prove to be super fun once you manage to get the jist of it.
I won’t get into all the details, as that could take up its own article. But to put it simply, your goal is to use spells and summon creatures to drain your opponent's life points down to zero before yours does.
Like I said, the game can be incredibly complicated, but it doesn’t actually take that long to learn it. It’s just a bunch of small things that you have to keep track of. Once you have it down, it’ll be smooth sailing all the way.
This is actually a really good thing, because it ensures that you’ll rarely get bored. With so much variety and so many different ways to play the game, you’ll be able to ride in style as you show your friend who’s boss with your fantastic strategy and surprisingly powerful deck of cards.
MTG Arena trailer
23. Wizard101

Welcome back to school. Not school where you’re forced to write an essay about how some random man in history caused the fall of the roman empire. No, there’s no pencil pushing in this school.
In this school, you’re learning how to become a wizard. You get to select your preferred class. Each class contains a different type of magic, each strong and weak in specific scenarios.
Set forth and follow the progression based story line, as you grow your power and slaughter the other wizards that stand in your way.
On your journey, you’ll find garments and clothing that will help you to grow your power in unique ways. Keep growing your power until you’ve managed to become the most powerful wizard to walk the earth. Prove your power by slaughtering the gods.
22. Dragon's Dogma 2

Here we go again, get ready to launch into yet another classic story where you are the main character. The only person in all the lands who can save the day.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a single player, story RPG game. A game with absolutely stunning graphics, intense lore, and powerful possibilities.
Join forces with NPC’s known as Pawns. Powerful beings that will follow your every command, and make it feel like you’re playing with other players.
Learn powerful tricks and spells as you journey from battle to battle, and become the most powerful living sorcerer. With your immense natural power, coupled with futuristic technology, you’ll be utterly unstoppable.
21. Wizard of Legend
PC, Switch, XBOX, PS4

I hope you drink strong coffee, because you’re going to need all the energy you can possibly get, in order to keep up with this incredibly fast paced game.
You’ll have to journey extremely fast across the lands, because there’s no time to waste. There’s no time to stop and smell the roses, because you have an appointment with a monster.
Quickly learn powerful spells and fast dodging techniques, and go from boss fight to boss fight, constantly taking down powerful monsters with your impressive skills.
Each spell you learn will be more impressive than the last, and will contribute to the most powerful magical arsenal ever known by these lands.
If you’re like me, and enjoy displays of absolute chaos, then you’ll really enjoy this game. Let’s just hope that your computer can keep up with you.
Wizard of Legend gameplay
20. Black Desert Online

Although none of us are capable of becoming wizards in real life… You Muggles. There is the next best thing. And this game right here might just be your best chance.
Welcome to THE iconic wizard experience. An impressive game that was built by Pearl Abyss, with their own proprietary game engine.
Black Desert Online features an extensive character creation system. Meaning that if you give it enough time, you might just be able to create a mirror image of yourself (okay maybe not that close, but close enough).
It’s an open world experience with a powerful combat system. Just like every other survival game on the market, your goal is to go around, and slaughter anyone who looks at you funny.
Arm yourself for war, learn exciting fighting combos and spells, recruit others to join your guild, and take the world by storm.
Black Desert Online gameplay
19. Blade and Sorcery

Are you a thrill seeker who for some inexplicable reason, is fascinated by bloody and gory games and movies? Well you just found the right game.
Blade and Sorcery is a game that must be played on VR. Yes you can technically play it without VR, but there’s almost no point. Playing this game in VR makes you feel like you’re actually in the game.
Wield both swords, and magical powers. Use real life movements to wield your sword as if you actually had one in your hand. Do whatever cool tricks you can think of in order to get a kill. Throw the sword into your other hand, catch it, and then use magic to pull the enemy into your blade. The possibilities are endless.
Journey through this adventure style game, and explore dungeons and labyrinths. Unlock up to 78 different skills, and gain access to at least 76 different weapons.
18. Lord of the Rings Online

The Lord Of The Rings movies are without a doubt, a work of art. From the outside, you think it’s a story of power. The classic story of good versus evil, fighting for the fate of the world, and trying to stop the other side from obtaining unstoppable power.
Taking a closer look however, you may think differently about the meaning of the story. You might see it as a story about friendship, or about the unexpected, or about hope and faith, about determination and conviction, etc.
The truth is, Lord Of The Rings is about all of these things. The levels that go into this work of art, is unrivalled in any other film series that’s ever been created.
Now it’s your turn. Your turn to walk the dreadful path to the fires of Mount Doom, in the heart of Mordor. It’s your turn to experience Middle Earth in a way you’ve never thought possible. What are you waiting for? Hurry. Frodo needs you!
Lord of the Rings Online gameplay
17. Minecraft Dungeons
PC, Switch, XBOX, PS4

An outcast. A once common villager, who was exiled from his home, and forgotten by the world. Now lurking in the shadows, with an evil army at his command, he seeks to destroy the world. You must stop him.
As the title implies, you’ll have to fight through deadly dungeons. On your travels, you’ll find over 250 artifacts and gear to help you as you continue to advance in power, and seek new challenges.
Grind through the levels, and gain experience points so that you can improve your power.
Customize your character to your heart's content. Choose your fighting style based on your own strengths. Fight as a close range melee attacker, or a skilled ranger.
16. Nioh 2
PC, PS5, PS4

It’s been said that you can’t lock up the darkness. That the darkness within you can’t be changed into light, and you might as well just unleash its full range of power. Agree with this statement or not, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing in this game.
Unleash your inner demons like a mad man, and go slaughter powerful beings that could practically rival the gods. It’s a constant fight to the death, but that’s never stopped you from walking away victorious.
Wield magic, and fight with incredible skills and power. Level up as you continue to conquer bigger and better challenges, and learn how to gracefully wield your abilities with ease.
15. Hades 2

Usually, when you say you’ve been through hell, it’s just an expression. But this time, you mean it literally. You’re a deadly warlock with a vendetta. You must master your craft, and slaughter everyone.
In this experience, you’re an immortal who’s realizing just how much you don’t know about your world. There are evil forces at play here, and you must take them down while slowly picking up the pieces of reality.
Master powerful forms of dark magic and witchcraft. Use it to utterly slaughter Olympian gods, from Apollo to Zeus. For you are Hades, the god of death, and you’ve been wronged. It’s time for action.
14. Tactical Breach Wizards

Magical powers just weren’t cool enough, so you decided to gear up with AK-47’s, and Barret 50. Caliber Snipers.
Enjoy this fun turn based experience. The combat system is fair. No combos or complete and instant annihilation in this game. It’s a gentleman’s game. Just blast them to high heaven with a lightning bolt, and then be courteous enough to let them shoot you in the face.
Sometimes creative thinking is the only way out. You’ll eventually find yourself trapped in an unwinnable scenario. The only way out will be something truly daft.
Explore different parts of the world as you attempt to unlock your full potential, and fight against a high variety of different power types. It’s a versatile game, and only an arsenal of varied abilities can get the job done.
Tactical Breach Wizards gameplay
13. Noita

Your success or demise in this pixelated game is completely up to you. It’s your job to create your own spells. It’s your job to explore, and take risks. It’s also your responsibility to take on the consequences that come with mistakes.
It’s an incredibly interactive world. Consider the butterfly effect. A butterfly flaps its wings, and causes a ripple effect of massive chaotic events. That’s exactly what you risk happening every single time you do anything in the world. It’s all connected.
Take on an adventure of your own making, and get ready for a storm of insanity.
Noita gameplay
12. The Spell Brigade

Welcome to the multiplayer experience with absolutely no rules. Friendly fire is 100% allowed. So if your friend so much as looks at you funny, feel free to chuck a lightning bolt in their direction. Of course, they might never play with you again… But anything for content.
Load in with up to four players, and embark on a journey to annihilate swarms of deadly creatures together, and try not to get murdered.
Learn how to truly work as a team of wizards, as you learn how to create interactive combos with your friends, making your team truly unstoppable.
Let’s hope you and your friends enjoy pain, because this game is ready to deliver it. The more you level up, the more projectiles will be launched around your screen at any given second. And you don’t only have to worry about herds of mobs, but you have to dodge your friend’s barrage of bullets too. The game is literally based on the concept of “shooting yourself in the foot”.
The Spell Brigade gameplay
11. Dark and Darker

Welcome back to yet another hardcore experience. Once you enter the dark, there’s no going back. You better try to conquer everything, because the second you die, there’s no coming back. The only way out is through.
Take your friends with you, deep down into the dark and unforgiving abyss. Do whatever you can to survive, because the second one of you dies, you’re having a funeral in the dark.
Use your creativity and your bravery, to venture far and beyond, and take on a multitude of challenges, while walking away with treasures and spoils.
The game strives to give you the most realistic experience possible. With a first person combat system, and a variety of sounds. You must use your natural instincts to find your way through the mysteries that await you.
10. Baldur's Gate 3

Welcome to the experience that was handcrafted just for you, if you’re a fan of Dungeons and Dragons.
Choose your character the same way you would when setting up a D&D campaign. Select character traits from 12 classes, and 11 races. Choose your character's virtues and morals. Embark on an adventure that doesn’t require a dungeon master. Just a willingness to adventure as you see fit.
Just picture it as if it were a massive D&D campaign where the Dungeon Master is just the plot and story of the game. While there is a story to follow, it is an open world experience. You have the freedom to do absolutely anything you want.
9. Divinity: Original Sin 2

PC, Switch, XBOX, PS4
The gods are dead. The power that once kept the lands in a state of peace, has vanished. Divinity is up for grabs. Darkness lurks in the shadows, growing in power, until it can consume everything.
Little do you know, there’s an ancient power in you, and it’s about to reveal itself.
Be whoever you want to be in this world. There are no rules. There’s only one goal: gain power. Anything else is completely up to you.
You can be whatever race/being you want to be, and follow whatever virtues and morals you want. There’s no call for you to be good, no call to save the world. It’s your choice.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 gameplay
8. Modded Skyrim (magic mods, graphics mods, etc)

Skyrim is a massive game that’s been loved by gamers around the world for years. It’s a very layered game, with an unimaginable variety. You could probably play the game for 20 years, and still find that it can surprise you.
While the game already has an action packed and suspenseful mystery awaiting you, why not complicate things? By adding some insane magic mods, you can change the entire meaning of the game, and have a lot more fun.
Some of the most popular magic mods include: Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim, Phenderix Magic Evolved, Tomebound, Spell Crafting for Skyrim, etc. And some of the graphics mods, such as Enhanced Magic Visuals, or END Series and Visual Enhancements, can turn the game into a truly magical experience.
Apocalypse for example, is one of the most popular magic mods for skyrim. It adds over 150 new spells to the game. From simple attacks, to complex world bending spells. You could become capable of manipulating time, or summoning creatures to do your bidding. The possibilities in skyrim already feel endless, but this just multiplies the possibilities to infinity.
Modded Skyrim (magic mods, graphics mods, etc) gameplay
7. Lost Ark

It’s time for yet another grand adventure. Your fate might just depend on locating the Lost Ark. It’s a great big world out there, full of myths and mysteries. I hope you have what it takes.
While travelling the world, there will be countless adventures and challenges awaiting you. You’ll fight wars, sail across continents, discover mythical creatures, escape Armageddon, and so much more.
Learn a combat style that puts you in the leagues of gods. Your power can become completely unmatched, and there won’t be a single entity that could possibly stand in between you, and your ambitions.
Lost Ark gameplay
6. Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online is an open world role playing game, set 1,000 years before The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game, during a time of chaos, where multiple factions are fighting for control of the throne.
Elder Scrolls Online has an open world that delivers freedom and adventures, only to those who are truly brave enough to seek them out. Face the world head on, and embark on quests, dungeon adventures, and unexpected events. Find the forgotten secrets, and enjoy the lore that awaits you.
The game offers both PVP and PVP gameplay. There are countless enemies for you to fight. From NPC humans, to dangerous dragons, to the most dangerous creatures of all. Other players. You must become the most powerful wizard in all the lands, because it’s not just dumb computers that seek to knock you off the throne.
5. Diablo 4 (mage / necromancer)

Welcome to hell. This place isn’t for the faint of heart. Heaven and Hell are at war, and hatred is festering everywhere these days. It’s time to step up. You must be the light bringer. No one else is brave enough to take on this quest, no one but you. You are the cure.
Fight through the corrupted lands. You may be there to solve everyone’s problems, but unfortunately they don’t want their problems to be solved. They’ll defend the system that they so despise with everything they have.
This means that unfortunately, you’ll have to slaughter them where they stand, because they stand in the way of the big picture. Only by becoming the king of the hill, can you become powerful enough to effect change. It’s going to take work, do you have what it takes?
Diablo 4 (mage / necromancer) gameplay
4. Dragon Age: Veilguard

Welcome to a beautiful world that’s suffering with ugly conflicts. You must step up and save the world, before all that was once beautiful is destroyed and gone forever.
The gods are angry with the world, and they’re convinced that corrupting the world with a powerful blight is the only way to solve everything. They’re wrong. You know it. Now go show them just how wrong they are.
The odds are completely stacked against you. You can’t do this alone. So you must become a powerful leader. And lead a fellowship of seven soldiers. Help them and yourself to unlock your full potential, and discover more about yourself along the way.
Dragon Age: Veilguard gameplay
3. Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy must be doing something right. To be able to make 14 different games, and still have people eager to buy them.
While each Final Fantasy game is unique, and not related to the other ones, they all follow a similar magical structure. Final Fantasy 14 has practically perfected their magic system this time. Taking everything they’ve learned from the previous 13 games, and using it to create a masterpiece.
Your journey is to solve everyone else's problems. Yay. I suppose there is a comfort in being the only person capable and brave enough to tackle the problems that you do.
For instance, you must help the nation of Ishgard to solve their ongoing battle against dragons.
The world has been fighting myths for a long time, and unfortunately, they’re losing. Not just lives, but hope. That is until you stepped up. Your acts of courage inspire the world to keep going, and to get stronger. The world will be saved by your actions.
2. Death Must Die

Many brave and powerful warriors before you have attempted to do what you’re about to do. To end the reign of corruption once and for all. None who have taken on this mission have ever returned. Until you.
Death is a powerful and evil entity, and you must see to it that he gets slaughtered. Enough is enough.
Let’s hope your computer has a good processing system, because your screen is about to be loaded with lights and projectiles. As swarms of creatures aim to surround you, your goal will be to send deadly magic in every direction at once, in order to ensure their demise.
Battle through Death’s world, and take down all of his armies on your way to finding him. Enhance your power as you explore and conquer, and bring the hammer down.
1. The Last Spell

PC, Switch, PS5, PS4
The world has been in chaos for far too long. The people in power don’t want the wars to end, but people have been struggling, and being slaughtered for far too long. The end is approaching, and it’s time for a last ditch effort.
Ever since magic was discovered, people hav
e gotten greedy. Any time there’s power in the world, people will use it towards an evil objective. The only way to save the world is to make sure that you cast the last spell.
On your journey to remove magic from the world, you’ll make a lot of enemies. No one wants you to succeed. You’ll have to multitask, and fight them off while you continue your work.
Build up your team of heroes, create a safe haven, and get your defenses ready to take down the monsters that seek to kill you while you sleep.
Increase your power, and unlock new magical abilities on your journey. Learn what it means to be a true mage. But try not to get too attached, or it might be difficult to let it go. Power has always been known to cloud judgement.
The Last Spell gameplay