[Top 5] Biggest Anime Conventions in the U.K.

Anime Conventions UK
30 Sep 2020

[Top 5] Biggest Anime Conventions in the UK

By Cat Fox

Get ready for a great time!

The United Kingdom is a country with a rich past and fascinating traditions.  Among those traditions is one adopted from Japan: Anime.  The U.K has many anime conventions, some of which are specifically themed, others are more all-purpose.  Here is a list of some of the biggest ones.

5. Animangapop

Cosplaying, anime, and video games?  Sign me up!

Animangapop, which started out as Plymouth Anime & Comic Expo, is a two-day convention based in (of course) Plymouth, however, it is expanding into other cities, such as Glasgow, Newport, and Brighton.  One might say that the Animanga is popping

What's awesome about this event:

⦁ Animangapop is sponsored by Sega of Europe and has run tournaments based on time trials of Sonic Mania

⦁ The con's organizers have successfully made several interviews of popular bands, such as Aidoloxxxy and Listen Flavor.  They have also interviewed their own organizers for a peek at what happens behind the scenes

⦁ Past performers have included demonstrations from the Plymouth Swordsman Society, Sun Lotus Taiko Drummers, the Plymouth School of Aikido, and Saints

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/animangapop

4. Rai Con

Rai Con, Summer 2019

Rai Con is a biannual convention based in Glasgow and partnered with two other events, Dundee Comic Con and Cosplay City.  Rai Con lasts for only a day, but you won't be too tired afterward.

What's awesome about this event:

⦁ Test your mettle at one of the many video game tournaments Rai Con has to offer.  Past tournaments have included Smash Bros., Pokken, and more

⦁ Workshops for cosplay and manga

⦁ All-day live table-top and card gaming

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/raicon1/

3. Yorkshire Cosplay Con

Yorkshire Cosplay Con lives up to its name

Started in 2010, Yorkshire Cosplay Con continues its mission of spreading cosplay goodness around the Sheffield area.

What's awesome about this event:

⦁ In addition to the main event, the organizers also host "mini-cons," one-day meet-ups with everything from the regular convention

⦁ YCC's past activities have included lightsaber training, taiko drumming, Lego workshops for kids, face painting, and VR gaming

⦁ Want to get your picture taken with a Dalek?  YCC offers props from TV and movies as a unique photo op

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yorkshirecosplaycon/

2. Sunnycon Anime Expo

Coming to a dimension near you

Sunnycon Anime Expo is based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and has been going strong since 2010.  A biannual event that takes place in both Newcastle and Liverpool, it's the largest anime convention in the North-East part of England.

What's awesome about this event:

⦁ Sunnycon takes advantage of its location by the river Tyne to have an annual boat party.  Catch a tour of the area while partying with your fellow anime fans

⦁ If you're over 18, you can try some samples at the Whisky Taster.  Just don't get too carried away or you might find yourself in an embarrassing video

⦁ See some impressions of varying quality at the Anime Blind Reading, with audience participation encouraged

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/SunnyAnimeExpo/

1. Hyper Japan

Some awesome sights to see while visiting London

The biggest anime convention in the U.K, the HYPER JAPAN Festival is also one of the biggest anime conventions in Europe.  

What's awesome about this event:

⦁ Japanese food, both imported and freshly cooked, at HYPER JAPAN's Japan Food Show

⦁ Play the hottest new games at Nintendo's sponsor booth

⦁ Listen to the best Japanese pop from musicians such as KOTO, BANZAI Japan, Sanketsu-girl Sayuri, and more

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hyperjapan

And that's my list.  I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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