Here’s the deal. You’ve gotten like super into anime over the past year. It consumes your waking thoughts, you’ve officially gotten caught up on One Piece and haven’t slept a full night in almost four months. Con season is fast approaching, you got your tickets when they dropped ages ago, but now that the day is almost here, you’re stuck. The first con can be nerve wracking, and even for all pros, sometimes we need to take a breather and remember how to actually enjoy the convention to its fullest.
1. Bring the Essentials
Nobody will care if your bag matches your outfit. Trust me.
Nothing can suck the fun out of a con faster than the unexpected. Whether it’s shivering your way through a panel that is blasting the AC or getting an early visit from mother nature, sometimes life just loves to throw little wrenches in the works, and nothing can ruin a con’s vibe more than being uncomfortable or in pain. Lucky for you, most cons will allow you to bring a bag in with the essentials - throw some water, snacks, and a sweater into your pack of choice, and enjoy the day stress-free, knowing you can handle whatever life and con decides to throw at you.
I can guarantee that you’ll have a way more enjoyable con experience without having to worry about little discomforts along the way.
2. Dress How You Want
To cosplay or not to cosplay? The age old question.
Oftentimes for beginners and veterans, there is a pressure to ensure that your con day outfits are on point. While you should absolutely have fun, cosplay, put some effort into the outfit of the day and go all out for your weekend of the year - only do so if you want to. Too often I think people are afraid of coming to cons in either everyday wear or maybe a lower effort closet cosplay, and they shouldn’t be! No matter what you decide to dress as, you can have fun interacting with others’ outfits and characters, and take as much part in the con as you would in costume.
Making sure you’re 100% comfortable and confident in your con outfit will ensure you’re having the maximum amount of fun once there.
3. Group Up
Put that introversion aside for a day and make some friends.
Maybe you’re going to this con with a whole crew of your closest friends. Maybe it’s just you and your bestie or significant other. However, maybe you’re alone - and that’s perfectly fine! Attend panels and events centered toward your special interests, or maybe find a meet-up that a fandom you’re interested in is hosting. Now is the time to cast aside that awkward introvert and do what anime fans do best and pretend to be someone else.
As a painfully shy person myself, I know that it’s not easy, and a con is definitely still enjoyable by yourself, but you can truly meet the best people by stepping out of your comfort zone a little and interacting with people you know you have a common interest with. Have fun making new friends and bonding over cosplays, merch, a lack of financial stability, and your favorite fandoms.
4. Stay Well-Fed and Hydrated
Alas we are but mortals bound to mortal flesh with mortal needs.
Along with point two above, if you didn’t happen to bring sustenance (or it’s forbidden by your specific con), please remember to eat and drink throughout the day. I know it’s so tempting between all the different con activities to forget, but nothing will ruin your day faster than passing out and being removed from the premises for health and safety.
Most cons will either have their own internal food and drink, or they will be in a place with plenty of surrounding options. For example, Anime Boston is hosted in the Hynes Convention Center every year, which conveniently sits within the Prudential Center - a shopping mall with plenty of food in the midst of a busy Boston neighborhood. Don’t let a hunger headache get you down - eat and have fun!
5. Don’t Try To Do Everything
This is not Zootopia, you are not Shakira, do not try everything.
There’s so much to do and see on con days, you may feel overwhelmed having to see everything. I’m here to tell you - don’t even try. It is usually impossible to do literally everything possible and you’ll drive yourself crazy attempting to.
Mark off on your list of events what is important for you to attend, and what you can take a pass on. Maybe you’re not super into panels or talks at all, which is also perfectly fine! Spend your time wisely at artists’ alley, hanging out at the gaming room, or attending meetups instead.
Putting aside the pressure of feeling like you have to attend every event is what really helped me finally figure out how to enjoy a con fully, and hopefully the same will go for you!
6. Set Time (and money) Aside for Artists’ Alley
A truly magical place where time and money disappear in the wind.
One of the hallmarks of a good con is a great artists’ alley. While not a super big merch fan myself, there is nothing quite like seeing the lines of booths creating the labyrinths known as artists’ alley. Spend an hour or two getting absolutely lost amidst the counters of plushies, manga, prints, and more and walk about with your wallet feeling considerably lighter.
Additionally, artists’ alley is a great place to meander at your own pace and potentially meet some really cool artists as well as fellow con-goers who share your interest. If you’re going to an anime convention, artists’ alley is a can’t miss for the full, fun-filled con experience.
7. Splurge on a Hotel Room
Ah the sweet smell of fresh sheets and free breakfast in the morning.
Unless you already live in a major con area, chances are you’re going to have to do some traveling to get to the venue. Since many cons are held in convention halls in major cities, that means there’s often hotels within direct proximity, or even connected to the venue itself.
While definitely not a requirement (it’s not in everyone’s budget), shelling out the money to experience the whole weekend fully can be one of the most enjoyable parts of attending a con. Get a good group of friends together to split the room costs, and benefit from being minutes from the venue by getting more sleep in the morning and having a head start on any con lines you want to avoid.
Nothing really beats the experience of getting ready for con day with your friends - fighting over the sinks, helping each other with last minute outfit and makeup adjustments, and running out the door together when you inevitably realize it’s later than you thought.
8. Attend a Night-Time Event
Whoever said nothing good happens after nightfall has clearly never been to a con.
Most cons will have a selection of 18+ night-time events to attend - usually costume or cosplay themed, although not a requirement. For example, Anime Boston and Anime Expo both host a Masquerade Ball every year.
These events are a great way to let loose at the end of the day, while fulfilling a self-indulgent fantasy of being a lady or gent at a fancy ball. These are especially fun to me as (being a common lay person) I simply do not have the opportunity to attend balls very often, and like to pretend to be a fancier person than I actually am at any chance I can get.
So, put on those dancing shoes and have the night of your life at the con of your choice!
9. Explore By Yourself
Get some "me" time in and go whever your heart takes you.
Okay, this may be in direct contradiction to #3, but it’s just as important. It can be super fun to enjoy the con with a group of friends, or make new friends along the way. However, it is inevitable in a group of people that there will be differing interests. Do not limit yourself by only doing what the larger group wants to do. If you want to see Cosplay Death Battles, but your group wants to hit up the gaming room for an hour or so, split up.
This rings true especially if you’re a bit of an introvert (okay, a large bit) like me. Remember that having fun by yourself is just as valid as having fun with others, and strike out on your own!
10. Find a Quiet Spot
Remember to sit and recharge - cons are draining for antisocial little introverts like us.
This advice goes out to all my crowd-adverse, large group-phobic anime lovers out there (of which I know there are quite a few). You may be nervous about the sheer amount of people at a con (something you hate) mixed with the excitement of engaging with anime and nerd-culture with like-minded fellows (something you love).
On day one of the con, try to find an area that is less trafficked. Maybe there’s a stairwell you can hide behind, or a cafe down the road that remains mostly hidden. Take the time to check yourself and recharge before heading back into the con. These events can be overwhelming, and I guarantee that you’ll have way more fun if you remember to take a breather when you need one!