It’s the night you’ve all been waiting for. Everyone’s cleared their schedules. You gave over a month’s notice. The monotony of day to day office work, classes, and part-time jobs has been leading up to this. It’s game night. You checked all the boxes and got all your friends into one room. One small problem - you didn’t quite think you’d make it this far. What now? Don’t stress - read below for the top tips on how to have an absolute blast at your game night.
10. Set Rules
Who doesn't love a good set of rules?
Starting off strong here with everybody’s favorite - it’s rule time! I know, I know - nobody really wants to be that guy, and especially on game night of all nights. It’s time to hang out, let loose, and play some world-escaping, comedy-filled games with your bestest buds. However, as much as we love our friends and enjoy simply shooting the breeze with them, if you want to have effective gameplay completed, it’s best to set some ground rules.
This is especially true if you have a larger group, and if you are of the adult age and plan on partaking in some adult beverages whilst you storm castles and fight monsters. Things can get rowdy, and if some basic rules aren’t set, it can devolve into the bad kind of chaos.
The rules can be a game in themselves - for example, set a fun punishment for anyone who misses their turn because they were distracted chit chatting. Don’t get too bogged down and stressed (which will likely ruin your night), but keep it lighthearted and remind people what you’re here to do: play some games.
9. Know Your Audience
How well do you really know your friends?
They’re your friends and you know them best. Except, maybe, you don’t? Maybe significant others are tagging alone, or you decided to be social and invite the guy that sits next to you three times a week in your Medieval Armor seminar. The point being: get a feel for who’s going to be attending this event.
Are they looking for fun, humorous, games? Is this a long-haul, space opera game kind of night? Are they interested in economics and trade, or are they more the adventure and exploration kind of crew? Picking games that everyone will enjoy will make it a more fun night for all!
8. Check Your Game Selection
Nothing is more embarassing than being unprepared!
This may seem obvious, but check what game you want to play before your guests arrive. I cannot express how many times I’ve gone to take a game from the cupboard only to discover it a) missing pieces or b) missing altogether. Whether it was lent to a friend who never returned it, or simply misplaced from the last time it traveled with me, not being able to find the game you’re planning on introducing to your friends can be disappointing at best and, if you’re a type A OCD over planner like myself, stress-inducing at worst.
7. Keep It Simple
You can't beat the classics! Kick out anyone who disagrees.
Following on point 9 above - unless you and your friends are well experienced in a certain game and are specifically setting this game night to devote hours to it, it’s always best to keep the game selection simple. There may be attendees who have never played before, who need to be eased into gameplay. Sticking with classic games that most are familiar with, or with games that have easy to understand rules will make your game night run much more smoothly.
6. Plan Snacks
There's always going to be at least one person who's there only for the snacks. Don't disappoint them.
Game night can get intense enough as it is without having to deal with some seriously hangry guests as well. Plan a variety of snacks and drinks to keep your guests happy, as well as coordinate a larger take-out dinner at some point (pizza, fried chicken - whatever the group desires) to ensure everyone stays happy and sane throughout the night.
5. Have A Back-Up Plan
Don't get caught slacking.
If you skipped right past number 8 and did not, in fact, check your game stocks for completeness, or perhaps a game you thought was going to be a flip actually flopped, make sure to have a back-up plan. Have different game options of a variety of genres available on a moment's notice to ensure the merriment can continue. Perhaps you were trying out a new game for the first time and it ended up being an absolutely terrible waste of space and a disappointment to the board game community. Keep a few tried and trues in your back pocket just in case.
4. Talk To Your Friends
Remember, it's okay to actually talk to your friends.
I know - horrifying. How dare I even suggest you speak to the good people you’ve invited into your home. For real though, talk to your friends/invitees beforehand and try to get an idea of what people want from this game night. Get their opinions - maybe someone will offer to bring a game that you’ve been dying to play, or have an idea that you’ve never thought of. It never hurts to get the input of the people you’ll be playing with!
3. Set Up Your Space
Get that feng shui going.
Keep in mind the types of games you want to play (ie tabletop versus cards, will there be dice involved, etc.) and rearrange your space to optimize the area. You may need to push tables together or pull in some chairs from a different room to ensure everyone will have seating. Maybe you need a separate table for snacks (as is the most important thing!). Figure out your lighting, access to food/beverages, and premium seating spaces to make game night run more smoothly!
2. Plan MultiPerson or Quick Games
Don't leave anyone out!
Depending on how many people are attending this shindig, make sure you plan out games that a) are adaptable to many players; b) can be adapted to playing on teams; or c) have fast rounds. If the rounds are quick, players can switch in and out, or you can even have a mini tournament. Whatever you decide, make sure that there’s a role for everyone in the party so that no one ends up being left out inadvertently!
1. Enjoy Yourself!
Remember how to have fun with others instead of just playing by yourself!
None of these tips matter if you aren’t enjoying yourself! Try not to stress, go with the flow, and above all else, have a great time! If you aren’t having fun, chances are others will pick up on your vibe as well. While it’s important to be considerate of the others at your game night, make sure you don’t expend your own happiness to do so! Everyone has more fun when fun is had together.
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