Tired of being the Killer’s next meal? It’s time to turn the tables. Discover the top-tier escape builds that will give you the edge you need to outwit even the most cunning hunters!
5. Can’t Catch Me

Run, run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the Sprint Burst man! Try out this great build that will keep you quick on your feet in your Dead by Daylight games.
Sprinting away in a burst of speed is the name of the game when using this build. You are equipped with an increased walking speed. This will allow you to move slightly faster when looping the Killer before you dash away. When needed you will use your Sprint Burst to make a quick escape. Equipped with multiple status recovery perks, the skill Sprint Burst will be ready to use again in no time.
How this build works:
- Fixated will allow you to walk at increased speeds. You can use this to play with the Killer at a looping location.
- When you need a boost of speed, Sprint Burst will activate the moment you start running. You will also be afflicted with Exhaustion at this time.
- The perk Vigil will activate, increasing your recovery rate from Exhaustion.
- The first time you are unhooked or unhook yourself is when this build will be in full swing.
- The perk Blood Rush can be used to recover instantly from your Exhausted status effect.
- This is useful for using after your Sprint Burst. It will automatically reset your Exhaustion status effect so Sprint Burst is ready for another use.
- Any time Blood Rush isn’t available, the perk Vigil will eat away at your Exhaustion timer.
Can’t Catch Me Strengths:
- Sprint Burst – This build is constantly working to get your Sprint Burst ready for another use.
- Distance – Having Sprint Burst consistently ready for use provides plenty of opportunities for you to gain distance when in chase with the Killer.
- Exhaustion Recovery – The perks Vigil and Blood Rush provide excellent recovery times from the Exhausted status effect.
Build Details:
- Item - Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Offering - Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks
- Blood Rush: After being unhooked, Blood Rush activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds. While suffering from the Exhausted status effect, press the active ability button to recover from Exhausted instantly. This perk deactivates when it is used or when performing a conspicuous action. Blood Rush is disabled once the Exit Gates are powered.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from the Exhausted status effect while running.
- Fixated: You can see your own scratch marks at all times. You walk 10/15/20% faster.
- Vigil: You and your allies within an 8-meter range recover from the Blindness, Broken, Exhausted, Exposed, Hemorrhage, Hindered, Mangled and Oblivious status effects 20/25/30% faster. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
4. Trapper

The hunter will become the hunted. Try out this excellent build that turns the tables on the Killer. Those who were once the Killer’s target are now the ones doing the hunting.
You will rely on the two perks Lithe and Finesse to keep yourself out of the Killers’ clutches. This will provide you plenty of time to torment the Killer using your other two perks Chemical Trap and Champion Of Light. Before the Killer knows what hit them, they will soon realize you are the hunter now.
How this build works:
- The perk Chemical Trap needs to be activated. To do this complete generator repairs.
- When the Killer comes sniffing around, make your move to a suitable looping area.
- You will use Lithe and Finesse to your advantage when looping the Killer. Finesse will allow you to vault quickly when healthy, while Lithe will provide a burst of speed after vaulting.
- Target a looping area with a pallet.
- When needed, use the pallet to stun the Killer. You will also use the perk Chemical Trap at this time.
- Trap the pallet. When the Killer kicks it, they will be slowed.
- Add in a spicy flashlight blind which will grant you Haste and Hinder the Killer with your perk Champion Of Light.
- Use this opportunity to escape.
- Rinse and repeat when the Killer comes sniffing around again.
Trapper Strengths:
- Vaulting – Lithe and Finesse both provide speed bonuses when vaulting.
- Generator repair – Repairing generators is required to activate the perk Chemical Trap. This allows you to progress main game mechanics while also evading the Killer.
- Killer Debuffs – Chemical Trap will slow the Killer immensely. Champion of Light will Hinder the Killer when you successfully blind them.
Build Details:
- Item Utility Flashlight
- 12 seconds of use that increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, increases the blindness duration by 15%, and decreases the accuracy of the flashlight beam by 20%.
- Addon 1: High-End Sapphire Lens – Increases the range of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the width of the flashlight beam by 25%, increases the brightness of the flashlight beam by 30%, and increases blindness duration by 15%.
- Addon 2: Long Life Battery – Adds 6 seconds of use to the flashlight.
- Offering - Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks
- Lithe: After performing a rushed vault, you gain 50% Haste for 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Lithe cannot be used while Exhausted.
- Finesse: The perk activates when you are healthy. Your fast vaults are 20% faster. This perk goes on cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds after performing a fast vault.
- Chemical Trap: Chemical Trap activates after completing a total of 20% worth of progress on generators. While standing next to a dropped pallet, press the active ability button to install a Trap, which stays active for 40/50/60 seconds. Affected pallets will be revealed to all Survivors by a yellow aura. Only one Chemical Trap can be active on a pallet. When the Killer performs the break action on the pallet, the Chemical Trap explodes, and they are slowed by 50% for 4 seconds.
- Champion Of Light: When you are shining a Flashlight, you have 50% Haste. When you successfully blind the Killer, they also gain 20% Hindered for 6 seconds. This effect cannot stack with itself. This perk goes on cooldown for 80/70/60 seconds.
3. Ghosted

Come play hide and go seek with the Killer. This escape build is built to make you disappear when you are at death's door.
When you use this build, you will have a great advantage. All the abilities Killer’s use to track you will vanish. They will be chasing a ghost that has disappeared into thin air. You will also be able to fully heal yourself without assistance using totems found in the game. Ready to play hide and seek?
How this build works:
- Use your knowledge of totem spawn locations or a map item to find and cleanse a totem. This will activate Inner Strength.
- Before your first hook, if the Killer injures you, the perk Lucky Break will activate. Your trails of blood and scratch marks will be hidden for a duration of time. You can increase the duration of Lucky Break by healing a fellow Survivor.
- Use Quick and Quiet to rush into a locker to heal. Keep in mind at this time the Killer can still hear your grunts of pain. Make sure you are at a safe distance in order to successfully heal.
- When in the locker, Inner Strength will automatically start to heal you. Wait until the timer is finished, and Inner Strength deactivates to fully heal.
- You will need to locate another totem to reactivate Inner Strength.
- Once you are unhooked or unhook yourself, Off The Record will activate.
- Your build is now at its full potential.
- Your scratch marks, pools of blood, aura and grunts of pain have all vanished.
- Off The Record also provides an Endurance status effect.
- Unless the Killer has physical eyes on you, you have become a ghost that can vanish into thin air. Take this opportunity to hop in a locker and fully heal.
- Repeat as needed. Keep in mind Off The Record will deactivate permanently when the Exit Gates are powered.
- You can swap out Inner Strength for Adrenaline to better fit your playstyle. However, Adrenaline will only be useful for one instant health state at the end game.
- Iron Will can be used instead of Off The Record. This will provide noise suppression immediately instead of you having to wait to be unhooked. However, it does not conceal your aura or provide a Haste bonus.
Ghosted Strengths:
- Disappearing – Quick and Quiet, Lucky Break and Off The Record provide the ultimate disappearing combo. Your pools of blood, scratch marks, aura, vaulting noises, rushed locker noises and grunts of pain can not be tracked by the Killer.
- Totems – If the Killer is running a hex build you can easily counter it since you are already on the hunt for totems to activate Inner Strength.
- Healing – Inner Strength allows you to heal without assistance using totems. Lucky Break’s duration will increase when you heal fellow Survivors.
Build Details:
- Item – Any
- Item - Recommended for Totem locating – Rainbow Map
- Holding and channeling the map unlocks great potential in one’s aura reading ability which slowly burns up the map. Objects with auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
- 20 seconds of use, start with 3 objects tracked.
- Unlocks the ability to track objectives, Hatch, the Killer’s belongings and Exit Gates within an 8-meter range.
- Addon 1: Retardant Jelly – Slows down the burning rate of the map by 20%.
- Addon 2: Unusual Stamp – Increases the range of the map tracking ability by 8 meters.
- Holding and channeling the map unlocks great potential in one’s aura reading ability which slowly burns up the map. Objects with auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
- Offering - Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Perks
- Lucky Break: Lucky Break activates any time you are injured. While Lucky Break is active, you won’t leave trails of blood or scratch marks for a total of 40/50/60 seconds. While healthy, for each 1 second spent healing another Survivor, increases Lucky Break’s duration by 1 second. Lucky Break’s duration cannot increase beyond its starting value.
- Off The Record: You’ve learned that a quiet approach is sometimes best. Once you are unhooked or escape from the hook, Off the Record activates for 60/70/80 seconds.
- Your aura will not be shown to the Killer.
- Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 100%.
- Gain the Endurance status effect. This effect may be canceled prematurely when performing a conspicuous action.
- Off the Record deactivates once the Exit Gates are powered.
- Quick And Quiet: You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in lockers. The vault and hide actions’ noise detection and audio range is reduced by 100%. This effect can only trigger once every 30/25/20 seconds.
- Inner Strength: Each time you complete a totem cleanse action, Inner Strength activates.
- While Inner Strength is active, hiding inside a locker for 10/9/8 seconds while injured automatically heals you to full health.
- If you are afflicted with a Deep Wound status effect, hiding inside a locker for 10/9/8 seconds will remove the Deep Wound, but you will remain injured.
- If you are already afflicted by the Broken status effect, Inner Strength does not activate until that status is removed. Once Inner Strength is successfully activated, it deactivates until the Survivor acquires another totem.
2. Wiggle Duo

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Just keep wiggling and everything will be ok! Transform yourself into an unhook-able Survivor. Grab a friend for some extra fun!
This build is great for escaping the Killer’s grasp. It works fabulously when you and your duo run it together. You will have each other’s backs, and can take turns tormenting the Killer. This build excels in boosting wiggle progression. So, grab your friend and your toolbox. Get to work and become the unhook-able duo.
How this build works:
- You and your duo need to stick close by to each other.
- The teammate who gets put into the dying state will have the perk Boil Over activated. This amplifies your struggle effects and keeps the Killer from seeing hook auras. There is an added wiggle percent bonus if the Killer drops from a great height.
- The perk Flip-Flop will also be active. Your recovery progression will be converted into wiggle progression. Any distraction the Killer has at that moment will greatly increase the time you can put towards recovering.
- Once the downed Survivor is picked up, the alternate teammate will have the perk Background Player activated, giving them an awesome boost to their running speed. They can use this burst of speed to quickly get close to the Killer carrying their duo and the potential hook they will use.
- Breakout will provide a wiggle progression for the carried Survivor when their duo is in range.
- If more time is still needed for the Survivor to wiggle out of the Killers’ grasp, the toolbox item can be used to quickly sabotage the hook.
- Rinse and repeat until the Exit Gates are powered.
- You and your duo should take turns being the Killer’s target. This will efficiently spread-out hook states between both of you.
- Solo players can swap Background Player out for the perk Unbreakable and bring a med-kit with a styptic agent addon.
Wiggle Duo Strengths:
- Teamwork – This build is best run with a duo. Working together allows you to use this build to its full potential.
- Running Speed – Background Player and Breakout both provide a running speed boost.
- Wiggle progression – The perks Flip-Flop, Breakout and Boil Over all provide wiggle progression bonuses.
Build Details:
- Item - Sabotage - Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increase repair speed by 50%, unlocks sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Hacksaw – Increases the toolbox’s sabotage speed by 30%.
- Addon 2: Cutting Wire – Increases the toolbox’s sabotage speed by 20%.
- Item - Solo Option - Camping Aid Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 35%, unlocks the self-healing action. Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Styptic Agent – Press the secondary action button while healing with the med-kit to use the styptic agent. When a styptic agent is used on an injured Survivor, they gain Endurance for 5 seconds. Consumes the med-kit on use.
- Addon 2: Bandages – add 8 charges to the med-kit.
- Offering - Any tier Sweet William
- Sweet William Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fresh Sweet William – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Fragrant Sweet William – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.
- Offering Alternative – Any Map that offers a place to fall from a great height.
- Perks
- Boil Over: You are a battler and do everything to escape a foe’s grasp. Your struggling effects on the Killer are increased by 60/70/80%. You obscure the Killer’s ability to see hook auras within 16-meters. You gain 33% of current wiggling progress when the Killer drops from a great height.
- Breakout: You kick into high gear when someone’s in trouble, inspiring them to overcome any obstacle. When within 5-meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste status effect, moving at 5/6/7% increased speed. The carried Survivor’s wiggle speed is increased by 25%.
- Background Player: When the Killer picks-up another Survivor, Background Player activates for 10 seconds. When you start running, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running movement speed for 5 seconds. This perk cannot be used while Exhausted. This perk causes the Exhausted status effect for 30/25/20 seconds.
- Flip-Flop: You have an uncanny ability to escape the inevitable. While in the dying state, 50% of your recovery progression is converted into wiggle progression when you are picked up by the Killer, up to a maximum of 40/45/50% total wiggle progression.
1. Stunning Escape

Tired of the Killer targeting you. Are you ready to strike back? This build provides an excellent stab and go escape tactic.
When using this build, you can easily escape the Killer and vanish to heal. When you stun the Killer, you will disappear like a ghost. The perk Sprint Burst will provide a quick get away for you to reach a safe place to recover. This build is excellent for losing even the most cunning Killer!
How this build works:
- Using the perk Decisive Strike, you can stun the Killer. Keep in mind, Decisive Strike is only active after you are unhooked or you unhook yourself.
- Stunning the Killer will trigger the perk Parental Guidance to activate. Your pools of blood, scratch marks and grunts of pain are hidden from the Killer for a duration of time.
- Use your Sprint Burst to dash away.
- Once you are out of line of sight, and at a safe distance from the Killer, crouch and use the perk Plot Twist to enter the dying state.
- You now leave no pools of blood, make no noise and can fully recover from the dying state.
- Once fully recovered, you will also gain a Haste status effect.
- You will need to rely on your med-kit and fellow Survivors to heal from this point on.
- Your med-kit will provide you with two heals. One from healing with med-kit charges and a second from the anti-hemorrhagic syringe. Use the syringe addon last as it consumes the med-kit.
- You can swap the anti-hemorrhagic syringe out for a styptic agent addon in your med-kit. This will provide an Endurance hit instead of an extra heal. Use the styptic agent last as it also consumes the med-kit.
- When the Exit Gates are powered you will be able to get another use out of your perk Plot Twist.
Stunning Escape Strengths:
- Healing – Plot Twist provides two full heals from the dying state. Using your med-kit charges you can heal yourself to full health once. Using the anti-hemorrhagic addon you can achieve another heal.
- Running Speed – Sprint Burst provides a great speed burst bonus.
- Anti-Tunnel – Decisive Strike will protect you against Killers that like to tunnel.
- Disappearing – Parental Guidance paired with Sprint Burst and finishing with Plot Twist are an excellent disappearing combo.
Build Details:
- Item - Healing- Camping Aid Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 35%, unlocks the self-healing action. Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe – Press the secondary action button while healing with the med-kit to use the anti-hemorrhagic syringe. The affected Survivor will gain a health state 16 seconds after use. The time required is modified by perks, items and add-ons that affect healing speeds. This effect is canceled when the affected Survivor changes health state or is picked up. Consumes the med-kit on use.
- Addon 2: Bandages – add 8 charges to the med-kit.
- Item - Endurance - Camping Aid Kit
- 24 charges that increase the speed that you heal others by 35%, unlocks the self-healing action. Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%.
- Addon 1: Styptic Agent – Press the secondary action button while healing with the med-kit to use the styptic agent. When a styptic agent is used on an injured Survivor, they gain Endurance for 5 seconds. Consumes the med-kit on use.
- Addon 2: Bandages – add 8 charges to the med-kit.
- Perks
- Decisive Strike: Stab your aggressor in an attempt to escape. After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for 40/50/60 seconds. While active, complete a skill check when grabbed by the Killer to escape, stunning them for 4 seconds.
- Succeeding or failing the skill check disables Decisive Strike.
- You become the Obsession after stunning the Killer.
- The perk and its effects are disabled if the Exit Gates are powered.
- Increases your chance to be the Obsession. Taking any conspicuous action will deactivate Decisive Strike.
- Parental Guidance: After stunning the Killer by any means, your scratch marks, pools of blood and grunts of pain are hidden for 5/6/7 seconds.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from the Exhausted status effect while running.
- Plot Twist: Plot Twist activates when you are injured. Press the ability button while crouched and motionless to enter the dying state silently. When using Plot Twist to enter the dying state:
- You leave no blood pools.
- You make no noise.
- You can fully recover from the dying state.
- When you recover by yourself using Plot Twist, you are healed instantly, and you gain a 50% Haste for 2/3/4 seconds. This perk deactivates if you recover by yourself by any means. This perk reactivates when the Exit Gates are powered.
- Decisive Strike: Stab your aggressor in an attempt to escape. After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for 40/50/60 seconds. While active, complete a skill check when grabbed by the Killer to escape, stunning them for 4 seconds.
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