The DCS environment is alive and well. Not a week or so passes without a new mod being released. Official, unofficial, free, paid, good and bad—the DCS environment has everything there is in terms of mods.
Of course, this is not always a good thing. Don’t get me wrong—there are some great mods out there that you should not think twice about downloading. But there are also a lot of bad ones which you should steer clear of.
To help you make some sense out of this hub-bub, we put together a list of what we consider to be the Top 20 DCS World mods.
This list has it all—aircraft mods, campaigns, game interfaces, and game modes—it’s all here. Each one of these mods is guaranteed to uplift your DCS gaming experience. As a matter of fact, if you are a serious DCS pilot you probably have one or two of these downloaded already.
This is just a list of what we consider to be the best and it is not necessarily in any particular order.
Right, so let’s get into it.
1. Tacview (27.99 USD)
The Tacview mod allows players to analyze what happened post-mission.
Explained: Tacview Installation & Operating Tutorial | DCS WORLD
Okay, now this one just makes plain sense. Tacview is the standard for flight data analysis in the DCS community. Not only that—the French Air Force uses it as well. Seriously.
You see, when you are jostling about in your virtual cockpit in the middle of a mission you are under a lot of pressure. With missiles flying all over the place and your buddies blowing up around you, you don’t have much time to really think about what is going on.
This is where tacview comes into the picture.
As you go about your mission, Tacview works silently in the background to record all of your flight data. It doesn’t stop there, it also records the flight data of all of the objects in your server’s environment. Naturally, this will include friendly and enemy aircraft, but also missile, gun, and radar activity.
After ending the mission, tacview lets you review this data frame-by-frame thereby allowing you to analyze all aspects of your mission.
This, of course, makes tacview the ultimate learning tool. By analyzing your flight in all of its details you can see what you and your buddies did right— and what you did wrong. Debrief your squadron and learn which tactics you need to fix going into your following missions and which ones you can keep the way they are.
This is what tacview is all about and what makes it an indispensable tool for all serious players.
Why Tacview is fun:
Relive your mission, frame-by-frame and see what you could do better next time you are in the cockpit.
Analyze how different missiles engage their targets and use that information to develop new tactics for how to defeat them.
Got shot down? Play the tacview recording from your opponent’s perspective—see how they got the edge over you and learn from their tricks.
Load up the tacview from a bombing mission to understand which bombing tactics work for which types of targets and which weapon type is best suited for each situtation.
2. DCS: Combined Arms (39.99 USD)
DCS: Combined Arms allows players to play DCS from the ground up!
DCS: Combined Arms Tutorial
This official mod is a classic. Although it was first released several years ago, it continues to be upgraded to keep up with successive updates of the DCS platform. As of DCS World 2.7—the latest version of the platform—this mod continues to be fully integrated. That alone is testament to the popularity of this mod.
Combined Arms lets you play DCS on a whole new level—from the ground up as a matter of fact. Essentially, this mod gives you control of the ground units in the DCS maps—tanks, artillery, trucks, soldiers, everything.This of course gives players a wide range of options on how they could play.
Control the ground battle from the safety of your cockpit and order around tanks, troops, and artillery. Get into a tank yourself and go head-to-head with enemy ground forces. Engage the multiplayer mode and assume the role of a JTAC to designate enemy targets from the ground so that your buddy in the air can blast them with laser guided munitions. It’s all possible with Combined Arms.
In a nutshell, Combined Arms adds an entirely new level of versatility to the playing styles available in DCS. The platform was already great as a combat flight sim, but now you can also play it as a Real-Time Strategy or First Person Armored Warfare game.
Why Combined Arms is fun:
Bored of just flying around? Hop into a tank and blast opponents on the ground. Better yet, command an anti-aircraft gun and shoot at enemy jets. You don’t have to be flying to have fun.
Command the land battle from your plane hundreds of miles away. Move around your tanks and infantry and call in artillery fire missions. Play DCS as an RTS rather than a flight sim.
Engage multiplayer mode and stick to the ground while your buddy is in the air. Coordinate together and have him clear out the road ahead as you command your group of tanks.
Assume the role of JTAC and designate targets on the ground for your pals in the air to bomb. Report on the efficacy of their strikes and let them know whether they need to re-attack. Help them, help you.
3. A-4E Skyhawk (Free)
This mod brings players into the cockpit of the Skyhawk—a legacy fighter from Vietnam.
DCS World: Community A-4E v2.0 Start-Up, Taxi, and Take-Off Tutorial
This community mod—totally free by the way—has gotten a lot of hype since its release, and for all the right reasons.
The A-4 Skyhawk was the principal carrier-borne attack aircraft of the US Navy and Marine Corps in the 1960s and 1970s. Accordingly, this warbird took the heaviest burden of strike and SEAD missions flown by naval aviators in the Vietnam War.
The aircraft was also widely exported and served in the air forces of Argentina, Brazil, Kuwait, and other nations. In the Falklands War, the A-4 inflicted considerable damage on a British landing fleet at the Battle of Bluff Cove. Almost a decade later during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Kuwaiti Skyhawks dealt invading Iraqi ground forces considerable damage.
Small and nimble, this aircraft was nicknamed the "scooter" because it had impressive turning performance. Although optimized for ground attack, the agility and small size of this aircraft made it perfect for the DACT aggressor role in the US Navy’s Fighter Weapon School - better known as Top Gun.
This DCS mod allows pilots to relive this fine aircraft as it was in its heyday. Take off from the USS Saratoga on a dawn strike against Viet Cong positions early in the Vietnam War. Take part in Operation Rolling Thunder and fly low-level to avoid SAMs before popping up to engage your target.
The A-4 community mod was clearly made with a lot of love. Offering a clickable cockpit and an Expert Flight Model, the quality of this mod is nothing less than what you would expect from an expertly crafted official mod.
Of special note is that the mod allows players to interact with the CP-741/A Bombing Computer. An antiquated relic by today’s standards, it is still a lot of fun to play around with the various knobs and buttons and get a feel for how things were done back in the day.
Why A-4E Skyhawk is fun:'
Relive the Skyhawk as it was in its heyday. Take off from carrier decks and experience the dangers and excitements felt by naval aviators in Vietnam.
Adopt a clean configuration and turn-and-burn to discover how this little aircraft could hold its own against giants such as the F-14 in simulated head-to-head dogfights.
Relish the realism of the expert flight model and clickable cockpit. Adjust your analog bombing computer to set your bombs on the target for precise hits - kind of.
It’s free!
Get the latest version of the A-4E community mod here.
4. DCS: South Atlantic Map (55.99 USD)
The South Atlantic mod brings the largest map so far to the DCS environment.
Players have been waiting on this one for a while and now it is finally here.
The South Atlantic map covers 3 million square miles and includes southern Chile and Argentina, as well as the Falkland Islands. From the majestic snow-covered peaks of the Andes, to the wide open plains of Patagonia, the icy waters of the Southern Atlantic, and the jagged terrain of East and West Falklands—these vistas and more are accessible through this mod.
The mod’s creator—Razbam—spared no effort to make sure this was done right from the get-go. DCS players were consulted throughout the production process and aerial and satellite footage of the terrain were used in constructing the models.
The results speak for themselves. DCS players can’t stop raving about how excellent this map is.
As an extra, the developers have also thrown in new vehicles and assets that can be placed throughout the map. Naturally, these include the Invincible-class aircraft carrier—which served as home to Britain’s harriers during the Falklands conflict—as well as a vast array of other military and civilian vessels.
Why DCS: South Atlantic Map is fun:
Relive the excitements of the Falklands through either the British or Argentinian perspective. Command an Argentine A-4 and look for ships to bomb, or hop into an RAF Harrier to provide fleet air defense.
Adopt a clean configuration and enjoy stunning views of rolling clouds and snow-capped peaks as you zip and zoom through the Southern Andes.
Plan out your own campaigns in the mission editor and use this awesome map as a backdrop for exciting air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Recreate famous battles with modern aircraft which were not around at the time of the Falklands conflict.
Get the South Atlantic Map here.
5. DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3 Clickable Cockpits (Free)
This mod brings a clickable cockpit to the aircraft from FC3.
Clickable FC3 Mod: Download, Install & Operation Guide | DCS
Despite its age, the FC 3 official mod and the aircraft it brought to DCS are still regarded by many players as some of the best planes on the DCS platform—at least as far as playability goes.
Offering excellent flight models and not-too-steep learning curves, the FC 3 package lacked one important feature. Despit the fact that many controls were modeled, the cockpits themselves were not clickable. This meant that pilots flying these planes had to bind a ridiculous number of keyboard keys to separate cockpit functions.
This was confusing and somewhat reduced the realism of the otherwise excellent aircraft available in FC 3.
Well, not anymore!
This latest mod allows players to interact with the cockpits of FC 3 aircraft by clicking on the buttons. Note, full clickability could not be achieved as the FC 3 aircraft did not model all of the cockpit controls.
Moreover, not all of the clickable cockpit settings have knobs and lights that animate when interacted with. Only cockpit interfaces that were animated in the original FC 3 package are also animated with this new mod.
Despite its limitations this is still a huge step in the right direction. Fans of FC 3 aircraft have been calling for this for years and now it is finally here.
There’s still a lot of work to be done though. Eagle Dynamics - if it chooses to do so - can contribute to this development by updating its original FC 3 cockpits to make all cockpit functions clickable.
Why DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3 Clickable Cockpits is fun:
Go back into the cockpit of the MiG-29S or the F-15C and relive the glory of FC 3 but now with clickable cockpits.
Interact with a range of cockpit controls by pointing and clicking.
Do away with the complex keybindings tables which were necessary to interact with FC 3 cockpit controls in the past.
Get the clickable cockpit FC3 mod here.
Note: downloading this mod requires a Discord login.
6. F/A-18 Realistic HUD (Free)
This latest mod allows a more realistic HUD experience on the Hornet.
DCS TOP Addons l SK-60 l NAV MAP l Hornet HUD addon l New Assets Pack l ADDON SPOTLIGHT EP 5
- view min (1:50)
The F/A-18 is one of the most popular planes on DCS. With a dedicated and growing player base, it is expected that there will be a constant supply of updates and mods for the aircraft well into the future.
The latest such update is a community mod which makes the HUD glare and brightness in the Hornet’s cockpit appear more realistic. This is sure to be well-received by dedicated F/A-18 pilots seeking more realism in their player experience.
The more realistic HUD offered by this mod features the characteristic glare of the real F/A-18 HUD when the brightness is too high for the lighting conditions in the cockpit. It also more closely mimics the limited visibility of HUD symbology when the pilot's eyes are not aligned with the double-glass panes of the HUD system.
This mod is best experienced in VR.
Why F/A-18 Realistic HUD is fun:
Dedicated Hornet pilot? Install this mod to get that much closer to the real experience of flying the Hornet in real life.
Adjust the brightness of the HUD when the green glare gets too much in low-light conditions.
Keep your HUD symbology within your field of view and experience an interesting challenge faced by real Hornet pilots.
Get the realistic HUD for the Hornet here.
7. NAV Map (Approx. 5 USD)
This mod makes it easier to get positional information without cluttering your screen.
- view min (3:00)
Ask any serious DCS pilot—or a real pilot for that matter—and you will learn that accurate navigation is no easy feat. Navigational skills are one of the first skill sets pilots are trained for. Whenever a new tool comes by that makes navigation just that much simpler, it is sure to be welcomed with open arms.
This is where NAV map comes in. The new module is rather innovative in its approach. Rather than overloading the player’s screen with more information, the mod allows DCS pilots to follow their position real-time on the screen of their android device.
Information overload is a real challenge confronted by all pilots. Having your navigational information easily accessible on your phone or tablet and thereby reducing the clutter on your main screen—well that is just good news for everybody.
In addition to displaying the position of the player’s aircraft, the mod also displays a host of other relevant data. This includes the location of other objects on the server such as aircraft, helicopters, and vehicles as well as TACAN beacons and ILS tracks among others.
Why Nav Map is fun:
Get real-time positional information by simply looking down at your phone or tablet.
Reduce the clutter on your main screen and clear your head to focus on the task at hand—namely flying.
Monitor the position of other aircraft, vehicles, airfields, beacons, and much more.
8. MiG-21bis Fishbed (49.99 USD)
This mod lets players get into the cockpit of the Fishbed—one of the most respected Cold War era Soviet fighters.
Mig-21 Fishbed Ambush Tactics | Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |
The venerable Fishbed. With more than 11,000 airframes manufactured, this legend continues to hold the record for the most-produced supersonic aircraft in history. Operating at one time or another in the air forces of 60 or so countries, this aircraft is almost as widespread as the Kalashnikov rifle Russia is famous for.
Much like the Kalashnikov, what sets this aircraft apart from the competition is its ruggedness and versatility. Requiring little maintenance and upkeep, the Fishbed could return from a mission, refuel, and go straight back into action.
This DCS mod allows players to fly the MiG-21bis. Produced in countless models, the bis is widely considered to be the ultimate development of the Fishbed family.
The MiG-21bis is a completely different aircraft when compared to earlier models—faster, deadlier, and better in all respects. This highly evolved variant features an engine refit in addition to an upgraded gunsight and radar.
Players choosing this mod will have the opportunity to experience this legendary aircraft in all of its glory. The mod offers players a highly advanced flight model which mimics the physics of the actual aircraft with exceptional precision. The cockpit is also fully interactive and allows players to adjust all of the various knobs, buttons, and switches found in the actual aircraft.
Players will also have access to a wide suite of weapons including air-to-air missiles, rockets, and yes, nuclear bombs. Interactive tutorials and a full-fledged single player campaign also serve to enrich the player’s experience and guide them across this mod’s rather steep learning curve.
Why the MiG-21bis is fun:
Fly this Cold War legend in all of its glory and relive the aerial battles that solidified the reputation of this capable warbird.
Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and a fully interactive cockpit and get an idea of how flying was like before computers took care of everything.
Get access to the Fishbed’s broad weapons suite. Intercept American bombers and shoot them down with guns and missiles or conduct rocket and bomb attacks against enemy forward bases. If things go south, you always have your trusty nukes.
Receive step-by-step guidance on how to operate the aircraft through a series of detailed tutorials and hone your skills in single player battles before confronting other pilots head on in multiplayer engagements.
9. T-45 Goshawk (Free)
DCS: T-45c Goshawk Free Mod by VNAO
Standing in for one of the world’s only carrier-borne trainers, this mod has big shoes to fill.
The T-45 Goshawk is the principal trainer of the United States Navy. This aircraft represents one of the rare instances when the American military adopted a product that is not American in origin. The Goshawk is in fact a development of the British Hawk trainer.
As a trainer, this aircraft is flown by every naval aviator in the early days of their careers. Like all dedicated trainers this aircraft is extremely forgiving of its pilots. Although not particularly fast, it is certainly maneuverable and responsive to pilot controls.
This mod scores big in terms of realism. It features a detailed flight model and an interactive, clickable cockpit developed in coordination with real-life Goshawk pilots.
The mod also comes with a variety of liveries allowing players to modify their aircraft’s paint job and colors.
As a trainer, the Goshawk was never meant to see combat. Accordingly, only dud practice bombs and rockets can be equipped. In keeping with the high sense of realism, players can also equip an external luggage pod used by pilots to ferry their personal belongings on trips to and from aircraft carriers.
Given that it is a trainer, the Goshawk is a two-seat aircraft. The instructor sits in the back seat while the student sits in the front. The mod allows a two-player mode where one participant can take the role of an instructor while another assumes the role of the student. The controls of the aircraft are shared and can be “released” by the instructor to the student. Now that is cool.
Why the T-45 Goshawk is fun:
Need a helping hand with your carrier landings? Have an experienced friend hop in the instructor’s seat while you sit up front in the student’s position. Your instructor can then guide you through this difficult but necessary part of carrier operations.
Want to fly the F/A-18 but need to hone your flying skills as a first step? Hop into a T-45 Goshawk and follow the manual.
Practice ground-attack with training bombs and rockets. The weapons are dud, so they have a tendency not to explode, but the avionics work well at simulating attacks.
Enjoy all of these features and more for free!
10. AH-64D Apache Longbow (63.99 USD)
The Apache Longbow is a hi-tech attack helicopter with a vengeance.
AH-64D Apache: Close Air Support - Digital Combat Simulator (DCS)
This eagerly awaited mod has finally been delivered, and with style to boot.
Serving as the principal attack helicopter of the United States Army, the Longbow is a veteran of many conflicts. It saw active combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and earned the admiration of soldiers and aircrew alike.
Typical of many attack helicopters, this aircraft is a two seater. The pilot sits in the back, raised seat and the co-pilot/gunner sits in the lower front seat.
The Longbow boasts an impressive range of armaments. Principal among these is a chin-mounted 30 mm chaingun that is rigged to move in sync with the gunner’s head. The stubby wings can also mount rocket pods, laser-guided hellfire missiles (deadly against tanks and bunkers), and stinger missiles for defense against aircraft that get too close.
Built for survivability, the Longbow hosts a long list of sensor warnings, countermeasures, and jammers. If all of these fail, the aircraft is heavily armored and can sustain multiple hits from large caliber weapons while keeping the pilots and critical systems safe.
Featuring the latest in terms of avionics, the Longbow is equally at home whether it's night or a day. The advanced helmet display system projects information into the wearer’s field of vision and allows the pilot or gunner to lock a target by simply looking at it.
This quality mod utilizes a highly detailed flight model programmed to mimic the exact flight characteristics of the Longbow for different altitudes, temperatures, speeds, and weapon loadouts.
The cockpit is fully clickable and interactive and both single and multiplayer game modes are supported. The second crew member position can be filled either by your buddy who is on the same server, or by the AI ‘George’.
Why the AH-64D Apache Longbow is fun:
Zip and zoom along the treeline and stalk enemy tanks from a distance before unleashing your hellfires.
Discover the ins-and-outs of this technological marvel as you learn how to take full advantage of the multiple sensors for day/night operations and the sophisticated helmet displays.
Go on a mission with a buddy, let your friend sit in the pilot's seat and tell him where to fly as you take the gunner’s seat and focus your full attention on finding targets and blowing them up.
Enjoy a broad range of extras, including liveries and training missions.
Get the Ah-64D Apache Longbow here.
11. MiG-15 bis (49.99 USD)
The MiG-15 is fun to fly and has impressive firepower.
Korean War 1950s Dogfights | Mig-15Bis Vs F-86 Sabre | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |
Another blast from the past. This Cold War legend was the archnemesis of the American F-86 Sabre (also available as a high quality official mod in DCS).
The MiG-15 is the poster child of the 1950s golden age of combat jets. Fast, sleek, and extremely nimble, the platform also packed a very powerful punch. As a dedicated gunfighter, the MiG-15 was equipped with two 23 mm cannons and one 37 mm cannon. One burst from these cannons was enough to shred any target, both on the ground and in the air.
The MiG-15 took part in the Korean War where it was flown by Soviet pilots loaned to the Korean regime. The jet took part in many head-to-head engagements with its principal foe—the Sabre—in a stretch of airspace that later came to be known as MiG Alley.
Although roughly equal in terms of aerodynamic performance, the Sabre was able to get one leg up over the MiG-15 due to its more advanced computing gunsight.
Nevertheless, the MiG-15 was a force to be reckoned with and came as a shock to Western observers who had not expected the Soviets to possess such technology.
Although principally a fighter/interceptor, the MiG-15 can also be equipped with two 220 lb bombs mounted on the wings. This, along with the potent cannons, gave the aircraft a secondary ground attack capability.
Players choosing this mod will benefit from a highly-detailed flight model that was continuously tweaked and remastered to perfectly match the flying characteristics of the real airplane. The cockpit is also beautifully done with a clean-cut and polished look. Players can interact with cockpit controls.
The MiG-15 was noted for its smooth flight and forgiving controls. This makes the mod a perfect starting point for new pilots who want to get a feel for high speed jets before transitioning to more high-powered beasts like the Tomcat or the Hornet.
Why the MiG-15 bis is fun:
Relive the excitements of the air war over Korea. Join a server and recreate the famed dogfights of MiG Alley.
Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and a clickable and interactive cockpit.
New to flying? This is a good place to start. Follow the tutorial and manual to learn how to take off and land safely before transitioning to more exciting flight maneuvers.
Experience a range of engine and cockpit sounds closely tailored to the actual experiences of real-life MiG-15 pilots.
12. Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight (49.99 USD)
The Mi-8 Hip is a rugged utility chopper that is up for any task.
Mi-8 CSAR + Troop Insertions on Enigma's Dynamic Cold War Server | DCS Mi-8 Multiplayer
The Mi-8 (NATO reporting name ‘Hip’) is the closest you can jet to a flying jeep. Tough, rugged, and extremely versatile, this venerable aircraft has served as the main utility helicopter of Russia and dozens of other nations since the 1960s.
This mod brings the Mi-8 to the DCS player’s computer screen. Expertly crafted, the flight characteristics are highly realistic and take into account all variables that affect flight performance. Moreover, the cockpits are (almost) fully interactive and clickable.
That’s not all, a veteran Mi-8 pilot was consulted throughout the different stages of the development process in order to yield the most lifelike results.
Pilots choosing this mod will have a wide range of mission types and playing styles to get used to. The Mi-8’s playable missions include troop transport, medevac, cargo transport, search-and-rescue, as well as fire support.
The mod also has up to four slots for players—left pilot, right pilot, door gunner, and engineer—thereby allowing for a multitude of single and multiplayer options.
In the fire support role, the Mi-8 can be equipped with a range of gun pods and rockets. On-board machine guns are also available.
Why the Mi-8MTV2 is fun:
Take this airborne ‘jeep’ for a mission deep behind enemy lines. Load your troop hatch with elite airborne infantry or come careening out of the smoke to pick up seriously injured soldiers for a medevac.
Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and an interactive, clickable cockpit. If you can fly this mod then you could probably fly the real thing.
Take advantage of the various multiplayer modes. Put together a team with your friends on the server and take one of the pilots’ seats as your buddies operate the weapons. Or, let someone else do the flying and sit in the door gunner position and shoot at anything that gets too close.
13. Edge 540 (Free)
DCS: Edge 540 Mod Virtual Air Racing
Where are my guns and missiles, you may ask? Well, this isn’t that type of plane. Nope. This is in fact a racing plane, the kind you would see at the Red Bull Air Race.
This free mod is exactly why myself and other players love DCS so much. The platform has endless potential and it doesn’t always have to be about guns, missiles, and radars. Some mornings you just feel like racing.
The Edge 540 is a community mod that obviously had a lot of love and effort put into it. The flight model is on par with the best official mods and the cockpit is not bad too. Moreover, there are tons of custom liveries allowing you to tailor the look of your aircraft.
The mod also comes with a race track so that you can get right into the action after downloading and installing the mod.
Why the Edge 540 is fun:
It doesn’t always have to be about war. Sometimes you just want to race.
Challenge your buddies and see who can complete the challenging slalom race course in record time.
Enjoy a highly detailed flight model and cockpit.
Just as good as official mods, but absolutely free.
14. C-101 Aviojet (59.99 USD)
The C-101 Aviojet is a trainer with light attack capabilities.
Formation Tail Slide?! Flying the DCS: C-101 AVIOJET with VTB_Ray
This official DCS mod (developed by AvioDev) maintains the platform's standards for super-realism and excellent player experience.
Developed as a trainer with light-attack capabilities, the Aviojet is probably the most iconic product of CASA—Spain’s leading aircraft manufacturer. This mod is unusual in that it essentially gives you two aircraft for the price of one—the C-101EB trainer variant and the C-101CC light attack model.
The flight model is highly realistic and accurately represents the behavior of the aircraft in all flight regimes. The cockpit too is excellent, offering highly detailed and clickable controls.
Like all trainers, the Aviojet is easy to fly and has forgiving flight controls. It also has a tandem-two seat cockpit with the back seat for the instructor and the lower front seat for the student.
Although trainers have lower performance in terms of speed, ceiling, and weapons systems when compared to frontline jets, they are also easier to fly.
The tandem seating arrangement allows for unique multiplayer modes. New to DCS with buddies on the server? Sit in the student pilot position while an experienced friend sits in the back seat as the instructor. The instructor can pull a switch to determine who has control of the aircraft and can thereby guide you gently into the world of combat jet aviation.
Had enough training and ready to test your mettle in real combat? Arm the light attack variant with rocket pods and bombs to go after drug trafficker bases deep in the jungle. Alternatively, load up with gun pods and air-to-air missiles and engage in a turning dogfight with another aircraft. Make sure your opponent is in your same league though.
The attack variant can even be loaded out with the British Sea Eagle anti-ship missile, thereby giving it some capability against surface vessels.
Why the C-101 Aviojet is fun:
Enjoy two aircraft for the price of one, a training variant and a lightly armed attacker.
Enjoy a highly detailed flight model that closely mimics the reality of flying the Aviojet in addition to a highly interactive, clickable cockpit.
New to DCS? Get an experienced buddy to help out. Jump into the student’s seat and let a DCS veteran sit in the back and act as your instructor, guiding you through the learning curve.
Have a great time flying this aircraft in clean configuration. Although not particularly fast it can pull some amazing stunts. It is no wonder that Spain chose it for their aerobatic display team.
15. FOB Dublin for the Caucasus Map (Free)
This mod lets players utilize a forward base for their choppers.
DCS TOP Addons l SK-60 l NAV MAP l Hornet HUD addon l New Assets Pack l ADDON SPOTLIGHT EP 5
- view min (4:28)
So, what is a FOB anyway?
A FOB (Forward Operating Base), also called a FARP (Forward Arming and Refueling Point), is just that. It is an ad hoc base put together to serve helicopters and other vehicles and allow their refueling, rearmament, and recrewing at a position that is closer to the frontline.
As a strategy, this mostly makes sense for helicopters such as the Apache and the Huey. FOBs usually don’t have an airstrip. Accordingly, they don’t service fixed-wing aircraft and fast jets which require long concrete runways. However, FOBs are ideal for helicopters which can take off and land vertically.
Essentially nothing more than a clearing with ammo, fuel dumps, and a headquarters, FOBs are rugged by their very nature.
This mod brings the FOB experience to the Caucasus map and adds an operable forward base that can be used by players. When running low on fuel and ammo, or after suffering damage, players who have installed this mod can simply fly back to the FOB. This is almost assuredly much closer than their home base as FOBs are meant to be closer to the front lines.
Community developers have naturally kept an eye out for realism and have thus included mobile foot patrols and the unkempt, rough-around-the-edges look familiar from FOBs in movies, games and real life.
It should be noted however that activation of this mod requires that some other mods be preinstalled. This is explained further on the download page.
Why FOB Dublin is fun:
Get a feel for how helicopter operations are managed in real life when operating from an FOB that has none of the conveniences of a concrete-style airbase.
Low on fuel or out of missiles? Return to FOB Dublin for rearming and get back into the fight as quickly as possible.
Took some bad hits and leaking fuel? Don’t think your chopper is going to make it back to base? No worries. Fly towards FOB Dublin and save your crew and aircraft. Live to fight another day.
16. OV-10 Bronco (Free/Fair Price)
The Bronco is not much to look at, but it fills an important niche: COIN.
Could OV-10 Bronco Perform Danger Close CAS At The Battle Of Mogadishu? (WarGames 78) | DCS
This is the first dedicated COIN (Counter Insurgency) aircraft mod for DCS. Designed as an observation and light attack aircraft, as well as a platform for FAC (Forward Air Controllers), the Bronco is one of the most "niche" aircraft available to the DCS community.
Slow and ungainly, you are not going to be dogfighting against 4th generation jets in this relic, that’s for sure. Nevertheless, the Bronco is a lot of fun to fly. As a turboprop with high set wings, it is also extremely forgiving and could be a good place to start for first time pilots.
The model utilizes an expert flight model and a highly interactive and clickable cockpit. Players will also have access to a wide range of weaponry, including rockets, gun pods, bombs and the sidewinder missile.
Missions are also available to take the player back to the Vietnam War and experience what it was like to fly this museum piece which was antiquated even by the standards of the 1960s. If you are up for historically grounded challenges, this is the plane for you!
Despite being basically free, the download page allows you to make a voluntary donation to the development team.
Why the OV-10 Bronco is fun:
Adopt a clean configuration and learn the basics of flight on this rugged and forgiving aircraft.
Arm yourself with weapons and fly over the jungles to recreate exciting battles from the Vietnam War.
Fly close to the treetops and look for hidden enemies. Then engage them with your guns and rockets or radio for help from fast jet strike aircraft.
17. A-29 Super Tucano (Free)
The Super Tucano is a piston-engined aircraft with hi-tech avionics.
A-29B Super Tucano: Install, Setup, Start, Cockpit, Pages, Nav & Weapons Guide | DCS WORLD
The Super Tucano—Brazilian by birth—is a piston-engined trainer with a twist. Unlike many primary trainers of the type—such as the Grob and the Cessna—the Super Tucano has highly advanced avionics and a powerful engine.
What this means is that the Super Tucano has many of the same capabilities found in advanced jets and can loadout the same missiles, bombs and rockets. Of course, the piston-engine design has its limits but you would be surprised to know that the platform can even be equipped with laser-guided bombs and hellfire missiles!
This high quality (but free) mod brings the Super Tucano experience to DCS. The flight model is highly detailed and closely mimics the physics of the real aircraft. The cockpit too is highly detailed, interactive, and clickable.
Getting into the cockpit, you are likely to be shocked by the amount of tech you will find inside. Despite being a piston-engined aircraft, the cockpit hosts advanced avionics, including colorful MFD screens and a fully working HUD.
As a heavily armed trainer, this aircraft allows various playing modes in both single and multiplayer configurations. If you are new to flying altogether, you can find a friend with the mod on the server and he can take the instructor seat behind you to help ease you into learning how to fly.
After you get your training down and start to get comfortable with the aircraft, you are ready for some ground pounding. For this purpose the Super Tucano can host a wide variety of armaments, ranging all the way from laser-guided hellfire missiles to bombs, rockets, and guns.
Arm your favorite loadout and go nuts.
Why the A-29B Super Tucano is fun:
Experience the best of both worlds. The Super Tucano merges the latest in avionics and technology with the friendly stutter and forgiving flight characteristics of a piston-engined aircraft.
New to flying? Find a friend on a server and have him instruct you on how to fly from the back seat.
Loadout with highly advanced precision weapons and pursue your enemies with a vengeance.
Enjoy a highly developed flight model and a clickable cockpit - all for free.
Get the A-29 Super Tucano here.
18. DCS: Supercarrier (39.99 USD)
This mod lets you perform carrier-borne operations.
W.E.C Campaign: DAY 1 Busy Carrier Operations | DCS WORLD
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is the apex of power projection. Whether it is Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or elsewhere, this class of carrier has been at the center of all overseas deployments of American forces in recent history.
Powered by not one, but two nuclear reactors, these carriers are in effect floating cities. Home to 6,000 crew and airmen, these mountain-sized monstrosities can support the operations of up to 90 aircraft.
Naturally, these aircraft include the venerable F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet, but they also include the E-2C Hawkeye early warning aircraft, the S-3 Viking ASW and tanker aircraft, and a host of other fixed and rotary-wing planes.
Included as part of the mod are five ships of the Nimitz-class: the Theodore Roosevelt, the Abraham Lincoln, the George Washington, the John C. Stennis, and the Harry S. Truman.
Also included in the mod are the Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer and the Russian Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, along with its complement of Su-33 Flanker Ds.
All-in-all, this mod is set to have you ready to conduct carrier-borne operations in style. It goes without saying that this mod should be paired with the official DCS F/A-18 module and perhaps the T-45 Goshawk. The latter is not necessary, but it is free and will certainly make the transition to carrier landings easier to get right.
Why DCS: Supercarrier is fun:
Bored of taking off from and landing on dusty runways. Want to travel the world while fighting the enemy? Take to the seas in a Nimitz-class supercarrier and experience carrier-borne operations in the high seas.
Engage in a range of missions and campaigns only accessible with this official mod and the Hornet.
Fine tune the art of carrier landing. Practice daytime landings in quiet seas at first and then progress to night time landings in rougher weather.
Face up against Russian naval aviation and go head-to-head with Russian flankers operating from the deck of the Kuznetsov. Or get the Su-33 mod and fly the flanker yourself, your choice.
19. DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign (13.99 USD)
Raven One combines a full-fledged Hornet campaign with immersive storytelling.
DCS: Raven One M01: Speed and Angels
Based on the book of the same title, this campaign merges the excitement of the technothriller genre with the wonderful adventure of piloting a Hornet. Throughout the development of this campaign, expert advice was sought from retired US Navy Hornet pilots.
If you are a fan of the book and a little hesitant about having it turned into a game—don’t worry, the missions in this campaign seek to faithfully restore the events outlined in the book. Even better, extra sorties were added which were not in the original novel.
Altogether, players have access to 15 playable missions with voice-overs by 50 actors. The effect is magnificent and brings the book's pages to life.
AI has been improved for this campaign making AI opponents that much more formidable than the ones you would ordinarily encounter in DCS. Moreover, a limited save-game functionality is available as some missions are too long to be completed in one sitting.
Why the DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Campaign is fun:
Relive the events of the book and interact with all of the major characters from the original novel.
Enjoy 15 action-packed missions which closely follow the events described in the book.
Go on CAP, SEAD, Strike, and other mission types. Utilizes your Hornet to its fullest.
Go up against improved AI opponents and utilize the save-game functionality to play long missions over more than one sitting.
Get the Raven One campaign here.
Note, this mod requires the following official mods to be preinstalled:
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet
DCS: Supercarrier
DCS: Persian Gulf Map
20. DCS F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign (11.99 USD)
Fear the bones immerses players in a Tomcat campaign set in the 1980s.
'Fear the Bones!' - DCS F-14A Campaign - Mission 1 playthrough
It’s the 1980s and tensions are high. Trouble is brewing between the USA and the Soviet Union in the Black Sea after an accident involving an American vessel.
In order to support the delicate rescue operation, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has been sent to the region. You and the rest of your squadron, the VF-84 “Jolly Rogers”, represent the best-of-the-best in American naval aviation. You are also eager to get up there and “mix it up”—too eager in fact.
You and the rest of your squadron won’t have to wait long for action in this exciting campaign. Take part in Bear intercepts, CAP, escort and strike missions in this story-driven campaign that seeks to reawaken the spirit of the 1980s.
Merge combat flight realism with exciting plot lines and, as the saying goes, make your enemies “Fear the bones!”
Having said that, please also try to get your multi-million dollar aircraft back on deck in one piece.
Why the DCS: F/A-18C Fear the Bones Campaign is fun:
Rewind back to the 1980s and play the type of intercept and fleet air defense missions which the Tomcat was designed for.
Go up with your squadron, the Jolly Rogers, in 13 plot-driven missions.
Fly your Tomcat to its limits and enjoy a variety of mission types: CAP, intercepts, escorts, strikes, and more.
Enjoy realistic voice-overs and other sound effects.
Get the Fear the Bones campaign here.
Note, this mod requires the following official mods to be preinstalled:
- DCS: F-14 Tomcat
- DCS: Supercarrier