10 PvE Vesper Of Shatters

This build can really change how you approach your Warlocks’ combat. The rift ability now has the ability to freeze your surrounding enemies before shattering them into frozen shards. The room-clearing skill works when a rift is paired with Vesper of Radius. When paired, Frostpulse and Iceflare Bolt Aspects obtained and equipped with this build become an enemy wreaking machine. Invest heavily in recovery so that every 40 to 50 seconds, you will be able to cast your rift skill and freeze your enemies. This build is excellent for Gambit, Stikes, or just general PVE exploration.
What Vespers of Shatters Excels In
- Freeze’s hordes of enemies in their tracks then destroy them.
- Those who are not destroyed take massive damage.
- Rift ability still heals or buffs your allies.
Full build details: Vesper of Shatter (VESPER OF RADIUS + FROSTPULSE = REALLY GOOD!?) Warlock PvE Build - Destiny 2
9 PvE: Attunement Of Control Stormcaller

This powerhouse damage dealing build is still relevant and maybe even more powerful now with the latest update. It lashes out with massive damage once the super is active, and better yet, with the right mods, it gathers energy quickly for aggressive players seeking to clear a room full of enemies. Tactically speaking, you are the tip of the spear expected to deal damage fast and clear the space as quickly as possible. You're going to need the crown of the tempest to make this one work.
What Attunement of Control Stormcaller Excels in
- Clears Rooms in seconds
- Collects energy quickly
- Each lighting kill generates light and adds to the Crown of Tempest for a fast super
Video Guide: The BEST PVE STORMCALLER WARLOCK BUILD in Destiny 2 Shadow Keep!
8 PvE: Starfire's Bloom

When used in the correct fashion, this build grants you really fast super. It is one of the best builds to focus on, especially since it requires an easy to obtain exotic and quick to find mods. The player who is engaging in combat sacrifices defense and focuses on offense to grant energy to his super. It’s a gamble that pays off quickly. It would be great when working as a team and having a Titan with void skills for defense.
What Starfire’s Bloom excels in
- Room Clearance
- Damage to mini-bosses and activities like Gambit and strikes
- Easy to obtain exotic and modifiers
Video Guide: INSANE Starfire Protocol Build! Yes... You Read That Correctly [Destiny 2 Shadowkeep]
7 PvE: Icarus Dawnblade

There is little this build does not excel at when it comes to combat. It grants energies quickly to grenades, and melee allowing each other to contribute energy to one another. It also builds up super energy very quickly. When it comes to damage output, this build is hard to top as you will find yourself damaging enemies from afar and building up power always. A good scout rifle is a must since you will be shooting at enemies from a safe distance.
What Icarus Dawnblade excels at
- Keeps player safe while dealing damage from afar
- Melee, grenade, and super energy is quickly collected.
- Once the energy is collected, the player will be dealing vast amounts of damage to the enemy.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hH0gX7uCSY&ab_channel=Apathettic
6 PvE: Support Dawnblade

This build is genuinely a switch in gears but promotes dedicated teamwork. The role of the Warlock is to supply buffs and heals to their fireteam. This means that they will need to work closely with their teammates and match skills like the Titans bubble or the Hunters invisibility skill. The main feature is to gain rift energy fast and often help the team face wave after wave of enemies. Especially useful in gambit and strikes.
What Support Dawnblade Excels at
- Buffs and Heals teammates
- Quick energy to the rift and his skills
- The player should hold back till the right moment to unleash rift. Suited for more defensive players
Video Guide: Destiny 2 - Best DPS Warlock Build (Destiny 2 Worthy Best Warlock Build For PvE)
5 PvP: Lumina's Grace

The closest thing to a cleric class you can find in Destiny 2. The build requires Luminas grace so that you can shoot your fireteam with health. The build requires the proper rift ability for healing, and you are suddenly the white mage of the group. Cast rift quickly runs and gun but be aware your damage output will be low, so lean on your team for the required damage that will be needed.
What Luminas Grace excels at
- Healing, you are the lifeline of the fireteam.
- Quick energy to rift abilities
- Focus on regeneration for the
Video Guide: Destiny 2 - Phoenix Protocol Warlock PVE build (Healer/Support with Lumina and Attunement of Grace)
4 PvP: Grenadier Stormcaller

This build is for skilled, aggressive players that are not afraid to take a little damage. The Warlock collects energy that is focused on grenade generation. This is accomplished by the use of the right mod and two exotics. The sudden increase in power finds the player tossing grenades left and right at a highs speed; the Warlock is suddenly a demolition expert as kill after a kill increases his grenade bar.
What Grenadier Stormcaller Excels at
- Quick energy to grenades
- Super energy charges close second.
- It requires two exotics but makes a great combination.
- Easy to find mods
Video Guide: Unlimited Storm Grenade! | Warlock Build PvP | Destiny 2
3 PvP: Corruption

The dark build that makes a warlock a soul-devouring wraith. The use of Thorn continuously drains enemies hit with its soul-devouring rounds. At the same time, Necrotic Grips does a similar feat through melee damage. It is the direct, and opposite reflection of Lumina build. The player should shoulder the burden of the damage dealer, even being a front-line fighter.
What Corruption excels at
- Dealing Damage
- Great for aggressive play
- Necrotic grip poisons enemies that in turn poison other enemies
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5frdIDm2FyI&ab_channel=Aztecross
2 Pvp: Icarus Skate

Stick and move. If you a fan of the old boxing quote, then you're in luck. Warlocks have a particular build featuring an exotic that allows them to skate through the fight. This build makes the player agile, mobile and hostile. It also charges up super ability faster, so it is an excellent feature for more aggressive playstyles. It can also be used to lure enemies in PVE, drawing them to your awaiting fireteam.
What Icarus Skate excels at
- Speed combat and agility
- Front line combat
- Great to draw out the enemy
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hH0gX7uCSY&ab_channel=Apathettic
1 Unlimited Void

This soul-devouring build requires some work, but its most potent makes the Warlock a powerhouse in PVP and PVE. This void monstrosity devours enemy health and uses it to regenerate and heal itself. The energy collected is then focused on building a steady stream of grenades and super energy. It is an old build but quite influential in the new season.
What Unlimited Void excels at
- Requires one exotic.
- Great area of effect damage.
- Regenerate's health quickly.
- Mods are now a little harder to obtain, requiring more time to get.
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTxk3tT9dU&t=123s
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