![[Top 10] D&D Best Warlock Feats That Are Excellent Best D&D Warlock Feats](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-10/best-warlock-feats-0.jpg.webp?itok=eo6SLID0)
Warlocks! What a great class. So much versatility, so much roleplay potential, and so many fun features! But how to maximize your time as a pact-bearer? Try one (or more!) of the following feats.
10. Actor
An actor poses on stage. Art By Zezhou Chen.
Source: Player's Handbook
- Skilled at mimicry and dramatics, you gain the following benefits:
- Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You have an advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.
- You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
Before we get into mechanical stuff, let’s talk roleplay.
Warlocks are CHA based, so you’ll often find yourself playing party face. But also, your magic comes from a (usually dark and tricky) agreement with someone powerful. So you’re probably not trying to do good by everyone.
This is where a feat like Actor can really shine. First of all, it boosts your CHA +1, which is the basis of your spellcasting. Amazing!
Secondly, you’ll be really good at pretending to be somebody else. Between advantage on the related checks, and the ability to mimic speech and noises, you’re golden!
Add on top of that the Mask of Many Faces - aka Warlock Disguise Self - and you may as well be a perfect shapeshifter.
Now go cause mischief in the name of your patron!
Why Actor Is Great For Warlock:
- Be anybody: Mask of many faces + mimicry + adv on the checks = perfection
- CHA boost = Spellcasting boost. Always good.
- Tricksy Warlockses: Warlock characters are typically charming but twisted. This feat covers that perfectly.
9. Great Weapon Master
Ready for battle with a magic sword. Art By WojtekFus.
Source: Player's Handbook
- You've learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits:
- On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
- Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.
This feat is particularly good for hexblade warlocks. Hexblades are all about being a melee-fighter warlock. This feat essentially gives your fighter-ness a power up.
Any chance to make an extra attack is already great, of course. Attacking is the whole point of being a fighting character!
The Hexblade warlock gets an ability (from first level!) called Hexblade’s Curse. This allows you to target an enemy to be extra bad for them. One of the ways you get extra bad (good) is by getting a critical hit on a 19 or a 20, instead of just 20. This pairs delectably with the first ability of this feat.
Plus, warlocks have lots of ways to get advantage on their attacks. Devil’s sight, for example, gives you the ability to see in magical darkness. Pair this with the darkness spell (either from you or from a teammate) and bam! Advantage on your attacks.
This advantage is necessary to make the -5 penalty worthwhile. It can be a little complex to pull off sometimes, but if you can, it’s so worth the extra damage - especially at lower levels.
Why Great Weapon Master Is Great For Warlock:
- Optimized Criticals: Hexblade curse makes 19-20 = crit. More crits = more attacks = more crits = more attacks…..
- More damage: Lots of ways to get advantage! Though roundabout, helping counteract the -5
- Heavy pact of the Blade is just badass. Making a greatsword appear from nothing? So cool.
8. Telekinetic
Floating with magical mind powers. Art by Pete Venters.
Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
- You learn to move things with your mind, granting you the following benefits:
- Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You learn the mage hand cantrip. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell, its range increases by 30 feet when you cast it. Its spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.
- As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the score increased by this feat) or be moved 5 feet toward or away from you. A creature can willingly fail this save.
This feat is the beginning of our technical list. From here on out, we’re talking about warlock optimization.
Telekinetic is a small one, and honestly could be replaced by any feat that utilizes bonus actions and enhanced CHA.
I’ll talk about this more when we talk about specific spells and invocations. But the main issue facing warlocks is resource management. With only 2-4 spell slots, you’re gonna wanna make the most of what you’ve got.
For this reason, giving your bonus action more things to do is very helpful! In this case, use it to break grapple on an ally, or move an opponent to a better spot.
Plus, you get another cantrip - in this case, mage hand, which is very useful! More cantrips = more things to do when you’re out of spells (or want to save them).
Finally, that +1 CHA is *always* great, since CHA is your spellcasting modifier.
Why Telekinetic Is Great For Warlock:
- More action economy options (via spell-slot-less bonus actions, and more cantrips)!
- Tactical positioning! Help your friends, hurt your enemies, alley-oop!
- Enhanced Charisma. It’s your spellcasting ability. Need I say more??
7. Metamagic Adept
Magic that affects magic - whoa. Art by Kieran Yanner.
Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
- Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
- You've learned how to exert your will on your spells to alter how they function:
- You learn two Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise. Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options with another one from the sorcerer class.
- You gain 2 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any sorcery points you have from another source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.
If you’ve read any of my articles about feats for magic users, you know I love this one. You get to take the core feature from sorcerer and use it to enhance your own magic!
With warlocks, you only have 2-4 spell slots to use. Yes you get them back on a short rest, but still - it’s not a lot! So you want to make them worthwhile.
There are three great options in metamagic for this.
Extended Spell makes your spells last longer. Should be a given that this is great for making your spell slots worth it, if the spell goes for longer than usual!
Transmuted Spell changes the damage type of your spell. Say you’re fighting an enemy that’s resistant to the lightning of your witch bolt. Spend a sorcery point and make it poison (or fire, or cold, etc etc) instead!
Seeking Spell is a bit pricey since you’re using 2 points. But it can be worth it when you use it on one of your TWO spells this combat. Basically, if you miss the attack, you get to try again.
Nothing worse than missing half your spell attacks (1 out of 2)! Now you have a chance to turn that around.
Why Metamagic Adept Is Great For Warlock:
- Extended Spell: Make the most of the limited spell slots by making your spells last longer
- Transmuted Spell: Do more damage with your spells by making sure they don’t get resisted
- Seeking Spell: Make sure your spells hit. Or at least give them a better chance to.
6. Inspiring Leader
A leader smiles on her people as she guides them to health and prosperity. Art by Eric Deschamps.
Source: Player's Handbook
- Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher
- You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature can gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. A creature can't gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.
Okay, so we know that you want to make the most of your spells. What about your invocations?
If you don’t already know, eldritch invocations are essentially bonus spells and abilities! Basically these are warlock-only options (mostly), which give you more stuff you can do, without spending spell slots.
It should be obvious that optimizing your invocations should be a pretty high priority. We do this with feats by taking feats that negate other invocations. This essentially gives you free extra invocations!
Inspiring Leader is great for this reason. With it we’re negating “fiendish vigor”, an invocation that heals.
On top of this, the feat utilizes your CHA for the heal, which should be your highest ability score.
Finally, you can cast this heal on up to 6 creatures! Fiendish vigor is limited to yourself.
Why Inspiring Leader Is Great For Warlock:
- Optimized Invocations: Negating Fiendish Vigor means you can take other invocations instead. Basically you’re getting free invocations!
- You’re already charismatic. Why not use your good looks to literally heal your friends?
- Don’t be selfish! Heal yourself *and* your friends!
5. Spell Sniper
Just when they thought they were safe, you freeze them from way further away than they knew was possible. Art by Kim Sokol.
Source: Player's Handbook
- Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
- You have learned techniques to enhance your attacks with certain kinds of spells, gaining the following benefits:
- When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell's range is doubled.
- Your ranged spell attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
- You learn one cantrip that requires an attack roll. Choose the cantrip from the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip depends on the spell list you chose from: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, and warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.
Back to spell enhancement- this one is basically a perma-boost on your ranged spell attacks. Warlocks have quite a few of these. Plus you have Eldritch Blast and Witch bolt right from the get go.
So why not make it so you can cast those more often? Double the range, ignore most cover, make those deadly spells deadlier.
By the way, this is actually a two-fer-one, since the invocation Eldritch Spear does a very similar thing with your eldritch blast. So you get more invocation options, *and* it applies to every ranged spell attack - not just ol’ Blasty.
Plus, you get a free cantrip. More cantrips = more options, which is exactly what we’re looking for as a warlock.
Why Spell Sniper Is Great For Warlock:
- Better Blasting: Reach more places with your Eldritch Blast (and Beyond!)
- Optimized Invocations: Negates Eldritch Spear, more invocation options for you!
- Free Cantrip: helps with those pesky limited spell slots.
4. War Caster
Spells in battle just got so much better. Art by Manuel Castañón.
Source: Player's Handbook
- Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
- You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:
- You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
- You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
- When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.
Okay, so you’ve cast a spell. It’s concentration. It’s somewhere between a quarter to a half of your total slots. Worth it!
Until….you get hit with a dagger. A dagger! A puny little 1d4 dagger! But you took damage, so you gotta roll now to find out if your spell stays up.
Roll that save with advantage, babeeey! War Caster coming in clutch, don’t let that spell go to waste!
Or maybe now’s the *perfect* time to cast a spell you’ve been saving a slot for all day, but - ope! Your hands are full. Shouldn’t have grabbed that huge pile of loot.
What do you do? Drop the treasure to cast the spell? Keep the treasure and don’t cast it? No! Keep the treasure! Cast the spell! War Caster BABYYYYYY
Oh, and did I mention we’re negating *another* invocation here!? Getouttahere ya silly Eldritch Mind! Leave some room for the rest of us invocations!
Why War Caster Is Great For Warlock:
- Protect your limited spell slots - don’t lose concentration just cause you got hit! That’s half your total spells gone for nothing!
- Cast the spell you’ve been saving, even when your hands are full!
- Eldritch mind: Negated! Other invocations:Come to papa!
3. Lucky
She's so freaking lucky to be alive rn. Art by Robert Bevan.
Source: Player's Handbook
- You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.
- You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
- You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20 and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours.
- If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.
- You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest.
Alright, quick break from the spell slot / invocation optimization. Lucky is a classic. It’s applicable to everyone, every class, almost every time.
Why? Because essentially you’re giving yourself advantage 3 times a day. Whaaaaaaaaaat?
I know. Just a great feat! Rolls are the foundation of D&D, and free advantage 3 times is incredible.
Plus, you can use it for optimization! (I lied before when I said we were taking a break from it). (Sorry not sorry).
Spells and invocations often utilize rolls too! (given that they’re a part of D&D :P ). So, Lucky isn’t just a great overall boost. It’s also a great way to help effectively use your limited resources!
Plus, you’re probably not a beefy boi as a warlock. That good ol’ d8 hit dice and only medium armor isn’t terrible, of course. But ya ain’t exactly a tank, neither. So, the occasional hit-turned-miss against you is a nice little bonus.
Why Lucky Is Great For Warlock:
- Boost your eldritch invocations!
- Use it to ensure your spells aren’t wasted!
- Stay alive! (insert Bee Gees).
2. Eldritch Adept
The Eldritch Arts aren't for the faint of heart. Art by Jason A. Engle.
Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
- Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
- Studying occult lore, you have unlocked eldritch power within yourself: you learn one Eldritch Invocation option of your choice from the warlock class. If the invocation has a prerequisite, you can choose that invocation only if you're a warlock and only if you meet the prerequisite.
- Whenever you gain a level, you can replace the invocation with another one from the warlock class.
Alright. This one may seem redundant. “We already get invocations!” I can hear you say. “I’m already adept and eldritch!”
Yes yes. But you who are saying this have not read my article. Not actually. (I see you, skimmers! It’s okay, I forgive you).
As I’ve said, your invocations are huge for rounding out your abilities as a warlock. And so it’s important to get as many of them as possible. (Or get abilities which negate them!).
So -take this feat, and have a free extra invocation! Amazing.
Plus you can replace it on level up! Warlocks already can replace one invocation per level up. Now you get to replace two (as long as one of the two is this one)!
Plus, since you’re a warlock, you get to use this feat to access invocations that have pre-reqs. (if you meet the pre-req of course).
So no. This feat is not redundant . Quite the opposite. This feat is great if you’re a warlock!
Why Eldritch Adept Is Great For Warlock:
- Extra Eldritch Invocation! Yes yes yes!
- Replace on Level Up: Two invocations replaced means extra-adaptable to changes!
- Access to more: if you weren’t a warlock, those pre-reqs would stop you. Lucky you- you’re a warlock!
1. Fey Touched
The Feywild is oh so lovely, and oh so deadly. Art by Iris Compiet.
Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
- Your exposure to the Feywild's magic has changed you, granting you the following benefits:
- Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You learn the Misty Step spell and one 1st-level spell of your choice. The 1st-level spell must be from the Divination or Enchantment school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.
Okay. The ultimate warlock feat.
For starters, get yerself that CHA boost. What a great start!
Now, take Misty Step, and one other 1st level spell! Woohoo, extra versatility!
But now, the ultimate ability: Cast these two spells…..WITHOUT USING A SPELL SLOT! WHAT?! Did you just basically gain TWO SPELL SLOTS?
Yes. Yes you did.
Now, I know that they reset on a long rest. And warlock spell slots reset on a short rest. So it’s not *exactly* like doubling your spells cast per day.
Even if you take 3 short rests per day with 4 spell slots, that’s still 14 spells instead of 12!
Not to mention that Misty step is great - teleportation is so warlock-y. Plus divination and enchantment spells tend to fit with warlock vibes in general!
This feat is just Win Win Win!
Why Fey Touched Is Great For Warlock:
- 2 free spells: Misty step and one other. Misty Step is great. Divination and Enchantment spells are great for warlock.
- 2 Free Extra Spell Slots??? For a Warlock???? C’mon now.
- CHA +1 to top it all off!