Multiclassing is one of the best options unless you want to play vanilla D&D. You can select many different types of classes and combine them for optimal gameplay. Optimal gameplay doesn’t mean min-maxing but making your character better than what you hope to be. While there are lots of fun multiclass that make zero sense, some of them are very fun to play, especially the infamous Bardbarian.
There are lots of advantages in Multiclassing. For example, you will be able to use weapons and armor restricted to that class, the Holy Avenger can only be attuned by a Divine Champion or a Paladin. Other than that, if you are a spellcaster, you can get that class's spell list. In the previous editions, Multiclassing was quite essential but in the 5th edition, it became optional as Prestige classes were replaced with Sub-classes.
5. Fighter - Champion / Rogue - Swashbuckler

But why’s the rum gone?!
So, arrrr you ready for the Champion Swashbuckler multiclass? Well, it is basically a bloody pirate! So get ready to jump into the seven seas and start pirating or if you want pirate hunting!
This multiclass is quite powerful, it takes the best abilities of Rogue and Fighter. I would recommend going a Dexterity character for this build and 3 levels in Figher to get a Critical hit chance to 19-20 and rest Swashbuckler. Since a critical hit doubles all damage, the sneak attack will be doubled as well. Allowing you to do a lot of damage with a single hit. Action Surge allows you to do many attacks plus Second Wind allows you to heal yourself if the enemy lands a hit on you but it will be too hard. Why? Because Swashbucklers love to hit and run, so you get close to the enemy, attack, and retreat without caring about getting hit back.
The Swashbuckler and Champion multiclass is quite fun to play, why? Because you are basically jumping around, stabbing people, and running away without retaliation. The enemy will hate you and most likely target you with their wizard because their front-line defenders or attackers won’t be able to catch you up. You can always distract the enemy with your mockery of their fighting skills and make the enemy rage.
Swashbuckler allows the players to be sneaky and challenging but the Champion allows them to wear heavy armor. So as you mix both of them, you end up with bonuses for both classes. Just don’t try to sneak in a Full Plate Armor.
Build Details:
I would recommend going for Fighter 3 and Champion as Sub-class for Improved Critical, Action Surge, and Second Wind and rest Swashbuckler. I would go for the Dexterity build and Human Variant for a bonus feat named Piercer for more damage with your Pierce type of weapon, Rapier is recommended. You might want to get the Duelist with Defense or Two-Weapon Fighting style for maximum damage.
Fighter (Champion) 5 / Rogue (Swashbuckler) 15
Fighter (Champion) Levels:
- Level 1 (Fighter): Class Features: Fighting Style (Dueling for increased damage with one-handed weapons or Two-Weapon Fighting for dual-wielding).
- Second Wind: Bonus action self-healing in combat.
- Level 2 (Fighter): Action Surge: Additional action in a turn.
- Level 3 (Fighter): Champion Archetype Features: Improved Critical (crit on a 19-20).
- Level 4 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity for improved attack rolls and damage.
- Level 5 (Fighter): Extra Attack: You can now make two attacks when taking the Attack action.
Rogue (Swashbuckler) Levels:
- Level 6 (Rogue): Class Features: Expertise (choose two skills to gain double proficiency), Sneak Attack (3d6).
- Swashbuckler Archetype Features: Fancy Footwork (no opportunity attacks when making a melee attack against a creature).
- Level 7 (Rogue): Class Features: Evasion (take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw).
- Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC.
- Level 8 (Rogue): Swashbuckler Archetype Features: Rakish Audacity (add your Charisma modifier to initiative rolls, no advantage for enemies when making Sneak Attacks in 1v1 situations).
- Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat like "Alert" for the improved initiative.
- Level 9 (Rogue): Class Features: Panache (charm a creature into not attacking you for one minute).
- Level 10 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 11 (Rogue): Class Features: Reliable Talent (minimum roll of 10 on skill checks you are proficient in).
- Level 12 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat like "Defensive Duelist" for added protection against enemy attacks.
- Level 13 (Rogue): Class Features: Elegant Maneuver (Use a bonus action to gain advantage on Acrobatics or Athletics checks).
- Level 14 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat like "Mobile" for improved mobility.
- Level 15 (Rogue): Class Features: Blindsense (aware of the location of invisible creatures within 10 feet).
- Level 16 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 17 (Rogue): Class Features: Slippery Mind (gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws).
- Level 18 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat like "Tough" for additional hit points.
- Level 19 (Rogue): Class Features: Elusive (no advantage for attackers when you're hidden).
- Level 20 (Rogue): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity or take a feat based on your preferences.
4. Fighter - Battle Master / Bard - College of Valor
“Let me save the day but first allow me to be dashingly handsome for a moment and pose!”
Are you ready to become a glorious Bard and a fearsome Battle Master? Look no more, you will look dashingly handsome when you are eliminating your enemies!
Bards have lots of advantages and abilities that are limited to spellcasting most of the time, but with a mix of the Battle Master combat abilities, they become an unstoppable force. I would recommend focusing on Strength to do high damage and Charisma as the secondary stat. Also, since you have fighter abilities, you can wear heavy armor while you beat your enemies with a greatsword.
College of Valor Bards are simply awesome and fun to play, mixing it with the Fighter Battlemaster makes it double the fun. You can use it to support your friends, mock enemies, and increase your damage with deadly attacks. Imagine annoying your enemies with the Vicious Mockery spell in a full plate. They can’t even hit you in it.
Fighter Battle Master and Bard College of Valor are mixed for many reasons. One, you can wear one of the best armors in the game, the Adamantine Full Plate. Disarm your enemies with Battle Maneuvers and distract them with spells.
Build Details:
I would suggest giving 5 levels to Fighter Battle Master so you can get Action Surge, Second Wind, and Second Attack to increase your attack numbers and therefore more damage. The rest can be divided between Fighter and Bard, College of Valor. If you want a more Fighter-like build, get Fighter to level 7. Magic Secrets you get on the 10th level allow you to cast different types of spells, who knows maybe you will want to increase your spellcasting with an Eldrich Blast.
Fighter (Battle Master) 7 / Bard (College of Valor) 13
Fighter (Battle Master) Levels:
- Level 1 (Fighter): Class Features: Fighting Style (Dueling for increased damage with one-handed weapons or Two-Weapon Fighting for dual-wielding), Second Wind (bonus action self-healing).
- Level 2 (Fighter): Action Surge: Additional action in a turn.
- Level 3 (Fighter): Battle Master Archetype Features: Choose maneuvers such as Precision Attack, Trip Attack, and Riposte for tactical combat options.
Student of War: Gain proficiency with a set of artisans’ tools.
- Level 4 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity for improved attack rolls and damage.
- Level 5 (Fighter): Extra Attack: You can now make two attacks when taking the Attack action.
- Level 6 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity, or take a feat like "Shield Master" for added defense.
- Level 7 (Fighter): Battle Master Archetype Features: Know Your Enemy (gather information about a creature's capabilities).
- Bard (College of Valor) Levels:
- Level 8 (Bard): Class Features: Spellcasting (learn spells like Healing Word, Faerie Fire, and Dissonant Whispers).
- Bardic Inspiration: Bonus to an ally's ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
- Combat Inspiration: Add the inspiration die to damage rolls.
- Level 9 (Bard): Class Features: Extra Attack (from the College of Valor).
- Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma for better spellcasting and Bardic Inspiration.
- Level 10 (Bard): Expertise: Choose two skills to gain double proficiency.
- Level 11 (Bard): Class Features: Countercharm (grant allies an advantage against being frightened or charmed).
- Level 12 (Bard): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 13 (Bard): Class Features: Battle Magic (cast a cantrip and make a weapon attack as a bonus action).
- Level 14 (Bard): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 15 (Bard): Class Features: Superior Inspiration (Bardic Inspiration dice become d12).
- Level 16 (Bard): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 17 (Bard): Class Features: Battle Magic Improvement (cast a spell and make a weapon attack as a bonus action).
- Level 18 (Bard): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 19 (Bard): Class Features: Magical Secrets (choose two spells from any class).
- Level 20 (Bard): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma or take a feat based on your preferences.
3. Fighter - Eldritch Knight / Paladin - Oath of Vengeance
At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, At last, we will have our revenge!
Combining Eldritch Knight and Oath of Vengeance Paladin can create many options some are considered to be unnatural. They are the War Casters who destroy their enemies with smite and get many other spells with the Eldritch Knight.
Oath of Vengeance Paladins combined with Eldritch Knight becomes a mighty combatant. And combining it with the spell versatility of the Eldritch Knight opens many paths. You can use burst damage with the Eldritch Knight abilities on your smites. If you want an insane amount of damage with criticals, you may want this multiclass.
If you want your character to have a shady or dark background, you may want the Oath of Vengeance to create a quite dark background. You may be the sole survivor of a knightly order which later becomes the sword of Vengeance. And you will have a reason to sit back and relax at a bar, not just bother with every single thing like a regular Paladin.
Many attacks that you get with the Eldritch Knight allow you to get more smite opportunities. You will be a force of nature with this build. It is great to be the sword of Vengeance and take revenge on your sworn enemies. Chase Justice and force the evil to submit, it is your choice.
Build Details:
I would recommend a Dragonborn for this build with a greatsword added for maximum damage. Adding the haunted one or knight background will be great for this build. Get Great Weapon Master and add the damage to your smites, and War Caster so you don’t lose your concentration while fighting close range. Resilient and Tough Feats are also an option if you want to go for a more defensive combatant.
Fighter (Eldritch Knight) 7 / Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) 13
Fighter (Eldritch Knight) Levels:
- Level 1 (Fighter): Class Features: Fighting Style (Defense for increased AC), Second Wind (bonus action self-healing), and proficiency in heavy armor.
- Level 2 (Fighter): Action Surge: Additional action in a turn.
- Level 3 (Fighter): Eldritch Knight Archetype Features: Spellcasting (learn spells like Shield, Mage Hand, and other abjuration/evocation spells).
- Level 4 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity for better attack rolls and damage.
- Level 5 (Fighter): Extra Attack: You can now make two attacks when taking the Attack action.
- Level 6 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity, or take a feat like "War Caster" for improved concentration.
- Level 7 (Fighter): Eldritch Knight Archetype Features: War Magic (bonus action attack after casting a cantrip).
Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) Levels:
- Level 8 (Paladin): Class Features: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style (choose another or take Defense for consistent AC).
- Spellcasting: Learn spells like Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, and Wrathful Smite.
- Level 9 (Paladin): Class Features: Divine Smite (extra damage on melee attacks using spell slots), Divine Health (immunity to disease).
- Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma for improved attacks and spellcasting.
- Level 10 (Paladin): Oath of Vengeance Features: Vow of Enmity (gain advantage on attacks against a target), Relentless Avenger (make an opportunity attack when a creature hits your allies).
- Level 11 (Paladin): Class Features: Improved Divine Smite (additional damage on melee attacks).
- Level 12 (Paladin): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma, or take a feat like "Resilient" (Constitution) for improved concentration.
- Level 13 (Paladin): Oath of Vengeance Features: Emissary of Redemption (damage reduction when hit by creatures).
- Level 14 (Paladin): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 15 (Paladin): Class Features: Cleansing Touch (remove magical effects on yourself or others).
- Level 16 (Paladin): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 17 (Paladin): Oath of Vengeance Features: Soul of Vengeance (teleport to a target you can see and make an attack).
- Level 18 (Paladin): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 19 (Paladin): Class Features: Aura of Courage (immune to fear, grant allies within 10 feet the same immunity).
- Level 20 (Paladin): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Charisma, or take a feat based on your preferences.
2. Fighter - Samurai / Shadow Monk
So you wanted to have an anime protagonist? Go right ahead!
When you mix Samurai and Shadow Monk you literally get the background of the Demon Hanzo or his actual name, Hattori Hanzo. With the Master of the Spear and Ninjitsu mixed, you get one of the deadliest combinations in Dungeons and Dragons.
With the Way of the Shadow subclass, the monk becomes a deadly force. You can cast spells such as darkness like a spell-like ability and without components. And the combat advantages of the Samurai allow you to get many interesting abilities. Also, Samurai’s special ability Elegant Courtier can be used to boost your Persuasion checks, how? You will add your Wisdom ability to the rolls.
Lots of people will love to play as a wise and strong Samurai and add Ninjitsu abilities to it. You jump from shadow to shadow, cast spells, and if required fight your enemy honorably, if needed you can just assassinate them from a distance by throwing your spear at them.
Samurai and Shadow Monk are a very good combination because it is historically accurate. You can stay as an honorable medieval warrior or you can be a deadly assassin at the same time. You have versatility in this build.
Build Details:
I will recommend selecting a Half-Elf as a race for their immunity to sleep and charm, dark vision is very important to counter your darkness spell. 5 levels on Fighter will get you the secondary attack, and that’s all you need from the Samurai. The mobile feat will save your life as you need to move from place to place a lot with this build. Remember to focus on your Dexterity and Wisdom.
Fighter (Samurai) 7 / Monk (Way of the Shadow) 13
Fighter (Samurai) Levels:
- Level 1 (Fighter): Class Features: Fighting Style (choose Dueling for increased damage with a one-handed weapon), Second Wind (bonus action self-healing), and proficiency in medium armor.
- Samurai Archetype Features: Fighting Spirit (grant advantage on weapon attack rolls and temporary hit points).
- Level 2 (Fighter): Action Surge: Additional action in a turn.
- Level 3 (Fighter): Samurai Archetype Features: Bonus Proficiency (gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws).
- Level 4 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity for better attack rolls and damage.
- Level 5 (Fighter): Extra Attack: You can now make two attacks when taking the Attack action.
- Level 6 (Fighter): Samurai Archetype Features: Strength before Death (fight on when reduced to 0 hit points).
- Level 7 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity, or take a feat based on your preferences.
Monk (Way of the Shadow) Levels:
Level 8 (Monk): Class Features: Unarmored Defense (AC increases due to adding Dexterity and Wisdom), Martial Arts (Use Dexterity to do unarmed attacks.)
Ki Points: Begin your training in monk abilities.
- Level 9 (Monk): Class Features: Shadow Arts (Ki points can be used to cast darkness and pass without trace spells).
- Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC.
- Level 10 (Monk): Ki Points: Gain additional ki points for more monk abilities.
- Shadow Step: Teleport from one shadow to another as a bonus action.
- Level 11 (Monk): Class Features: Cloak of Shadows (become invisible in dim light or darkness as a bonus action).
- Level 12 (Monk): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 13 (Monk): Class Features: Shadow Step Improvement (teleport as a bonus action between shadows within 120 feet).
- Level 14 (Monk): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 15 (Monk): Class Features: Opportunist (make a melee attack as a reaction when a creature is hit by an attack from another).
- Level 16 (Monk): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 17 (Monk): Class Features: Cloak of Shadows Improvement (become invisible as a bonus action even in bright light).
- Level 18 (Monk): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC, or take a feat based on your preferences.
- Level 19 (Monk): Class Features: Empty Body (become incorporeal and gain resistance to all damage).
- Level 20 (Monk): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Dexterity for improved attack rolls and AC, or take a feat based on your preferences.
1. Fighter - Rune Knight / Sorcerer - Shadow Sorcery
Well, chaps! You wanted to have Geralt in Dungeons and Dragons, now you got it!
Geralt of Rivia is one of the most famous characters in the gaming community and lots of people want to play as a Witcher. Rune Knight and Shadow Sorcerers are the way to create him properly with his full potential.
You can blend the fighting abilities and prowess of the Rune Knight with the mysterious spells of the Shadow Sorcerer. Runes enhance your fighting capabilities and Sorcerer spells can increase your armor and abilities. If required you can send magic from your hands just like in the Witcher game.
You act tough and proficient like a Witcher, so it is quite fun to play. Being a bounty hunter or monster hunter will allow you to have a lot of fun. And since you also have a decent charisma score, you will be able to act like the team leader or the face of the team.
One of the key points of having Shadow Sorcery is you can teleport yourself without actually casting the spell. The Shadow Walk ability of the Shadow Sorcerer is unlocked through your levels so you will have a lot of interesting opinions to attack your enemies. You can also summon a shadow hound to be your partner. The Rune Knight will allow you to defend yourself and attack your enemies accordingly. Fire Rune allows you to defend yourself from fire and you deal fire damage to the enemy.
Build Details:
I will recommend Scourge Aasimar for this character for the +2 charisma bonus, the ability to see in the dark, and the wings. Background recommendations are Sage and Rune Carver. 7 levels in Rune Knight will allow you to get many abilities and new runes such as making your skin like a stone or having the ability to see the future. Heavy Armor, metamagic abilities, and Shadow focused spells will make you a dangerous foe to be challenged.
Fighter (Rune Knight) 7 / Sorcerer (Shadow Sorcery) 13
Fighter (Rune Knight) Levels:
- Level 1 (Fighter): Class Features: Fighting Style (choose Dueling or Great Weapon Fighting), Second Wind (bonus action self-healing).
- Level 2 (Fighter): Action Surge: Additional action in a turn.
- Level 3 (Fighter): Rune Knight Archetype Features: Choose the Giant Might runes, such as Hill Rune for bonus hit points or Frost Rune for bonus damage and slowing enemies.
- Level 4 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity for better attack rolls and damage.
- Level 5 (Fighter): Extra Attack: You can now make two attacks when taking the Attack action.
- Level 6 (Fighter): Rune Knight Archetype Features: Runic Shield (reaction to gain a +2 bonus to AC).
- Level 7 (Fighter): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Strength or Dexterity, or take a feat based on your preferences.
Sorcerer (Shadow Sorcery) Levels:
- Level 8 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Sorcerer's Spellcasting, Font of Magic (sorcery points), Metamagic (choose options like Quickened Spell or Twinned Spell).
- Shadow Sorcery Features: Eyes of the Dark (see-through magical darkness).
- Level 9 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Ability Score Improvement (increase Charisma for spellcasting).
- Level 10 (Sorcerer): Metamagic: Choose another Metamagic option.
- Level 11 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Hound of Ill Omen (summon a shadowy hound to harass enemies).
- Level 12 (Sorcerer): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma for improved spellcasting.
- Level 13 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Shadow Walk (teleport between shadows as a bonus action).
- Level 14 (Sorcerer): Metamagic: Choose another Metamagic option.
- Level 15 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Shadow Form (resistance to all damage except force and radiant while in dim light or darkness).
- Level 16 (Sorcerer): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma for improved spellcasting.
- Level 17 (Sorcerer): Metamagic: Choose another Metamagic option.
- Level 18 (Sorcerer): Class Features: Umbral Form (turn incorporeal for a minute).
- Level 19 (Sorcerer): Ability Score Improvement: Increase Charisma for improved spellcasting.
- Level 20 (Sorcerer): Sorcerous Restoration: Regain sorcery points when finishing a short rest.