What Legendary D&D weapons stand above the rest?
Magical items steeped in lore drive adventurers as they make their place in history. Legendary weapons call to those who would carry them for good or evil. There are scores of magical weapons in the realms, but only fate’s chosen few are amongst the greatest in history. Many of these weapons are sentient and telepathic, with personalities to be respected.
10. Blackrazor
Deviant Art user Mr.Dave's interpretation of Blackrazor
Blackrazor has been featured throughout D&D history, an homage to the Sword & Sorcery Novel series. It is depicted as a jet-black greatsword with points like stars adorning it. Legends conflict on the blade’s true nature and origin, save that it is a void forged in something of nothingness. An evil weapon, it compels its owner to feed it souls. These souls sustain the blade, fueling the benefits it bestows upon the bearer.
This wonderfully crafted greatsword requires attunement, which can be an arduous process. Blackrazor is manipulative and cunning, it will use you as it protects you. The dark forces within the blade make it a devastating weapon when fed. The wielder gains mental fortitude and combat prowess. If you fail to feed Blackrazor souls it will provoke a personal conflict with you, protesting your failures regularly until satisfied.
9. Moonblade
Moonblades are passed from family member to family member, with each generation adding it's power.
Moonblades were crafted by ancient Elven smiths whose methods have been lost to time. Named for both the moon elves who made them and the moonstones in the pommel, each blade gains power from each owner. A Moonblade is unique in nature and magical potency, reflective of the family to whom it belongs. A Moonblade is passed along the bloodlines of the one who first claimed it. Only family members of neutral good alignment and pure heart may wield these blades.
Upon choosing to bond with the blade, you endure the bladerite. A prospective wielder is judged against the character and power of previous wielders, with each new holder given a higher standard. If found unworthy, you become engulfed in a magical arcane fire. The Wielder of a Moonblade imbues the blade with some of their essence, and separating from the blade comes with deadly consequences. Should you survive the bladerite, you will hold a weapon of unique and unimaginable power.
8. Vorpal Sword
People tend to lose their heads for Vorpal Swords.
Vorpal Swords have been an easter egg in D&D since the beginning. They are named for the vorpal swords in Lewis Carrol’s Jabberwocky. You can find them in any size and shape as long as they slash. Each sword is a powerful and rare weapon, difficult to make or even comprehend.
Vorpal swords are weapons of supreme power, granting a +3 benefit to hit and to damage. Additionally, Vorpal swords are so very sharp that they ignore resistances. Any critical hit against a creature with a head beheads said creature. If that creature needed that head, it dies immediately. Beware overconfidence if you face a creature that is too large, immune to slashing damage, legendary themselves or doesn’t need a head.
7. Whelm
An ancient and powerful hammer whose power comes at a terrible price.
Whelm is one of three weapons from the original White Plume Mountain dungeon. It is a Warhammer of dwarven make that bestows severe agoraphobia upon you. At the first dawn after the first attack you make with this weapon, you gain disadvantage on rolls in view of the daylit sky. The cost is well worth it to the wise adventurer, as you can work around the drawbacks and still take advantage of the great magic available to you.
Whelm can be thrown and will do extra damage to giants. Upon being thrown it will fly back to you, or land at your feet if your hands are full. A mighty shockwave can be sent along the ground with Whelm once per day. The weapon grants the wielder a supernatural ability to perceive hidden doors as well as the ability to cast Detect Evil and Good and Locate Object. The hammer is sentient and will cause conflict if you fail to kill giants and goblinoids or to protect dwarves
6. Hazirawn
An ancient blade given new purpose in the Cult of the Dragon.
An enchanted dark greatsword of Netherse design, Hazirawn was wielded by Rezmir in Tyranny of Dragons. It courses with necrotic magic and has a personality of its own. Rezmir used the blade in her quest to bring Tiamat to the realms and create a draconic empire. She failed her mission, through no fault of Hazirawn.
As one could expect from a Netherese blade, the weapon confers a number of magical abilities to the wielder. If you attune to it Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Magic and Detect Thoughts all become available once per day and refresh at midnight. Once attuned, the weapon’s power doubles in combat and gains the wounding property. In the right hands, this is one of the deadliest blades ever forged.
5. Dawnbringer
A haft of pure gold emitting a blade of pure light. Darkness, beware!
Crafted in an ancient empire whose name has been lost to history, Dawnbringer appears as a gilded hilt covered in inscriptions. Crafted by sun worshippers and lost to the Underdark, it is a sentient blade that spreads light. Dawnbringer has a kind personality and shows compassion to all but its wicked enemies. It is Neutral Good and will cause conflicts if you defy it..
The blade of pure light has the finesse property as long as it is materialized from the hilt. It deals radiant damage instead of the usual slashing and confers a +2 benefit in combat. Dawnbringer sheds a radius of sunlight whenever the blade is materialized. You may materialize and dissipate the blade as a bonus action. Who doesn’t want a giant golden lightsaber?
4. Hammer of Thunderbolts
The Legacy of a forlorne master-smith, this weapon gives a worthy wielder unparalled strength.
The Hammer of Thunderbolts was forged by a Dwarven smith as a gift for his son on a campaign. They fought a war against Giants and Ogres, which the smith hoped these weapons would turn for the better. His son was slain and in grief, the father donned the armor and weapon he had made for his son. He died a noble death in service of his kin.
You can only wield the hammer if you are wearing Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Belt of Ogre Strength. When attuned the weapon raises the cap on your strength to 30 and adds a +4 bonus to your strength score. This makes it on par with the best weapons in the game despite the given +1 in combat. Additionally when thrown the hammer can create a sonic boom, stunning everyone within 30 feet of the hit. A powerful weapon for ruthless warfare, there are few stronger forces in the realms.
3. Wave
Gar Shatterkeel wields Whelm through the depths, spreading sea worship.
A trident of unmatched power, Wave is perhaps the most powerful relic of White Plume Mountain. Engraved in the shaft are ornate sea motifs. Wave needs you to worship a sea god to wield it and will happily convert you. It demands that you spread sea worship as you wield it. A sentient weapon of extreme devotion, when Wave grows restless it sings sea shanties and ocean hymns.
Wave helps you command sea creatures. It grants water breathing and can similarly be used to create a cube of force. You can speak to sea creatures telepathically through Wave. A weapon of warning, it will tell you of impending danger. In combat, this trident has a +3 benefit and deals massive necrotic damage on criticals.
2. Holy Avenger
A Holy Avenger is a blade bestowed upon a paladin for exemplary righteousness. Many an evil an amoral collector of weapons view them as a grand prize for the same reason.
Holy Avengers are divine weapons forged for a paladin. They can be made out of any sword and are usually granted to divine champions of justice. You must be a paladin and attune to the weapon to unlock its blessed power. In addition to perfect quality, the weapon metes out extra damage to enemies of good and inspires righteousness in your allies.
Holy Avenger casts an aura that gives every ally in range advantage against spells. In addition to the benefits of added protection, the weapon has a +3 combat bonus. Fiends and Undead take massive extra damage when struck with this holy blade. This sword alone could lead a crusade into the underworld.
1. Luck Blade
Your wishes and dreams are a stroke of Luck away.
There is likely no weapon I would rather wield than this. A short sword favored by the rogues and risk-takers of the realms, it offers powers both subtle and grand. Not the least of these benefits is that the blade is relatively unassuming. However, anyone attuned to the blade gains uncanny luck.
The weapon only offers a +1 benefit in combat but offers powerful benefits to the wielder. Now that you are magically lucky, you may reroll a d20 once per day. The sword also has the power to cast the supremely powerful Wish spell. Although your number of wishes is finite, you can work with that if you’re clever. Power? Wealth? Life? What would you wish for?