![[Top 20] D&D Best Warlock Items, Armor, and Weapons D&D Best Warlock Items, Armor, and Weapons](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2024-04/5._top-20-best-warlock-items-headline_1.jpg.webp?itok=9t85UJ-K)
The warlock, my personal favorite class in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. This class allows you to gain the powers of magic through making a pact with a higher entity. This can be an Arch Fey, an eldritch being, a demon overlord, or a number of other powerful creatures. Warlocks tend to get a bad reputation as evil characters but that is not always the case. This idea comes from the idea that warlocks sell their soul in exchange for power but some warlocks simply are asked to do tasks in return for their patrons power. Warlocks are often under utilized because they have a limited number of spell slots but they recover their spells much faster than other casters do.
Warlocks have the potential to change your entire campaign whether you are playing one or playing against one. Sometimes it can be fun to lean into the evil side of things and warlocks allow for you to experience being a little bad.
What items are best for the warlock to use? Here’s a list of the Top 20 Items for your warlock:
20. Armor - Ring of Spell Storing

This small double finger golden ring holds spells that can then be used at any time without cost to the wearer. The ring may be found with spells already stored in it or it may be found empty. If it is found empty your caster can ready spells into the ring to then be used without consuming a spell slot again for it.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks have the least amount of spell slots among the caster classes, but can recover slots on a short rest. Meaning a warlock can use this ring to get more spells out than they normally would.
- Because warlocks recover spells on a short rest, they can store spells in the ring quicker than other casters can.
- If a warlock finds this ring with spells from a different kind of spell caster in it they can then have access to the spells that caster stored that they may not normally have access to.
Item Stats:
- Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Can hold up to 5 spells at a time, each spell can be of a different level
- Can only hold 1st - 5th level spells
- Spells stored remain in the ring until used
19. Armor - Ring of Protection

This is a small ring in the shape of a shield that once attuned to provides extra protection to the wearer. This ring does not count as wearing armor so any bonuses you may gain from not wearing armor remain.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks may not be the weakest of the caster classes but they do not traditionally have high armor classes, this adds an extra layer of protection to your warlock.
- Warlocks are not usually proficient in armors that provide significant boosts to their armor class, which means a ring that anyone can wear will not be something that your warlock is unable to use.
- This is an item that requires attunement and is useful in lower levels for warlocks as they don’t have many items they will need to attune to yet as as such it is not a waste of an attunement slot.
Item Stats:
- Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Adds a +1 to all saving throws and armor class
18. Armor - +3 Armor

This item an enchantment that can be placed on any armor, from basic plate to full scale mail armor. It provides a +3 to your armor class.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks need as much help as they can get to stay protected in battle and if they are able to get their hands on +3 armor it helps them dramatically.
- This armor being able to still be a light or medium armor means your warlock can still use it and not face any consequences for not having proficiency.
- If your warlock pairs +3 armor with a spell like armor of agathys means that you’ll be harder to hit but if they somehow do manage to hit you they’re going to take damage as well.
Item Stats:
- Legendary
- Does not require attunement
- Gives a plus 3 to armor class
17. Armor - Glamoured Studded Leather

This armor appears to be basic leather armor. It it holds a special power however, if a command word is spoken this armor transforms its appearance to any clothing or armor you can think of. It does not grant any special bonus if you have it change to a stronger armor like plate mail but it does keep its +1 armor bonus even if disguised as plain clothing.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- This is a light armor which means your warlock can easily wear it without any negative issues.
- Having an armor that can be disguised as any type of clothing means that it can act as a disguise in situations where people won’t be paying too close attention to the illusion.
- This armor’s ability to disguise also gives your warlock a chance to sneak into an area where weapons and armor may be prohibited because it will just appear as clothing.
Item Stats:
- Rare
- Does not require attunement
- Gives a plus 1 to armor class
- Can speak a command word and change the appearance of the armor to any kind of clothing or armor, it is an illusion.
16. Armor - Animated Shield

This is an enchantment that can be placed on any wooden or metal shield. When you speak the shields command word it becomes active and begins floating in front of the user, protecting them as they move and keeping their hands free.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks often need their hands free to cast spells or hold a spell focus, not having to hold a shield will keep their hands free.
- As this is a shield it will boost the armor class of your warlock without having actual armor weighing them down.
- This shield moves with the user and that means as your warlock moves across the battlefield the shield will follow it.
Item Stats:
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Gives a plus 2 to armor class while it’s active
- Speak a command word and it will float in front of you for 1 minute, unless commanded to shut off or until you die or become incapacitated
15. Item - Winged Boots

These boots have small wings on the side of them, that grant their user the ability to fly. These boots can be used to fly long distances or short stretches of time, but they are a great multi purpose magic item for any character type.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks are commonly ranged fighters, allowing them to be ranged from a point that they may not usually be a target at.
- There are spells that warlocks have that can be extremely effective if cast from directly above, for example cone of cold, this makes your warlock able to target more precisely with this kind of spell.
- Allowing a warlock the ability to fly means that in situations where a fall may be imminent this will save them from taking fall damage.
Item Stats:
- Wondrous Item
- Uncommon
- Requires Attunement
- Grants you a flying speed equal to your walking speed
- Has a 4 hour maximum usage and a 1 minute minimum
- Recovers 2 hours of flying time for every 12 hours not being used
14. Item - Bag of Holding

This is a crossbody style messenger bag with a face on the front. While it may look like a regular bag it is actually much larger on the inside. It can hold up to 500 pounds of items without tearing and you feel no more weight than the 15 pounds the bag itself weighs.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks have to carry a lot of material components for spells, this allows them to always have what they need on hand without the weight.
- The bag has the uncanny ability to know what you are looking for and getting the necessary item does not take extremely long time.
- As long as guards don’t ask to check your bag your warlock can bring all sorts of contraband items into any area they want without being caught, it also doubles as a handy hiding space for any items the party’s rouge may steal.
Item Stats:
- Wondrous Item
- Uncommon
- Does not require attunement
- A regular sized bag on the outside but approximately 2 feet wide by 4 feet deep inside
- Up to 500 pounds of items can be held at a time
- If the bag is damaged all contents will spill into the astral plane
- The bag can be flipped inside out to empty everything from inside
- A living creature (that breathes air) can stay in the bag for up to 10 minutes maximum based on the number of creatures also in the bag
- Requires an action to retrieve an item
13. Item - Cauldron of Rebirth
This seemingly normal cauldron has healing properties when used by a magic caster. Once a day a potion of greater healing can be made in it. But beyond that the cauldron has the ability to cast the raise dead spell once per week. It also can be a spell focus and a component in the scrutiny spell.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks get a bad reputation for being casters that cannot heal, this item changes that as it allows your warlock to become the party healer, at least a little bit.
- Because this cauldron can be used as a spell focus it means you will have to worry less about carrying multiple gems, staffs, or wands.
- This item can cast the raise dead spell, meaning that your warlock can bring a fallen friend or party member back to life as long as they haven’t been dead longer than 10 days.
Item Stats:
- Wondrous Item
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- You can use this as a spell casting focus
- Can be used in the scrying spell
- After a long a rest use the cauldron to make a potion of greater healing that will last for 24 hours
- You can make the cauldron large enough for a creature medium sized or smaller to fit in
- Once per 7 days a humanoid creature can be placed in the cauldron and covered with 200 pounds of salt, after 8 hours the creature returns to life similarly to the raise dead spell
12. Item - Periapt of Wound Closure
This is a beautiful bronze or gold necklace with a red gem in its center. The necklace makes it so your character does not die when they normally would. When they are dying on their turn, rather than making a death save they become stable, avoiding dying.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Since constitution is not the top warlock stat they often don’t have as many hit points, meaning they go down easier, this will keep them from dying.
- Depending on story your DM may allow your warlocks patron to intervene and save them since they are stable.
- If your warlock goes down it makes the rest of the party take focus away from the fight to save you, since this necklace will stabilize you, you don’t have to worry about that.
Item Stats:
- Wondrous Item
- Uncommon
- Requires Attunement
- While wearing this if you are dying at the start of your turn you stabilize
- When you use a hit die after a short rest to regain hit points, you regain double what was rolled
11. Item - Spell Gem

These are gems ranging from obsidian to diamonds and with each kind of gem a spell of a certain level can be imbued. You may find the gem with the spell already imbued or your character may imbue the gem themselves. As long as the gem is not cracked or destroyed you can continue storing a spell within it.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- As these gems vary in spell level if your warlock comes across a diamond they would be able to cast whatever 9th level spell may be stored within it, including wish.
- If you have a gem that corresponds with a spell level your warlock can cast you can imbue a spell in it and your warlock will have an extra spell to use on another day.
- Since warlocks recover spells on a short rest, your warlock can imbue gems and then take a short rest and imbue more, creating a stock pile of spells these can later use.
Item Stats:
- Wondrous Item
- Varies from uncommon to legendary
- May require attunement
- Based on the kind of stone a certain level of spell can be stored in the gem, which can then be cast at a later time
- If attuned you can imbue the gem with a spell of the corresponding level
10. Weapon - Staff of Charming

This is a staff that can only be attuned to by a magic caster and it is a deep gold and bronze color with an ornate swirl at the top of it. While attuned to this staff the user may use it's 10 charges per day to cast one of three spells, these are charm person, command, and comprehend languages.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks are charisma-based casters so having a staff that revolves around charm works perfectly with the Warlock aesthetic. Beyond that this staff allows for your warlock to cast multiple spells that would usually require a spell slot to burn through.
- Comprehend languages is an extremely useful spell to have and your warlock being able to cast it multiple times a day makes them a great asset to the party. This means that when faced with a script you don't recognize or you hear a creature speaking in a language you've never heard you are still able to communicate.
- This staff when in use allows for you to flip your failure on a saving throw against an enchantment. This protects your warlock from becoming charmed themselves.
- If you succeed on a saving throw against an enchantment targeting you you can return the spell to send her which is extremely useful when fighting against magic casters.
Item Stats:
- Rare
- Requires Attunement
- The staff has 10 charges and recovers 1d8+2 charges at dawn
- If all charges are used up roll a d20, on a 1 the staff turns into a non magical quarterstaff
- You can use 1 charge to cast charm person, command, or comprehend languages
- Once per dawn if you fail a saving throw against an enchantment spell that only targets you you can succeed on it instead
- If you succeed on a saving throw against an enchantment spell that only targets you (with or without the staff’s intervention) you can use your reaction to spend 1 charge and turn the spell back on its original caster
9. Armor - Spellguard Shield

This is a beautiful ornate gold shield with gemstones embedded in it. This shield in particular not only provides an increase to your player's armor class but also gives advantage on saving throws that are caused by spells and magical effects. It also causes any spell attacks to have disadvantage when targeting you.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks need as many boosts to armor class that they can get and this shield does provide a +2 to their armor class.
- Because this shield makes any spell attack targeting you be rolled with disadvantage there is a higher likelihood that your warlock will be hit less. It also puts your warlock in a position where if they are facing a magic caster the warlock can take the front lines with the party barbarian or fighter and possibly help absorb damage that otherwise would be fully taken by the fighting classes.
- Having advantage on saving throws also allows for a greater success rate meaning that you are less likely to be charmed, paralyzed, or any other number of magical effects that could hinder your warlock in battle.
Item Stats:
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Gives a plus 2 to armor class
- Grants advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
- Spell attacks have disadvantage against you
8. Item - Rod of the Pact Keeper

The rod of the pact keeper can take any aesthetic form that the DM or player chooses. This can mean it may appear as a simple metal bar or it could be extremely ornate and have a glowing skull made of carved gems on top of it. The purpose of this item is to gain bonuses to your magic casting abilities. There are three different types of rods and based on which rarity your player has they will gain a bonus to their spell save DC and spell attack rolls. On top of this they can also use the rod to gain one of their spell slots back.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Once per long rest this magic item lets your warlock gain a spell slot back. That means mid-fight when your low-level warlock may have burnt through their two spell slots early on they can recover one of those spell slots and have another spell in their pocket to use.
- Giving a boost to the spell save DC is extremely beneficial at lower levels. Because you are more likely to face enemies that don't have high saving throws the higher your spell save DC is the more likely they are to fail.
- Having a boost or bonus on your spell attack rolls also means that they are more likely to hit, ensuring that your warlock is dealing damage just as much as any other character who may be a fighting class.
Item Stats:
- Varies from Uncommon to Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Gain a bonus to your spell save DC and spell attack roll, based on the rarity, from plus 1 to plus 3
- Once per long rest gain back one warlock spell slot
7. Item - Wand of Fireballs

This wand is a more traditional style from what people imagine when they think of a wand. A small piece of wood able to be held in one's hand. However this one has one purpose and it's not very fun for those on the receiving end of it. This one allows for the caster to produce the spell fireball up to seven times a day.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Warlocks do not usually have access to the spell fireball; it's reserved for casters like wizards. But fireball is an extremely useful spell in most situations in Dungeons and Dragons so having it in your warlock's back pocket is never a bad thing.
- This wand in particular allows for up to seven of one spell to be cast per day. Many wands or staffs that your warlock may attune to have charge costs that may not allow for this many spells to be cast.
- A fireball is able to clear a battlefield in an instant if cast at a high enough level. And though for one charge your warlock may be able to cast a third level fireball for every additional charge they are willing to spend they can increase its level going from third level all the way up to ninth.
Item Stats:
- Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Has 7 charges of the spell fireball
- 1d6+1 charges that have been used can be regained at dawn
- For 1 charge you can cast fireball at 3rd level, for each addition charge the spell level increases by one
- If you use all the charges in one day roll a d20, if you roll a one the wand disintegrates
6. Item - Staff of Frost

This staff appears to be made of ice crystals with a leather holding grip around its center to prevent frostbite. This is a fun item for your warlock to have especially when paired with the number one ranked item on this list if you are going for an ice king or queen aesthetic for your warlock. This staff allows you to cast certain spells associated with ice up to 10 times a day.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- A warlock typically has to burn a spell slot of a high level in order to use almost any of the spells associated with this staff. This allows for your warlock to continue using their high-level spells on other things while still granting them the ability to use these.
- Ice is a dangerous thing to come up against in the world of Dungeons and Dragons especially if you are playing in a fantasy medieval based setting. If there is not modern heating or clothing the likelihood of being injured or killed by the cold and ice increases.
- This staff gives you resistance to cold damage. If you are in a campaign where you happen to be going up against white dragons or Frost Giants this staff is going to become indispensable because it will make your warlock take half damage anytime they are attacked by someone with cold damage.
Item Stats:
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- While holding the staff you have resistance to cold damage
- The staff has 10 charges and recovers 1d6 +4 charges at dawn
- If all charges have been expended roll a d20, on a one the staff turns to water
- You can spend at least 1 charge to cast the following spells:
- 1 charge - fog cloud
- 4 charges - ice storm, wall of ice
- 5 charges - cone of cold
5. Item - Eldritch Staff

This staff can take the image of any Eldritch being. This could be for example Cthulhu and the staff would look as if it had tentacles coming off the end of it. This staff grants its user the ability to use it as a weapon and deal extra damage when you strike with it. Beyond this it also allows for a quick escape when necessary.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- This staff allows for you to teleport away and become invisible when you take damage. Warlocks do not tend to get up in the middle of the action and if for some reason they are and they take damage it is very important that they're able to back away quickly so that they can either avoid taking more damage or recover the hit points they've lost.
- Because this staff can be used as a weapon and is more useful when used in direct melee attacks it would allow for your warlock to get closer in a fight. If you happen to multi-class and are both a paladin and a warlock this would provide a major bonus when hitting a target with a smite.
- Lightning damage is often a damage type that creatures are not naturally immune to. And because of this, if your warlock is able to cast multiple damage types that the enemy may struggle to defend against, it makes your warlock a better fighter.
Item Stats:
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Can be used as a +1 weapon
- The staff has 10 charges and recovers 1d6 +4 charges at dawn
- If you use all the charges in one day roll a d20, on a one the staff combusts
- When you make a melee attack and hit a target you can expend up to 3 charges and each charge will deal an extra 1d8 of lightning damage
- If you take damage while holding the staff you can use your reaction and expend 3 charges to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet away
4. Weapon - Staff of Power

This is a simple appearing weapon made of dark silver or iron. It could be confused for a regular quarterstaff to those with an untrained eye. It does give a bonus to attacks as if it was a magical quarterstaff but besides that it also grants bonuses to armor class, saving throws, and even spell attacks. This staff also contains 20 charges that can be used to cast spells at different levels.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- Giving a warlock a staff that allows them to cast extremely powerful spells that they usually have no access to and even low level spells that they do not typically have the ability to use like magic missile makes them have a better advantage in a fight because they can take a more offensive position rather than defensive or reactionary.
- An interesting feature of this staff is you can choose to make a retributive strike with it. Meaning you break the staff and by doing this it is destroyed and causes a magical outburst to appear. There's a chance that you will be saved and suffer no consequences from this, but there's also a decent chance that you will suffer extreme damage. However if your warlock is smart and pairs this with another item that can allow them to cast plain shift at will then this becomes an extremely powerful end game move for your warlock.
- Because this is a weapon that provides a boost to armor class it means it can be paired with other items that more traditionally are not armor such as rings or gauntlets because your warlock will not be weighed down with heavy armor that they cannot use.
Item Stats:
- Very Rare
- Requires Attunement
- Staff can be used as a magical quarterstaff and gives a +2 to attack and damage rolls
- Staff gives a +2 to armor class, saving throws, and spell attacks
- The staff has 20 charges and recovers 2d8+4 charges at dawn
- If all charges are used up roll a d20, on a 1 the staff loses most of its properties other than its +2 to attack and damage rolls. If a 20 is roll the staff regains 1d8+2 charges
- When you make a successful hit with a melee attack with the staff you can spend 1 charge to deal an extra 1d6 force damage
- You can use 1 or more charges to cast the following spells:
- 1 charge - magic missile, ray of enfeeblement
- 2 charges - levitate
- 5 charges - cone of cold, 5th level fireball, hold monster, 5th level lightning bolt, wall of force
- 6 charges - globe of invulnerability
- As an action you can make a retributive strike by breaking the staff over your knee or a solid surface. The staff is destroyed and explodes the rest of its magic outwards in a 30 foot sphere. There is a 50% chance that you will be transported to another plane and spared the damage. If you aren’t transported you take 16 x the number of charges left of force damage. Every other creature in the 30 foot radius must make a DC17 dexterity saving throw, if they fail they take force damage equal to the number of charges left x a multiplier based on how far they are from the center point (10 feet or less - 8x, 11-20 feet - 6x, 21-30 feet - 4x)
3. Weapon - Wand of Orcus

This item is frightening to look at and even more frightening to come up against. The wand itself is made up of a spine and the top of its a human skull that glows an eerie green when in use. This wand is usually attuned and owned by the Demon Lord Orcas. However if you are somehow able to obtain it there are numerous helpful aspects of it. But be warned this one may transform your character physically. As Orcus is the Demon Lord associated with the undead the person who attunes with this wand may find their form starting to appear more like the undead.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- This wand is sentient and is almost as evil as it can get. Warlocks are the best option of the magic casters to attune to this wand because someone like a cleric would most likely immediately fail the saving throw without even having to roll just because their deity deemed it so.
- This wand has some very nasty spells, including power word kill, which is dangerous in the hands of anyone but extremely so in a warlock who may already have a slightly darker side to them.
- This one also allows for your warlock to raise an army of the dead and control them as if they are a general in the military. Allowing a warlock abilities typically reserved for a necromancer makes your warlock an extremely formidable foe.
Item Stats:
- Artifact
- Requires Attunement
- In order to attune to the staff you must make a DC17 constitution saving throw and succeed (you will take 10d6 necrotic damage) otherwise you will become a zombie
- This wand gives +3 to all attack and damage rolls made with it, on a hit it will also deal an extra 2d12 necrotic damage
- Gain a +3 to your armor class while attuned to the wand
- The wand has 7 charges and regains 1d4+3 charges that had been expended at dawn
- With the charges certain spells can be cast:
- 1 charge - animate dead, speak with dead
- 2 charges - blight
- 3 charges - circle of death, finger of death
- 4 charges - power word kill
- While holding the wand you can call undead and get however many skeletons and zombies that 500 hit points can be evenly distributed to under your command
- The wand is sentient (intelligence - 16, wisdom - 12, charisma - 16) and chaotic evil. It can hear and has darkvision up to 120 feet. Can speak, read, and write abyssal and common
2. Weapon - Staff of the Magi

This staff is a beautiful golden staff encrusted with curving metal that appears both simple and stunning, and though it may be enchanting to look at, it is also extremely dangerous when in the right hands. This staff has 50 charges a day which is the most that any staff in Dungeons & Dragons has. You get the ability to cast numerous spells with this staff on top of having advantage on saving throws against spells. It can also be used as a plus two weapon should you choose to strike with the staff in a melee attack. This staff has more benefits than one could possibly imagine however it does come with one drawback which is the retributive strike.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- This staff is unique in that only three classes can attune to it. One of these classes is the Warlock class meaning that out of all of the characters that you could play the Warlock is one of the only ones who could unlock the abilities within this weapon.
- Some of the spells that this staff has stored within it include a 7th level fireball and plane shift. These are extremely high-level spells and warlocks do not necessarily always have access to them but this stuff grants them access for a cost of a certain amount of charges per day.
- One of the unique attributes of this staff is if a spell targets you, you can use your reaction to absorb the spell if you succeed on its saving throw. And this will give charges back to the staff, meaning that if you use seven charges to cast a fireball spell and then they attack your warlock with another seventh level spell that you absorb, you've regained all of the charges you've lost.
Item Stats:
- Legendary
- Requires Attunement
- The staff has 50 charges and recovers 4d6+2 charges at dawn
- If all charges are used up roll a d20, on a 20 the staff regains 1d12+1 charges
- Can be used as a magical quarterstaff and gives a +2 to damage and attack rolls, as well as a +2 to spell attacks
- While holding the staff you have advantage on saving throws against spells and you can use your reaction if a spell only targets you to absorb the spell, it will cancel out the spells effects and the staff gains charges equal to the spells level (if the absorption puts the total number of charges above 50 then it explodes causing a retributive strike)
- You can use an action to expend certain amounts of charges to cast the following spells:
- 2 charges - flaming sphere, invisibility, knock, web
- 3 charges - dispel magic
- 4 charges - ice storm, wall of fire
- 5 charges - passwall, telekinesis
- 7 charges - conjure elemental, 7th level fireball, 7th level lightning bolt, plane shift
- You can also cast the following spells without using any charges:
- Arcane lock
- Detect magic
- Enlarge/reduce
- Light
- Mage hand
- Protection from evil and good
- As an action you can make a retributive strike by breaking the staff over your knee or a solid surface. The staff is destroyed and explodes the rest of its magic outwards in a 30 foot sphere. There is a 50% chance that you will be transported to another plane and spared the damage. If you aren’t transported you take 16 x the number of charges left of force damage. Every other creature in the 30 foot radius must make a DC17 dexterity saving throw, if they fail they take force damage equal to the number of charges left x a multiplier based on how far they are from the center point (10 feet or less - 8x, 11-20 feet - 6x, 21-30 feet - 4x)
1. Item - Ring of Winter

This is an extremely rare item. It is known as an artifact because it is extremely difficult to get your hands on it. It is a simple golden ring but its outside is covered in frost that never seems to melt. This artifact grants abilities based on ice and frost. It grants the user a number of spells that regularly they would have no access to. It also allows them to affect the temperature around them if they so choose. It also has a long history of urban legends surrounding it in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Meaning the DM can choose to utilize these stories as bonus abilities such as being able to summon white dragons.
Why it’s excellent for Warlocks:
- This is a chaotic evil item. I do not mean simply because the character using it will be chaotic, the ring is sentient and has a chaotic evil alignment. Sometimes it is fun to be able to lean into the inherently evil nature that comes with the Warlock class and this ring allows for that.
- This ring grants the user spells beyond their regular abilities. The spells being cast are not limited by the warlocks level. They're able to cast extremely high level spells even as a first level warlock if they have this ring.
- This ring has a specific spell that has been modified to fit it. The spell is flesh to stone, but it has been modified into flesh to ice for this ring. One of the very clear benefits to a flesh to ice spell is if your warlock gets someone to fully freeze they are extremely breakable, meaning they cannot come back to life if broken.
Item Stats:
- Artifact
- Requires Attunement
- The ring is sentient (intelligence - 14, wisdom - 14, charisma - 17) and chaotic evil. It can hear and has normal vision up to 60 feet. Can speak via transmitting emotion to the wearer. The ring craves destruction and harm on others
- Neither you or the ring can be detected by divination magic
- As long as you wear the ring you stop aging, when you take the ring off you will return to aging but in a similar fashion to a suspend animation spell
- You are immune to cold damage
- The ring has 12 charges and regains all of them at dawn, you can spend a certain amount of charges to get the following effects:
- 1 charge - you can lower the temperature by 20 degrees per minute (up to -30 degrees) in a 120 foot radius sphere, this effect is permanent unless you choose to reverse it
- 2 charges - create an inanimate ice object
- 4 charges - create an animated ice creature that follows your command
- You can cast the following spells by using charges:
- 1 charge - spike growth, sleet storm
- 2 charges - Bigby’s hand, cone of cold, ice storm, wall of ice
- 3 charges - flesh to ice, Otiluke’s freezing sphere