"Kneel before me, mere mortals"
Hey guys, Frankenstein in the area, okay?
Today is a very interesting and constructive day because I am going to bring up a theme that you already know, from the photo, correct? That's right folks, Diablo IV.
Guys, as things on Diablo IV are still a little loose and divided, I am bringing you a well done and very constructive summary of everything that has been happening so far.
Make sure to check, comment and like if you want.
May the flames attracted with you,
Diablo IV Release Date and 10 Things We Want
Release date of:
Guys, we don't have release data yet, but the expectation is that the game will be released in 2021.
Since the announcement of Diablo IV during BlizzCon, Blizzard has yet to reveal any official information about a possible release date for the game.
However, now, on February 19, 2021, there will be one more BlizzCon, free and online and we hope that there you can bring more information about Diablo IV.
10 things we want:
I'll list a Top 10 of the things we look forward to most in Diablo IV, I hope some of them are what you’re waiting for too!
I will bring you quick information, and in future posts, if you like this one, I will bring you more specific information about each novelty in the game!
1) Environment, Mechanics, Dynamics
Guys, let's start the topic by talking about what, in my view, is a very interesting and important highlight of Diablo IV.
Scenario: They took Diablo I's scenario.
Mech: They took some fighting mechanics from Diablo II.
Dynamics: They took the dynamics out of the battle of Diablo III.
Just reading these three styles, the blood flows through the veins more fluidly.
Imagine the nostalgia you will face, for being in an extremely modern game, totally rustic scenario, with the story coming from Diablo I, with the characteristics of Diablo I, with the characteristics of Diablo I? If you've played Diablo I, you know what I'm talking about, so it's something to stand out from the start, back to basics.
We are in an incredibly macabre scenario, and we are facing our enemies with very incredible fighting mechanics from Diablo II (Diablo II was, in my opinion, one of the most complete Diablos), this is something, simply, nostalgic and fantastic.
And besides all this, here for us, comes the dynamics of the game, modification, missions and achievements of our dear Diablo III.
Therefore, an extremely powerful and incredible compilation.
2) Open World
Take a look at the size of the Diablo IV map.
Now tell me, how amazing will it be to play Diablo? It's fantastic game data.
It will be a non-linear campaign style, in which you basically choose an order of doing things. I found this very curious and I look forward to seeing how it will be put into practice. Because if you know well, all the other Diablos have followed this linearity, which are guiding us in the added points.
But an open world? Let's see how this will be applied in practice.
The fact that Diablo is always linear, sometimes makes the game a little hateful. And now you can have it on the paths to follow.
Another interesting thing here, are the "ruins".
An example here, in the Dry Steppes, shows a simulation of the map, of what the Dry Steppes map would look like. The red points are where the points of greatest agglomeration would be, so we can imagine, looking at the maps, that they will probably be like cities or points where people search.
The Camp / Ruins system, is a system that I found very interesting because you complete some missions and after that, the ruin will be like a teleportation point. Thus, you will be playing when you discover new maps, there will be other camps / ruins of save points.
3) World Events and Multiplayer
The game will feature the much desired “World Events”.
Basically, an advanced giant boss, and the idea of the game is to bring the strength of all available player players to face the boss in a specified area in which he appeared. It's like he's a Raid boss.
It is a very curious and interesting highlight that fills the eyes with anticipation.
Bearing in mind that this is basically a multiplayer style, although there are many people playing, the game does not want you to have the impression that there are many people playing. You only need to see the real people when completing certain specific regions. And another way will also be when there are these world events.
If it is difficult to understand the principle of how it will be, but basically the game and these events will be developed in this way.
4) Customization and Assemblies
This is a very interesting subject, why? Simply because the world is open. That is? Such an immense world requires a lot of movement speed to be explored, right? And so, you can have your mount for that.
In addition, there will be customizations in the look of your character, in the assemblies and some pre-sets already determined, so you can change the look and style of the colors you like best.
You might think, "Is it just walking faster and slower?" No, they are implementing these customizations in the assemblies to be very interesting, there will be a whole optimization of the assemblies, as it will open a new range. You can use this as a new point in Diablo 4 and you can customize everything.
It can be from the bloodiest to the darkest.
Remembering that the assemblies will also have possible elements and customizations, making them look quite macabre and meeting your creative expectations.
At the moment we are not 100% sure what the actual currency model of the game will look like, but there may possibly be some package that you should buy with cash, stores with cash items, like specific mounts, clothes, coats of arms, dyes, background styles.
All this to make you feel unique, singular, free to be able to stand out, along with your mount.
5) Gameplay
The characters have 6 abilities, just like in diablo III, (The 2 Right / Left mouse clicks, + 1,2,3,4), which also makes it easier for you to play on the keyboard and console, because I think if it was too much, it would be too complicated to play.
There is something very interesting that is elusive to the character. I think they will implement this, for each character, specific to the direction of the game and the style, attributes and classes.
Another thing that I thought was fantastic is that there will be Runewords. That's right guys, they are the only ones in diablo II. They limit a Vex rune and a Dol rune, which are some of the classic Diablo II runes, it looks like we will have other Diablo II runes circulating in the game. This is something that people who have been asking for for a long time, Runewords and Skill Tree, so let's see how it will be done in Diablo IV.
We still don't know for sure exactly these processes of Runewords and Talent Tree, but everything indicates that, according to them, it will be something unique and well organized for a better development of the character and the gameplay of everyone. we, lovers of the game Diablo.
6) Skill Tree
I’m going to talk here now about what I consider the main focus, Diablo IV’s “new skill system”:
How are they working on this system? They are really taking to the letter, tree of skill, because it is a tree even with skill in its branches. Unlike the past, the "skill tree" was in tables or graphs.
I didn't see them addressing the talent part. I particularly liked the talent part, because you can choose to make a sturdier build, one more support, and then do something more damage-oriented. It still doesn't have many specific details for that.
But from what has been demonstrated, the talents will already be incorporated into the skill.
In the skill tree, we have a square skill, a rhombus and circles.
The squares are the skills (fireball, ice arrows ...), the diamond, are points that will represent the “passive strengthening” of the skills and the circles will act as updates / improvements in your skills.
So, when you are doing your construction, you will have to choose a branch to follow and thus build your style of play, which can often be completely unique.
7) Types of Weapons:
The types of weapons. I consider it a very important and interesting topic. One thing they are doing here is working on the specs. Example: One-handed weapons will be faster, but with less damage, unlike a two-handed weapon that will have more damage, however, will be slower.
Weapons will have primary and secondary attributes, for example: a weapon will have 200 attacks as its primary attribute and a secondary attribute that gives + 3% increased critical damage.
Now talking about the qualities of the items:
That was something that changed,
Magic items come with 2 sub-attributes:
Rare items come with 3 sub-attributes.
The legendary has now changed, the legendary items are now considered "super rare", has 4 sub-attributes and still has an additional power along with the +4 subs.
8) Legendary Affixes:
Now let's talk about the legendary affixes,
The legends of Diablo IV will be different from those of Diablo III, as has already been said.
In Diablo IV, the legendary will be considered, super items, extremely rare, with a "buff" called legendary affix. So, basically what will dictate the legendary item will be the post.
Ex: A very basic example for you to understand, very easily, you will have a legendary boot with an affix to increase critical damage, and then you will obtain a legendary armor with a critical damage affix too, so they will make an insane synergy. Understood? Unlike getting a legendary boot with a critical damage affix and armor with a magic damage affix, it makes no sense, if you are playing with a damage class, where the class requires strength, critical damage, and critical rate.
This makes you always look for more legendary items with the pin that is most related to your building style. Understood?
It will be very difficult and you will have to work hard until you get a specific boot with the specific attribute you want. This, in my view, is fantastic, leaving the game always more eager to pick up a legendary item with good affixes in its composition.
9) Unique Items:
Perhaps the great news of the post, the Unique items.
Specific items for each class, related to the specific class.
These are the items that will make a big difference in your class and your style of play.
The creators are developing this as something that will mark their class in a very interesting way, talking about the specific skills and specific effects that their class has.
This is fantastic.
I believe that the builds in Diablo IV will be like this, you will look for unique items and associate them with extremely legendary and synergistic items, making the class you come to play become extremely brutal, "unique" and complete.
You will wear specific armor, with a specific weapon, with specific attributes geared towards your construction and class, making you work hard to obtain this achievement.
And that, in my view, will make Diablo IV a game, where the farm service will be extremely intense.
10) End of Game System:
And the long-awaited End Game System of the game.
Basically, what I found most interesting and what I'm going to bring here is the information we have so far about this Endgame system.
The system aims to bring more depth and gameplay than the Diablo III Paragon / Excellence system.
So you won't be playing any more just to go after Paragon, because this system here will give a bigger, more complex and more dynamic gameplay to all users.
We will wait for more information, with more specifics, and as soon as there is, I bring it here for all of you!
By: Frankenstein. =]
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