Diablo Movie: 10 Movies Like Diablo 3 You Need To Watch

Diablo Movie
An epic list for an epic video game.

Can’t get enough of the video game, Diablo 3? Love raising the dead and fighting demons? Then we have 10 movies that you’ll love.

10. Solomon Kane

Solomon Kane is an internationally produced dark-fantasy-meets-16th-Century-England film, led by a character destined for hell. Kane is an ex-mercenary turned pacifist trying to redeem his soul, but when a family of Puritans Kane travels with is killed by an evil sorcerer and the eldest daughter is kidnapped, he swears to free her by killing all of the sorcerer’s followers. 

Similar to Diablo 3, this film is packed with battles, violence, ghouls, and demons. Hell is around the corner at every turn.

Solomon Kane's violent past destines him for hell.

Solomon must rescue Meredith.

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I love all things fantasy and sci-fi and above all love a good story. I'm an avid fan of everything nerdy from the Marvel Universe to Studio Ghibli.
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skobei's picture

skobei 1 year 3 months ago

Cool article!! Its true, solomon kane is a 100% diablo movie

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