[Top 5] Doom Eternal Best Suit Upgrades

Doom Eternal Best Suit Upgrades
15 Jan 2022

5. Item Finder

Upgrade gameplay (all numbers will have this link)

  This upgrade allows you to see the progression items on the automap, such as secrets and 1-ups! This is a must-have for any completionist as you won’t be able to miss anything when you have this upgrade!
  Upgrade details:
  •  Allows you to see items on the map
  • Doesn’t let you overlook or miss any secrets
  • A must-have for a 100% completion playthrough

4. Regenerating Barrels

Upgrade gameplay

This upgrade allows exploded barrels to respawn after a short period. This is so great because that means if you’re up against a large group of enemies or just one large enemy, you’ll be able to use those barrels to deal big damage more than just once! This becomes even more important later in the game when it’s just chaos, those barrels will help out a TON!

  Upgrade details:
  •   Allows explosive barrels to respawn after a while
  • Very useful for taking out large groups of demons at once
  • Useful for big damage against a stronger enemy multiple times

3. Frag Stock Up

Upgrade gameplay

This upgrade allows you to fire a second frag grenade before having to wait for a recharge. This upgrade is excellent for getting not only one but TWO opportunities for huge damage. Combine this upgrade with the next one on this list to maximize your damage output!

  Upgrade details:
  •   Allows for two grenades to be fired before having to wait for the cooldown
  • Doubles explosive damage output by being able to fire twice
  • Perfect for getting space between you and the demons

2. Frost Bite

Upgrade gameplay

This upgrade causes frozen enemies to take more damage. So, combine a frozen enemy that takes more damage with two frag grenades and you got yourself some MASSIVE damage output. This upgrade is super useful against the bigger, tougher demons and groups of smaller demons alike. The ice bomb lets you get some breathing room and you can shoot your frags at frozen enemies while you fall back.

  Upgrade details:
  •   Frozen enemies take more damage
  • Combine with two frags for huge damage
  • Perfect for using against tougher demons

1. Hot Swapper

Upgrade gameplay

This upgrade makes it so you have faster weapon switching and mod swapping. Doom Eternal is all about using the right tool for the job and that takes lots and lots of switching both weapons and mods. This one upgrade alone helps much more in the insane combat that Doom Eternal has. Quickly switch from shooting a sticky bomb from your combat shotgun into a Cacodemon’s mouth to switching to the heavy cannon and using a precision bolt to knock off a Mancubus’s arm cannons. 

  Upgrade details:
  •   Switch weapons and weapon mods faster
  • A necessity for later game combat
  • Keeps the flow of the game intact to make it a more enjoyable experience 


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