Dragon Ball FighterZ is a unique and fun 3v3 martial arts game that really takes us all back to Dragon Ball’s glory days. Seeing as the game mechanics let us choose three different characters at once, we have to master some more abilities compared to the traditional fighting games of Tekken or Street Fighter. That also includes mastering the ability to call teammates and utilizing their assists in the middle of a fight.
There are numerous of benefits to mastering an assist from your ally characters. When launched at the right time, their assistance can help you get out of a rut. On the other hand, it can also help to prolong your combos. But just like in any other game, some moves are more useful than others. That’s the reason why we’re going to rank some of the best assists in the game.
10. Android 18
Android 18 is one of the toughest female that even has an extra assist move in her sleeve.
See Android 18 in Action:
How to Use Android 18 Barrier Assist in 4 Minutes
Start at: 0.00
A cold android who eventually changes her heart and becomes a loving wife of Krillin, #18 is a really strong and formidable ally to Goku and the Z fighters. In the FighterZ game, she is a really complete fighter. There are a lot of combos at her disposal to wear an opponent down. But the real gem is when you use her as a support character!
Android 18 has a lot of assists up her sleeve. Some can be used to protect your main/point character, while others will act as an extra move to damage and end your opponent’s health bar quickly. Let’s take a look at some of her moves, shall we?
What Makes Android 18’s Assist Great?
- Android 18’s main highlight is the availability of an extra assist move called the support attack. If you activate this move, Android 18 will call her twin brother 17 to support her. There are some moves that he can do, such as protecting 18 with a barrier, ending an opponent with a ki blast, and many more!
- One of Android 18’s main highlights is her ability to protect her allies using her support skill. Her A assist allows her to show up in front of her ally and protect them with a barrier. However, she is also able to attack your opponent with a surprise attack using her C assist.
- Although her A assist appears to be a fan favorite, people often forget about her awesome B assist. It’s a really useful move that can help your point character to back your opponent to the corner and provide additional combos.
9 Goku GT
This tiny version of Goku can still kick anyone's ass as a supporting character.
See Goku GT in Action:
Start at: 2.29
This version of Goku exists in the infamous Dragon Ball GT series, in which Goku turns back into a kid due to a wish made using the Dragon Balls. However, he can revert back to his adult form when he transforms into the iconic Super Saiyan 4.
GT Goku has an insane damage output for his A assist move (which we’ll be talking about later on). However, his B and C assists are also great choices that are often underrated as well. All in all, GT Goku is a really strong contender for the top character who has great assists.
What Makes Goku GT’s Assist Great?
- GT Goku’s assist moves are really helpful to help you disturb your opponent’s strategies. His A assist will allow you to turn the tide, while his B move will be able to help you pin down your opponent.
- As mentioned previously, GT Goku’s most famous ability lies in his A assist move. When you activate this assist, GT Goku will show up and perform a Kamehameha that can break the rhythm of your enemy. Yes, it can be a very devastating move as it will stun your opponent, but you should master the timing to use this ability, as it will take Goku some time to power up.
- As great as his A assist is, you should never underestimate his alternate assist move, the B assist! When he performs the Dragon Flash Fist, opponents will be taken aback and get pinned down to the ground. Despite the limitation on range, opponents who let their guard down can run straight to it!
8. Gotenks
Gotenks might not be great on his own, but you can be sure to rely on his assists.
See Gotenks in Action:
DRAGON BALL FighterZ Gotenks assist RESTANDS
Start at: 0.03
What happens when Goku’s and Vegeta’s son fuse into one? After a series of trials and errors, Gotenks is born to defeat the evil Majin Buu. Although the result is not as expected, they still appear in subsequent futures to help fend off enemies.
In the FighterZ game, Gotenks has become a key character that people love to use. His assists are also great and powerful. But the main point that makes him a standout is the variety of his assists. Each has different roles that can help you win a game, provided you use them correctly.
What Makes Gotenks’ Assist Great?
- Overall, Gotenks is a really great character to have on your team. We have said it before, but we’ll say it again: he has a lot of powerful assists with unique roles that can help you turn the tide in a match. What more can you ask from him?
- Galactic Donuts is Gotenks’ super move that also happens to be his A assist move. If performed successfully, your opponents will get trapped inside the donut for a short period of time. Naturally, this condition will give you time to breathe or prolong your combo!
- Gotenks has great B and C assists. His B assist will be able to help your point character pressure your enemy with a plethora of attacks, while his C assist comes in the form of a beam attack. When performed successfully, the beam will be able to knock your opponent back towards your character.
7. Yamcha
Yamcha is so great at giving fast and deadly assist moves.
See Yamcha in Action:
YAMCHA Guide by [ ApologyMan ] | DBFZ | DashFight | All you need to know
Start at: 05.00
Almost everyone who watches the Dragon Ball series, particularly during the famous Z run, knows that Yamcha is just merely a side character that doesn’t offer much in terms of firepower. He even dies several times (and even has an iconic pose when he’s killed by the Saibamen). However, he’s no laughing stock in the FighterZ game, as he’s a really great character to play with.
Yamcha is a great anchor for your team. A great anchor usually means that he’s able to kill off opponents by himself and also provide good assists to his teammates while he’s out in the background. You’ll find it surprising how insanely good his assists are after reading more about his quirks below!
What Makes Yamcha’s Assist Great?
- Remember Gotenks’ B assist that we’ve talked about before? Yamcha’s A assist, the Wolf Fang Fist, is really similar to that! However, we really think that Yamcha’s Wolf Fang Fist is superior, as he can attack your opponent quickly for a long period of time. Even if your opponent blocks the attack, they’ll be stuck and can’t do anything, giving you the opportunity to charge or fill up the meter bar.
- Yamcha’s Wolf Fang Fist is not only great for keeping your opponent grounded, but it can also help extend a combo that you’re doing. Plus, it has a crazy range as Yamcha is able to travel forward for about 80% of the distance on the screen.
- His B assist lets him fly the iconic Kamehameha move. While not as strong as his A assist, this particular move can still help you take a breather or turn the tide, providing you use it correctly.
6. Piccolo
Namekian's greatest warrior has become one of the best supporting characters in FighterZ
See Piccolo in Action:
This Piccolo Assist is TOP TIER!
Start at: 0.37
The ultimate enemy from Dragon Ball’s original run, Piccolo is the evil incarnation of the Devil King Piccolo who is bent on killing Goku and conquering the Earth. But over time, he softens up and becomes one of Goku’s closest friends. He also acts as Gohan’s godfather and often looks out for him.
Piccolo is a really great fighter to use in the game. His terrifying offense is what makes him unique and popular amongst gamers. Moreover, he can also contribute to his teammates when he’s inactive.
What Makes Piccolo’s Assist Great?
- As we have discussed before, Piccolo is a great character for offense, and it also translates through his assist moves. All three of his assists are really great to pin down an enemy and giving a little bit of a breather to your main character during the match.
- Piccolo has a great A assist move, the Homing Energy Blast. This ability will see him unleash two orbs: one towards his opponent and one to stay by your main character. Although it won’t be as effective on characters like Broly or Vegito, this move can help extend your combos.
- While not as great as his A assist, Piccolo’s B and C assists are still great to use in various circumstances. So, make sure to try them out whenever you can!
5. Broly DBZ
Broly really has everything. His assists are even godlike!
See Broly DBZ in Action:
Z Broly + 2 C Assists = Toxic
Start at: 0.00
The character that is often regarded as one of, if not the best anchor in the whole game, Broly DBZ is a truly terrifying character to deal with. He has an insane damage output when you bring him up as the main character. But just like any other anchor, Broly can also satisfy you through his assist moves.
What Makes Broly’s Assist Great?
- Everyone who has played with Broly knows that he is an offensive beast. But despite that knowledge, you’ll be glad to know that he is equipped with both offensive and defensive assists, making him a meta character for a very long time.
- Broly’s C assist is truly a monster move that can help protect you while hitting your opponent. He will charge through any beam and hit your opponent! Before they know it, they’ll be on the ground already.
- Most of the assists that we have been praising on this list come from a character’s A assist. However, Broly’s ultimate move can be seen through his B assist move. It’s a defensive assist that can clear out other Ki Blasts and has the highest blockstun. However, you need to make sure that you time this move correctly.
4. Janemba
Janemba, a movie-only character, arrived as one of the best characters with useful assists.
See Janemba in Action:
Janemba assist is.... godlike?? This guy has convinced me.
Start at: 0.20
Like Broly, Janemba only appears in the Dragon Ball movies. Unfortunately, his popularity isn’t as high as Broly’s. It doesn’t mean that people don’t like him, though! As a matter of fact, Janemba often becomes one of the most powerful characters in any Dragon Ball game, including FighterZ!
What Makes Janemba’s Assist Great?
- Normally, a character has one great assist move and two good ones. But with Janemba, you’ll have the option to launch two different strong moves, the A and B assist! Moreover, they both have different roles that will definitely help you win the game.
- Let’s start with his A assist. This first assist will help you to prolong any auto combos that you are currently doing. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about finishing your opponent quickly.
- In contrast to the A assist, Janemba’s B assist is a great and versatile option to add pressure to your opponent. Granted, it won’t produce a high damage output. However, you’ll be glad to have this move at your disposal.
3. Vegito
Vegito SSGSS is broken. His assists are really deadly.
See Vegito in Action:
DBFZ Vegito A Assist Is Goated
Start at: 0.00
It’s only natural to say that Vegito is one of the best characters in Dragon Ball history. After all, he’s the result of Goku and Vegeta combining together through the Potara earrings. Vegito fans wouldn’t be disappointed to know that his adaptation in FighterZ is strong as heck. Beginners and veterans alike will enjoy using him.
What Makes Vegito’s Assist Great?
- Remember when we told you that Vegito is one of the best characters in the game? Well, we’re not just hyping you up, because that’s the reality of it. He can body three enemies at once while providing great assist output when he’s in the background.
- Vegito’s Split Finger Shot is a really useful and effective assist move. People even hail it to be one of the best assists in the game to date! Vegito will blast off many ki blasts that cover a lot of area, rendering your opponent confused and helpless.
- Vegito’s C assist mirrors his special move against Super Buu during the Dragon Ball Z series, in which he toys with his enemy by emanating a spirit sword. However, there’s one drawback to this assist: it takes a long time for him to power it up! Still, it’s a really good assist for you to have.
2. Krillin
Not a great character on his own, but a really strong supporting character!
See Krillin in Action:
Senzu Bean. [DBFZ]
Start at: 0.07
Krillin is Goku’s closest and most loyal friend throughout the entire Dragon Ball series. He began as an equal rival, but gradually falls behind and eventually becomes a side character. This role is also maintained in the FighterZ game. Krillin is what you call a classic support character. He’s not that great on his own, but he can really help your main character win.
What Makes Krillin’s Assist Great?
- As mentioned previously, gamers who use Krillin can’t really rely on his fighting ability. On the other hand, they can benefit from a range of his supporting quirks. Each three of his assists have different roles that are really annoying to deal with.
- Let’s start with Krillin’s A assist, the Senzu Bean. This move allows you to regenerate a part of your health bar. As long as you have a blue health bar, this assist will prove to be annoying for your enemy.
- While Senzu Bean can be annoying, it also has its drawbacks. Opponents also have the chance to recover their health bar if they collect the beans faster than you. That’s where his B assist, the rock throw, comes into play. This way, you can distract them from healing their health bar first.
1. Goku (Super Saiyan)
Let's present the character with the best assist in the game: Super Saiyan Goku!
See Goku in Action:
Goku (SSJ) BnB Combos & Basics Guide | DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ SEASON 4
Start at: 04.40
Like Krillin, the most iconic form of Goku is also a utility/support character. However, Goku still has the ability to hold enemies on his own. But let’s not talk about other traits besides assists here. To be perfectly candid with you, Super Saiyan Goku is the perfect character that you want to have on your team.
What Makes Goku’s Assist Great?
- Goku’s beam assist helps you to lock your opponent in a static position for some time, even if they manage to block the move. It would be even greater if you paired it with another character like Tien, who has a similar assist move. This way, you will have some breathing space to think of your next move.
- Goku’s B assist is also a great and ideal assist move to corner your opponent and provide aids in several scenarios. All in all, you won’t regret using this assist to complement your main character.
- Goku’s Dragon Storm move is also a great option to bring your opponent down to the ground. Furthermore, it can also be used as a combo extension!
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