Dragon Ball FighterZ is the latest video game adapted from the popular martial arts-based anime and manga. With an original storyline and unique gameplay that blends a classic 2D fighting angle whilst adapting classic animations that are really nostalgic, FighterZ also boasts a large cast of characters, from fan-favorites like Goku and Broly to classic heroes like Krillin and Gohan. But just like in other fighting games like Tekken or Street Fighter, some characters might prove to be more challenging to use than others!
If you have played or at least watched a YouTube video of people playing this game, you’ll notice that most combos are quite monotone and similar to each other, no matter what character you use. But to truly master the game, you need to be able to learn the whole move list of a character. Please also bear in mind that this game has been around for quite some time. Hence, working with an easy-to-use character to catch up with other veteran gamers might seem like the ideal choice for you!
We have constructed a list of the best Dragon Ball FighterZ for beginners that are powerful. Please bear in mind that the characters aren’t listed in any particular order, because they are all easy and powerful in their own right.
15. Yamcha
One of the oldest characters in the series turns out to be a beginner-friendly character!
Yamcha is one of Goku’s enemies turned allies. Despite being one of Earth’s best fighters, he can’t catch up with the others and slowly transforms into a side character. However, we can’t deny that his in-game adaptation is still pretty unique and powerful for beginners and veterans alike.
Yamcha is really fun and easy to use. He has a nice auto combo move that allows you to pin your opponent to the corner. For those of you who don’t know the term auto combo, it’s a combo that’s automatically performed when touching the same button consecutively.
What Makes Yamcha Great?
- Compared to other characters, Yamcha isn’t all that powerful. However, he has simple move sets. Therefore, beginners will feel much better learning to master FighterZ with this particular character.
- Yamcha has a really unique and cool super move, which is the Spirit Ball. After releasing the blast towards your opponent, you can control the direction of the blast for a short period of time. Cool, right?
- Once in a while, you can try and apply his backflip before launching towards your opponent for a surprise element. It can also be used to evade certain attacks.
See Yamcha in Action:
Yamcha Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
14. Android 21 (Lab Coat Version)
As the latest character in the lineup, Lab Coat 21 is perfect for newbies.
Android 21 is the latest character to be released from Dragon Ball FighterZ’s DLC lineup. She is an original character made exclusively for this game, and she quickly rose to fame and became a fan favorite. There are two different versions of this character; the evil one as well as her human form. The latter is the one we’ll be discussing now.
As the latest character to be released by the developers, it feels natural that she feels so powerful and strong to use. Did you know that many tournaments even ban her from usage?
What Makes Android 21 (Lab Coat Version) Great?
- While Android 21 has no real standout perks that are better than other characters, she also doesn’t have any noticeable weaknesses. Plus, she can also create a good combination with other heavy-duty characters like Broly (both the DBS and DBZ versions).
- Android 21 has a lot of awesome special moves and combos at her disposal, which makes her really frightening. However, it might take some time to get used to using her, which ultimately prevents her from climbing higher up this list.
- Android 21 has an amazing recovery perk, which is always welcomed in any fighting game. As soon as you do her grab move, she will activate a reduction in damage for up to 21%! So cool, right?
See Android 21 (Lab Coat version) in Action:
Android 21 Lab Coat Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
13. Goku Black
Dragon Ball Super's powerful foe is also one of FighterZ's easiest characters for beginners.
What if Goku becomes an evil dude? Well, you won’t have to imagine that anymore, as your worst nightmare has come true in the form of Goku Black. Just as you’ve watched in the anime, his in-game adaptation is both scary and menacing as well. Down below, we’ll be discussing his perks and what makes him really great to use.
What Makes Goku Black Great?
- Goku Black has similar traits to other Goku variants, boasting popular and modified techniques like the Black Kamehameha. You can also take advantage of his instant transmission skills to confuse your opponents.
- Goku Black has a powerful blast move. Besides that, he also has long-range normal attacks, which will prove to be useful for players who love to hit their opponents whilst keeping some distance.
- Goku Black also has a standard and simple move set that can be mixed with several of his super moves during mid-air. This is very useful, especially for newcomers as it will give you a platform to get creative with your combo.
See Goku Black in Action:
Goku Black Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
12. Jiren
Jiren is a really powerful character. Fortunately, he is also so easy to use!
Arguably the strongest fighter yet in the whole Dragon Ball universe, Jiren is part of the Pride Trooper squad that also includes Toppo. He is really calm and cool, but you don’t want to mess with him. For those of you who are in awe of Jiren, you can feel his might by playing with his character in the game.
What Makes Jiren Great?
- Jiren has a vast array of counterattacks, which makes him fun for people who love to defend and hit their opponent with surprise. These counterattacks, however, have their own flaws. Therefore, you might want to proceed with caution as well.
- Even for people who aren’t too keen on using his counters, Jiren is still quite a formidable character to use. He can deal a lot of damage through his basic attacks as well as super moves.
- Unlike his comic counterpart, Jiren is a great team player here. He can link up well with teammates, both by providing assists or getting one. His Grand Charge move also prevents the opponent from launching an assist.
See Jiren in Action
Jiren Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
11. Janemba
It really makes sense that a fan-favorite like Janemba is made as a beginner-friendly character.
The enemy that can only be beaten by the combined might of Goku and Vegeta, Janemba is as fearsome as his appearance is. His attributes are mostly reflected through his in-game skills and perks, which is both powerful and easy to learn.
What Makes Janemba Great?
- Janemba is a really great starter character for beginners. He has a great and powerful mid-range attack. Furthermore, he can also deal great solo damage to his opponent. It’s really worth a try!
- Janemba has a great assist feature for his teammates. You can even select three different assist features from Janemba!
- Janemba’s auto combo is really awesome and damaging to your opponent. Plus, you can get creative and add some more combos to top off the original auto combo, which makes it quite similar to Bardock (we’ll come to him in a moment).
See Janemba in Action:
Janemba Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
10. Kefla
One of the best fusion characters in the game. Behold, Kefla!
There are a ton of unique and popular characters introduced during the Tournament of Power arc of the Dragon Ball Super series. But out of all those cool heroes (and villains), Kefla seems to be the one who is beloved by all of the fans (only losing out to Jiren).
Due to FighterZ’s gameplay, it’s only natural that all characters are pretty easy to learn. Plus, Kefla can also deal a lot of damage with her skillset, which is very cool! But the fact that she requires you to learn precise combos makes her unable to reach a higher spot on this list.
What Makes Kefla Great?
- Kefla can be used as both a long-range and short-range hitter. For the former, you can take advantage of her quick ki blasts and ultimate technique: the Super Cannonball. But if you want to have more fun, then you can always utilize the auto combo.
- Auto Combo is key in the game. Due to that fact alone, Kefla’s awesome medium attacks will make her one of the most fearsome characters in the game. A player who knows her will always utilize this to stop opponents from blocking her attacks too much.
- Kefla is so fast. If you don’t believe in us, then try to do a vanishing move when you’re trying to counter your opponent’s level one super move. But be careful, though, as it will leave you vulnerable to attacks after this move.
See Kefla in Action
Kefla Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
9. Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)
Gogeta is really a cheat code for beginners.
The ultimate character that won’t lose to anyone in the Dragon Ball GT lore. Gogeta is a powerful, playful, and cocky Saiyan that will finish his opponent in a matter of seconds. Sometimes, he will wear you out for a while just to play with you!
Gogeta has a lot of moves and quirks that make him formidable. Unfortunately, it might take a while to truly master this character, which prevents him from earning a higher spot on this list.
What Makes Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4) Great?
- As mentioned previously, one of Gogeta’s perks is his unique quirks and features that can’t be seen on other characters. One of his craziest features is the ability to power up his super moves to increase the damage!
- Besides having a unique skill set, Gogeta also allows the user to easily obtain the Dragon Balls. These Dragon Balls will in turn be used to summon Shenron who will grant you one wish, such as reviving an ally.
- Try to use his mid-screen rejump move. In order to accomplish it, all you need to do is to hit an opponent again after finishing a combo in the middle of the air. Once you’re comfortable with this combo, Gogeta will be one of the best characters for you!
See Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4) in Action:
Gogeta SSJ4 Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
8. Goku (Super Saiyan)
Super Saiyan Goku: take a bow people.
As the central character of the Dragon Ball universe, it makes perfect sense to see a lot of different Gokus in any Dragon Ball game. But out of all the crazy number of Goku variations, we’re here to talk about the hyped-up Super Saiyan form of Goku.
Goku’s Super Saiyan form is arguably his most iconic form. Therefore, it makes total sense to make him one of the simplest and easiest characters to use for beginners. Now, let’s talk about the things that make Goku great and so easy to use.
What Makes Goku (Super Saiyan) Great?
- Goku (Super Saiyan) has been available to play since the start of the game. Normally, characters that are available right from the get-go are always easy to use. Therefore, you should try and learn to use his combos well.
- Goku (Super Saiyan) is an all-rounder. He is equipped with strong attacks as well as powerful super moves. However, his moves are quite easy to block, which you should really take note of.
- Try to use his rapid kick rush move, as it is really useful and fun to use. As a matter of fact, it can also be used to counter an opponent's aerial moves.
See Goku (Super Saiyan) in Action:
SSJ Goku Combo Guide (Easy To Follow) | Dragonball FighterZ
7. Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
Goku's fiercest rival also rivals him in terms of beginner-friendly material.
While Goku’s Super Saiyan mode is truly awesome and ground-breaking, you can also say that the Super Saiyan version for Vegeta is equally amazing. His super move, Big Bang Attack, is truly iconic as well. But let’s talk more about his features in the FighterZ game, as well as what makes him really great and easy to use.
What Makes Vegeta (Super Saiyan) Great?
- He has really strong heavy attacks that can be utilized to back your opponent to the corner. However, you should really use this occasionally, as spamming it will make you more vulnerable to counterattacks.
- Do you want to try to spam some Ki energy to your opponent? Then try and use his Ki Blast Rush skill, which is very cool and effective for keeping some range on your opponent.
- His super move, the iconic Big Bang Attack, can be very beneficial in aerial duels with your opponent. As a matter of fact, you can redirect the blast so that it can hit your opponent.
See Vegeta (Super Saiyan) in Action:
DBFZ ▰ The OD SSJ Vegeta Is Back!【Dragon Ball FighterZ】
6. Tien
Tien is a great bomber that you can use to kill off enemies!
It feels like any video game has at least one character that isn’t as famous as the others, but becomes extremely useful and powerful in the game. For the FighterZ game, Tien might just be that character. Plus, he is a great option for beginners who like to take advantage of Ki energies and blasts.
What Makes Tien Great?
- Tien’s greatest quirk is his special moves: the Tri-Beam and Neo Tri-Beam attack. They both deal heavy damage to their opponents. But be careful in using the Neo Tri-Beam attack too much, as it costs some of your health bar.
- Farewell, Tien is a move that is adapted from one of the most iconic scenes in Dragon Ball Z history. Here, Chiaotzu will lunge forward into your opponent’s back and blows himself up. It’s a great and effective move, as Chiaotzu will track the opponent no matter the range.
- Despite relying too much on his special move, it turns out that Tien is quite reliable even without spending energy on super or special moves. That’s why he’s a great fighter for beginners.
See Tien in Action:
Tien Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
5. Vegito (SSGSS)
Vegito never dissapoints, even for a beginner in the FighterZ game.
First introduced in the Buu arc of the Dragon Ball Z series, Vegito makes his comeback during the Future saga of Dragon Ball Super anime, this time with a huge upgrade. To fight the evil god Zamasu, Vegito must use the new Super Saiyan Blue form!
In the game, Vegito (SSGSS) is an all-round character that has a lot of useful skill sets that are beneficial for newcomers. Plus, he is really perfect for an aggressive player who’s looking to close down their opponent.
What Makes Vegito (SSGSS) Great?
- Vegito has a long-range normal attack, which makes it easier for you to hit an opponent. Once you catch them in the act, make sure to finish them by using his powerful auto combo.
- Despite being an aggressive hitter, Vegito is also known as a great team player. He offers a great assist, even from a long range, that will result in a prolonged combo for the character that you’re currently using.
- Vegito is considerably slower than most characters in the game, but he makes up for the lack of speed with brute force. All it takes is one punch or kick to land on your opponent’s character, and it will be smooth sailing from there on!
See Vegito (SSGSS) in Action:
Vegito Blue Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips and Tricks
4. Hit
Hit never misses his target. That's why you can count on him!
The legendary and hard-hitting mercenary from Universe 6, Hit is a strange figure that will always finish his job. But don’t mistake his quiet demeanor for cowardice, as you also need to beware of his time-stopping attacks that are highly dangerous.
What you see from Hit in the manga and anime is pretty much translated into the game. Therefore, we’re pretty sure that you will definitely get one heck of a character!
What Makes Hit Great?
- Hit has a lot of attacks in his arsenal. Furthermore, he has deadly attacks from various ranges, be it long, medium, or short. What makes it even scarier is that most of his attacks are resistant to some moves.
- Hit is equipped with a unique parrying quirk that makes your opponent think twice before hitting (pun intended) you. Yes, it might make you quite vulnerable at times, but it’s definitely fun and worth the risk.
- What you’ll get from playing Hit is an extremely fast and agile character. If you play his auto combo, you’ll notice how he will disappear and vanish from one point to another just to land a hit on your opponent.
See Hit in Action:
Hit Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
3. Goku (Ultra Instinct Mode)
Ultra Instinct is Goku's cheat code. It could be yours as well!
When Goku is backed into the corner by Jiren during the Tournament of Power, he suddenly activates the Ultra Instinct mode, a form of martial arts that is said to be achievable only by the gods. There are two different forms of this particular mode: the omen and the mastered form.
The Ultra Instinct form has become a fan favorite. Hence, it makes perfect sense for the developers to include this character in the game. But what good will a favorite character be if it’s too hard to use, right? Thankfully, Goku (Ultra Instinct Mode) is so easy to use that even a newbie might look like a five-year veteran!
What Makes Goku (Ultra Instinct Mode) Great?
- One thing that newbies tend to do is spam a certain button to create confusion for their opponent. Fortunately, you can press the light or medium attack five times in a row and it will create a powerful and awesome combo that deals a lot of damage.
- In the series, Ultra Instinct allows its user to easily evade and react to an opponent’s move. This perk is also featured in his in-game adaptation! Goku is equipped with a lot of counters and invisible moves that can frustrate your opponent.
- One of Goku’s most notable moves is the godly display, attainable by doing a quarter-circle motion of the left analog along with an attack button. This move really gives your opponent a headache, as you can really combine it with more combos or auto combos.
See Goku (Ultra Instinct Mode) in Action:
Ultra Instinct Goku Breakdown! Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
2. Bardock
Goku's father is one character you should try on!
Bardock, the father of Goku and one of the first Saiyans to achieve the legendary Super Saiyan form. He has similar traits to his son Goku, with his armor being the only noticeable difference between the two. He also has a scar on his cheek that is fairly iconic.
Despite being a secondary character that hasn’t appeared in Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super series, Bardock is a popular figure among the fandom. It’s only fair that he is equipped with cool combos that are useful yet very easy to use.
What Makes Bardock Great?
- Bardock has a unique auto combo that is also one of the best of any character in the game. The auto Combo is a very handy tool to be used in the game, as you just need to simply press the same button consecutively. Therefore, having a useful auto combo will make him one of the best characters to use.
- Bardock’s vanishing move is really fun and simple to use. Plus, you can always utilize it in the middle of an auto combo, hence dealing more damage to your opponent.
- Bardock has a fairly simple toolkit, which will be very beneficial for you newcomers. It really means that you won’t have to learn too many combos for this particular character, which makes it easier to master!
See Bardock in Action
Bardock Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
1. Broly (DBZ Original Movie Version)
The ultimate character that should be inside every FighterZ beginner's team.
Despite only appearing in movies, Broly remains as one of Dragon Ball’s most popular characters, so popular that there are two versions of this character in the game! But let’s talk about the OG version of this character, which is very crazy easy to learn and use.
Just like in the movies, Broly’s protective armor makes him very hard for opponents to penetrate. He also deals heavy damage to the opponent and won’t require too many complicated combos. So, newbies and veterans alike can use this character to a great degree of comfort. Here are some of his highlights:
What Makes Broly (DBZ Version) Great?
- Broly has an armor that protects himself whilst attacking the opponent. In shorts, you will always win a 50-50 battle with your opponent! For newbies, this feature might act as a great combo breaker to counter a veteran’s pressing combo and awesome move set.
- His heavy attacks are very useful and unique. Broly is very gigantic in nature, which is why his heavy attacks will hurt your opponent badly. Besides that, he also has a unique jump + heavy move that is unique to this particular character.
- Beginners might want to use one of the easiest moves in the game, which is the ki blast (just like spammers use Hadouken in Street Fighter). Fortunately, Broly throws a lot of Kis in one move, which can disharmonize your opponent’s move.
- A beginner that loves to learn some easy combos will find Broly amusing. As an example, he can push opponents to the corner. While doing that, you can tag in another character to continue the combo. He can also do two ultimate attacks consecutively!
See Broly in action:
Broly Breakdown - Dragon Ball FighterZ Tips & Tricks
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