With over 300 weapons to choose from in the Lands Between, it can be difficult for a Tarnished to decide which weapon is the best fit. Luckily, there are dozens of Builds to choose from, based on the style of play you prefer.
If you’re a Faith build, read on! We’ve narrowed down the top ten weapon choices best suited for Faith builds.
#10. Inseparable Sword
You'll need D's Twinned Armor to obtain the Inseparable Sword
First up on our top ten list is the Inseparable Sword, a Greatsword that scales primarily with Faith, Strength, and Dexterity. It’s certainly a solid choice for Faith builds - at level 80 Faith, this Greatsword has the highest Attack Rating of all Holy Damage dealing Greatswords - but is outclassed by the remaining weapons on our list.
The Inseparable Sword cannot be infused with Ashes of war, as it carries the Sacred Blade weapon skill, which grants it Holy essence and fires off a golden blade projectile. This sword is fantastic to use when fighting Undead enemies, as it deals +20% damage against Undead, and also prevents Skeletons from reviving. It can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Inseparable Sword:
How to get Inseparable Sword. Start at 0:03.
Inseparable Sword full details:
- Attack: Phy 98, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 98, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 18, Dex 18, Fai 20
- Scaling: Str D, Dex D, Fai C
- Weapon Skill: Sacred Blade, costs 19 FP
- Weight: 10
#9. Vyke's War Spear
Faith/Dexterity builds...this one's for you!
Next up is Vyke’s War Spear, the first Great Spear on our list. Though use of its weapon skill, Frenzyflame Thrust, is pretty slow, pulling it off in the right situations makes this Great Spear well worth the effort.
Use of this skill will imbue the spear with flames, followed by a flame-fillled, madness explosion. Do be careful, though - use of this skill inflicts Madness upon both the enemy, and the player wielding it. Vyke’s War Spear cannot be infused with Ashes of War, and requires Somber Smithing Stones to upgrade.
How to get Vyke's War Spear:
How to get Vyke's War Spear. Start at 0:06.
Vyke's War Spear full details:
- Attack: Phy 103, Mag 0, Fire66, Lgt 0, Holy 98, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 16, Dex 20, Fai 18
- Scaling: Str E, Dex C, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Frenzyflame Thrust, costs 22 FP
- Weight: 8
- Causes Madness buildup (65)
#8. Maliketh's Black Blade
Pro tip: Maliketh, the Black Blade, is weak to Frost damage!
Coming in at number eight is Maliketh’s Black Blade, a pretty badass-looking Colossal sword. You’ll have to defeat Maliketh, The Black Blade, and trade his Remembrance with Enia at the Roundtable Hold in order to obtain this sword.
Similar to the first few weapons on our list, Maliketh’s Black Blade cannot be infused with Ashes of War, as it already has its own powerful weapon skill, Destined Death. Use of Destined Death summons a plethora of blades that deal both immediate damage to enemies, as well as reducing the enemy’s max health while wearing down their health for a short period of time. Due to its higher Strength requirement, this weapon may take a little extra grinding in order to use effectively. Maliketh’s Black Blade can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Maliketh's Black Blade:
How to get Maliketh's Black Blade. Start at 6:00.
Maliketh's Black Blade full details:
- Attack: Phy 127, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 82, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 34, Dex 12, Fai 20
- Scaling: Str C, Dex E, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Destined Death, costs 40 FP
- Weight: 22
#7. Siluria's Tree
Pair this Great Spear with the Godfrey Icon talisman to inflict extra damage when using Siluria’s Woe
Another excellent Great Spear for Faith builds is Siluria’s Tree. Its weapon skill, Siluria’s Woe, cements its place at number seven. Use of Siluria’s Woe causes the player to thrust the weapon in a spiral motion, while charged attacks have the power to blow away enemies while shooting a whirling beam of light, making it a great choice for clearing packs of enemies.
Siluria's Tree is a fantastic weapon for dealing Holy damage, but it does require a higher Strength level (27) to effectively wield it. This spear cannot be infused with Ashes of War and can be upgraded with Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Siluria's Tree:
How to get Siluria's Tree. Start at 0:47.
Siluria's Tree full details:
- Attack: Phy 90, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 90, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 27, Dex 13, Fai 20
- Scaling: Str D, Dex E, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Siluria’s Woe, costs 25 FP
- Weight: 10
#6. Golden Order Greatsword
A legendary armament, modeled after the Elden Ring itself…
As one of the nine Legendary Armaments, the Golden Order Greatsword is well-worth grabbing even just to try it out. Similar to the Inseparable Sword, this Greatsword deals 20% damage to Undead type enemies and prevents Skeletons from reviving.
The Golden Order Greatsword’s weapon skill, Establish Order, quickly surpasses the Inseparable Sword’s skill, hence its higher ranking on our list. Use of Establish Order allows the player to release a golden explosion from the blade, while repeated inputs send out waves of golden light, which deal pure Holy damage. This Greatsword cannot be infused with Ashes of War and can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Golden Order Greatsword:
How to get Golden Order Greatsword. Start at 0:06.
Golden Order Greatsword full details:
- Attack: Phy 86, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 103, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 16, Dex 21, Fai 28
- Scaling: Str E, Dex D, Fai C
- Weapon Skill: Establish Order, costs 20 FP
- Weight: 10
#5. Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
Magma Guillotine gives a whole new meaning to “the floor is lava”
The only Curved Greatsword on our list, Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword, comes in at number five. It scales primarily with both Strength and Faith, making it an excellent heavy-hitting option for Fai/Str builds. It cannot be infused with Ashes of War, as it holds its own skill, Magma Guillotine, which allows the player to leap forwards with the blade in both hands, smashing it into the ground and triggering a sizable blast of magma. Magma Guillotine is difficult for enemies to interrupt, making it that much more useful.
Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword is a great choice for dealing additional Fire damage during combat. Similar to weapons preceding it, this Curved Greatsword can be upgraded with Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Magma Wyrm's Scalesword:
How to get Magma Wyrm's Scalesword. Start at 0:11.
Magma Wyrm's Scalesword full details:
- Attack: Phy 114, Mag 0, Fire 74, Lgt 0, Holy 90, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 24, Dex 15, Fai 18
- Scaling: Str C, Dex D, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Magma Guillotine, costs 20 (-10) FP
- Weight: 15
#4. Halo Scythe
The Halo Scythe inflicts both Blood loss, and Holy damage? Say less
Though the Halo Scythe scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity, it is a formidable choice for hybrid Faith-based fighters. As the only weapon on our list that inflicts Blood loss buildup, this Reaper packs a powerful punch against most enemies, especially those susceptible to Blood loss, or Holy damage.
The Halo Scythe carries a default weapon skill called Miquella’s Ring of Light, in which the player swings the scythe from left to right, releasing a halo of light that hovers in place a moment before shooting forward. As long as the player has enough FP and Stamina, you can chain-cast halos at enemies. Most notably for Faith builds: the halo fired during the weapon skill deals Holy damage and scales only with Faith. Somber Smithing Stones can be used to upgrade the Halo Scythe.
How to get Halo Scythe:
How to get Halo Scythe. Start at 0:10.
Halo Scythe full details:
- Attack: Phy 118, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 76, Crit 100
- Requires: Str 13, Dex 16, Fai 15
- Scaling: Str D, Dex D, Fai E
- Weapon Skill: Miquella’s Ring of Light, costs 11 FP
- Weight: 8.5
- Causes Blood loss buildup (55)
#3. Coded Sword
Strictly a Faith build? Look no further than the Coded Sword
Coming in at our number three spot is a weapon that scales exclusively with Faith, the Coded Sword. As such, this Straight Sword is an effective choice for dealing purely Holy damage. Its extremely quick speed paired with the relatively low Faith requirement necessary to wield it, as well as the incredible usefulness of its weapon skill, Unblockable Blade, more than earns its spot in the top three.
The Unblockable Blade skill is exactly as it sounds: use of this skill allows players to imbue the Coded Sword with light, which extends its length, then strike with an unblockable sweeping attack. The Coded Sword can be upgraded with Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Coded Sword:
How to get Coded Sword. Start at 1:30.
Coded Sword full details:
- Attack: Phy 0, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 85, Crit 100
- Requires: Fai 20
- Scaling: Fai B
- Weapon Skill: Unblockable Blade, costs 18 FP
- Weight: 2.5
#2. Sacred Relic Sword
The Sacred Relic Sword’s weapon skill, Wave of Gold, scales only with Faith
Our runner-up for the best weapon for Faith Builds is the Sacred Relic Sword, which cannot be obtained until defeating the Elden Beast at the end of your first playthrough. As one would expect, the Sacred Relic Sword is another great weapon for dealing additional Holy damage, but the sword’s real claim to fame is its unique weapon skill, Wave of Gold.
Wave of Gold imbues the sword with golden magic, then fires a wide, sweeping golden wave out forwards, demolishing all enemies caught in its path. This skill deals 100% Holy damage, so it scales only on Faith, making it one of the best weapon choices for Faith builds. Similar to the rest of the weapons on our list, the Sacred Relic Sword can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
How to get Sacred Relic Sword:
How to get Sacred Relic Sword. Start at 0:08.
Sacred Relic Sword full details:
- Attack: Phy 118, Mag 0, Fire 0, Lgt 0, Holy 76, Crit 110
- Requires: Str 14, Dex 24, Fai 22
- Scaling: Str E, Dex D, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Wave of Gold, costs 42 FP
- Weight: 11
#1. Blasphemous Blade
The Blasphemous Blade… 15/10 would recommend for Faith Builds
Our top spot belongs to the infamous Blasphemous Blade, a Greatsword that has been noted as one of the most powerful weapons in the entirety of Elden Ring. Use of the Blasphemous Blade heals 4% of max HP + 40 flat HP on every enemy death when held, whether or not this sword killed them.
Add in its unique weapon skill, Taker’s Flames, which deals pure fire damage and scales only with Faith, and it’s easy to see why the Blasphemous Blade more than earns its number one spot. Use of Taker’s Flames heals 10% of max HP + 150 flat HP per hit on an enemy and it cannot be parried. Somber Smithing Stones can be used to upgrade this Greatsword.
How to get Blasphemous Blade:
How to get Blasphemous Blade. Start at 0:08.
Blasphemous Blade full details:
- Attack: Phy 121, Mag 0, Fire 78, Lgt 0, Holy 76, Crit 110
- Requires: Str 22, Dex 15, Fai 21
- Scaling: Str D, Dex D, Fai D
- Weapon Skill: Taker’s Flames, costs 30 FP
- Weight: 13.5