10. Sword of Night and Flame
Sword of Night and Flame is a straight sword which scales with Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Faith. Its uniqueness is derived from its Ash of War which offers the player two options.
It is conspicuous from the name of its Ash of War, Night-and-Flame Stance, that this is not a skill that directly attacks the enemy. Instead, it is a “stance”. Upon using this stance, player have two options: first is to perform a light attack which results in a beam to be shot from the sword, resembling the sorcery called Comet Azur, second is to perform a heavy attack which results in an arc of flames to be shot from the sword which is quite functional against crowded enemy groups.
Sword of Night and Flame is fun because:
- It is functional against bosses due to its Ash of War
- It is functional against normal enemies due to its Ash of War even if they mob the player.
- The versatility of its attack options makes it look nice in terms of cosmetics.
How to get Sword of Night and Flame: From the Manor Lower Level site of grace in Caria Manor, there is a way on the wall on which many spirit soldiers appear and attack the player. As the player proceeds north, a roof below is seen which you can jump down. Then by jumping down on another platform below that first roof, a ladder will lead the player to a room where there is a chest that contains Sword of Night and Flame.
Sword of Night and Flame details:
“Storied sword and treasure of Caria Manor.
One of the legendary armaments.
Astrologers, who preceded the sorcerers, established themselves in mountaintops that nearly touched the sky, and considered the Fire Giants their neighbors.”
- Attack: Physical 87, Magic 56, Fire 56, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 36, Magic, 42, Fire 42, Lightning 26, Holy 26, Boost 31
- Scaling: Strength E, Dexterity E, Intelligence D, Faith D
- Requirements: Strength 12, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 24, Faith 24
- Ash of War: Night-and-Flame Stance
- Passive: N/A
9. Ghiza’s Wheel
Ghiza’s Wheel is a colossal weapon which scales with Strength and Dexterity. It is the same design as the weapons of the Iron Virgins in the game.
The reason why this weapon is written in this list is not only for meme purposes. It is entertaining because of the satisfaction it offers through its attacking animation. Also, it brings functionality since the player is able to hit the enemy repetitively while using this weapon, which is what a player wants a bleed weapon to do: to fill the blood loss bar as soon as possible by unceasingly dealing blows to the enemy.
Ghiza’s Wheel is fun because:
- The attacking animation is pure satisfaction.
- It has great potential for devastating physical damage.
- The combination of repetitive attacks provided by its Ash of War and the bleed aspect is practical.
- It was recently buffed so it is doubtlessly more functional than it was before.
How to get Ghiza’s Wheel: There is a girl named Rya in the middle of Liurnia of the Lakes, who can open the Volcano Manor’s gates. In Volcano Manor, the owner of this “wheel” can be found upstairs. Upon killing him, the player will be rewarded with Ghiza’s Wheel.
Ghiza’s Wheel details:
“Great iron wheel lined with flesh-flaying blades. Device of torture used by Inquisitor Ghiza. As the wheel spins it causes severe pain and blood loss.
The design was adopted for use as the iconic weapon wielded by Iron Virgins.”
- Attack: Physical 156, Magic 0, Fire 0, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 73, Magic, 43, Fire 43, Lightning 43, Holy 43, Boost 48
- Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity D
- Requirements: Strength 28, Dexterity 18
- Ash of War: Spinning Wheel
- Passive: Causes blood loss buildup (70)
8. Bloodhound’s Fang
Bloodhound’s Fang is a curved greatsword which scales with Strength and Dexterity.
This sword is obtainable in the early game. There is nothing special about its moveset but what makes it unique is its default Ash of War. Additionally, it comes with a blood loss effect which makes it more preferable.
Like any other greatsword in the game, this one is expected to deal high amounts of damage, which it does in accordance with the Strength and Dexterity attributes of the player. However, no matter how strong and armoured you are, it is highly functional to keep distance to avoid taking hits. The default Ash of War of this weapon provides the player with the capability of both taking a remarkable part of the enemy’s health bar and jumping backwards and distancing from it. While doing all these, the fact that it causes blood loss buildup is a huge extra.
Bloodhound’s Fang is fun because:
- It has no deficiency in terms of the dealt damage.
- Its unique Ash of War makes the player hit the enemy and jump backwards at the same time.
- It has blood loss effect.
- It is found early in the game.
How to get Bloodhound’s Fang: After completing the early parts in the game, exploring southward would take the player to the Weeping Peninsula. Bloodhound’s Fang can be obtained just before the bridge that connects northern lands of Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula, as a reward for defeating the boss of Forlorn Hound Evergaol, Bloodhound Knight Darriwil.
Bloodhound’s Fang details:
“Curved greatsword with a gently undulating blade wielded by Bloodhound Knights.
A fearsome blade capable of brutal airborne attacks.”
- Attack: Physical 141, Magic 0, Fire 0, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 68, Magic, 36, Fire 36, Lightning 36, Holy 36, Boost 44
- Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity C
- Requirements: Strength 18, Dexterity 17
- Ash of War: Bloodhound’s Finesse
- Passive: Causes blood loss buildup (55)
7. Starscourge Greatsword
Starscourge Greatsword is a colossal sword which scales with Intelligence, Strength, and Dexterity.
This weapon is given to the Tarnished upon defeating one of the greatest generals dwelling in the Lands Between, Starscourge Radahn. It is unique because when two handed, the player does not hold it with two hands like most of the weapons in the game, instead, he/she holds one Starscourge Greatsword in each hand.
Although it has no passive effect, its Ash of War is quite useful. When cast, it provides the player with the ability to pull the enemies around by using Gravity magic, and upon casting the Ash of War again, the swords will be smashed into the ground dealing great through a gravity explosion.
Starscourge Greatsword is fun because:
- First of all, it has an aesthetic appearance.
- It makes the player feel the satisfaction of using the weapon of a defeated demigod.
- Its Ash of War, Starcaller Cry, is both highly useful and adds variety to the attacking options for the one who wields it.
How to get Starscourge Greatsword: After progressing into the Caelid region, the player is introduced to the Redmane Castle, which is the only way to reach Radahn boss fight. Upon defeating the general, the Remembrance of the Starscourge can be traded with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Starscourge Greatsword details:
“Curved greatswords of black steel wielded by General Radahn. A pair of weapons decorated with a lion mane motif.
Radahn earned considerable renown as the Starscourge in his youth, and it is said that it was during this time he engraved the gravity crest upon these blades.”
- Attack: Physical 129, Magic 83, Fire 0, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 65, Magic, 47, Fire 34, Lightning 34, Holy 34, Boost 52
- Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity D, Intelligence E
- Requirements: Strength 38, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 15
- Ash of War: Starcaller Cry
- Passive: N/A
6. Eleonora’s Poleblade
Eleonora’s Poleblade is a twinblade which scales with Dexterity and Arcane. This weapon not only causes blood loss buildup, but also deals fire damage.
The relatively high Arcane attribute which is required only to wield this weapon is critical in my opinion. The reason for that is through a little higher Arcane, the player is able to make a nice build combined with Dragon Communion Incantations. Yet, this is only extra information if there is anyone who wants to utilise this weapon but does not know what to use to achieve a complete build.
As expected from any Dexterity scaled weapon, Eleonora’s Poleblade has a slightly fast moveset, which differs whether it is wielded one-handedly or two-handedly. However, it should be mentioned that the charged heavy attack of this weapon deals repetitive small hits which are followed with a heavy blow, which makes it a quite functional bleed weapon.
In addition, it is not difficult to cause blood loss when the aforementioned aspects of the weapon are combined with its Ash of War, which is comprised of successive blows. If performed again at the end of the animation, the player will jump back just like Bloodhound’s Finesse but not as effectively as it does.
Eleonora’s Poleblade is fun because:
- It is combinable with any Arcane build.
- It both deals fire damage and causes blood loss.
- The repetition of the blows, which is crucial for a bleed weapon, can be reached through its normal moveset and its Ash of War.
How to get Eleonora’s Poleblade: This weapon is obtained by following Bloody Finger Hunter Yura’s questline, who can be found beside a fire below an enormous ruin to the south of Lake Agheel in Limgrave. The weapon can be taken from its owner, Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger at the Second Church of Marika.
Eleonora’s Poleblade details:
“Twinned naginata forged in the Land of Reeds. Chosen weapon of Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger.
Her mastery of the sword was such that her onslaught was likened to a whirlwind, but now her legacy is stained by accursed blood.”
- Attack: Physical 72, Magic 0, Fire 72, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 33, Magic, 23, Fire 47, Lightning 23, Holy 23, Boost 28
- Scaling: Strength E, Dexterity D, Arcane D
- Requirements: Strength 12, Dexterity 21, Arcane 19
- Ash of War: Bloodblade Dance
- Passive: Causes blood loss buildup (55)
5. Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear
Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear is a great spear which scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane. It has the appearance of a trident and deals fire damage.
The weapon of Mohg, Lord of Blood, provides great convenience specifically in terms of bleed. By casting its Ash of War, called Bloodboon Ritual, the player raises the spear vertically and thrusts into the sky resulting in dealing bleed and fire damage to the surrounding enemies, which resembles the aforementioned Eleonora’s Poleblade in terms of damage type.
The cosmetic and atmospheric features of this weapon makes it worth trying since we, as players, are not merely focused on numbers and functionality. Specific phrases in its description, for example “an instrument of communion with an outer god who bestows power upon accursed blood” can clearly be seen while using this weapon during combat.
Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear is fun because:
- Its Ash of War functions effectively against normal enemies even if they mob the player.
- It is also a preferable option against strong bosses, such as Malenia, who is one of the hardest bosses in the game.
- Upon using its Ash of War, it offers a comprehensive change in terms of atmosphere and thus it is satisfactory.
How to get Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear: In order to lay hands on this beautiful piece, the player must get to Mohgwyn’s Palace and defeat Mohgwyn, Lord of Blood. His remembrance can be traded with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear details:
“Trident of Mohg, Lord of Blood. A sacred spear that will come to symbolise his dynasty.
As well as serving as a weapon, it is an instrument of communion with an outer god who bestows power upon accursed blood.
The mother of truth desires a wound.”
- Attack: Physical 96, Magic 0, Fire 62, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 57, Magic, 36, Fire 49, Lightning 46, Holy 36, Boost 46
- Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity E, Arcane D
- Requirements: Strength 24, Dexterity 14, Arcane 27
- Ash of War: Bloodboon Ritual
- Passive: Causes blood loss buildup (55)
4. Hand of Malenia

Hand of Malenia is a katana which scales with Strength and Dexterity.
Not everyone can solo Malenia, and without any summons, minimum twenty “You Died” screens are guaranteed while stepping into the heart of the Haligtree. She is absolutely lethal and designed to drive the players mad. I am not sure, but I can say that most of the players has a different story of defeating Malenia. Upon coping with all the difficulties Malenia, Blade of Miquella offers the player, being able to use her simple and metallic “hand” is a pretty interesting experience.
Hand of Malenia is a weapon whose attacking focus is centred around physical damage and bleeding. The hardly avoidable Ash of War, Waterfowl Dance, is a highly functional method to cause blood loss buildup. Yet, the ability to steal the hit points of your enemy according to the damage you dealt is beyond reason. It is clearly OP.
Hand of Malenia is fun because:
- It provides the player with the satisfaction of using the weapon to which he/she died for several times before defeating Malenia.
- Its Ash of War makes the player fly, yes, literally you fly and deal tons of damage to the enemy.
- The player is healed by some of the damage dealt to the enemy.
How to get Hand of Malenia: As the player progresses into the depths of the Haligtree, there is no chance of missing the boss fight with Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Upon defeating her, the Remembrance of the Rot Goddess can be traded with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Hand of Malenia details:
“Blade built into Malenia's prosthetic arm.
Through consecration it is resistant to rot.
Malenia's war prosthesis symbolised her victories.
Some claim to have seen wings when the weapon was raised aloft;
wings of fierce determination that have never known defeat.”
- Attack: Physical 117, Magic 0, Fire 62, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 49, Magic, 33, Fire 33, Lightning 33, Holy 33, Boost 33
- Scaling: Strength E, Dexterity C
- Requirements: Strength 16, Dexterity 48
- Ash of War: Waterfowl Dance
- Passive: Causes blood loss buildup (50)
3. Maliketh’s Black Blade
Maliketh’s Black Blade is a colossal sword which scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith.
This is one of the late game weapons and specifically powerful for the Strength-Faith builds. It has a dreadful appearance when its Ash of War is used specifically against you during the Maliketh boss fight.
Along with its high potential to deal physical and holy damage, its Ash of War offers a lot to the player. When cast, it begins like a ground slam and then turns into an AoE. Therefore, the skill that comes with this weapon provides a versatile play style if utilised wisely.
Maliketh’s Black Blade is fun because:
- Its Ash of War has a unique attacking animation besides the greatly dealt physical and holy damage.
- The aforementioned damage may be used against single enemies like bosses or multiple enemies.
How to get Maliketh’s Black Blade: After defeating the final boss of Farum Azula, Maliketh, The Black Blade, the player is given the Remembrance of the Black Blade. This remembrance can be traded with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Maliketh’s Black Blade details:
“Maliketh's black blade which once harboured the power of the
Rune of Death. A sad shadow of its former glory.
After a fragment of Death was stolen on that fateful night,
Maliketh bound the blade within his own flesh, such that none
might ever rob Death again.”
- Attack: Physical 127, Magic 0, Fire 62, Lightning 0, Holy 82, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 68, Magic, 36, Fire 36, Lightning 36, Holy 49, Boost 55
- Scaling: Strength C, Dexterity E, Faith D
- Requirements: Strength 34, Dexterity 12, Faith 20
- Ash of War: Destined Death
- Passive: N/A
2. Rivers of Blood
Rivers of Blood is a katana which scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane.
It is perfect if there is someone seeking the absolute bleed weapon in Elden Ring. Considering its normal capabilities, it is nothing but a normal katana. However, it shows its actual potential when you encounter the Ash of War, Corpse Piler.
It is a late game weapon, and its Ash of War simply throws repetitive splashes made of cursed blood, which makes it capable of causing blood loss buildup from distance. Moreover, its simple yet bloody-ornamented style is quite aesthetic as well.
Rivers of Blood is fun because:
- It is overpowered and therefore satisfactory.
- Its Ash of War offers the capability of dealing bleed damage from a distance.
- Its Ash of War is fit to harass most of the enemies in the game.
How to get Rivers of Blood: In order to obtain Rivers of Blood, the player needs to kill the Bloody Finger Okina who can be found to the east of Church of Repose, on the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Rivers of Blood details:
“Weapon of Okina, swordsman from the Land of Reeds.
A cursed weapon that has felled countless men.
When Mohg, the Lord of Blood, first felt Okina's sword, and madness,
upon his flesh, he had a proposal, to offer Okina the life of a demon, whose thirst would never go unsated.”
- Attack: Physical 76, Magic 0, Fire 76, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 36, Magic, 26, Fire 52, Lightning 26, Holy 26, Boost 31
- Scaling: Strength E, Dexterity D, Arcane D
- Requirements: Strength 12, Dexterity 18, Arcane 20
- Ash of War: Corpse Piler
- Passive: Causes blood loss build up (50)
1. Dark Moon Greatsword
Dark Moon Greatsword is a greatsword which scales with Intelligence, Dexterity, and Strength.
At the summit of this list, here sits Dark Moon Greatsword. It is the sublime combination of physical and magical combat without ignoring either. With a little higher Intelligence, this weapon can be accompanied by any staff of your choice. This would provide the player with a versatile, strong, and cosmetically nice character.
Its Ash of War is not a skill that attacks the enemy directly; however, when raised towards the sky, the power of Full Moon is borrowed for a limited time. During this period, the charged heavy attacks throw projectiles of frost which deal great poise damage and bring enemies down. If the player is out of FP, he/she has nothing to worry about because its base damage is still sufficiently effective.
Dark Moon Greatsword is fun because:
- It is a nice combination of physical and magical gameplay.
- When its Ash of War, Moonlight Greatsword, is cast, it is capable of hitting enemies with frost projectiles from distance.
- It requires a relatively high amount of Intelligence, which may push the player to give a chance to a magical build.
- Even without its Ash of War, it is still a strong greatsword.
How to get Dark Moon Greatsword: In order to possess this weapon, the player needs to complete a long run questline, which is Ranni’s. Towards the end of the questline, when the player reaches the Moonlight Plateau, the Dark Moon Greatsword can be found in a cave-like place beside Ranni.
Dark Moon Greatsword details:
“A Moon Greatsword, bestowed by a Carian queen upon her
spouse to honour long-standing tradition.
One of the legendary armaments.
Ranni's sigil is a full moon, cold and leaden, and this sword is but a beam of its light.”
- Attack: Physical 82, Magic 98, Fire 0, Lightning 0, Holy 0, Critical 100
- Guard: Physical 57, Magic, 63, Fire 31, Lightning 31, Holy 31, Boost 44
- Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity D, Intelligence C
- Requirements: Strength 16, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 38
- Ash of War: Moonlight Greatsword
- Passive: Causes frost build up (50)