Tanks - an integral class type in so many kinds of games, and an important part of many teams.
Tanks in Epic Seven are units that can sustain a great amount of damage while shielding their teammates from harm. Though many units can do this, the most common tank class is Knight - having access to team-supporting artifacts such as Aurius and Adamant Shield make Knights the premiere tanks in the game. Here are five of the best tanks in Epic Seven!
5. Shadow Knight Pyllis
A defensive knight with high hit chance and effect resistance.
Shadow Knight Pyllis, before she earned that title, was known as a pure defensive tank. After her specialty change, Shadow Knight Pyllis gained utility in areas of hit chance, effectiveness, and effect resistance. With her status as a base 3* unit and her ability to specialty change, Shadow Knight Pyllis is the most easily accessible dark tank in the game.
What makes Shadow Knight Pyllis great for tanking:
Passive ability
- Shadow Knight Pyllis’s passive increases her own defense when she is hit, up to three times. Additionally, for every fourth attack she suffers, she can grant herself and her allies an increased defense buff for two turns. With her passive, Shadow Knight Pyllis increases her own durability while helping her allies with their survivability.
Hit chance
- Shadow Knight Pyllis has upgrades in her skill tree that increase her hit chance on her third skill by 45% and her overall hit chance by 30%, gaining up to a 75% chance to hit the enemy. This makes her great to use against evasion units - particularly Violet, who was very hard to deal with at the time of her release.
Specialty change status
- With her specialty chance, Shadow Knight Pyllis can increase her hit chance, increases her effect resistance, gains effectiveness, and also gains combat readiness increases for herself and her team. Most importantly, when an ally is attacked by a counter, a dual attack, or an extra attack, Shadow Knight Pyllis reduces the damage suffered by 30%. This adds even more to her defensive capabilities while helping to neuter damage from prominent meta units like Belian, Conqueror Lilias, and Violet.
See Shadow Knight Pyllis in action:
4. Troublemaker Crozet
While his RGB counterpart is given to players for free and is almost exclusively used in Wyvern hunts, Troublemaker Crozet is known for his incredible PVP tank status. With his ability to soak up ally damage and potentially neuter the enemy through counterattacks, Troublemaker Crozet has grown to have a significant presence in the meta.
What makes Troublemaker Crozet great for tanking:
Damage share
- With his passive ability, Troublemaker Crozet can receive up to 40% of the damage suffered by the ally in the back row in their place. This is a larger damage share effect than the Aurius artifact, and greatly enhances the survivability of the targeted ally especially when combined with artifacts such as Adamant Shield, making Troublemaker Crozet an incredible asset for more vulnerable allies.
Class enhancement
- Troublemaker Crozet, at the time of writing, remains the only unit who can grant his allies a class enhancement buff, which he does on his third skill, in addition to dispelling all debuffs from the target ally and granting them an increased defense buff. Class enhancement can either grant allies a critical hit resistance debuff or a barrier. Both of these class enhancement buffs are very useful on the battlefield, and further increase the ally’s survivability and, subsequently, Troublemaker Crozet’s tanking ability.
- Also contained within Troublemaker Crozet’s passive ability is a chance to counterattack when the ally in the back row is attacked, in addition to increasing his own combat readiness by 15%. Counterattacks always occur with the unit’s basic skill - for Troublemaker Crozet, this means that he counters with an up to 60% chance to stun. With the artifact Elbris Ritual Sword, this effect can apply to any ally who is attacked. This stun can neuter the enemy and passively reduce potential damage taken.
See Troublemaker Crozet in action:
3. Krau
Krau is known as an old faithful for many players of Epic Seven - his release towards the start of the game and his balanced kithas made him a staple in many teams for several years. With great tanking utility and the ability to deal an incredible amount of damage on his third skill, Krau has proven time and time again why he is a must-have unit for players old and new.
What makes Krau great for tanking:
Defensive capability
- Krau can increase the team’s defense for two turns, and has up to a 75% chance to provoke the enemy with his basic skill. Combined with his high base HP and defense, Krau can tank out enemy attacks and while allowing his team to take less damage.
Artifact synergy
- Krau’s third skill relies on the damage he has taken, which is enhanced through his ability as a Knight to carry two specific artifacts: Aurius and Holy Sacrifice. Aurius increases the defense of all allies by 10%, and the holder takes up to 20% of the damage allies suffer; Holy Sacrifice, at max enhancement, revives the holder with a small amount of HP and a barrier. Both of these artifacts allow Krau to either get to low HP faster to use his third skill, or revive with just enough health to do great amounts of damage with his third skill.
Third skill nuke
- Krau’s third skill has the potential to do huge amounts of damage. With this skill, Krau fully penetrates defense with additional damage scaling on the amount of HP he has lost; the skill also grants him a barrier which scales in proportion to his max HP. Krau can provide great team utility and still be useful at lower HP levels due to this skill.
See Krau in action:
2. Adventurer Ras
Adventurer Ras is the specialty changed version of Ras, the protagonist of Epic Seven and the heir of the covenant. After his specialty change and recent buff, Adventurer Ras has gained an incredible amount of utility in both PVP and PVE and can support himself and his allies easily.
What makes Adventurer Ras great for tanking:
Ease of access
- Adventurer Ras is the first unit you get in the game, seeing as he is the game’s protagonist, and h his specialty change is also quick and easy to achieve for players old and new. With his base 3* status, he doesn’t require any molagoras (a limited resource) to upgrade - and he technically doesn’t need to upgrade any of his skills regardless, since he only receives damage boosts through enhancing his skills. Because he is free, and because he is easy to build, Adventurer Ras is the most accessible tank option in the entire game to every player.
Healing and barrier
- Adventurer Ras has sustaining abilities for himself and his allies in the form of heals and barriers. On his third skill, Adventurer Ras grants an increased defense buff to his team and heals himself. In his skill tree, when the ally in the back row suffers a Single Attack where the damage taken is 30% or more of their maximum health, Adventurer Ras grants a barrier to the target for two turns - the barrier’s strength equals up to 40% of Adventurer Ras’s max health, meaning he can grant a huge barrier to the ally in the back row, enhancing their survivability.
Specialty change status
- Due to his status as a specialty change unit, Adventurer Ras gains a host of upgrades and effects that normally would not be available to him. He gains increased health, speed, effectiveness, combat readiness, and effect resistance. He also gains access to an immunity buff and defense break with a forced dual attack on his second skill, and the ability to dispel one buff from the enemy on his basic skill.
See Adventurer Ras in action:
1. Fallen Cecilia
Known as one of the best tanks in the game since her initial release in 2019, Fallen Cecilia is a unit that has been meta-prevalent for years. With her shielding abilities and high HP, Fallen Cecilia has cemented her status in the meta as a premiere tanking unit and team supporter.
What makes Fallen Cecilia great for tanking:
Passive ability
- Fallen Cecilia’s passive ability centers on barriers. At the start of the battle, she can grant all allies a two-turn barrier - then, at the end of her turns, she can grant the ally with the lowest health a two-turn barrier. The strength of these barriers scales in proportion to Fallen Cecilia’s max health. Combine this with her sky-high base HP, and Fallen Cecilia becomes an incredible asset to allies in enhancing their survivability by taking less damage.
Skill nullifier
- One of Fallen Cecilia’s most notable aspects is her ability to provide the skill nullifier buff to her entire team with her third skill. For years she remained the only unit with this capability and is still the only unit that can apply a team-wide skill nullifier without any sort of condition.. Being able to grant her team skill nullifier at will grants her team a much greater amount of survivability in addition to her barriers.
100% provoke
- Fallen Cecilia is one of the very few units in Epic Seven that has a 100% chance to provoke the enemy with molagora investment. This allows her to focus the enemy’s damage on herself instead of her allies, further improving her status as an excellent tank.
See Fallen Cecilia in action: