A good team composition is a powerful asset to have in every game that requires it.
Team composition is a core part of Epic Seven. Whether you’re creating teams that can tackle PVE content, crafting compositions that can take down meta Arena and Guild War defenses, or drafting for RTA, the combination of units is something that hangs in a delicate balance. Because team compositions are flexible in RTA, this article will focus on PVE and AI-controlled game modes - specifically hunts, Arena, and Guild War. Here are ten great teams in Epic Seven to use!
Wyvern 13 (regular composition)
10. Alexa (or Summer’s Disciple Alexa) + Furious + Sigret + Angelic Montmorancy
Substitutes: Muwi, Clarissa, Seaside Bellona, Summer Break Charlotte, Luluca, Flan, Angelica, General Purrgis, Rose, Crozet
This team consists of completely free-to-play units that are easily obtainable for both newcomers and veterans to Epic Seven. Each unit can either be gained through connections or in the Hunt Expert Challenge event and can be very useful in other team compositions.
What makes this team great:
- Each unit in this particular team composition can be gained for free, either through connections or through the Hunt Expert Challenge. For Alexa, Furious, and Angelic Montmorancy, duplicates for memory imprints are also easy to come across due to their base 3* and 4* rarities. This is an efficient and easily accessible team to any player because of how easy it is to get each unit.
Easy to build
- Not only are all of these units free to play, but by utilizing their specialty change statuses and imprints, they are quite easy to build as well. Focus on damage for Sigret and Alexa, and build them with at least 22.4% crit chance due to Furious’s imprint release and critical hit chance buff. For Furious, focus on speed and effectiveness; and for Angelic Montmorancy, focus on bulk while getting her to at least 200% effect resistance.
High damage potential
- Alexa and Sigret are two of the best DPS units that you can use in Wyvern hunt due to their incredibly high damage potential and useful debuffs. Both can apply debuffs like poison and bleed, which are stackable and can deal damage to the wyvern over time. Combine this with good attack stats and the artifact Daydream Joker, which also comes free with each Hunt Expert Challenge, and you have two units that can defeat Wyvern hunt with ease.
Golem 13 (regular composition)
9. Cermia + Tamarinne + Adventurer Ras + Zealot Carmainerose
Substitutes: Sol, Mascot Hazel, Ravi, Ken, Tenebria, Cecilia, Milim, Elphelt
This is a free-to-play-friendly team that consists of mostly free-to-play units (Cermia, Adventurer Ras, Zealot Carmainerose) and Tamarinne, a unit whose banner comes along often and is a staple for all PVE content in Epic Seven. With their useful skills that can block enemy mechanics and high damage, this is a great team for Golem hunt beginners.
What makes this team great:
- The only unit on this team that requires you to specifically pull for here is Tamarinne, as Cermia, Zealot Carmainerose, and Adventurer Ras are all free-to-play or easy to summon. Tamarinne is a staple for all PVE content, has banners that come along fairly often, and can be acquired through either regular covenant summons, free tickets, or fire elemental bookmarks.
Useful debuffs
- Two useful debuffs for Golem hunts are unbuffable and unhealable, which Zealot Carmainerose and Cermia both possess as part of their base kits. Defense break is a critical buff for all PVE content, and Ras has his on a short cooldown that also forces the ally with the highest attack to dual attack when the skill is used. Dispels are also useful for this hunt, which Tamarinne and Adventurer Ras have.
High damage potential
- Cermia is known as one of the best PVE damage-dealers for many reasons, including defense penetration, her greater attack buff, and high multipliers. Zealot Carmainerose also has high damage potential with her own attack buff and increased damage she gains in her skill tree. Combine this with forced dual attacks from Tamarinne and Adventurer Ras to make Golem hunt easy to conquer.
Banshee 13 (one-shot composition)
8. Leo + Vivian + Nuker
Nukers: Baiken, Yufine, Ervalen, Mighty Scout, Bellona, Straze, Ram
Substitutes: Shadow Rose, Charles, Free Spirit Tieria, Vildred, Lucy, Adin, Pavel, All-Rounder Wanda
Banshee 13 is an easy hunt to one-shot due to its low one-shot HP threshold and easy unit requirements. To make the one-shot composition more stable, you can add units that can bolster damage through the target debuff, or units that can prevent the Banshee’s mechanics from triggering through the restrict debuff. However, if you have the gear to do it, a three-man team is the way to go, as it shortens the run time and also frees up a team slot to train other units.
What makes this team great:
- Leo and Vivian are very easy units to access, with Leo obtainable as a base 4*, and Vivian being given to the player for free through Hunt Expert Challenge. The nuker role here is extremely flexible, and many units can fit the role depending on who you have in your roster. Units like Baiken, Ervalen, Ram, or even the base 2* Mighty Scout can all be used to beat the banshee with ease.
Quick runs
- Because this team only uses three units, runs can be completed in a minute or less. This means that you can blast through your repeat battles quickly, and effectively gain more gold and materials per hour through these quick runs. Additionally, it doesn’t take a long time to restart if the run fails; because these units are built squishier, the enemies can take down their health more quickly, enabling you to restart runs much faster.
Low fail rate
- With the usage of specific artifacts and skill upgrades, this team composition has an almost-guaranteed chance of victory (barring the dreaded base 15% effect resistance that every unit and enemy has in the game). Leo’s defense break can be enhanced to go up to a 100% chance; and, if you’re lacking damage, he can easily use artifacts that improve attack, such as Card of Small Miracles, or Song of Stars for an up to 100% chance for a target debuff, which increases damage dealt to the targeted unit by 15%. If Vivian uses the artifact Time Matter, she can use her AOE second skill to wipe out the first wave of enemies and whittle down the banshee’s HP right after without cooldowns, getting rid of the 5% dual attack chance RNG which can mess runs up.
Azimanak 13 (regular composition)
7. Tamarinne + Adventurer Ras + Vildred + Arbiter Vildred
Substitutes: Vivian, Iseria, Landy, Bellona, Seaside Bellona, Falconer Kluri, Charles, Angelic Montmorancy, Champion Zerato, Luluca
With very specific mechanics, Azimanak 13 is a hard hunt to challenge for newer players. Luckily, with a combination of the right units, you can start to farm this hunt with relative ease. However, runs do take longer, which encourages the use of one-shot teams. But many one-shot teams rely on the Rage set, which is only obtainable through Azimanak hunts - so, until then, a slow and stable team is best to use, and the combination of Tamarinne, Adventurer Ras, Vildred, and Arbiter Vildred is a great and flexible composition to use.
What makes this team great:
AOE and non-single target attacks
- Azimanak 13’s mechanics make it so that your damage is greatly nerfed when using single target attacks until the two mobs that you fight alongside the boss are wiped out. Because hunts are generally run on auto, it’s a good idea to use units that can attack multiple targets at once, which Vildred and Arbiter Vildred both do. Vildred can be obtained through selective summons and is a great unit for early game farming, and Arbiter Vildred is available for free through moonlight connections if you choose to get him.
- Another crucial part of Azimanak hunt is the need for a unit that can dispel buffs - both Adventurer Ras and Tamarinne can dispel buffs from the enemy with ease, so long as you build them with some effectiveness. Dispelling the buffs on the boss makes the hunt easier to deal with, especially as the boss’s health lowers.
High damage output
- Vildred and Arbiter Vildred are known as great damage dealers for PVE content, which also easily applies to their usage in hunts and is aided by their teammates.Tamarinne can buff attack and force dual attacks from the ally with the highest attack while she is in her idol form; similarly, Adventurer Ras can force a dual attack from the ally with the highest attack with his second skill, which can also apply defense break on the enemy. Having teammates that can bolster your team’s DPS is especially important in Azimanak hunt.
Caides 13 (fast composition)
6. Commander Lorina + Iseria + Sinful Angelica + Camilla
Substitutions: Taranor Guard, Elphelt, Kitty Clarissa, Command Model Laika
Caides hunt, the newest hunt to debut in Epic Seven, can be difficult for players of all levels to challenge due to its mechanics. It can also be difficult to one-shot depending on the units you have - very specific units are needed to do so. Luckily, there are team compositions that allow for faster runs - with specific speed tuning, the team of Commander Lorina, Iseria, Camilla, and Sinful Angelica is one of the best you can use for fast Caides runs.
What makes this team great:
Forced dual attacks
- Both Sinful Angelica and Camilla can force dual attacks from the ally with the highest attack while using their basic skills under certain conditions: Sinful Angelica when she is granted immortality, and Camilla when she is granted an attack buff. Commander Lorina is one of the best PVE units in the game due to her innate damage-scaling that acts similar to the artifact Daydream Joker, along with her high attack and multipliers. When forced to dual attack, Commander Lorina can deal huge amounts of damage to each wave’s boss to finish them off in only a couple of hits.
High damage potential
- Commander Lorina possesses huge damage potential in her kit due to her damage that increases in proportion to the enemy’s max HP, her passive which buffs her attack, and her specialty change, which also increases her damage. She can also boost her combat readiness each time she uses her basic skill, which is what is used for dual attacks. Because of this, Commander Lorina can dish out high amounts of damage while receiving benefits from her team.
Useful buffs and debuffs
- Sinful Angelica, Camilla, and Iseria all have utility with the buffs and debuffs they provide, granting them great synergy for this team composition. Sinful Angelica, Camilla, and Iseria all have utility with the buffs and debuffs they provide, granting them great synergy for this team composition. A mixture of defense break, unbuffable, strip, and skill refresh on Iseria is compounded by her ability to use Song of Stars; Camilla also has a defense break and forces a dual attack from the ally with the highest attack. And Sinful Angelica provides speed and attack buffs to the team, triggering Camilla’s dual attack abilities while greatly buffing damage.
5. Conqueror Lilias + Angel of Light Angelica + Sinful Angelica + Specter Tenebria
Substitutes: Mediator Kawerik, Designer Lilibet, Angelic Montmorancy, Peira, Diene, Hwayoung, Summer Break Charlotte, Seaside Bellona, Landy
This is a highly synergistic team composition that can deal with many meta Arena defense teams. By controlling the enemy, dealing damage with dual attacks, and buffing allies, the combination of Conqueror Lilias, Angel of Light Angelica, Sinful Angelica, and Specter Tenebria is highly effective against many defense teams, and is quick to boot.
What makes this team great:
Vigor and attack buffs
- The combination of Conqueror Lilias’s Vigor buff and Sinful Angelica’s attack buff can grant Specter Tenebria an 80% attack increase. Because she can defeat enemies quickly with these buffs, her own passive will activate, which passively increases her attack and defense, bolstering her damage. On top of it all, her basic skill is uncounterable and can hit two targets when her third skill is on cooldown - meaning that her damage isn’t limited to one unit, and can be used against popular counter units like Rem and Belian with ease.
Team synergy
- This is a highly synergistic team against many team compositions: Conqueror Lilias applies the Vigor buff to allies and reduces enemy buff duration by one turn, then lowers their attack for two turns. She can then apply redirected provoke to one enemy. Angel of Light Angelica can strip two buffs from the enemy and apply unbuffable and silence debuffs to the enemy team, further controlling them and dealing with units that may have resisted Conqueror Lilias’s skills. Sinful Angelica can cleanse one debuff before providing attack and speed buffs to the team - this allows Specter Tenebria to hit hard, and her allies can move more frequently due to the speed buff. Damage won’t be focused on Specter Tenebria due to her permanent stealth passive ability, meaning that she can stay alive longer.
Artifact usage
- There are many useful artifacts that can be put on all of these units to really enhance their potential. Sinful Angelica should be built with high effect resistance and can be run on the artifact Prophetic Candlestick, which gives her a 30% chance to reduce skill cooldowns by one turn when she is hit - if she procs the artifact in both turns, she can essentially have infinite immortality. Conqueror Lilias can use artifacts like Border Coin to make her faster, Nostalgic Music Box to grant allies useful buffs, or War Horn to provide the team with extra attack and increase her own combat readiness every three enemy turns. Angel of Light Angelica can run several artifacts as well: Etica’s Scepter or Spirit’s Breath to reduce skill cooldowns, Tagehel’s Ancient Book for souls, or even artifacts like Sira Ren to apply random debuffs to the enemy. Specter Tenebria can also hold Tagehel’s Ancient Book for souls or Kal’adra for extra damage on debuffed enemies.
4. Ran + Summertime Iseria + Watcher Schuri + Arbiter Vildred
NOTE: Summertime Iseria is a seasonal limited unit! When she comes around, be sure to get her. If not, you can use units like Eda or Silver Blade Aramintha to a similar effect.
Substitutes: Peira, Challenger Dominiel, Vildred, Eda, Silver Blade Aramintha, Blood Blade Karin, Cidd, Jack-O’
One of the better cleave teams to use in Arena, the combination of Ran, Summertime Iseria, Watcher Schuri, and Arbiter Vildred is potent. With high speed on Ran and Summertime Iseria bolstered by Watcher Schuri’s speed imprint and mixed with the high damage outputs of all four units, along with flexibility in team composition, you’ll be completing Arena runs quickly with this team.
What makes this team great:
Quick cleave runs
- “Cleave” in Epic Seven refers to units that can deal a huge amount of damage to the whole enemy team in a short amount of time, which this team can do with ease. Ran’s defense break, Summertime Iseria’s high bomb damage, Watcher Schuri’s 100% defense penetration and Arbiter Vildred’s AOE attacks are great ways to quickly mow down the enemy.
High damage output
- Each unit in this team, true to its cleave nature, has the potential to deal great amounts of damage to the enemy. Ran can be built for damage alongside speed, and his AOE skill triggers Summertime Iseria’s passive, which plants two bombs on the enemy. Then, she can plant one additional bomb before detonating them, dealing great burst damage and stunning the enemy. If this doesn’t take the enemy out, Watcher Schuri can almost instantly delete a unit from the field with his third skill. Then, Arbiter Vildred can take care of the remaining units, especially if he is using the artifacts Alexa’s Basket or Sword of Summer Twilight, which greatly enhance his damage.
Unit flexibility
- This is a highly flexible team that has replacements for each role - Ran can be replaced by Peira; Summertime Iseria can be replaced by Eda, Silver Blade Aramintha, or even Challenger Dominiel; Arbiter Vildred can be replaced by Vildred, Blood Blade Karin or any other AOE cleave units, or even Jack-O’ for potential stuns; and Watcher Schuri can even be replaced by a high damage unit with a speed imprint such as Cidd. The high flexibility in this team is a great asset to players who may not have all of its components.
3. Designer Lilibet + Conqueror Lilias + Aria + Hwayoung
Substitutes: Mediator Kawerik, Angelic Montmorancy, Rem, Diene, Adventurer Ras, Summer Break Charlotte, Emilia
This is another highly synergistic team for Arena that takes advantage of each unit’s strengths and abilities. Conqueror Lilias is especially important here because she can directly support her allies with her buffing capabilities and random dual attacks, taking advantage of their damage scaling while keeping them alive and kicking. Each unit in this composition has very specific uses, all coming together to create a team that is highly effective and bulky while dealing good amounts of damage.
What makes this team great:
- One of the direct benefits of having Conqueror Lilias on this team is her ability to grant her allies the Vigor buff, which buffs both attack and defense by 30%. These two buffs directly support the damage-dealing capabilities of her teammates: Hwayoung is always built with very high attack, and both Aria and Designer Lilibet’s damage scales with their defense, meaning buffs to each of these stats is important for each damage dealer on the team. While allowing the team to deal more damage, the buff also makes them more tanky, and cannot be dispelled - meaning that, if it is successfully applied, all units will directly benefit from this buff without interference.
Dual attacks
- Dual attacks are also an important part of this composition and each unit that dual attacks with Conqueror Lilias will have some sort of beneficial element. If Designer Lilibet is called, she has a chance to silence the enemy for one turn; if Hwayoung is called, she can do a high amount of splash damage so long as she is buffed, and even more if she uses the artifact Uberius’s Tooth, while also increasing her combat readiness. Aria benefits the most from dual attacks due to her passive skill: not only can she hit two random targets with her basic skill, but it also grants her Focus - and when she hits 5 Focus, she activates her passive skill Dark Shadow Phantom, which dispels two buffs from the enemy and decreases their combat readiness by 30%.
Cleanse and buffs
- Each unit in this composition directly benefits the other with useful buffs and debuffs, in addition to the previously detailed utility and synergy. Conqueror Lilias is the primary buffer with her teamwide Vigor buff. Designer Lilibet, meanwhile, is a highly effective cleanser, decreasing her debuff duration by two turns and pushing their combat readiness with her third skill; with her passive, she can also frequently cleanse herself of all debuffs while also increasing her defense, directly buffing her damage. Hwayoung will always grant herself a large barrier at the end of each of her turns, in addition to a two-turn immunity buff after using her third skill, which has a very short cooldown. And Aria’s buffs also support the team due to her teamwide stealth and barrier buffs, while also granting herself a counterattacking buff for two turns - she can then force the enemy to only attack her, counterattacking to gain Focus and keeping her teammates out of harm’s way.
Guild War
2. Apocalypse Ravi + Krau + Roana
Substitutions: Fallen Cecilia, Adventurer Ras, Ruele of Light, Diene, Angelic Montmorancy, Lionheart Cermia
Survivability is key in Guild War, and few teams can achieve that as well as the combination of Apocalypse Ravi, Krau, and Roana. While keeping themselves tanky and healthy, this team also can deal and heal great amounts of damage, and even has two sources of reviving allies - something of a rarity in Epic Seven.
What makes this team great:
- This team is hard to take down due to its innate bulk: Roana, Krau, and Apocalypse Ravi are all meant to be built with high HP to capitalize on their skills and passives. Apocalypse Ravi is bulky and does high amounts of damage the more HP you give her; Krau can withstand attacks from the enemy, hold Aurius to grant the team defense, and can use his third skill to nuke when low on HP. Roana should be built with high HP to make the best use of her passive healing and is a premier answer to units that counter, dual attack, or attack twice in one turn.
- Both Apocalypse Ravi and Roana possess some ability to revive in their kits, which allows for flexibility if one unit goes down. For Roana, this comes through her third skill, which heals the team and grants a two-turn revive buff; for Apocalypse Ravi, this comes in her third skill, which revives a random ally if she secures a kill. Krau can be added to the mix if he’s using the artifact Holy Sacrifice as well. This is a team that can literally rise from the dead if need be.
Passive healing
- Both Roana and Apocalypse Ravi have passive healing skills in their kits, which allows them to become sturdier. Roana’s passive healing is in her passive, which heals her team when enemies counter, dual attack, or attack twice in a single turn, and its healing scales on how many units are hit. For Apocalypse Ravi, she can keep herself healthy through her passive, which heals her for a percentage of her HP every time she is hit when she has Fighting Spirit available to use; and, through her first skill, which absorbs damage when used.
1. Mediator Kawerik + Spirit Eye Celine + Yulha
Substitutions: Designer Lilibet, Sylvan Sage Vivian, Magic Scholar Doris, Angelic Montmorancy, Champion Zerato
A personal favorite team that I use in guild war, the combination of Yulha, Mediator Kawerik, and Spirit Eye Celine is great to use against the meta guild war defense team of Peira, Hwayoung, and Apocalypse Ravi. All three of the team members have been designed to counter these opponents in some capacity and can sustain large amounts of damage while still keeping themselves healthy.
What makes this team great:
- Mediator Kawerik deals with meta debuffers like Peira, Ran, and Angel of Light Angelica; Spirit Eye Celine is one of the best light-bait units in the game; and Yulha was designed specifically to counter Hwayoung by acting as a green-type bait while being built with a high amount of HP to sustain Hwayoung’s nuke. For a meta defense like Peira, Apocalypse Ravi, and Hwayoung, this offense team is one of the best answers.
Buffing capabilities
- Mediator Kawerik provides two turns of immunity and attack buff to his team on top of a full cleanse, meaning that pesky debuffers are no match against him. Spirit Eye Celine can both grant herself the unique Possession and her team one turn of immortality; and, if needed, can revive allies. Yulha grants herself a large barrier once she goes below 30% HP, an easy feat when tanking Hwayoung, and can retaliate back with a nuke of her own.
- AI-controlled units will almost always target the color they are strong against: for example, red units will always target green, green will always target blue, blue will always target red, and light and dark will always target each other. So Yulha, who is green, acts as a green bait for the red Hwayoung; and, Spirit Eye Celine acts as a light bait for the dark Apocalypse Ravi, or any other dark DPS, while also taking reduced damage due to her passive. This grants you a high level of control in an AI-controlled game mode like Guild War, where having proper bait units is essential to victory.