Welcome back. For the last article of this series, I will be talking about characters who can function well in the early game, and this means minimum items and low levels to carry them through. They are either fast or powerful.
Let's get on this top 5 list. To explain what I mean by early, I mean before night 2. I will be focused on characters' base skills as they have not made any items. This, in my opinion, still counts as early because of the amount of time taken to do so.
Aside from that, we will be using Solo as always and not taking skill level into account. Just base stats and skills and what they can scrounge up in one to two zones. Let's get to it.
5. Jan
This Battling boxer has made it into the list as the fifth most aggressive character in Eternal Return. In the early game, he stands out from the rest because his abilities get augmented the more he uses them. Due to his passive and his naturally high attack stat, he can easily overpower anyone on the same level as him.
Personally, I put him at five because his skills are easily dodged or predicted. While his Q is a knock-up when empowered, while it is not, he is just throwing out traditional damage skills. So hypothetically, you can run away from him so long as you do not get hit by his Q everything else does not stun nor knock you up.
What makes him strong
- Great base damages
- Does not need items to fight
- Has CC
- Base Abilities get stronger the longer the fight
Overall he can do things compared to other characters who do practically no damage and no CC. He can run people down with his E and dodge those CC skill shots. You can stun people with the knockback on your W if you are in an enclosed space, and worse comes to worst. You can knock them up with your empowered Q. Go get’em.
4. Li Dailin
While she may seem weak, she can finish her second zone. On top of that, she has good damage for around one fight. By managing her drunkenness meter, her abilities can destroy people so long as she doesn't go over. While she does have some mobility tied into her damage, she can begin fighting even at level 2.
Personally, I do not like fighting as Li Dailin early because she can do so much more with items than without. However, if she rushes it, she can out damage anyone while keeping the fight short and sweet due to the weapon advantage. Of course, when they start running away, you better time your dashes well because it is very short but also very effective.
What makes her good
- Fast weapon
- Good damage
- Quick dashes that do damage
- Tankier than other characters.
All in all, she is very strong if you include her weapon; if you do not have it, she is very mediocre and hardly stands out compared to any other character.
3. Zahir
Like the next character on this list, Zahir combos his skills together to proc additional effects. He shoots out chakrams that do physical damage while doing ability damage with everything else. All the while, he is auto attacking you to pile on additional damage on top of his already enormous hits.
Personally, I cannot do this playstyle due to its high SP cost and reliance on landing skill shots. Zahir does not have a dash, but he does get movement speed so long as you can land your skills on enemies. So, if you can land skills well, this guy is an absolute bully.
What makes him strong
- Great damage
- Debuffs enemy
- Good CC
- Low cooldowns
Overall, he is crazy early; you have to chug SP restoration items because as you can spam his skills, your SP will go down an equal amount. His damage output can kill just about anyone without a dash and those with dashes if they get too close when he begins his assault.
2. Adela
Much like Zahir, Adela can combo people to death so long as you both manage your passive and SP. She is a skill shot-based character but compared to Zahir, her abilities are broader and have a more extended range. She does not often attack, so you can forget about that and focus on keeping the enemy within range.
I have fought good Adela's before, and in doing so, I now understand that if you walk into an Adela with a good amount of vision and preparation, you will get clapped so hard you won't know what hit you. What makes her this strong is that her chess pieces interact with each other, especially if you get hit by multiple pieces.
What makes her good.
- Strong CC
- Can keep up with escapees
- Strong burst damage
- Ambushes early will guarantee a kill
What makes her counterable is that if the enemy does not walk into her ambush, she is more susceptible to people escaping from her. As her skills require a build-up for her combos on the run, she is not as deadly but can still catch people off guard if she is fast enough. Combine that with her Psuedo ranged auto attacks, and she is a force to be reckoned with.
1. Fiora

The final person on the list may surprise you; it is Fiora, the duelist. As it is in her name as a duelist, she can one vs. one everyone in the early game. This is due to her passive Touche that allows her to gain additional damage so long as she attacks the right side of the enemy. Combine that with all of her abilities that proc Touche and have special effects on hitting and you make her someone who cannot be killed and will kill you at the same time.
Back in the day, she needed her ultimate to become the best fighter, but now she does not even need it anymore because of how fast she can stack Touche procs on you. She has an inbuilt slow, disarm, and damage reduction in her first three skills. All in all, she WILL 1 vs. one you.
What makes her good.
- High base damage
- Ok CC
- Good Dashes
- Tanky
So long as they cannot escape from you, you will always catch up to them and kill them. You will win in a one vs. one situation unless something unexpected happens. Her skill shots are so fast that they cannot be dodged easily, slap her overall high mobility and damage, and you make her a wrecking ball early game.