F1 2021 Best Graphic Settings For a Great Experience

F1 2021 Best Graphic Settings
23 Oct 2021

F1 2021 can be technical, especially when it comes down to deciding the best settings for the game. The default settings do a decent job, but it doesn’t satisfy the needs of many players. When you are determined to win so many races, to gain that extra edge over your opponents, you need to tweak the settings to your advantage. F1 2021 allows you to tweak a lot of settings that affect your gameplay. Here are the best F1 2021 settings for graphics!

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Graphic Settings

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Gamma Adjustment

This year the game has become a little greyish and pushing it higher could work fine as well.

Motion Blur

For this setting, I’ve left it at 10 but if you don’t have that great of a graphics card or want to concentrate fully on the races, especially during competitive races, it’s best you set this at 0.

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Advanced Setup

Ideally, you are trying to get the most amount of fps (frames per second). So many of these you need to turn off or set on a medium level. For example, particles are the dirt that gets on your camera, so you need that of because if you leave it on it can serve as a distraction and can give you worse vision.

Although, there are two settings that you should focus your attention on which are the lightening [1] quality and the texture streaming. Leave these at medium and if you feel you have a very good graphics card, you can set it even higher.

Video mode

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For the resolution, try to run it on full screen. The aspect ratio is fine at 16:9 and do not use the Vsync, because it can give you a bit of a delay and in sim racing, the last thing you need is a delay!

The refresh rate needs to be put on max, depending on what your monitor supports. For the frame rate limit, turn this on, especially if you are a streamer and if you there are performance problems, turn it off. (If there are performance problems, limit the frame rate. Test to find the best value)

These are the best graphic settings that have the most impact on the game. Besides the ones mentioned, you can leave the rest at default.

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