Alter Egos, huh? Like Bruce Wayne? Well, kinda of. These are one of the special classes, ones that have a distinct advantage over three of the major classes (Technically four, but that’s Berserkers, who take more damage from most things in the first place) and are super-effective against Foreigners.
So when facing off against the Elder Gods or threats from outer-space, bring one or all of these guys! This list covers the Top Seven, as of June 2024 of the USA server. Let’s start off in a big way…literally!
7. Sitonai
Bear-serker is the strongest!
- Great damage
- Good survivability
- Overall use
One of the many Pseudo-Servants, this one based around Illya from the original Fate property of Fate: Stay/night. And being a German-Japanese homunculus who controlled the famous Greek hero of Hercales, obviously Illya gets to call upon the power of an Ainu dragon-slayer, Norse Goddess Freya and the Finnish evil witch queen Louhi. Well, one of three at least is something close to what Illya was.
Sitonai has a very straight-forward skill set. Her first one gives her Invincibility and gives the entire party some Damage Cut. Then her second skill grants her an Arts Card buff and Immunity towards one Debuff that comes her way. And then her third skill has a chance of granting her an Attack buff and Critical Star regeneration, while giving her a good amount of NP to work with.
Not really the best skill set around, but a serviable for most situations. And her Noble Phantasm has a situational debuff that will lower the Charge of any Dragon enemy by one. It does do Arts damage, so it can refund some of her NP after use. At least it also lowers the enemy’s Defense and Critical Rate regardless of what they are.
Some tier lists will place her higher up than most characters, but looking at the other Servants, I feel like she should be a bit lower. Being Single-Target and having chance-based buffs will do that. But she is good! Give her a try if you can.
6. Kingprotea

That’s a huge bi…wow, she is bigger than I thought.
- Insanely high HP/Tanky
- High AOE Damage
- Capable of looping her Noble Phantasm
Alter Egos were originally created by the original Moon Cancer, B.B., as fragments of herself manifested into different forms. Kingprotea is one of those, and we’ll meet one of her sisters later down the line. And she is BIG. Kingprotea is literally the biggest person in the game. Here’s a screenshot to show off how BIG she is.
And she can get even bigger thanks to her main claim of fame: Huge Scale. Her first skill grants her higher HP each and every turn, with a buff adding in some resistance to Noble Phantasm damage that scales with each HP buff. She can get insanely high HP for a playable character; with most characters coming around 15k, she can go to 30k easily, as shown in the screenshot.
Kingprotea’s third skill used to give her just an Attack buff, but following a upgrade, it gives a NP Damage buff for each stack of HP buff. But it’s her second skill that goes in a different direction. It reduces all cooldowns on her skills (save for the second skill) by one turn and fills up her NP for each stack of HP buff…but it consumes all of the HP buffs, and their effects as well.
So she can use her Noble Phantasm twice, but at the cost of losing a lot of good stuff. In fact, her Noble Phantasm gains a Buster buff if she has at least one of the HP buffs, with the overcharge effect granting another Buster buff. So she can use her Noble Phantasm to greater effect on one turn, and then to a lesser effect on her next turn.
But being able to use her Noble Phantasm a second time can be worth it if it means clearing out waves. Not to mention, if you give her Buster support in the form of the Koyanskayas, she can go even further! Kingprotea is effectively a snowball-character: starts out small but give her time and she’ll overwhelm everyone!
5. Bazett/Manannam mac Lir

Go ahead, attack her. It will be funny!
- Good Critical game
- Unique Counter Noble Phantasm
- Great damage game
The first Counter character was an Avenger, and he was meant to be bad. He’s literally designed as a Zero-Star character. And one of his buddies from the original game came in as a much more intentionally good character. Bazett was a highly-anticipated character for years and people were happy with what they got.
Her first skill gives her a buff to both Buster and Quick, along with some Critical Damage and additional damage towards those of the Caster class. Seeing how Alter-Egos already do more damage to those of the Cavalry group in the first place, it gives her a powerful advantage to fighting Casters. She gains even more Critical Damage thanks to her second skill, along with a huge amount of NP and drawing Critical Stars to her cards.
Bazett’s third skill grants her an Evade, Critical Stars, and Debuff Immunity. And that Evade is really important to that of her Noble Phantasm. It draws fire to her for one turn while countering any attack that comes her way. Once she gets hit, she will attack with high Quick damage, lowers the enemy’s Quick resistance, and get some Critical Stars! For each attack or even debuff!
That being said, if she doesn’t have the Evade up or some other defense buff, she can and will die from being attacked repeatedly. She cannot also use the Counter to break through bosses’ additional HP bars, so it’s important to not spam her Noble Phantasm, lest you get her killed or have it be less effective. Bazett is still useful…and I wish I wasn’t so lazy so I can actually farm the materials she needs!
4. Taisui Xingjun

A Servant that is literally a bunch of little guys stacked together in a trenchcoat.
- Arts Looping
- Unique debuffing roles
- Useful support role
Combine ‘Hello’, ‘Howdy’ and ‘Namaste’ and you’ll get ‘Helldyste’. Also, you’ll get a really useful Event Servant! Real shame the event is over now, but there should be a re-run next year, along with a store that will allow you to get him.
Taisui’s first skill is awesome! It gives the party a buff to their Arts and NP Gain, while also generating some Critical Stars each turn. Already off to a good start. The second skill targets one ally and grants them Guts, Debuff Immunity, and Buff Removal Resistance? Okay, he’s kinda busted.
His third skill prevents the enemies from using their skills for a turn, while also boosting Taisui’s NP and NP Damage. And his Noble Phantasm is really unique as it adds on a special ‘buff’ to the enemies when they die. When they die, the other enemies get hit with a Defense debuff, a stack of Curse, and increased Curse damage. Oh, and the Noble Phantasm does damage and Curses already, with increased damage to Human Attribute enemies!
He really lacks any weaknesses, outside of having something better for survival than Guts. Taisui is amazing to bring to fights against multiple enemies, and Arts-focused parties are already great to begin with. Pair him up with other Arts characters and unleash Helldyste!
3. Meltryllis

I am the Meltyrllis! I am the best character on the show!
- High Single-Target damage
- Great Quick card
- Removes buffs off enemies
Kingprotea’s older sister was one of the two original Alter Egos, and a pretty popular character to boot to begin with, thanks to her rather sadistic but occasionally sweet personality. And while she did need a lot of upgrades to be good, she’s still powerful, if caustic. Scary, scary!
All of Melt’s skills are about her. Her first skill grants a two-attack Evade, some Critical Stars, and then some good amount of NP. That Evade works well with her second skill, which lowers her Defense in exchange for an Attack buff and a Critical Damage buff will be added for each normal attack she does. Given her focus on Quick cards, she can generate a lot of Critical Stars and therefore can do a lot more with Critical Hits.
Her third skill is infamous. It decreases everyone’s NP Damage on the field save for her, which she gets a buff to. Yes, that includes her teammates. In fact, the NP Damage debuff you give to your teammates is at max strength while you have to upgrade the skill to match up with the debuff you give to the enemies! And this the NP Damage buff she used to give to herself didn’t activate automatically!
The one thing that didn’t need an upgrade is her Noble Phantasm. Melt hits one enemy after getting a Quick buff from her Overcharge and then strips their buffs. While that buff stripping doesn’t occur BEFORE the damage so she cannot pierce through things like Evade and Invincibility without having someone or something providing a buff.
Melt is one of those Quick-focused Servants that does well without needing some Quick support, but with it she can take her damage to stupid-high levels. Playing Melt is risky given her defense debuff and NP Damage debuff to the party, but it can be worth it. High-risk and high-reward!
2. Sessyoin Kiara

Google the lyrics for Super Freak by Rick James.
- Amazing Arts AOE Noble Phantasm
- Great survivability
- Loads of good debuffs
Hailing from the same game as Melt and Kingprotea comes the main antagonist, this nun. Who is a hacker. But everyone from Fate: Extra is a hacker to begin with. I guess it’s more important to bring up the fact that she’s also a cult leader and can bring people into her through a weird-hole in her stomach…
Kiara’s skills, like Melt’s, got some buffs, but it’s not like she really needed them. Her first one already allowed her to fill up her NP halfway and lowered their resistance to Debuffs, with the new effect lowering their resistance to Arts attack. And to scale that damage up even more, Kiara’s second skill decreases the enemy’s Charge and Defense, AND strips them off their buffs.
It’s her third skill that didn’t need a buff and it’s already a loaded potato. Self-application of Invincibility, Critical Damage, NP Gain, Debuff Resistance, HP Recover Amount…all for the cost of 3k HP. That’s a good amount of HP to lose, but this is meant to work alongside her Noble Phantasm.
And her Noble Phantasm is amazing because of it. Arts AOE makes it easy to refund, it restores HP (And easily gain more than what she loses when using her third skill), while ignoring any and all defensive buffs! Kiara does that thing I mentioned in the beginning too. She is a giant walking bag of fetishes, and a powerful one at that.
1. Ashiya Douman

More like Dourman, amiright?
- Great survivability
- Good team support for specific Servants
- High NP Charge
Sorry, typo humor is a thing usually reserved for my friends. Anyway, Douman is a major antagonist for FGO, and a long-standing one at that. It took two to three years to deal with him, and even then, he’s usually up to no good. But hey, guess he can get a free pass given how powerful he is!
His first skill really screws over the enemies. It decreases all enemies Attack and Defense, while inflicting them with Terror and Confusion. Terror can eventually Stun and Confusion has a chance of sealing their skills. Oh, and it Curses them as well. Kick them while they’re down.
Douman’s next two skills benefit those that are considered Evil and Chaotic. His second skill grants him a long-lasting Guts, while boosting the Critical Damage of Evil and more so for Chaotic Servants. This does mean he has to work alongside those kinds of Servants, and more so if you want to use his third skill.
That gives him an insanely high amount of NP to work with, nearly filling up his NP meter. It also boosts the Attack of those Evil and Chaotic, triggering twice if they are both. Oh, and Curses them too.
Want some more Curses? Well, Douman’s Noble Phantasm Curses enemies, makes them take more damage from Curse, has a real high chance of Instantly-killing them, and does a great amount of damage regardless. It doesn’t take much to get that Noble Phantasm up for him, so he can use it a lot more than others!
Alter Egos are great at fighting Assassins, Casters, Riders, and Foreigners. And Douman is great at killing things in general. You can use him to clear out waves…or put him back into his pot if he gets too troubling to deal with.