Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who has the Fairest Glamour of Them All?
Picking a glamour is a hard decision. Especially if you’re a glamour fanatic, you’ll most likely go through five in a week. I’ve combed through Eorzea Collection to find only the best of the best. And I have even better news— the glamours I have chosen are gender-friendly! So, grab your notebooks and start taking notes on the ones you like! I can almost guarantee that you’ll find a glamour that will fit your fancy.
1) Blackrose Duelist
( Picture above belongs to Yen’to Tahzun on server Chaos )
Just as Yen’to says, the roses shared between the Edenmorn weapon and the Plague Bringer's coats are perfect for the aesthetic that Red Mage has going for it! The bonus is the dark academia feel to it. Although, Yen’to does warn about the pants looking different on female models: it turns into booty shorts.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Virtu Duelist’s Chapeau
- Virtu Duelist Chapeau is obtained in one way: PVP content.
Trophy Crystals
The way you earn trophy crystals is through Series Malmstones. You’ll need 1,500 of them before you can trade them in for the hat. The NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. If you don’t know what a series malmstones is or how to unlock PVP, don’t worry— I got you covered. Dvalin has a video explaining what the malmstones are and how they work. Then there’s a guide on Final Fantasy XIV Loadstone that shows you how to unlock PvP.
The Body— Plague Bringer’s Coat
- Plague Bringer’s Coat is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum & Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in two dungeons: Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum & Pharos Sirius (Hard). Both of them are a level 60 that can be unlocked in the Heavenwards expansion; although, the Pharos Sirius is unlocked through the blue side-quest marker.
The Hands— Darklight Gloves of Casting
- Darklight Gloves of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Lost City of Amdapor, Halatail (Hard), & Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard)
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. These gloves can be dropped in three dungeons: The Lost City of Amdapor, Halatail (Hard), & Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard). They’re all level 50 that’s unlockable through Realm Reborn. Although, all of them are unlockable through a blue side-quest marker.
The Legs— Arachne Culottes of Casting
- Arachne Culottes of Casting is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Weaver & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 50. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you're gonna get it at is 61,860. Remember, the pants look different on female models! So, you might want to change the bottoms.
The Feet— Halonic Exorcist’s Thighboots
- Halonic Exorcist’s Thighboots is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Vault
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. These boots are dropped in only one dungeon: The Vault. It’s a level 57 dungeon that’s unlocked through the storyline of Heavenward.
The Weapon— Edenmorn Rapier
- Edenmorn Rapier is obtained in one way: Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage)
Edenmorn Weapon Coffer & Books of Eternity
Now, my best advice for running this raid is to do it unsyned. Yes, depending on your stats, you will still have to mind mechanics, but it helps you burn through the boss quicker. There are two things you’re waiting to drop: the books and the weapon coffer. The best thing would be the coffer: you just have to open it in the correct class, and you’ll get the corresponding weapon. However, you should still roll on the books!
If you have eight books and no coffer, you can trade them into nearby NPCs.
- Ghoul Gul in Amh Araeng ( X: 26.6, Y: 16.4 )
- Yhal Yal in Eulmore ( X: 10.0, Y: 11.5 )
- Mowen’s Merchant in The Crystarium ( X: 10.1, Y: 11.8 )
2) Reiterpallasch Hunter
( Picture above belongs to J’roric Citlalloh on server Crystal )
This caught my eye due to it looking like something from Bloodborne. And— surprise, surprise, the creator admitted this is heavily inspired by Bloodborne.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Anemos Duelist’s Chapeau
- Anemos Duelist’s Chapeau is obtained in one way: Stormblood Relic.
Stormblood Relic
Now, I don’t know too much about relic weapons or armor as I have never done them. Luckily, there’s more than enough information that’s out there. If you don’t know the hows or whats, Graehl Gaming has a video that explains it all. What about if you don’t have the area unlocked, PrincessUniKoRn has a video that quickly explains everything under a minute.
The Body— Anemos Duelist’s Tabard
- Anemos Duelist’s Tabard is obtained in one way: Stormblood Relic
Stormblood Relic
The same process as the Anemos Duelist’s Chapeau.
The Hands— Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting
- Wyvernskin Gloves of Casting is obtained through one way: NPCs.
There are three you can go to...
- Norliaise in The Pillars ( X: 7.1, Y: 10.1 )
- Travling Merchant in The Dravanian Forelands ( X: 32.0, Y: 23.4 )
- Vath Vendor in The Dravanian Forelands ( X: 24.2, Y: 19.4 )
The only thing you need is gil.
The Legs— Kupo Trousers
- Kupo Trousers is obtained in one way: Ishgardian restoration.
Kupo of Fortune
This is another thing that I’m not too familiar with, but Zane Lionhart has a video explaining how to acquire the scratch-offs.
Feet Piece— Edengate Thighboots of Casting
- Edengates Thighboots of Casting can be obtained in one way: Greaves of Early Antiquity.
Greaves of Early Antiquity
These boots are dropped in three of the Eden Gates. The raids that you should queue up for are Eden Gates Resurrection, Decent, and Sepulture. After you get two, you can go to a vendor NPC to get the thighboots.
- Ghoul Gul in Amh Araeng ( X: 26.6, Y: 16.4 )
- Yhal Yal in Eulmore ( X: 10.0, Y: 11.5 )
- Mowen’s Merchant in The Crystarium ( X: 10.1, Y: 11.8 )
Weapon Piece— Aeneas
- Aeneas can be obtained in one way: The Tempest.
After you unlock The Tempest Area, you have to unlock the NPC called Grenoldt. It’s only at his workshop ( X: 34.2, Y: 25.7 ) that you can acquire Aeneas. How to unlock him? You have to complete a mission called Light of Inspiration. Just make sure to have your Red Mage at level 80 and talk to Genoldt. After you complete How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes IV, you will have the weapon.
3) Yokai
( Picture above belongs to Vhenan Lavellan on server Primal )
What really caught my eye about this glamour is the tattoos. As you know, Final Fantasy XIV doesn’t really give us many choices of tattoos. The only way to get a tattoo somewhere other than your face is certain pieces of armor. So, glams that have them tend to catch my attention! Also, these are the same bottoms as the very first glamour. So, if you have a girl character, you might want to change bottoms.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece— Kokuko Men
- Kokuko Men is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 1,500 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
Body Piece— Thaliak’s Chestwraps of Casting
- Thaliak’s Chestwraps of Casting is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
It’s the same info as Kokuko men, but you need 2,000 instead.
Hands Piece— Republican Signifer’s Fingerless Gloves
- Republican Signifer’s Fingerless Gloves is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
It’s the same info as Kokuko men.
Legs Piece— Arachne Culottes of Casting
- Arachne Culottes of Casting is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Weaver & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 50. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 61,860. Remember, the pants look different on female models! So, you might want to change the bottoms.
Feet Piece— Hemiskin Open-toed Boots of Casting
- Hemiskin Open-toed Boots of Casting is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Leatherworker & Player’s Market
To make this, you need to be a level 60. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 8,351.
The Weapon— Dead Hive Rapier
- Dead Hive Rapier is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Goldsmith & Player’s Market
To make this, you need to be a level 60. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 55,439.
The Jewelry
If you’re interested in the jewelry glamour, you check out the Yokai page.
4) Spoopy
( Picture above belongs to Valkariel Dawnbringer on server Aether )
This glamour is so, so cute, and it’s perfect for Red Mage! Sure, they don’t have a wand. However, the weapon used for this glam is the best substitute— look at it! The little thingy floating in her hand is so pretty too. Plus, as I said at the beginning of this article, this is guy-friendly.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece— Witch’s Hat
- Witch’s Hat is obtained in one way: Mog Station.
Mog Station
When you’re on the Mog Station, you’re looking for the Witch’s Attire.
The Body— Idealized Estoqueur’s Bliaud
- Idealized Estoqueur’s Bliaud in one way: Memoria Misera (Extreme).
Idealized Chest Gear Coffer & High Legatus Idol
When you queue up for Memoria Misera, two things will drop: a gear coffer and a High Legatus Idol. What you really want to roll for is the chest gear coffer. That will give you the top as long you open it in the right job; however, if you can’t or having a hard time getting it, you should roll for the idols. If you have five of the idols before you get the coffer, you can trade in them for the chest piece. The NPC you’re looking for is C’intana in Mor Dhona ( X: 22.7, Y: 6.6 ).
The Hands— Witch’s Glove
- Witch’s Glove is obtained in one way: Mog Station.
Mog Station
When you’re on the Mog Station, you’re looking for the Witch’s Attire.
The Legs— Fat Cat Shorts
Fat Cat Shorts is obtained in one way: Mog Station.
Mog Station
When you’re on the Mog Station, you’re looking for the Fat Cat Attire.
The Feet— Shadowless Boots of Casting
- Shadowless Boots of Casting is obtained in one way: Dungeon grinding.
The Hero’s Gauntlet
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: The Hero’s Gauntlet. It’s a level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringers' main storyline.
The Weapon— Tropaios Rapier
- Tropaios Rapier is obtained in one way: PVP content.
Trophy Crystals
The way you earn trophy crystals is through Series Malmstones. You’ll need 1,500 of them before you can trade them in for the hat. The NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. If you don’t know what a series malmstones is or how to unlock PVP, don’t worry— I got you covered. Dvalin has a video explaining what the malmstones are and how they work. Then there’s a guide on Final Fantasy XIV Loadstone that shows you how to unlock PvP. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
The Alternate clothing
If you’re interested in a different version of the glamour, the creator has a suggestion in their description box. You’ll be able to see it on Spoopy’s page.
5) Scarlet Witch
(Picture above belongs to Hollywood Bizzle from server Crystals.)
If you want a glamour that blends well with Final Fantasy XIV, this is the best thing! Especially if you love to role-play. With this glamour, you could be a bounty hunter or a mysterious traveler.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece— Facet Hat of Casting
- Facet Hat of Casting is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Weaver & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 80. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 10,495.
The Body— Scion Traveler’s Jacket
- Scion Traveler’s Jacket is obtained in two ways: main storyline and NPCs.
The MSQ and Calamity Salvagers
The way you get the Scions Traveler's attire coffer, you need to process through the main storyline. How far? I have no clue. All I know is that Tataru will give it to you as a reward. If you have done got it but gotten rid of it, you can revisit the calamity salvagers in the starting cities.
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Desk ( X: 11.3, Y: 14.3 )
- Old Gridania ( X: 10.0, Y: 8.4 )
- Ul’dah steps of Thal ( X: 12.6, Y: 13.1 )
The Hands— Gloves of the Black Griffin
- Gloves of the Black Griffin are obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 1,500 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
The Legs— Taoist’s Slops
- Taoist’s Slops is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Weaver & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 70. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 136,502.
The Feet— Evenstar Boots
- Evenstar Boots is obtained in two ways: Vendors and Quest
Ailled Seals & The MSQ
First things first, what are allied seals? They’re rewarded to you when you complete hunts within the Realm Reborn. If you don’t know how to unlock hunts, check out Icy Veins! Now, if you want to go the trading route, you’re going to need 30 allied seals. However, you may have a chance of getting it during the main quest line. The MSQ you need to look out for is Dark words, Dark Deeds: It’s a level 50 quest.
The Weapon— Seeing Horde Rapier
- Seeing Horde Rapier is obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Goldsmith & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 60. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 36,750.