10. Ring of Timely Strikes
Ring of Timely Strikes Effect:
- When equipped, complex ability combinations can be executed by simply pressing.
The Ring of Timely Strikes makes your regular attack chains combo with magic as well as Torgal's assist moves. Using this ring makes it so you automatically cast magic after each hit and makes it so Torgal will automatically assist instead of requiring you to hit the D-pad to activate his assist moves. This is useful for boosting damage and increasing combos, so you can focus on staying alive.
Why it’s a great item:
- It adds bonus DPS and is extremely easy to use.
- It’s an optional item and doesn’t have a huge impact; it simply automatically activates the magic chain attack and Torgal’s assist spells, which you can always do manually if you prefer to have more things to keep track of during combat.
How to get the Ring of Timely Strikes:
You start the game with it.
9. High Cleric’s Medallion
High Cleric’s Medallion Effect:
- increases the healing potency of high potions by 25%.
High potions are really great, but as there’s no failsafe in Final Fantasy XVI preventing you from dying (outside of Limit Break), you really need to make sure you have enough health to tank a big hit. If you aren’t confident, you’ll be able to dodge it.
High potions are great to pop after being hit with a boss’s strongest attacks, which can typically do about more than 50% of your health, making it essential to top off immediately after taking a big hit or else you risk game over, so having this accessory will be sure to offset any damage taken!
Why it’s a great item:
- High Potions already heal a lot, so having this accessory will almost top you off on HP most of the time, making this a really good way to negate any large hits you take.
- It helps conserve potions, and you have a limited amount of them during boss fights, so being able to heal more is always great.
How to get the High Cleric’s Medallion:
Reward from the "A Light from the Heavens" donation at the Patron's Whisper for reaching 715 Renown.
8. Cleric’s Medallion
Cleric’s Medallion Effect:
- increases the healing potency of potions by 20%.
Potions are one of the few ways you can recover your health. You can carry a lot of potions, so a significant boost to their potency is really advantageous because you have a lot of them. Using this accessory, a single potion can heal almost half of your health, as potions in Final Fantasy XVI are percentage-based.
Why it’s a great item:
- Potions are good for topping up health, saving your high potions for when you really need them.
- You have double the number of potions than high potions, so overall the effectiveness is higher, making it a more worthwhile investment.
- Potions are a money sink; the more you heal, the less you’ll need to use them!
How to get the Cleric’s Medallion:
Defeat Chirada for the first time during the "Louder Than Words" main quest.
- Complete Louder than Words.
7. On Fortune and the Heavens
On Fortune and the Heavenly Effect:
- Increases EXP earned by 15%.
EXP is what you need to level up, which gives a small boost to everything. It’s important to get as much experience as possible, as there is a limit to how strong your weapon and armour can get. Final Fantasy XVI has a very linear upgrade system for both weapon and armour upgrades, and levels are a core component to boosting Clive’s strength, so an exp boost is definitely a way to gain a significant power-up.
Why it’s a great item:
- A lot of exp is gained from boss battles and bounty hunts, so it’s very easy to equip these just before these encounters to make a killing and significantly level up.
- As with all RPGs, getting a high level feels great, so you really want to end up as high as possible!
How to get on Fortune and the Heavens:
Available at Charon's Toll by the "Cid the Outlaw" main quest.
- Buy from Charon's Toll. Complete Cid the Outlaw.
6. The Golden Testament
The Golden Testament Effect:
- Increases gil earned by 35%.
Gil is the currency used in Final Fantasy XVI to make purchases. It’s mostly used to purchase equipment and consumables, and it’s actually pretty difficult to earn Gil. The largest venues for Gil seem to be boss encounters; there’s no other way to really farm Gil quickly, so it may be a good idea to have this equipped at all times just to make sure you end up with a surplus of Gil.
Why it’s a great item:
- This item increases overall gil gain, which is important for getting consumables like potions and buff potions.
- It’s actually pretty difficult to get enough Gil to purchase all optional collectibles (such as sound tracks) from NPCs throughout Final Fantasy XVI because they’re pretty expensive, so this accessory helps alleviate the need to grind for as much Gil as possible.
- It’s actually pretty hard to farm Gil in general; boss fights seem to have the highest payouts.
How to get The Golden Testament:
Available at Charon's Toll by the "Cid the Outlaw" main quest.
- Buy from Charon's Toll. Complete Cid the Outlaw.
5. The Wages of Warcraft
The Wages of Warcraft Effect:
- Increases ability points earned in normal encounters by 20%.
The wages of Warcraft increase ability points gained from fighting regular mobs on the world map. This is especially useful early in the game when you don’t have access to mastered skills, so it’s worth equipping once it’s available just so you can rack up ability points as you play the game.
Why it’s a great item:
- The benefit of mastering a skill is huge, so the earlier you can get ability points to level it up, the better.
- It’s a nice and easy set-and-forget piece of equipment; you never have to take it off if you want to gain enough ability points to master all of the skills (there’s a trophy achievement for this!).
How to get The Wages of Warcraft:
Available at Charon's Toll by the "Cid the Outlaw" main quest.
- Buy from Charon's Toll. Complete Cid the Outlaw.
4. Berserk Ring
Berserker Ring Effect:
- Temporarily increases attack proficiency with each precision dodge.
The Berserker Ring is one of the most unique rings, featuring an upgraded precision dodge animation where you also gain a temporary buff from Ifrit! On precision dodges with the Berserker ring equipped, Clive gains a short temporary combo chain speed boost where you attack a bit fast and land a few more hits (akin to the limit break attack chain effect).
Why it’s a great item:
- Offers a unique precision dodge animation exclusive to the Berserker ring: the precision dodge turns into a cut-in effect.
- Gives you a temporary attack buff, which increases overall dps if you can manage to land multiple precision dodges.
- Rewarding experience: Dodge looks cooler and lets you hit harder.
How to get the Berserker Ring:
Reward from the "Pillow Talk" donation at the Patron's Whisper for reaching 85 renown.
3. Ring of Timely Focus
Ring of Timely Focus Effect:
- When equipped, time slows before an evadable enemy attack strikes Clive. There is no effect when equipped with the Ring of Timely Evasion.
The Ring of Timely Focus is an accessibility ring for those that find the game a bit too difficult and want to have bullet-time slowdowns from enemy attacks so it’s easier to dodge. As the ring description seems to suggest, time slows down before an enemy attack strikes Clive. The ring gives you a bit more time to react to attacks without doing it for you; essentially, it’s a toned-down version of the Ring of Timely Evasion.
The time-slowdown is pretty stylish, so it's worth equipping if you want some style points. Seeing the time slow down whenever you dodge an attack does feel pretty great!
Why it’s a great item:
- The ring makes sure to help you get past enemies that you are stuck on, so you never have a progression-ending experience.
- It’s a 100% optional item; if you don’t want to make the game easier, just don’t use it.
- The slow-down time effect feels really cool and isn’t just there to make the game easier.
How to get the Ring of Timely Focus:
You start the game with it.
2. Ring of Timely Evasion
Ring of Timely Evasion Effect:
- When equipped, Clive will automatically evade attacks, as long as the attack can be evaded.
The Ring of Timely Evasion is an accessibility ring for those who find the game a bit too difficult and need help to dodge all forms of attack. As the ring description seems to suggest, if you can dodge an attack, the ring helps you dodge the attack. This is arguably one of the strongest rings in the game because of how much assistance it provides.
Why it’s a great item:
- The ring makes sure to help you get past enemies that you are stuck on, so you never have a progression-ending experience.
- It’s a 100% optional item; if you don’t want to make the game easier, just don’t use it.
How to get the Ring of Timely Evasion:
You start the game with it.
1. Genji Glove
Genji Glove Effect:
- increases the damage dealt to enemies by 5%.
The Genji Glove is typically one of the best equipment accessories in Final Fantasy games, and this is no exception in Final Fantasy XVI. Featuring a flat 5% damage increase to all enemies on all attacks, along with the numerous attack options available, this makes it the most effective and well-rounded accessory in the game!
Most accessories in Final Fantasy XVI boost a single skill, but you can equip a total of six abilities at one time, meaning a single piece of equipment that grants 5% damage to all abilities makes the most effective use of the three equipment slots available.
Why it’s a great item:
- Flat damage boost to all forms of attack, not limited to boosting one ability or spell
- Not limiting your build to a specific skill; you can use whatever you want with this ring.
How to get the Genji Glove:
Reward from the Patron's Whisper for reaching 2365 renown.