4#. Activating your Champion Status
First, you should activate your champion status. Activating your champion status every three days grants you an XP boost for yourself and your teammates, as well as adding on more loot, Steel, and salvage to dismantle gear. 2000 Steel is all it costs to spend every three days. Playing normally as most For Honor grinders do makes 2000 little to nothing at all for a boost of that magnitude.
How It Works
- Open the "Social" tab.
- Select "Profile".
- The "Champion Status" activation button will be in green.
How Much XP Can You Get With Champion Status
- +25% XP boost for self
- +10% XP boost for others
3#. XP Boosts
Boost Your Chances!
XP Boosts are a crucial aspect of your grind in For Honor. It helps give Salvage more use instead of the simple upgrading of gear, if you have enough you can grant yourself a 250 XP bonus automatically for any of your chosen characters. The cost of it does go up every time you utilize it and the costs reset each day.
It might be smart to use it three times every day. However, this is hard to do when you are starting out so this is more for mid-level players.
How It Works
- The button is prompted before matches.
How Much XP Can You Get With XP Boosts
- 250 for any of your chosen characters, an additional tool for Salvage.
2#. Playing Dominion and Breach Exclusively
Game modes are pretty much the easiest and most continuous way to gain XP fast, especially Dominion and Breach. You’ll get a bonus XP based on your game mode, how well you did, the time spent in the match, strategic points on the war map, and how much you accomplished within those parameters.
Player matches are longer but hold more XP, however playing against bots gets much harder as your reputation begins to rise, playing against bots of Level 3 holds the same amount of weight as player matches.
How It Works
- Click on Dominion or Breach game modes
How Much XP Can You Get With Dominion & Breach
- 2000 XP in about 30 minutes (Breach)
- 700-1000 XP in about 15 minutes (Dominion)
1#. Orders
Get 'em done soldier!
Orders are the number one way to get chunks of XP throughout your play experience. By simply executing and completing orders whether daily or contract will give you plentiful amounts of XP.
Getting massive amounts of XP for playing certain game modes, getting certain amounts of kills, or playing against a certain faction, or reviving allies. Daily orders are the best way to get Steel, but Contract or Main orders are the best ways to get XP.
How It Works
- Click on Multiplayer on the Main Menu
- Press on the Orders button.
- Complete daily/weekly missions. Ranges from 150-2000 XP
How Much XP Can You Get With Orders
- Ranges from 150-2000 XP