Jean Gunnhildr, the daughter of Frederica Gunnhildr and Seamus Pegg, the older sister of Barbara, and a descendant of the Gunnhildr Clan, she’s the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius.
Jean’s goal is to protect Mondstat so she’s always busy working on that. She’s an Anemo Sword character whose main role is Healer, but she can be a Sub DPS too since her ability kit is very flexible.
Today, we’re going to talk about the best builds for her!
3. Maiden beloved
Maiden Beloved is an artifact set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Valley of Remembrance.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases character healing effectiveness by 15% and its 4-Piece Bonus increases healing received by all party members by 20% when the character uses an Elemental Skill or Burst.
Reasons to use this set:
- Jean is very good as a DPS and as a healer. Even if you want to build her as a healer, you have to keep in mind that she heals based on her ATK, so she’ll deal a lot of DMG anyways.
- Her Elemental Burst heals too, so when you cast it with this set, the healing received will increase a lot. Also, your character has to be in-game to get healed, but Jean can also heal them with her normal attacks.
- The perfect weapon for this set is the Festering Desire, a 4-star sword that increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16% and Elemental Skill CRIT by 6%.
Set stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: Anemo DMG Bonus
- Goblet: ATK%
- Circlet: ATK%/Crit Rate/ Crit DMG
- Jean, Ayaka, XIao, and Zhongli
- Jean, Mona, Chongyun, and Xingqiu
- Jean, Yae Miko, Ayaka, and Venti
2. Viridescent Venerer
Viridescent Venerer is an Artifact Set available at 4 and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Valley of Remembrance. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Anemo DMG by 15% and its 4-Piece Bonus increases Swirl DMG by 60% and decreases enemies’ elemental RES.
Reasons to use this set:
- This set is also perfect for a Jean Support. Her Swirl DMG, which is dealt with her Elemental Burst, will be increased, so Elemental Reactions will deal more DMG.
- Jean’s Elemental Skill also deals DMG, so you have to use her Skill to charge her Burst, since it’s the point of this set.
- The best weapon for this set is the Freedom Sword, a 5-star sword that increases DMG by 10% and Elemental Mastery.
Set stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: Anemo DMG Bonus
- Goblet: ATK%
- Circlet: Crit Rate/ Crit DMG
- Jean, Mona, XIao, and Zhongli
- Jean, Fischl, Chongyun, and Diona
- Jean, Yae Miko, Ayaka, and Kazuha
1. Viridescent Venerer and Shimenawa’s Reminiscence/Gladiator’s Finale
Shimenawa’s Reminiscence is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Momiji-Dyed Court in Inazuma.
The 2-Piece Bonus of Shimenawa’s Reminiscence and Gladiator’s Finale increase your attack by 18%, both of them. So, it means your attack will be increased by 36%.
Viridescent Venerer is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Valley of Remembrance. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Anemo DMG by 15%.
Reasons to use this set:
- Jean applies Anemo DMG whenever you activate her Elemental Skill or her Elemental Burst, so Viridescent Venerer will increase this Anemo DMG.
- Even if you think the most important part of Jean is her Anemo DMG, you have to watch out if you want to use her as a DPS. So Shimenawa’s Reminiscence will increase her normal attacks’ DMG. Also, her healing increases with her ATK.
- The perfect weapon for this set is the Primordial Jade Cutter, a 5-star sword that increases HP by 20% and provides an ATK Bonus based on 1.2% of Jean’s Max HP. Also, increases CRIT Rate as a bonus effect.
Set stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: Anemo DMG/ATK% Bonus
- Goblet: ATK%
- Circlet: Crit Rate/ Crit DMG
- Jean, Xiao, Ayaka, and Zhongli
- Jean, Kazuha, Hu Tao, and Bennet
- Jean, Hu Tao, Venti, and Zhongli