Xiao is one of the most loved characters in Genshin Impact. He’s one of those characters that are always appearing in side stories and events, even when they shouldn’t be related. Why? Because people like them, appearance-wise or personality-wise.
However, what about Xiao as a playable character instead of as a person? He’s also amazing and was taken as the best DPS in-game for the longest time. With easy gameplay, amazing effects, huge AoE, and more advantages, he’s one of the best characters. In this guide, we’ll show you who to pair him with to become even more amazing.
10. Xiao + Jean + Venti + Kazuha
We start with a full Anemo team. Although fun and different, this team is in 10th place because having just one element makes battles more difficult. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll lose, only that it’ll take more time.
Venti's burst and Jean’s and Kazuha’s elemental skills all serve the purpose of crowd-controlling enemies. With them together, you can activate other abilities to deal sub-damage or heal your main DPS Xiao, or just take him out and start killing your enemies with plunging attacks.
- Xiao: DPS
- Jean: Healer and Sub-DPS
- Venti: CC and Battery
- Kazuha: Sub-DPS and Enabler
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Healing thanks to Jean
- Lots of crowd control
- Double Anemo resonance
- Constant Swirl elemental reactions
- Every character can work as a battery
9. Xiao + Fischl + Bennett + Sucrose
In this team, as well as in some of the following, we find that every character is a free-to-play 4-star character instead of a 5-star temporal one, like Venti or Kazuha in the previous one. Lots of characters with only 4-star rating are fantastic supports, and it shows.
Fischl's support is more damage-centred, dealing tons of off-field damage thanks to her familiar. Sucrose is Venti’s budget version, creating lots of swirl reactions and pulling enemies together. Finally, Bennett is, as we all know, the best support in the game, with a buffing and healing elemental burst.
- Xiao: DPS
- Fischl: Sub-DPS
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
- Sucrose: CC and Battery
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Bennett’s ATK buff is amazing
- Sucrose can CC as well as Venti
- Fischl is a fantastic f2p sub-DPS
- Lots of healing from Bennett
- Anemo resonance
8. Xiao + Sucrose + Bennett + Xiangling
A similar team, yes, but with some improvements. The first one is an added elemental resonance: the Pyro resonance. It increases the attack stat of the whole team which, together with Bennett’s buff, can skyrocket.
Another advantage is the increased damage. How did it increase? Well, the supports in this team are centred around Elemental Mastery instead of Energy recharge. This Mastery plus Sucrose’s passive can make the continuous Pyro + Anemo Swirl reaction deal as much damage as Xiao’s burst by itself.
- Xiao: DPS
- Sucrose: CC, Battery, and Enabler
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
- Xiangling: Enabler and Sub-DPS
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Anemo resonance
- Pyro resonance
- Checks all boxes: CC, Healer, Battery…
- Centred around elemental reactions that use Anemo
- Bennett’s ATK buff is amazing
- Sucrose can CC as well as Venti
- Lots of healing from Bennett
7. Xiao + Bennett + Tartaglia + Kazuha
This team is more burst-damage-centred than the others we have studied so far. Xiao’s main damage comes from her burst, but the rest of his teammates’ bursts also deal nuclear blasts. Well, except Bennett’s, but he’s excused because of his powerful ATK buffing.
After using that same burst, you can spam Childe’s (who can also be your main DPS if you want), and Kazuha’s bursts. This combination will deal tons of Anemo and Hydro Swirl damage for a while. If you put Xiao’s plunging attacks on top of that, the enemies won’t have any time for salvation.
- Xiao: DPS
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
- Tartaglia: DPS
- Kazuha: Sub-DPS, CC, and Enabler
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Anemo Resonance
- Bennett’s ATK buff is amazing
- Lots of healing from Bennett
- Kazuha can pull in enemies
- Tartaglia’s and Kazuha’s burst are high damaging ones
- Powerful off-field damage
6. Xiao + Xiangling + Diona + Venti
In this case, except for Diona, the rest of the team is composed of characters that have been explained before. However, as it usually happens with team-building in Genshin Impact, they have different roles and strategies, which mean different weapons and builds.
Except Xiao and Venti, that is, because they excel at their DPS and CC job respectively and their kit was designed specifically for it. On the other hand, this Xiangling is more DPS-focused, thanks to having Diona in the team. Her Cryo enabling can double Xiangling’s Pyro damage through Melt reaction, almost dealing the same damage as the full DPS Xiao.
- Xiao: DPS
- Xiangling: Sub-DPS and Enabler
- Diona: Shielder, Healer, and Enabler
- Venti: CC and Enabler
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Lots of DPS happen while Xiao’s on the field
- DPS doesn’t need change of characters because it’s off-field
- Shielding and healing or Xiao’s burst
- Fantastic crowd control
- Anemo resonance
- Easy Melt elemental reaction creation
5. Xiao + Sayu + Raiden Shogun + Sara
Here we find an Electro resonance, created thanks to the Electro Archon, Raiden Shogun, and her most avid believer, Kujou Sara. There's also another new character, the kunoichi Sayu, who wields an Anemo vision, thus creating another Anemo resonance.
How does this team work? First of all Sayu’s burst is the healer skill you have to use previous to Xiao’s skill, as well as the enabler you need to use to apply Electro on every enemy (helped by the other two girls). Now just help yourself and kill them with Xiao’s burst, finishing the remnants with the Shogun’s powered-up burst.
- Xiao: DPS
- Sayu: Healer and Enabler
- Raiden Shogun: Battery and DPS
- Sara: Battery and Enabler
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Sayu’s healing has a wide AoE
- Xiao and Raiden Shogun enter the top DPS tier
- Sara is an amazing battery and ATK buffer
- Sayu’s skill can reduce the resistance of tons of enemies in seconds
- Lots of passive damage from the 3 of them
- Anemo Resonance
- Electro Resonance
4. Xiao + Venti + Diona + Ayaka
A double resonance team is always welcomed. because that double buff does help even if your team is amazing. In this case, the Anemo buff makes you attack and move faster, with lower cooldowns, while the Cryo resonance increases Cryo damage and Critical Rate.
Venti and Diona as always are pure supports, centring in controlling enemies, charging energy, shielding when needed and healing and enabling when possible. Xiao by himself is an amazing DPS, but Ayaka can make improvements, such as freezing enemies, attacking enemies that are far away, or creating swirl damage on top of her own damage.
- Xiao: DPS
- Venti: CC and Enabler
- Diona: Shielder and Healer
- Ayaka: DPS
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Venti’s burst CC can pull in every enemy
- Shielding and healing covered thanks to Diona
- Two amazing DPS
- Every character has wide-AoE elemental bursts
- Cryo damage increased and resistance lowered
- Anemo resonance
- Cryo resonance
3. Xiao + Diona + Ganyu + Xingqiu
Here we are, finally on the podium. A similar Cryo resonance that increases Critical Rate and Cryo Damage is found in this team. However, instead of basing the strategy on that Swirl Cryo + Anemo damage, it’s based on freezing + breaking damage.
Xingqiu applies Hydro apart from his obvious support skills, similar to Diona that applies Cryo together with shielding and healing. Xiao’s plunging attacks are charged with the task of breaking the freezing enemies and defeating them. In case you need more Cryo or more DPS, Ganyu is waiting in line for you.
- Xiao: DPS
- Diona: Shielder and Healer
- Ganyu: DPS
- Xingqiu: Enabler
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Lots of off-field damage thanks to Xingqiu
- Shielding and healing thanks to Diona and Xingqiu
- Xingqiu’s skill prevents combo breaking
- Ganyu’s burst AoE is amazing
- DPS of the team is sky-high
- Constant permafreezing allows for quick battles
- Cryo resonance
2. Xiao + Raiden Shogun + Zhongli + Bennett
This team has to be on the podium just because two of the Archons are in it. Moreover, the rest of the team is the immortal Jaksha Xiao and the most wanted support, Bennett. You can imagine that, even without any elemental resonances active, this team is one of the best.
Bennett’s burst comes first as always, preparing for healing and increasing any damage done. Now you can either spam the rest burst if you have enough energy, dealing a nuclear attack to your enemy; or use Raiden and Zhongli’s support skills to increase Xiao’s burst effectiveness. Both ways are powerful and you may prefer one of the other depending on the enemies and field.
- Xiao: DPS
- Raiden Shogun: Battery and DPS
- Zhongli: Shielder
- Bennett: Enabler and Healer
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Best ATK buffer in the game
- Raiden allows for easy burst spamming
- Raiden’s off-field damage creates constant swirl or overcharged reactions
- Zhongli’s shield is invincible
- Three amazing burst DPS
- Healing covered thanks to Bennett
1. Xiao + Jean + Zhongli + Albedo
Now onto the best team that could ever help Xiao. At least for the majority of people. It’s a team that can do everything and covers all the bases, and we like that very much. Do you want healing? There’s Jean. Do you want a shield? Call Zhongli. Do you want off-field damage? Albedo is the one. And of course there’s Xiao.
This is a team that helps Xiao become his best self. Xiao’s burst is his most important ability, but he loses health, can be stopped by hits and needs lots of energy. This team solves each and every problem, having a battery, a shielder, and a healer. Albedo is the cherry on top, having the most suited off-field damage ability for Xiao’s burst, while also activating the Geo resonance.
- Xiao: DPS
- Jean: Battery and Healer
- Zhongli: Shielder and Sub-DPS
- Albedo: Shielder and Sub-DPS
Why This Team Is Great for Xiao:
- Anemo resonance
- Geo resonance
- Damage while shielded increases
- Zhongli’s shield is invincible
- Three amazing burst DPSs
- Albedo’s off-field damage lasts a lot and hurts a lot
- Jean provides both healing and CC
As you can see, you can create a powerful and useful team around Xiao with special or free-to-play characters. He’s just that powerful. As a servant of the Geo Archon and an Adeptus himself, he is expected to be. It’s a pity that the rest of his family, the 5 Jakshas, aren’t here anymore and we won’t be able to pull and play with them…