One of Genshin Impact’s most debated events is the Spiral Abyss. For those who don’t know what this is, the Abyss event has a tower-like structure in which you win battles within a time limit and unlock the next floor, a.k.a. the next 3 battle levels.
Each floor, from 9th to 12th, gives lots of primogems as a completion reward. However, because of that, they are really difficult to complete within the short time limit. In this guide, we updated the best teams to use in this strange tower, which has changed since the start of the game.
5. Yoimiya + Bennett + Yelan + Yunjin
After an ATK stat buff from Bennett, and a normal attack’s damage from Yunjin, you can start dealing damage. Both Yelan’s skill and burst apply Hydro and deal lots of damage, readying the enemies for Yoimiya’s skill-charged normal attacks.
Team Roles:
- Yoimiya: DPS
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
- Yelan: DPS
- Yunjin: Shielder and Enabler
What Makes This Team Great For Spiral Abyss:
- Pyro resonance increases the team’s ATK stat
- The vaporize elemental reaction from Yoimiya and Yelan double’s the team’s damage
- Yoimiya’s burst can burn enemies with off-field damage
- Yelan’s skill can attack, apply Hydro, and stun tens of enemies at the same time
- Yunjin can buff Yoimiya’s and Yelan’s normal attacks
- Buffing, healing, and shielding from various fronts
4. Itto + Zhongli + Albedo + Gorou
Although he’s called the DPS of the team, Zhongli’s meteorite and Albedo’s flowers can deal decent damage as well, apart from shielding. Gorou’s the one that mainly heals and buffs different stats, like Geo damage or normal attacks’ damage. These are amazing when mixed when Itto’s powerful oni burst that Geo-smashes enemies constantly.
Team Roles:
- Arataki Itto: DPS
- Zhongli: Shielder and Sub-DPS
- Albedo: Shielder and Sub-DPS
- Gorou: Healer and Enabler
What Makes This Team Great For Spiral Abyss:
- Itto’s dashing technique from one enemy to another can shorten the battle time
- You can attack discriminately because Zhongli’s shield will protect you
- If in need of crowd-control Zhongli’s burst can petrify enemies
- Albedo’s off-field damage is one of the highest and easiest to build in-game
- Gorou’s constellations can increase Geo Damage and Critical Damage
- Has double Geo resonance activated
- Super-quick energy recharge thanks to being the same element
3. Ayato + Ganyu + Venti + Bennett
Venti, as usual, is the best crowd controller thanks to his overpowered vortex created by his burst. With the enemies together, Ayato’s and Ganyu’s AoE bursts can permanently freeze the enemies, trapping them in a freezing vortex. Now just buff them with Bennett’s bursts and spam their charged attacks that, by the way, also have huge AoE.
Team Roles:
- Kamisato Ayato: DPS
- Ganyu: DPS
- Venti: Enabler and Crowd-controller
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
What Makes This Team Great For Spiral Abyss:
- Astonishingly pretty mash of bursts
- Super-wide AoE from both DPSs’ bursts
- Just need the first burst spam and the rest only depends on Ayato’s and Ganyu’s charged attacks
- Ayato’s charged attacks, like Ayaka’s, can both attack various enemies and far away enemies.
- Amazing crowd-control makes aiming easier for Ganyu
- Perma-freeze makes enemies unable to hit you
- Bennett’s burst is the best ATK buffer in the game
2. Ganyu, Venti, Mona, and Diona
This team follows the strategy of the 3rd team, although the timing and damage are better by far. Now, Mona is the one who uses her burst to apply hydro and increase damage, Venti still takes his place to cause secondary damage while controlling the enemies. Diona’s job is to heal and shield and all that’s left is Ganyu’s missile-like Cryo arrows.
Team Roles:
- Ganyu: DPS
- Venti: Crowd-controller and Enabler
- Mona: Enabler
- Diona: Healer and Enabler
What Makes This Team Great For Spiral Abyss:
- Amazing crowd-control makes aiming easier
- Just need the first burst spam and the rest only depends on charged attacks
- The only damage you need to improve is Ganyu’s
- Perma-freeze makes enemies unable to hit you
- Even if they hit you you have both shielding and healing
- Mona’s buff shortens battle time
1. Raiden Shogun, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett
And finally the top 1. By far the best. By far the most powerful. And by far the prettiest DPS. Well, no, Ayaka is really beautiful too. And Ganyu… Well, powerful it is. Raiden Shogun only needs her supports to use her burst for her to destroy her enemies with her hidden sword.
This team is as powerful as it is easy to use. We all know Baal’s main damage comes from her burst. We also know that her burst increases the damage for every burst used before it. Then the strategy is simple. Spam Bennett, Xiangling, and Xingqiu’s bursts and use those elemental reactions and increased damage to go on a killing spree with your archon.
Team Roles:
- Raiden Shogun: DPS
- Xiangling: Enabler
- Xingqiu: Enabler
- Bennett: Healer and Enabler
What Makes This Team Great For Spiral Abyss:
- Sudden burst damage shortens battle time
- Deals damage, buffs, and heals at the same time
- Raiden’s normal attacks’ AoE can cover the whole area
- Super-quick energy recharge
- Constant elemental reaction
- Tons of off-field damage
We could call Spiral Abyss the meta-Genshin Impact. Although you can battle through every floor with sheer effort and food regardless of your team, there are only a few teams (mainly the 5 above) which can finish in the allotted time. Of course, it’s satisfactory to complete it anyway, and some other prices are given, like Battle Pass points, so don’t worry if you don’t have enough levels or characters for the time limit completion.