A dancer under the Zubayr Theater, Nilou's dancing is but elegant and graceful — however, outside the stage's spotlight, she's just like any girl her age; warm, smiling, and friendly.
She is patient and helpful, guiding people through issues they have step-by-step and offering ways to relieve stress.
She enjoys sweets, seeing them as a way to make people happy. On the other hand, she despises mushrooms; she has trauma after eating a poisonous mushroom
3. Sub DPS Build: Gilded Dreams
Gilded Dreams is an Artifact Set obtained from Spire of Solitary Enlightenment.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus, after casting an Elemental Reaction, the ATK increases by 14%, and Elemental Mastery is increased by 50.
This build excels in:
- The Gilded Dreams artifact set is a very good alternative if you neither have a good Tenacity nor Heart's artifact set yet.
- This build will heavily rely on how well you can trigger Elemental Reactions with Nillou to perform well.
- Since you have to do as much DMG as you can through Elemental Reactions, you have to have a diversity of elements in your team. You can deal even 3 elements with Dendro.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: HP
- Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Key of Khaj-Nisut, whose bonus effect increases HP by 14.4%
- 4-star option: The best option is Xiphos' Moonlight, whose bonus effect increases EM by 36.
- 3-star option: The best option is Dark Iron Sword, whose bonus effect increases ATK by 20% after doing Elemental Reactions.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Nilou will enter the Pirouette state, dealing Hydro DMG to nearby opponents based on her Max HP
- Elemental Burst. Begins the dance of faraway dreams and springs that hear, causing a Lotus of Distant Waters to bloom, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Nilou's Max HP.
- Normal Attack. Performs up to 3 consecutive sword strikes.
Best teams for this build:
- Nillou, Ayaka, Ayato & Diona
Nillou and Ayaka Permafrost enemies while Ayato wet them with his Elemental Burst and Diona shields Ayaka, since she will be attacking with Yelan’s Burst on her. Also, Diona heals the team.
- Nillou, Ayato, Shinobu & Traveler (dendro)
Ayato is the DPS here and applies Electrocharged with his Burst and Skill, but also Nillou. Traveler Dendro increases Ayato’s DMG.
- Nillou, Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko & Nahida
Nillou uses her Burst to deal Elemental Reactions with Raiden’s Skill while Yae’s totems deal Electro DMG too. Nahida will increase their DMG with Elemental Reactions and she will apply Electro, Dendro and Hydro with her Normal Attacks.
2. Sub DPS Build: Tenacity of the Millelith & Heart of the Depth
Gilded Dreams is an Artifact Set obtained from Spire of Solitary Enlightenment.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus, after casting an Elemental Reaction, the ATK increases by 14% and Elemental Mastery is increased by 50.
Heart of Depth, also called Ocean Conqueror in the Adventurer Handbook, is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Peak of Vindagnyr.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Hydro DMG by 15% and its 4-Piece Bonus, after using an Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 30%.
This build excels in:
- This Nilou build focuses on her best role as a Sub-DPS who enables the creation of Bountiful Cores. You will want to stack HP% Main Stats and Elemental Mastery Substats as much as possible to increase Bountiful Core damage
- Bountiful Cores do not crit, so you will deal more damage with EM substats.
- Nilou's recommended Energy Recharge is around ±170%, which can be reduced with teammates that have Favonious weapons. However, using her Burst off cooldown is not really necessary.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: HP
- Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Freedom-Sworn, whose bonus effect increases Elemental Mastery.
- 4-star option: The best option is Amenoma Kageuchi, which bonus effect increases Elemental Mastery by 36.
- 3-star option: The best option is Dark Iron Sword, whose bonus effect increases ATK by 20% after doing Elemental Reactions.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Nilou will enter the Pirouette state, dealing Hydro DMG to nearby opponents based on her Max HP
- Elemental Burst. Begins the dance of faraway dreams and springs that hear, causing a Lotus of Distant Waters to bloom, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Nilou's Max HP.
- Normal Attack. Performs up to 3 consecutive sword strikes.
Best teams for this build:
- Nillou, Fischl, Kokomi & Sucrose
Fischl will help Nillou with Elemental Reactions while Kokomi deals Hydro DMG and heals them. Also, Sucrose will expand those reactions and will regroup enemies.
- Nillou, Xingqiu, Raiden Shogun & Kazuha
Raiden Shogun will help Nillou with Elemental Reactions while Xingqiu deals Hydro DMG and increases Nillou’s DMG. Kazuha will expand these reactions and regroup enemies.
- Nillou, Yae Miko, Mona & Diona
Yae will help Nillou with Elemental Reactions thanks to her totems and Mona will deal Hydro DMG and increase Nillou’s DMG with her Burst. Diona will shield and heal them.
1.Main DPS Build: Tenacity of the Millelith & Gilded Dreams
Tenacity of the Millelith is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Ridge Watch.
Its 2-Piece Bonus Set increases HP by 20% and its 4-Piece Bonus Set, when an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the ATK of all nearby party members is increased by 20% and their Shield Strength is increased by 30%.
This build excels in:
- Nillou’s DMG increases based on how many HP she has, so if you want to deal as much DMG as you can, this set is perfect for it! She will be the perfect DPS since she’ll deal DMG with her normal attacks, Skill and Burst.
- Since she’ll use Gilded Dreams too she won’t lack in Hydro DMG. She’ll be perfect for Elemental Reactions.
- It's a very generalist set that can also be used as a Sub-DPS build. The Tenacity of the Millelith can also be swapped with the Emblem of Severed Fate.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: HP
- Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Primordial Jade Cutter , whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 9.6%.
- 4-star option: The best option is Sapwood Blade, whose bonus effect increases ER by 30.6%.
- 3-star option: The best option is Dark Iron Sword, whose bonus effect increases ATK by 20% after doing Elemental Reactions.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Nilou will enter the Pirouette state, dealing Hydro DMG to nearby opponents based on her Max HP
- Elemental Burst. Begins the dance of faraway dreams and springs that hear, causing a Lotus of Distant Waters to bloom, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Nilou's Max HP.
- Normal Attack. Performs up to 3 consecutive sword strikes.
Best teams for this build:
- Nillou, Hu Tao, Xingqiu & Zhongli
Nillou will deal Hydro DMG with her Burst when Hu Tao is fighting, dealing Melt reactions. Also, Xingqiu increases this DMG and Zhongli decreases enemies’ DEF.
- Nillou, Raiden Shogun, Xiangling & Bennett
Nillou will deal Hydro DMG when Raiden attacks and they’ll deal Electrocharged reactions. Xiangling will deal Pyro DMG for Melt and Bennett will heal them and increase their DMG.
- Nillou, Ayato, Beidou & Nahida
Nillou and Ayato will increase Hydro DMG with Ayato’s Burst and Skill and Nillou’s Burst. Beidou will protect them and deal Electrocharged with her Skill and Nahida will apply all of these reactions with her Normal Attacks since all of them will be passively in fight.