A lot of people argue which type of Genshin Impact character is the best. However, all of them know that having a bit of everything is important. And most importantly, having a good DPS is essential.
In this guide, we show the best 10 DPS characters in Genshin Impact. This way you can choose whoever fits your style better or seems more attractive to you. Then, you can build an awesome team that makes sure that character shines!
10. Eula
Eula’s damage is mostly based on Physical Damage, which is, you should improve her Physical Damage. That way, not only her nuker burst, but her normal attacks will deal huge damage to your enemies as well. This, together with her improved attack speed thanks to her passive, can make her one of your best assets.
What makes Eula an amazing DPS:
- Nuker burst
- Fast normal attack speed
- Good Physical normal attacks’ damage
9. Yoimiya
Infusing her normal attacks with pyro damage using her elemental skill, her damage skyrockets. Yoimiya’s passive abilities also help make her a great DPS. From improving her attack to improving her Pyro damage or having extra arrows dealing damage, she has a pretty good kit.
What makes Yoimiya an amazing DPS:
- Fast energy recharge
- Continuous Pyro damage
- Passive improves that Pyro damage
8. Raiden Shogun
The Shogun’s best point is her elemental burst. He uses her hidden katana and deals a big nuke. After that, for a limited time, her basic attacks will be Electro-infused and deal additional damage. But don’t worry! Even after the burst fever time stops, her elemental skill will allow you to keep dealing Electro damage.
What makes Raiden Shogun an amazing DPS:
- Nuker burst
- Improved normal attacks’ damage after burst
- Passive damage with elemental skill
7. Klee
Spamming her charged attacks is the only thing you need to destroy your enemies. If you want to be even eviler, you can plant bombs in the floor with her elemental skill, or use a support to make some vaporization or melt reactions to double her damage,
What makes Klee an amazing DPS:
- Really powerful charged attacks
- Has a free-to-play personalized weapon: Dodoco Tales
- Can make vaporization and melt reactions
6. Diluc
His low-cost burst makes him able to spam his ultimate ability constantly. This way, not only can he deal damage to his enemies, but also infuse his claymore with Pyro element, making his normal attacks deadly. Moreover, after his burst, his elemental damage is increased!
What makes Diluc an amazing DPS:
- Powerful elemental skill
- Fast energy recharge
- Constant Pyro damage
- Can make vaporization and melt reactions
5. Hu Tao
Although she loses ⅓ of her HP by using her elemental skill, it’s not a problem, because her burst fully heals her while dealing damage. Together with the ES Pyro infusion, burns to her enemies and, some elemental reactions, you can destroy the Abyss.
What makes Hu Tao an amazing DPS:
- Powerful DPS while Pyro infused
- Heals herself so you don’t need a healer
- Burns enemies
- Can make vaporization and melt reactions
4. Tartaglia
Both his ranged charged attacks and his melee normal attacks really pack a punch. As well as both of his elemental bursts. Adding the passive damage to marked enemies and some vaporize here and some freeze there, no one can stand between Childe and his victory.
What makes Tartaglia an amazing DPS:
- Versatile attacks: melee or ranged
- Two types of bursts
- Can make vaporize reaction or freeze enemies
- Marked enemies receive extra damage
3. Xiao
His Anemo vision together with his powers of the Jaksha allow him to transform into a devil incarnation. With his mask on, you can use your Xiao to spam jump attacks. Anemo infusion, more damage, and higher jumps make his kits one of the easiest and most fun to use, always dealing huge DPS.
What makes Xiao an amazing DPS:
- Difficult to damage while burst jumping
- Anemo infusion after burst can cause swirl reaction
- Each jump attack deals huge damage
- Constant burst spam with a battery in the team
2. Kamisato Ayaka
This vision allows her to infuse her katana with the Cryo element after sprinting, thus dealing high Cryo damage to her enemies without any cooldown or energy required. If spamming those attacks wasn’t enough, both her elemental skill and burst deal enormous damage as well, and are easily rechargeable with her normal attacks.
What makes Kamisato Ayaka an amazing DPS:
- Applies Cryo just sprinting
- Elemental skill deals huge damage
- Elemental burst deals damage for a while
- Can make melt reaction or freeze enemies
1. Ganyu
She has a fairly simple playstyle. Charged attacks. That’s it. Not only are they powerful enough by themselves, but they explode, dealing extra damage afterward as well. She’s also very versatile in that she can dash backward if the enemies are getting near. Or use her burst to freeze enemies in a wide area after applying Hydro. However you use her, she’s definitely amazing.
What makes Ganyu an amazing DPS:
- Doesn’t depend on cooldown or energy
- Charged attacks work like a nuke
- Being ranged she receives little damage
- Can make melt reaction or freeze enemies
These ten characters may very well be the best damage dealers in the game. Their kits represent what a real DPS should look like. From killing damage by themselves to making it easy for supports to help them.
However, as we always say, games are made so you can have fun. Don’t worry if you don’t have any of these characters. Nor if you have them but don’t like their playstyle. Almost every character can deal tons of damage with a proper build. So just look through this guide to take some tips about how your DPS should be like.