In Genshin Impact, you can have lots of playstyles for different characters even if all of them use the same weapon.
Normal attack (or DPS) characters are one of the most popular ones, since they’re a must in your team and you’ll have one at any time. Let's start!
10. Tartaglia
Following danger wherever he goes, Tartaglia (or Childe) is always ready for a challenge and to freeze our hearts like a real Snezhnaya’s citizen. He’s also the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, alongside other Harbingers like Signora or Scaramouche.
Tartaglia is a good Hydro Character in general, but even if he shines for his melee Elemental Skill, he’s still a good Bow character. Here you have some amazing things he can do in his ranged stance.
What Makes Tartaglia Great for Normal Attack:
- His charged attacks deal the Riptide status, a kind of mark that deals AoE Hydro DMG when they’re being attacked by Tartaglia.
- When you defeat an opponent affected by Riptide, it creates a Hydro burst that inflicts Riptide to nearby opponents.
- Tartaglia’s Elemental Burst deals AoE Hydro DMG and applies Riptide. This is helpful to freeze enemies with a Cryo shield or vaporize with a Pyro shield, dealing even more DMG.
- Using his Elemental Burst returns a portion of its Energy Cost.
9. Klee
The daughter of the adventurer Alice, Klee takes after her mother in many ways, much to the dismay of the Knights of Favonious. She’s an energetic and outgoing girl who has a particular talent for creating explosives and she loves fluffy things and fish.
She acts like a typical energetic young child who loves playing with friends, but her definition of playing usually involves explosives. She even tried to explode Mondstat’s lake once.
What Makes Klee Great for Normal Attack:
- Since Klee is a catalyst, she applies Pyro in every attack she does. If you build her with Crimson Witch of Flames, she’ll deal that Pyro DMG all the time.
- Also, she applies it with her Elemental Skill and Burst, but she can be fighting all the time because she’ll deal DMG in any way.
- If you use characters as Xingqiu or Yenlan in your team that increases Klee’s DMG, she’ll deal more. Vaporize is one of the best Elemental Reactions for Pyro characters.
8. Arataki Itto
Arataki Itto is part oni and the leader of Arataki Gang. We don’t know much about him yet since he will be released soon in the future alongside Gorou. But, that doesn’t mean we don't know what he can contribute to our party and why he’s one of the best male characters!
What Makes Arataki Itto Great for Normal Attack:
- Itto’s Elemental Skill summons Ushi, a kind of bull that deals AoE Geo DMG and makes Itto gain stacks of Superlative Superstrength.
- He lets out his inner Raging Oni King and converts his attacks to Geo DMG and increases his attack speed.
- He was defined by Mihoyo as a “buff character” referring to his bodybuild. That’s enough.
7. Raiden Shogun
Raiden Shogun is the vessel of Beelzebul, the current Electro Archong of Inazuma, and meditates inside the Plane of Euthymia while letting her puppet control the daily affairs of the nation. Yes, we know, Hoyoverse really gave her best with this lore.
This puppet follows a set of directives programmed into her. The Shogun is cold and stern in personality while Ei, her true identity, is kind and joyful.
What Makes Raiden Shogun Great for Normal Attack:
- Raiden Shogun deals a really good DMG with her Normal Attacks even if they don’t deal Electro DMG if you don’t use your Elemental Burst first. When you use her Skill, her DMG increases a lot.
- Even if you build her as a support, she’ll deal a lot of DMG with her Normal Attacks. If you cast her Burst, her Normal Attacks will deal Electro DMG for a short time period, but it’s enough to defeat everyone.
- If you use characters such as Yelan or Xingqiu in your team, you’ll deal more DMG when you use her Burst, since you’ll apply Elemental Reactions.
6. Yoimiya
Naganohara Ryuunosuke’s daughter and the current owner of Naganohara Fireworks, Yoimiya is beloved by everyone in Inazuma. With her fireworks and her outgoing personality, she’s here to make all of us fall in love with her.
She’s the only Pyro Bow character besides Amber and her kit can be described as something new but kind of boring, since her skills don't have anything special.
Also, to have more utility and make more DMG she needs to do Elemental Reactions with Hydro or Cryo support, so she can’t show all her potential on her own.
What Makes Yoimiya Great for Normal Attack:
- Her charged attack generates 3 Kindling Arrows at level 2 that will home in on nearby opponents.
- Her Elemental Skill converted her basic attacks to Blazing Arrows, increasing her DMG and dealing Pyro DMG.
- Her Elemental Burst deals AoE Pyro DMG, marks one opponent and if you hit them with any other character it will trigger an explosion, dealing more AoE Pyro DMG.
5. Hu Tao
Hu Tao is the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, located in Liyue Harbor. At first glance, Hu Tao appears to be a quirky and cheerful girl. She enjoys pranking people and despises sitting around and doing nothing, as she wishes to live her life to the fullest.
Her eccentric and off-the-wall personality often leaves people with a negative impression of her, especially Qiqi, who states that she has a "punchable face" and should be stored in the fridge. In contrast, Xiao enjoys her sense of humor, finding it irritating but interesting.
What Makes Hu Tao Great for Normal Attack:
- She’s one of the best DPS in the game since she deals a lot of DMG with her Normal Attacks, even if she needs a little help from her Skill.
- When she uses her Elemental Skill, she deals Pyro DMG with her Normal Attacks, so she’ll deal even more DMG.
- If you use characters as Xingqiu or Yenlan in your team that increases Hu Tao’s DMG, she’ll deal more. Vaporize is one of the best Elemental Reactions for Pyro characters.
4. Xiao
Xiao is an Adeptus, whose original name is Alatus, and the only known remaining member of the five Yakshas dispatched by Morax (or Zhongli). He resides in Wangshu Inn and loves food.
He’s an Anemo Polearm character and his role is DPS. Xiao is also one of the best Genshin Impact’s DPS, alongside Hu Tao, Ayaka, or Ganyu.
What Makes Xiao Great for Normal Attack:
- Xiao lunges forward with his Elemental Skill and deals Anemo DMG to opponents in his path. It can be used in mid-air.
- His Elemental Burst increases his jumping ability, his attack AoE and DMG, and converts attack DMG into Anemo DMG.
- Xiao’s mysterious aura and his desire to protect people from demons make him a great male character. He can be too emo sometimes, but that’s a part of his charms.
3. Ganyu
Ganyu is our favorite half-adepti, the one that serves as emissary and secretary of the Liyue Qixin (Seven Stars of Liyue).
Even if her father was human and her mother was an adepti, Ganyu isn’t an adepti or human, she’s something more special than that. Like Xiao once said, “Ganyu is Ganyu”. And he couldn’t be more right.
What Makes Ganyu Great for Normal Attack:
- Her charged attacks deal Cryo DMG, but at level 2 she fires off a Frostflake Arrow that blooms after hitting an enemy, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
- Her DMG escalates really well, turning her into one of the best DPS of the game even if she’s a Bow carrier. I mean, she can one-shot Timmy’s birds, that’s pretty impressive.
- Ganyu’s Elemental Skill leaves an Ice Lotus behind dealing AoE Cryo DMG. When she uses it, she dashes backward.
- Her Elemental Burst summons a Sacred Cryo Pearl that will continuously rain down shards of ice dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
- She can be a really good DPS, but her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst turn her into an amazing support too. These abilities deal AoE Cryo DMG simplifying the use of Elemental Reactions with other characters, like Frozen or Melt.
2. Kamisato Ayaka
She is the oldest daughter of the Kamisato Clan and the younger sister of Kamisato Ayato. Being beautiful, elegant, and graceful, the common folk have nothing to bad-mouth Ayaka about.
Because of her social status as the eldest daughter of the Kamisato Clan of the Yashiro Commission and as the Shirasagi Himegimi, Ayaka is seen as a model of perfection.
What Makes Kamisato Ayaka Great for Normal Attack:
- Ayaka deals a lot of DMG with her Normal Attacks, but she has something special: when she stops running, she deals Cryo DMG with her Normal Attacks!
- She also deals a lot of DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst, but most of her DMG is from her Normal Attacks.
- If you use characters such as Xingqiu or Yenlan in your team that increase Ayaka’s DMG, she’ll deal more. Frozen is one of the best Elemental Reactions for Pyro characters.
1. Eula
A descendant of the infamous and tyrannical Lawrence Clan, Eula is the captain of the Reconnaissance Company with the Knights of Favonius.
She dislikes people who view her similarly to the rest of her clan due to this mistrust, which has not been forgotten. She has a habit of declaring and getting "vengeance" against her enemies to redeem her family name.
What Makes Eula Great for Normal Attack:
- Even if Eula is a Cryo character, you almost don’t use her for her Cryo DMG, since she deals Physical DMG.
- When you use her Elemental Skill, her Physical DMG and Attack Speed increase, dealing more DMG in less time. Also, when you use her Elemental Burst, you can almost one shot everyone.
- Characters like Zhongli or Yunjin are perfect for her, since they decrease enemies’ DEF or buff Eula’s DMG.