This article will be centered around the pretty girl above. This little Pyro character with the ability to see ghosts has a troublesome job: guiding dead spirits to the beyond. Even in Teyvat, the world of Genshin Impact, people need guidance when parting from this world.
However, that’s not her only talent. She’s able to fuse her supernatural abilities with her Pyro vision to create an amazing battle style. With these five teams, you will be able to make Hu Tao shine like never before.
5. Hu Tao, Xiangling, Rosaria and Diona

Once in battle, you should start with Xiangling’s burst, inflicting Pyro damage. Then, you should use either Rosaria’s or Diona’s burst to affect enemies with Cryo in an area. It’s recommended to use Diona’s when you need healing. Afterward, just use Hu Tao’s skill and cause melting reactions which double your damage to kill enemies.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Possible healing and shielding from Diona
- Constant melt elemental reaction (x2 damage)
- Two elemental resonances
Team details:
- Hu Tao: DPS
- Xiangling: Enabler
- Rosaria: Enabler
- Diona: Enabler and Healer
4. Hu Tao, Zhongli, Xingqiu, and Mona

Obviously, you should use the Geo archon’s shield first. Use Mona’s elemental skill so they all run to it, and then activate both Zhongli’s and her burst. This way all enemies will receive additional damage and be immobilized.
After using Xingqius burst, Hu Tao can spam attacks causing vaporize reactions to stack damage before Mona’s burst explodes (and everyone dies).
What Makes This Team Great:
- Good CC and increased damage with Mona
- Best shield in-game
- Zhongli can CC with petrification
- Hydro resonance increases Xingqiu’s healing
- Constant vaporize elemental reaction
Team details:
- Hu Tao: DPS
- Zhongli: Shielder
- Xingqiu: Enabler and Healer
- Mona: Enabler and CC
3. Hu Tao, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Xiangling

Xiangling’s burst will cause enemies to be affected by Pyro, which Kazuha’s burst can use to create a Pyro swirl and decrease its resistance. After that, Xingqiu’s Hydro burst will help Hu Tao create vaporize reactions with her skill, destroying all enemies in her way.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Constant vaporize reaction
- Pyro resistance reduction with Kazuha’s swirl reaction
- More attack thanks to Pyro resonance
- Posible healing with Xingqiu
Team details:
- Hu Tao: DPS
- Kazuha: Enabler
- Xingqiu: Enabler and Healer
- Xiangling: Enabler
2. Hu Tao, Fischl, Beidou, and Xingqiu

Fischl’s skill comes first, summoning Oz to attack enemies inflicting Electro damage. Xingqiu’s burst will deal Hydro damage and activate various elemental reactions, while Beidou’s burst will make Hu Tao’s normal attacks deal more damage and extra Electro damage. Not only that, if you see a big hit coming, you can use her shield to counter your enemy's hit.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Passive Electro damage with Fischl’s skill
- Powerful counter-shield
- Healing with Xingqiu
- Electro resonance increases energy recharge
- Various elemental reactions: over-charged, electro-charged, and vaporize
Team details:
- Hu Tao: DPS
- Fischl: Enabler
- Beidou: Shielder, Enabler and sub DPS
- Xingqiu: Enabler and Healer
1. Hu Tao, Albedo, Zhongli, and Xingqiu

The Geo resonance increases her damage right off the bat. Albedo and Zhongli also do more than that. Albedo’s passive damage within an area, and Zhongli’s shield and nuker meteorite are both valid reasons to have them in the team.
As always, Xingqiu is the best support for Hu Tao, not only can he help her cause vaporize reactions, but he heals her occasionally as well. With these supports, Hu Tao’s Pyro-infused normal attacks can massacre her enemies without a doubt.
What Makes This Team Great:
- Geo resonance increases damage while shielded
- Best shielder in-game
- High Geo passive damage
- Healing from Xingqiu
- Constant shielding with shards
- Can cause vaporize reaction
Team details:
- Hu Tao: DPS
- Albedo: Shielder and Enabler
- Zhongli: Shielder
- Xingqiu: Enabler and Healer
Hu Tao can be said to be one of the best characters in Genshin Impact. Some characters are visually attractive but have a so-so playstyle, and others may have an awesome kit but aren’t as pretty. Hu Tao checks all the boxes.
Not only is she pretty and has a powerful battle kit, her Japanese voice actress voices Emilia in Re:Zero! I, for one, don’t have a doubt that she’s an awesome character. If you think so as well, hurry up and use this guide to make her shine even more.