[Top 5] Genshin Impact Best Sucrose Builds That Are Powerful

Sucrose examining a sweet flower, with several crystalflies surrounding her.
03 Feb 2025

1. Who is Sucrose?

Sucrose is the assistant to Albedo, the captain of the investigation team of Mondstadt’s Knights of Favonius, and the Chief Alchemist for them (basically Teyvat’s version of a chemist). Sucrose herself is an alchemist herself, specializing in Bioalchemy (think biochemistry but magic). Available since the release of the game, Sucrose has remained firmly snug within many players hearts, both due to her sweet and demure disposition, her cute character design, and the fact that she provides strong reliable Anemo support in a cost effective manner. Or to frame it in a RTS lens while other Anemo characters like Kazuha or Venti can be compared to artillery, then Sucrose is a mortar; maybe not as powerful, but certainly cheaper, cost effective, and takes good knowledge to use correctly. So let’s see how to use her correctly.



2. Key Strengths of Sucrose

  • Easy application of Anemo: As a catalyst user, she has a very easy time applying Anemo, making her very good as an on-field driver for Anemo.
  • Elemental Mastery is something she masters: Her abilities boost Elemental Mastery of not just herself, but for her party members. This leads into her next major strength…
  • Flexibility with team builds: She can easily slot into almost any team build. Basically, if the element can swirl, then she can help, and her Elemental Mastery buffs can help most if not all team builds. It’s probably easier to count which builds she can’t help than to list all those she can help. Not to mention…
  • VERY Economical: If built and used correctly, she can perform just as good, or even better than her 5 star counterparts. Furthermore, get her to C1, which boosts Crowd Control and weakens enemy resistance, and she suddenly becomes very economically sound for players, especially if you’re free to play. Furthermore, as a 4 star, she tends to show up in banners more frequently compared to 5 stars, making her easier to obtain as well, again, especially if you are free to play. For example I am free-to-play, and I have already reached C6 with Sucrose, and I wasn’t even trying to.
  • Crowd Control: Both her Elemental Skill, her normal and charged attacks, and her Elemental Burst all can easily deal AoE DMG. This increases if she is swirling other elements. This makes her very good at dealing with large groups of enemies.
  • Useful both on and off-field: Switch her in, use her skills, swap her out for other characters to be buffed, and to deal large amounts of damage. Then switch her back in again to use her abilities again,increasing the buffs, and expanding on previous actions done by other characters. Once you figure out the rotation, she will be a constant source of DMG application and buffing.
  • Decent enough for exploration and crafting: If, while exploring, you need some Anemo applied, she can be of assistance. Her exploration passive is a particular thing to note, as it grants a 10% chance of doubling any product created when crafting Weapon Enhancement Materials. Sure, you might not be able to cross massive barriers like Xianyun or the Wanderer, but can they double the output of crafting for the good of your characters? I think not.
  • Cute: Subjective? Yes. Petty? Yes. True? Yes. Nothing further to say your honor.


Yelan mid-burst

3. Vaporize Builds

What this team does:

This team build is focused on Sucrose spreading the damage of the vaporize reaction. These builds require Sucrose to play the role of Sub DPS, as well as either a Hydro or Pyro DPS, a Pyro or Hydro Sub DPS, and some form of support, either a shielder, healer, or Bennett.

  • Sucrose occupies the role of a Sub DPS, helping to spread both the statuses of either wet or burning, the reactions of Vaporize, as well as helping enemies to group up together.
  • A DPS is going to be either a Pyro or Hydro DPS dealer.
    • For Pyro, Hu Tao is the recommended option.
    • Hydro meanwhile will frequently find Tartaglia recommended.
  • The other Sub DPS should be the opposite of the Main DPS choice.
    • Pyro DPS = Hydro Sub DPS.
      • Yelan
      • Xingqiu
    • Hydro DPS = Pyro Sub DPS.
      • Xiangling
  • Finally, a support character should be added, usually either a shielder or a healer.
    • Zhongli
    • Bennett
  • Hydro character applies wet status.
  • Sucrose spreads it with her Elemental Skill.
  • Pyro Character then applies pyro to wet characters.
  • Sucrose spreads that again.
  • Support helps to keep the team alive, or provides buffs.
  • Sucrose’s abilities also help enemies to be grouped together, helping reactions, as well as shredding enemy RES, again helping with reactions.

Advantages of this build:

This team is well designed to deal with cases where you’ll be facing large amounts of enemies. Abyss Spiral runs springs to mind personally.

  • Flexible: Again, this team is well designed for multiple options. So long as you have some form of Hydro and Pyro application, you can make this team with Sucrose easily. Presented here is merely the ideal, and honestly, experimentation might be very easily achieved with this build (If anyone has both a Dehya and a Furina, try this build with those and tell me how well it works).
  • Crowd Control: This team can probably work against bosses, but this team is best used in situations where you are expecting to fight a lot of foes. Sucrose in particular excels in these situations, where grouping, swirling, and the shredding of RES is needed.
  • Straight forward, and easy to use: Apply hydro, apply pyro, and use Sucrose to group the enemies together, and to spread the statuses needed for the reaction. This isn’t exactly rocket science. If it is for you, then I think we need to discuss what that “Rocket science” means.

The Specifics of this build:

  • Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Sacrificial Fragments>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Everstar
    • Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Hu Tao (5 star polearm)
    • Main Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Normal Attack = Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Staff of Homa>Staff of the Scarlet Sands>Ballad of the Fjords
    • Artifacts: Marechaussee Hunter (4)
      • Sands: HP%
      • Goblet:Pyro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, HP%, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Tartaglia/Childe (5 star bow)
    • Main Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Polar Star>Thundering Pulse>The Viridescent Hunt
    • Artifacts: Nymph's Dream (4)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: ATK%, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C0 is fine, but either C1 or C6 would help
  • Yelan (5 star bow)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Aqua Simulacra>Elegy for the End>Favonius Warbow
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
        • Ideally around 170-200% Energy Recharge.
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Xingqiu (4 star sword)
    • Main Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Sacrificial sword>Primordial Jade cutter>Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
    • Artifacts: Noblesse oblige (4)
      • Sand: ATK%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG
      • Circlet: CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: C6
  • Xiangling (4 star polearm)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Staff of the Scarlet Sands>Staff of Homa>The Catch
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C4
  • Bennett (4 star sword)
    • Role: Support/healer
    • Talent priority:Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapon: Skyward blade>Favonius sword>Sapwood Blade
    • Artifacts: Noblesse Oblige (4)
      • Sand: HP%
      • Goblet: HP%
      • Circlet:HP%
      • Substats: HP%,HP, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal constellation: C1
  • Zhongli (5 star polearm)
    • Role: Support Shielder
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Black Tassel>Dialogues of the Desert Sages>Staff of Homa
    • Artifacts: Tenacity of the Millelith (4)
      • Sand:HP%
      • Goblet: HP%
      • Circlet: HP%
      • Substats: HP%, HP, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal Constellation: C2


An example of a Sucrose Overload build

4. Overload Builds

What this team does:

This team is another team that has Sucrose take the role of grouping enemies and spreading statuses. The difference is that instead of invoking Vaporize (Pyro + Hydro), this one relies on invoking the Overload reaction (Pyro + Electro). Add an Electro or Pyro DPS, and a Pyro or Electro Sub DPS creates the Overload reactions. Support is provided by everyone’s favorite burning boy, Bennett.

  • Sucrose takes the role of Sub DPS.
  • DPS is usually taken by some form of Electro.
    • Raiden Shogun is the most frequent choice.
      • Some versions will have Raiden be a Sub DPS, with the Main DPS role being filled by a Pyro character like Yoimiya.
  • Sub DPS is also filled either by an Electro or a Pyro character.
    • Yoimiya can fill this role for Pyro.
    • Kujou Sara fills this role Electro-wise.
  • Finally, Support is fulfilled by Bennett.
  • Apply Pyro or Electro, swirl it with Sucrose, then apply Electro or Pyro.

Advantages of this Build:

Once again, this build can be done against bosses, but is ideal in situations where large amounts of enemies will be found, such as can be found in the Abyss Spiral.

  • Flexible: Again, this team is comparatively simple to construct, requiring Sucrose, Bennett, and some form of Electro and Pyro appliers. Again, the ideal is shown here, but if you don’t have Raiden or Yoimiya, then you can still create this team.
  • Crowd Control: While not as strong with crowd control as Vaporize, the potential for crowd control remains quite high.
  • Straight forward: Again, apply Pyro or Electro, then apply the opposite, using Sucrose’s swirls to spread the reactions, shred RES, and swirl enemies, rinse, repeat. Raiden Shogun makes this easier with constant application of Electro from her Elemental Burst.

The Specifics of this build:

  • Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Sacrificial Fragments>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Everstar
    • Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Raiden Shogun (5 star polearm)
    • Role: DPS or Sub DPS (depending on choice of Pyro applicator)
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Engulfing Lightning>Staff of Homa>Wavebreaker's Fin
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: Energy Recharge% or ATK
      • Goblet: ATK% or Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C2
  • Yoimiya (5 star bow)
    • Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Normal Attack>Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill
    • Weapon: Thundering Pulse>Polar Star>Rust
    • Artifacts: Crimson Witch of Flames (4)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C2
  • Kujou Sara (4 star bow)
    • Role: Sub DPS or Support (here, we will present her as a Support)
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapon: Elegy for the End>Skyward Harp>Mouun's Moon
    • Artifacts: Noblesse Oblige (4)
      • Sands: Energy Recharge or ATK%
      • Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: For this build, C6 is a must
  • Bennett (4 star sword)
    • Role: Support/healer
    • Talent priority:Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapon: Skyward blade>Favonius sword>Sapwood Blade
    • Artifacts: Noblesse Oblige (4)
      • Sand: HP%
      • Goblet: HP%
      • Circlet: HP%
      • Substats: HP%,HP, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal constellation: C1


Here, we see Diona employing her shield

5. Permafrost Build

What this team does:

This team focuses on freezing enemies, and Sucrose is crucial for this to work. In essence, a Cryo DPS character and a Hydro Sub DPS works in tangent to freeze enemies, supported by a healer support, and with Sucrose playing a duel role of Sub DPS by spreading both the wet status to help spread the Frozen reaction, and as a Support character by buffing DMG and shredding enemy RES.

  • Sucrose takes the role of Sub DPS or Support, and can be built in either form, but will be played in a similar way.
  • A Cryo DPS is needed.
    • Ayaka is the most common.
    • Wriothesley could also be a good option.
  • A Hydro Sub DPS is added alongside.
    • Mona is the most common choice.
    • Yelan could theoretically work.
  • Some form of healing/support.
    • Diona is ideal, providing healing, shielding, and helping with Energy recharging.
  • Apply wet, apply Cryo, watch as enemies freeze.
  • Sucrose uses her skill and burst to help spread the statuses, buff allies, and shred enemy RES.
  • Diona applies healing and shielding.

Advantages of this Build:

This team provides a well-rounded, yet powerful option for many players (even if it might cost a pretty penny potentially). This can be used for both bosses like the Pyro Regisvine, or in cases where multiple enemies might be faced, such as the Abyss Spirals.

  • Powerful: Sucrose is the focus of this article/guide, and as you can see, is a powerful option for Anemo-based support. The predominant form of this build calls for Mona (a powerful Hydro option) and Ayaka (a predominant Cryo DPS character). Furthermore, Yelan and Wriothesley can be strong alternatives. This means that this build will pack a significant amount of fire power (metaphorically speaking).
  • Flexible in application: This build is strong, whether you are facing a single large boss, or facing a swarm of enemies, this team can be relied upon.
  • Safe: Not only is this build a powerful option, it is also safe, as a properly built Diona provides healing and shielding, protecting your team no matter what.

The Specifics of this build:

  • Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS or Support
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Sacrificial Fragments>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Everstar
    • Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Ayaka (5 star sword)
    • Role: Main DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Normal Attack>Elemental Skill
    • Weapons: Mistsplitter Reforged>Haran Geppaku Futsu>The Black Sword
    • Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge, ATK%, CRIT Rate
    • Ideal Constellation: C0 is good enough, but C4 doesn’t hurt either
  • Wriothesley (5 star catalyst)
    • Role: Main DPS
    • Talent priority: Normal Attack>Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Cashflow Supervision>Tulaytullah's Remembrance>The Widsith
    • Artifacts: Marechaussee Hunter (4)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal Constellation: C1 or C6
  • Mona (5 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Normal Attack>Elemental Skill
    • Weapons: Skyward Atlas>Lost Prayer to the Sacred Wind>The Widsith
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4) OR Heart of Depth (2) and Noblesse Oblige (2)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus%
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Yelan (5 star bow)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Aqua Simulacra>Elegy for the End>Favonius Warbow
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
        • Ideally around 170-200% Energy Recharge.
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Diona (4 star bow)
    • Role: Healer/Support
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Elegy of the End>Sacrificial Bow>Favonius Warbow
    • Artifacts: Maiden Beloved (4)
      • Sand: Energy recharge%
      • Goblet: HP%
      • Circlet: HP%
      • Substats: HP%, HP, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal Constellation: C1 is enough, C2 is decent, C6 will be the most bang for your buck


An example of the Hyperbloom reaction (albeit not with a Hyperbloom build)

6. Hyperbloom Build

What this team does:

The Hyperbloom reaction is the name of the game for this team build. For those not in the know, Hyperbloom is best shown with this equation: Hydro+Dendro=Bloom, then Bloom+Electro=Hyperbloom. Sucrose once again, plays a role that is somehow simultaneously Sub DPS and Support. A Hydro character takes on the mantle of DPS, with an additional Dendro and Electro character being Sub DPS.

  • Sucrose takes on the role of Sub DPS and Support, helping to lower enemy RES, and Buffing allies.
  • A Hydro character takes on the role of DPS.
    • Kokomi is the most frequently chosen, where she can also double as the healer.
    • Yelan is a strong alternative.
    • Xingqiu is another strong free-to-play option.
      • NOTE: While Nilou is often seen as a strong character for regular Bloom teams, for Hyperbloom, her Bountiful Cores can’t Hyperbloom. As such, while Nilou might sound like a good alternative, Nilou might not be the best choice for a Hydro character.
  • A Dendro character fills in for a Sub DPS, allowing the Bloom reaction to occur.
    • Nahida is the premier choice.
    • Alhaitham is a strong alternative.
    • Baizhu can work, and he can double as a healer as well.
  • An Electro character fills in for another Sub DPS, creating the Hyperbloom reaction by electrocuting the Dendro Cores.
    • Raiden Shogun is the go to choice.
    • Kuki Shinobu, who can also double as a healer.
  • Hydro applies Hydro, Dendro applies Dendro, creating Dendro Cores.
  • Dendro cores then have Electro applied, creating Hyperbloom.
  • Sucrose helps spread the reactions and statuses, groups enemies together, and shreds enemy RES, helping the DMG to be more poignantly felt.

Advantages of this build:

Ever thought “Hmm, I want that foe dead”? Yeah, this build is designed for that. Whether it be a single small boss like Childe, larger bosses like Primo Geovishap, or hordes of enemies in the Abyss spiral, this team is designed to rip it to shreds.

  • Powerful: Almost every character for this build are absolute units. The Hyperbloom reaction is a powerful reaction. Combine them together, and it is little wonder that enemies would flee if that was a mechanic in the game. Since it isn’t, they just end up dead instead.
  • Flexible: While researching for this article, I don’t think I have ever seen a build that has as many alternatives for choice as this one. Not to mention, it is entirely possible for characters to fulfill multiple roles at the same time. (Imagine a team with Kokomi+Baizhu+Shinobu, that is non stop healing).
  • Secure: Again, as part of the whole flexibility part, many characters can apply their contributions in a multitude of ways. For example, Xingqiu can apply Hydro off-field via his abilities. Healing is going to occur, as many of the strong choices are also healers themselves. Enemies get weakened through the use of Sucrose. Honestly, you are probably secure, and safe while doing whatever needs to be done in game with this build.

The Specifics of this build:

  • Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS or Support
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Sacrificial Fragments>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Everstar
    • Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Kokomi (5 star catalyst)
    • Role: DPS/healer
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Normal Attack>Elemental Skill
    • Weapons: Everlasting Moonglow>Prototype Amber>Ring of Yaxche
    • Artifacts: Ocean-Hued Clam (4)
      • Sands: HP%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: Healing Bonus or HP%
      • Substats: HP%, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C1 is enough, C4 doesn’t hurt either
  • Xingqiu (4 star sword)
    • Main Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Sacrificial sword>Primordial Jade cutter>Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
    • Artifacts: Noblesse oblige (4)
      • Sand: ATK%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG
      • Circlet: CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: C6
  • Yelan (5 star bow)
    • Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Aqua Simulacra>Elegy for the End>Favonius Warbow
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
        • Ideally around 170-200% Energy Recharge.
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Nahida (5 star catalyst)
    • Role: Can be either Sub DPS or as DPS. The build will look very similar on many levels. However, here, we will present her as a Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: A Thousand Floating Dreams>Sacrificial Fragments>Magic Guide
    • Artifacts: Deepwood Memories (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery or Dendro Damage Bonus
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery or CRIT Rate/DMG
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal Constellation: C2
  • Alhaitham (5 star sword)
    • Role: Can be either Sub DPS or as DPS, they will look very similar on many levels. Here, we will present him as a DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Light of Foliar Incision>Uraku Misugiri>Wolf-Fang
    • Artifacts: Gilded Dreams (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%
        • Recommended Energy Recharge should be +130% Recharge
    • Ideal Constellation: C0 is well enough, but C1 wouldn’t hurt
  • Baizhu (5 star catalyst)
    • Role: Sub DPS/Healer (while primarily Support, this build uses him in a pseudo Sub DPS role)
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill=Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Evenstar>Hakushin Ring
    • Artifacts: Deepwood Memories (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery or Energy Recharge
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, HP%, HP
        • Note: Recommended Energy Recharge is sitting at around +160%
    • Ideal Constellation: C0 is good, C2 is better, C6 is best though
  • Raiden Shogun (5 star polearm)
    • Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Engulfing Lightning>Staff of Homa>Wavebreaker's Fin
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: Energy Recharge% or ATK
      • Goblet: ATK% or Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal Constellation: C2
  • Kuki Shinobu (4 star sword)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Freedom-Sworn>Xiphos' Moonlight>Iron Sting
    • Artifacts: Flower of Paradise Lost (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, HP%, Energy Recharge
    • Ideal constellation: C4


A sample Electro-charged team (I should probably further build Kuki and Yelan...)

7. Electro-Charged (Taser) Build

What this team does:

This team build, is the odd man out. For starters, of all the teams discussed, this is the only one where Sucrose finds herself pleasantly surprised to be the Main DPS. This is a surprise, as she still fulfils many roles similar to that of her Sub DPS and Support counterparts. The idea is rather simple. Apply Hydro, spread it around with swirl, and then apply large amounts of Electro. The idea is to apply the Electro-Charged reaction. This applies constant, although small DMG overtime, like a taser (hence why this is sometimes also called a Taser build), which in turn can be spread and intensified with the application of Anemo. Just add a Hydro and an Electro Sub DPS, and a healer, preferably an Electro one.

  • Sucrose takes Main DPS, applying large amounts of Anemo DMG, and also shredding enemy RES, which helps with the others.
  • Apply 1 Hydro Sub DPS.
    • Yelan
    • Xingqiu
  • The second Sub DPS should be Electro.
    • Beidou
    • Fischl
  • The final slot, should go to a support healer.
    • Barbara
    • The best choice would be Kuki Shinobu.
  • When a team has two Electro characters, your party is affected by Hydro for 40% less time. Meanwhile, all Electro-based reactions (Superconduct, Overloaded, Electro-Charged, Quicken, Aggravate, and Hyperbloom) have a 100% chance to generate an Electro Elemental Particle, with a CD of 5 seconds.
  • You will easily gain energy for abilities, and are less likely for the reactions to backfire onto you.
  • Apply Hydro, apply Electro, then swirl away with Sucrose.

Advantages of this build:

This build had Sucrose take front and center. This also means that this build is perhaps used against large amounts of enemies, such as abyss runs. Enemies that are already infused with an element that isn’t Geo would also be strong choices to use against.

  • Simple: The Electro-Charged reaction is one of the first reactions most players will learn about. This also makes it incredibly straightforward to learn and use.
  • Accessible: This team is super accessible, even for new players, or for free-to-play players. For most of the best choices for this build, 4 stars are actually the better option, and also happen to be much easier to acquire.
  • Cost-effective, and still effective: Again, simple, accessible, and the third pillar, still an effective option. Again, this is a great choice if you are just starting out. And just because it is an oldie, doesn’t mean that this build doesn’t have its uses.

The Specifics of this build:

  • Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Normal Attack>Elemental Burst
    • Weapons: Sacrificial Fragments>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Wandering Everstar
    • Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
      • Sands: Elemental Mastery
      • Goblet: Elemental Mastery
      • Circlet: Elemental Mastery
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: For this build, C4, as it’ll help reduce the cooldown of Elemental Skill through her Normal Attack
  • Yelan (5 star bow)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Aqua Simulacra>Elegy for the End>Favonius Warbow
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
        • Ideally around 170-200% Energy Recharge.
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    • Ideal Constellation: C1
  • Xingqiu (4 star sword)
    • Main Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Sacrificial sword>Primordial Jade cutter>Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
    • Artifacts: Noblesse oblige (4)
      • Sand: ATK%
      • Goblet: Hydro DMG
      • Circlet: CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: C6
  • Beidou (4 star claymore)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill> Normal Attack
    • Weapons: The Unforged>Skyward Pride>Serpent Spine
    • Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
      • Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge (at least 180 Energy Recharge to use her Elemental Burst as frequently as you can.)
      • Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: Energy Recarge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%
    • Ideal Constellation: C2 is the best, but C6 is also a pretty good option
  • Fischl (4 star bow)
    • Role: Sub DPS
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Polar Star>Aqua Simulacra>Stringless
    • Artifacts: Thundering fury (2), Gladiator’s Finale (2)
      • Sands: ATK%
      • Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
      • Substats: CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK
    • Ideal Constellation: C6 is the best for a Sub DPS role
  • Barbara (4 star catalyst)
    • Role: Support/healer
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers>Everlasting Moonglow>Prototype Amber
    • Artifacts: Ocean-Hued Clam (4) OR Maiden Beloved (4)
      • Sands: HP%
      • Goblet: HP%
      • Circlet: HP% or Healing Bonus
      • Substats: HP%
    • Ideal constellation: C6
  • Kuki Shinobu (4 star sword)
    • Role: Support/Healer
    • Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
    • Weapons: Freedom-Sworn>Key of Khaj-Nisut>The Dockhand's Assistant
    • Artifacts: Tenacity of the Millelith (4)
      • Sands: HP%
      • Goblet: HP% or Electro DMG Bonus
      • Circlet: Healing Bonus or HP%
      • Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, Elemental Mastery
    • Ideal constellation: C4


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