The Geo Archon has won many battles due to his immense power
Zhongli, AKA “Geo Daddy” is one of those characters that everyone wants. Having him in your team means that you unlocked the easy mode for the game. Every 5-star character from early versions in Genshin, for one reason or another, has received its fair amount of hate, and I would say Zhongli is the one that generated the most drama when he came out last December.
Because the players weren’t satisfied with the final result, getting to the point where politics got involved with the issue, MiHoyo had to buff him, which ended up making a great character even better. That being said, we bring you here a [Top 5] with the Best Builds for him.
5. Physical Main DPS
(Physical Main DPS build, start at minute 04:22)
For many people it’s well known that Zhongli is meant to be a Support or Sub-DPS character, and of course there’s also people who want him to be their main damage dealer one way or another.
If you want him as your main DPS you can choose to run a physical damage build on him with two pieces of the Gladiator’s Finale set and two pieces of the Bloodstained Chivalry set.
What “Physical Main DPS” excels in:
- As always physical damage is a reliable source of damage against enemies.
- Thanks to Zhongli’s shield you can pretty much fight any enemy in close combat, deal damage and not worry about getting hit.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit Rate.
- Goblet: Physical DMG bonus.
- Sands: Attack%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Attack %, Energy Recharge %.
4. Archaic Morax
(Archaic Morax build, start at minute 05:35)
Zhongli has a good versatility when it comes to supporting a party, especially when you have a main DPS that has a vision of any of the elements that can Crystalize with Geo. For this build, you will use four pieces of the Archaic Petra set to further increase your party’s damage depending on the element you pick up a crystal shard.
What “Archaic Morax” excels in:
- You can be double shielded by picking up shards and by using Zhongli’s shield.
- If you rotate between your characters properly you can achieve a constant damage bonus.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit Rate or even HP.
- Goblet: Geo DMG bonus.
- Sands: HP% or Energy recharge.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Attack%, Energy Recharge %.
3. Burst Support
(Burst Support build, start at minute 05:23)
One of the things that makes everyone want Zhongli so bad is his ability to literally make a meteorite fall on field to damage enemies and petrify them for a few seconds. Crazy huh? Well, it gets even better with this build, you are going to need two pieces of Noblesse Oblige and two Pieces of the Archaic Petra set.
What “Burst Support” excels in:
- Nice Geo damage bonus from the Archaic Petra set.
- +20% damage for your Burst thanks to the two Noblesse Oblige pieces.
- Great damage while petrifying enemies will make things way easier for your main DPS.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit Rate.
- Goblet: Geo DMG bonus.
- Sands: HP% or Attack%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Attack %, Energy Recharge %.
2. Full Support Archon
(Full Support Archon, start at minute 05:14)
If you don’t have in your team a character built with the four pieces of Noblesse Oblige, the set we’re going to cover here, then you might want to consider it for your Zhongli. This is a set that will go extremely well for him, because not only you will be using the best shield in-game, but you get some other cool benefits.
What “Full Support Archon” excels in:
- More Burst damage.
- Instant Attack% buff for your party members after using your Burst, which is insane taking in count enemies won’t be able to move.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit Rate.
- Goblet: Geo DMG bonus.
- Sands: HP% or Attack%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Attack %, Energy Recharge %.
1. Geo Archon
(Geo Archon set, start at minute 04:20)
Now, for our last, and certainly not least build. We are going to talk about an artifact set you can pretty much say it was created for Zhongli, we’re talking about the Tenacity of The Millelith set. You are going to use the four pieces, and the great bonuses you get on Zhongli makes it arguably the best set for him.
What “Geo Archon” excels in:
- +20% HP from the set, improving the strength of the shield and the Burst ability damage.
- +20% Attack bonus for all your team after casting Zhongli’s Elemental ability.
- Best thing of it all is that this effect can occur every 0.5 seconds, even if Zhongli is not on the field.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit Rate.
- Goblet: Geo DMG bonus.
- Sands: HP%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Attack %, Energy Recharge %.