Exploring is very important in Genshin Impact, so we’ll present you the BEST teams to explore!
You’ll need diversity in your teams for domains, enemies, challenges, or riddles, so we’ll try to be as diverse as we can. Remember that if you don’t have any characters you can adjust that team for your characters!
5.Zhongli, Ayaka, Mona and Kazuha

Ayaka and Mona deal all the DMG and, meanwhile, Kazuha and Zhongli act like supports. You don’t have a healer but you don’t need it if you have Zhongli!
- Zhongli plays a support role because of his Elemental Skill. His shield is the best one of Genshin Impact since it can protect for a really long time. Also, his Burst is amazing since it petrifies enemies!
- Ayaka is the main DPS in the team. She deals all the DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst and her normal attacks when they deal Cryo. When enemies are petrified because of Zhongli’s Burst, she can deal Cryo DMG easier.
- Mona is the sub DPS! She deals AoE Hydro DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst and maximizes her teammates’ DMG.
- Kazuha is very important to this team! He can group enemies with his Elemental Skill and, after, Zhongli can use his Elemental Burst to petrify everyone! Also, Kazuha can spread Mona’s Hydro DMG easier with his Elemental Burst.
- This team is perfect for Cryo, Hydro, Anemo, and Geo riddles! Also, it has a shield and if you can’t reach a high place you can use Kazuha’s Skill! And you can walk on water with Mona and Ayaka to shorten the distance!
4.Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiangling and Bennet

This team is for Melt lovers! This time, Ganyu is the main DPS of the team, Xiangling is the sub DPS and Zhongli is the shielder.
- Zhongli, as we said, is an amazing shielder so his role is support again! He can petrify enemies with his Burst so it’s easier to apply Melt.
- Ganyu is the main DPS in the team. She deals Cryo DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst and her charged attacks! When Zhongli uses his Burst it’s easier for Ganyu to deal this Cryo DMG.
- Xiangling acts as a sub DPS. She deals Pyro DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst so she applies Melt. This Elemental Reaction benefits a lot Pyro characters!
- This time we have a healer: Bennet! He heals his team with his Burst and maximizes his teammates’ DMG too. He’s a perfect support!
- This team is perfect for Pyro, Geo, and Cryo riddles. Also, it has a healer and a shielder so you won’t die exploring or defeating enemies!
3.Venti, Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun and Bennet

In this team, Venti is just a Support and Hu Tao deals all the DMG which is maximized by the elemental reaction Overload. Raiden Shogun deals Electro DMG too, but her main role is support so she maximizes Hu Tao.
- Venti’s Elemental Burst, again, groups enemies and helps to spread Raiden Shogun’s Electro DMG.
- Hu Tao deals all the Pyro DMG with her Elemental Skill and Burst. It’s easier for her to defeat them because Venti groups them.
- Raiden Shogun maximizes Hu Tao’s DMG and helps to deal Overload. Also, her Elemental Burst deals a lot of DMG when all the characters’ Bursts are used.
- Bennet plays a support role healing your team with his Burst and maximizes Hu Tao’s DMG too with this. He’s just amazing, if you don’t use him I don’t know what are you waiting for!
- This team is perfect for Anemo, Electro and Pyro riddles. Also, these characters deal a lot of DMG against enemies and even have a healer, so you won’t die exploring! And if you can’t reach a high place, you can use Venti’s Burst.
2.Zhongli, Xiao, Jean and Albedo

Honestly, this is my favourite team ever! Xiao is the main DPS in the team and he’s enough protected to deal DMG all the time!
- Xiao’s Elemental Burst allows him to do Plunge Attacks that deal AoE Anemo DMG.
- Jean acts as an Energy Recharge battery for Xiao’s Elemental Burst. Also, Jean’s C4 can lower enemies’ Anemo resistance and make Jean one of the best teammates for Xiao.
- Albedo pairs with Zhongli to trigger resonance and his Elemental Skill DMG is maximized by Husk of Opulent Dreams. Also, he can provide element shields with his Skill for the rest of the team!
- Zhongli’s shield provides a safe environment for team members and increases his teammates’ ATK o by using a full set of Tenacity of the Millelith.
- This team is perfect for Geo and Anemo riddles, Energy Recharge and shields against enemies, and if you have to fly far away, since you can help yourself with Xiao’s Skill.
1.Ayaka, Ganyu, Kazuha and Xingqiu

Since Ayaka is a Cryo character we can’t do much more than recommended teams for Permafrost, but they’re really worth it!
She’s a DPS too, but she’s not the only one this time! This team is really amazing for Permafrost lovers!
- Ayaka is, again, the main DPS. As we said, she’ll deal a lot of Cryo DMG all the time with her Elemental Skill and Burst and her normal attacks when they deal Cryo. Nothing new, I guess!
- Ganyu is the sub DPS of the team. She’ll deal Cryo with her Elemental Skill and Burst and her charged attacks! Since she deals AoE DMG with her Elemental Burst it’s easier to deal Cryo.
- Kazuha helps to spread Cryo DMG and decreases enemies’ DEF. He’s very important but if you don’t have him you can use Venti instead!
- Xingqiu is the star of the team! She deals Hydro DMG, decreases enemies’ ATK, and maximizes teammates’ DMG. He’s really important!
- This team is perfect for Cryo, Hydro, and Anemo riddles. Also, if you can’t reach a high place you can use Kazuha’s Skill and its characters deal a lot of DMG against enemies!