Genshin Impact How To Increase Damage

29 Mar 2022

Why is it important to know how to increase damage?

For some events or bosses, you need to have a certain damage level or it’ll be impossible for you to clear them.

Genshin Impact is a game where you’ll increase your damage and enemies’ damage equally, so it’s not difficult to have good damage. But there are some important things that increase your damage even more.

How to increase damage in Genshin Impact?

  • Team. Depending on your team you’ll do more damage or not. If you use characters like Mona or Bennet, which are amplifiers, you’ll do more damage with your DPS. Also, characters like Zhongli decrease enemies’ DEF.
  • Food. You can always eat food that increases your damage when you’re about to fight a boss or do a domain.
  • Artifacts. Artifacts are essential. If you want to deal more damage, you have to search for artifacts with CRIT DMG, ATK, and CRIT Rate.
  • Weapons. Weapons are very important too. If your weapon has more stars, higher level, or better passive, your character will do more damage.

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