Genshin Impact’s wish banners have very little probability of giving you a 5-stars character. More or less 1%. It’s true that after 90 pulls you’ll get one 5-star, but it may not be the promotional one of the banner!
Why is this? Well, because 5-stars characters are amazing and if you want one, you have to work hard for them. In this guide, we’ll show you just how good they are, and maybe even made you wish for them in one of their re-run banners.
10. Sangonomiya Kokomi (Healer, DPS, Enabler)
What Makes This Character Great:
- Excellent Healing capabilities.
- Elemental Skill covers a wide area and can apply Hydro easily.
- Decent DMG Output with her Normal Attacks during her Elemental Burst mode.
- Normal Attacks during her Elemental Burst mode can heal the entire party.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Sangonomiya_Kokomi
9. Albedo (Shielder, Sub-DPS)
What Makes This Character Great:
- Provides large AoE of Supplemental Geo DMG.
- Has one of the lowest Elemental Skill CD at 4s.
- Gives an additional 125 Elemental Mastery after using Elemental Burst.
- Can use DEF % Artifacts like Noelle, lowering the build difficulty.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Albedo
8. Venti (Sub-DPS, Enabler, CC)
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Energy Recharge rate.
- Elemental Skill makes exploration easy.
- Great Crowd Control, Elemental Burst groups up enemies and absorbs elements.
- Can deal massive damage without his constellations unlocked.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Venti
7. Zhongli (Shielder, Sub-DPS)
We included the Anemo Archon, so obviously we have to include Morax, the Geo Archon, as well. He also shines as one of the best supports in the game. His shield can make your team literally immune to everything. And if things go out of hand, he can just petrify the whole area for you to recover for a bit. He’s just like a protective father.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Large AoE Geo Damage.
- Tough shield that can withstand most enemy attacks.
- Can petrify enemies with his Elemental Burst.
- Can drain Geo Element from Enemies.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Zhongli
6. Ganyu (DPS)
Having an adepti mother, she inherited her Cryo powers and prowess at archery. She’s the best DPS right now and can be even used as a support if you want. Just one of her charged attacks and boom, no enemies in sight.
What Makes This Character Great:
- High base CRIT DMG.
- Multiple AoE Skills.
- Deals massive damage even at C0
- Provides Cryo DMG Bonus Support.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Ganyu
5. Raiden Shogun (Burst DPS, Sub-DPS, Enabler, Battery)
What Makes This Character Great:
- Deals high active and passive Electro DMG.
- Has a high Energy Recharge rate.
- Increases the team's Elemental Burst DMG.
- Regenerates Energy for the team.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Raiden_Shogun
4. Kamisato Ayato (DPS, Enabler)
What Makes This Character Great:
- Can make a dummy of himself.
- Skill allows for quick Hydro slashes.
- Burst has a huge AoE and is useful for elemental reactions.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kamisato_Ayato
3. Kamisato Ayaka (DPS, Enabler)
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Base CRIT DMG.
- Uses a special sprint that's useful for both exploration and combat.
- High Elemental Burst DMG.
- Easy Cryo Application with all her Talents.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kamisato_Ayaka
2. Arataki Itto (DPS, Shielder)
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Base CRIT Rate.
- High Charged Attack DMG when enhanced with Superstrength Stacks from Normal Attacks & Elemental Skill.
- Elemental Skill taunts enemies.
- Elemental Burst increases overall DPS.
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arataki_Itto
1. Kaedehara Kazuha (Sub-DPS, Enabler, CC)
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Elemental Mastery buffs to support team
- Acts like a ''battery'' for Energy Recharge
- Powerful passive Swirl DMG as a Sub DPS
- Easy exploration with Skill and Passive Talent
Character details: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kaedehara_Kazuha
Genshin Impact characters are getting more and more powerful as the days pass by. That’s why this tier is constantly changing and adding new people to its ranks. In this guide, updated as of May 2022, we hope to show you who is the best RIGHT NOW and who to wish for RIGHT NOW. It may change with time, so be ready for the next update!