Who is Rosaria?
Rosaria is a nun for the Church of Favonius. This comes to the surprise of many, considering the fact that she doesn’t appear to be a very devout nun. Little do people know that she spends more of her energy at night, as a vigilante, protecting Mondstadt from the dangers not seen in broad daylight. (It does ruin her sleep schedule though) Having been in the game since version 1.4, she can be found either in the standard permanent banner, but can feature in limited banners as a featured 4 star, she has gained a small, but dedicated following (writer included). Let's take a look at her shall we.

Key strengths of Rosaria
- Strong crowd control: While many players might think of anemo characters like Sucrose, Kazuha or Venti as good crowd control, Rosaria’s elemental skill and burst are strong against large mobs. Combine that with anemo characters, and mobs will ironically melt away.
- Strong Cryo choice: Her talents provide plenty of boons to her kit, specifically Cryo Application and CRIT Rate. This makes her a strong candidate for cryo-focused teams, and a good choice for teams that need a cryo character, but isn’t built solely around cryo, like melt teams.
- Physically painful for enemies: At C6, her elemental burst shreds through enemies, as it reduces enemy physical RES by 20% for 10 seconds. This means that if you play your cards right, Rosaria can be turned into a physical DPS or support physical DPS characters like Eula.
- Good all-rounder: While she might get outshined for DPS, Sub DPS, or Support roles exclusively, her kit and build can mean that she can fulfill many different roles. Sometimes being ok in multiple skills can be more advantageous than being a master at one. That being said, most of her recommended teams will have her be Sub DPS.
- Useful utility for exploration: Taller characters can cover more ground. Furthermore, her utility passive increases party movement SPD at night (18:00–6:00). This means that she can help with exploration, and can help cover more ground, especially at night.
- Polearm user: Polearms are a balanced weapon choice in the game, with fast attacks, long reach, and dealing moderate damage. Again, well suited for characters who can fill multiple roles.
- Accessible: Like many 4 star characters she is available within the standard permanent banner, and she has also appeared many times within limited banners as a featured character. This means that compared to many 5 star characters, she is comparatively easy to obtain. Furthermore, all her ascension materials can be found within the starting region (Mondstadt), so it is also easy to begin building her.
1.Permafrost build

What this team does:
This team (as well as the next) is built around dealing massive damage via Cryo and Hydro. Rosaria often plays the role of Sub DPS. Another cryo character fulfills the role of DPS, with a hydro and an anemo support character. There are multiple forms of this build, one of which is significantly more Free-to-play friendly, and that Free-to-play build will be examined separately.
- Rosaria takes the role of Sub DPS, constantly applying cryo via her skill and especially her burst. (although in the Free-to-play version, she becomes DPS)
- A Main DPS must be a Cryo, but there are usually two major options
- Ayaka
- Wriothesley
- Either two supports or a support paired with a second Sub DPS makes the rest of the team. These will be a hydro character and an anemo character.
- For Anemo choices
- Kazuha as a support
- Jean also as support
- For Hydro options
- Kokomi as support/healer
- Yelan as a Sub DPS
- Furina also as a Sub DPS
- For Anemo choices
- Hydro characters apply hydro, making enemies wet
- Rosaria then applies her burst, helping to apply a constant freeze
- Whoever is the main DPS will apply even more cryo, triggering near constant freeze
- Anemo helps spread both the wet and freeze status, and can help spread the reach of both.
Advantages of this build:
This team is well suited for longer fights, whether that be in the abyss, or against ground based bosses like the Pyro Regisvine.
- Amazing crowd control: Between Rosaria’s burst, the main DPS’s burst, as well as Kazuha’s skill and burst or Jean’s skill, means that basically you point your character at your foes, and you are bound to hit something. And you will hit multiple.
- Strong synergy: Cryo + Hydro = frozen enemies. Furthermore, by having two cryo team members in the party, the elemental resonance increases CRIT Rate against enemies that are Frozen or affected by Cryo by 15%. This means that any DMG dealt will be felt by the enemy, and the more you freeze, the easier it gets.
- Hits like a truck: Because of all that has been already mentioned (elemental reactions, elemental resonance, Rosaria’s kit, the Bursts of Ayaka and/or Wriothesley), all foes you come across are essentially being told to say goodbye to their knee caps.
The specifics of this build:
- Rosaria (4 star polearm)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Staff of Homa>Primordial Jade Winged-Spear>Wavebreaker's Fin
- Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4) OR Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is what is recommended for most builds
- Ayaka (5 star sword)
- Role: Main DPS
- Talent Priority: Elemental Burst>Normal Attack>Elemental Skill
- Weapons: Mistsplitter Reforged>Haran Geppaku Futsu>The Black Sword
- Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4)
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge, ATK%, CRIT Rate
- Ideal Constellation: C0 is good enough, but C4 doesn’t hurt either
- Wriothesley (5 star catalyst)
- Role: Main DPS
- Talent priority: Normal Attack>Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst
- Weapons: Cashflow Supervision>Tulaytullah's Remembrance>The Widsith
- Artifacts: Marechaussee Hunter (4)
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C1 or C6
- Furina (5 star sword)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Splendor of Tranquil Waters>Key of Khaj-Nisut>Key of Khaj-Nisut
- Artifacts: Golden Troupe (4)
- Sand: HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: CRIT RATE or CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, HP%, Energy Recharge%
- Ideal Constellation: C6
- Yelan (5 star bow)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Aqua Simulacra>Elegy for the End>Favonius Warbow
- Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
- Ideally around 170-200% Energy Recharge.
- Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, HP%, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C1
- Kokomi (5 star catalyst)
- Role: Support/healer
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers>Everlasting Moonglow>Prototype Amber
- Artifacts: Tenacity of the Millelith (4)
- Sands: HP% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: Healing Bonus
- Substats: HP%, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery
- Ideal Constellation: C1 is enough, C4 doesn’t hurt either
- Jean (5 star sword)
- Role: Support healer
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill> Normal Attack
- Weapons: Freedom Sworn>Skyward Blade>Festering Desire
- Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Anemo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Healing Bonus, CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: ATK%, Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate
- Ideal Constellation: C4
- Kazuha (5 star sword)
- Role: Support
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Freedom sworn>Xiphos Moonlight>Iron sting
- Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
- Sand: Mastery
- Goblet: Mastery
- Circlet: Mastery
- Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2
2. Permafrost build (Free-to-play version)

What this team does:
As some of the more astute of you may notice, the last one required a lot of limited five stars, which can mean either long waits or the need to save or spend money. This version fulfills the same central idea as the other permafrost, only this time Rosaria takes the main DPS role, with the sub DPS, and support characters being 4 star options. The only true requirement is that you must have a second cryo, and a hydro.
- Rosaria takes on the mantle of a main DPS.
- A second cryo character takes on the role of Sub DPS. Chongyun is the recommended option.
- A hydro character takes on the role of Sub DPS. Xingqui is ideal for this spot.
- The last spot should go to a support. Diona is the ideal, though theoretically, Noelle could be used. For this article though, we’re taking a look at Diona.
- Chongyun would apply his elemental skill, which infuses normal attacks with cryo DMG.
- Xingqui’s elemental skill meanwhile would help apply hydro DMG.
- Rosaria will then use her elemental bursts to deal broad DMG, supported by both Chongyun’s skill and Xingqui’s burst.
- Diona meanwhile will provide shielding via her skill, and healing with her burst.
Advantages of this build:
This build is a strong generalist build, well suited for exploration, a way to basically downsize the powerful (but labor intensive) permafrost build to one that can be used for smaller stakes.
- Affordable and accessible: All the characters can be gotten via the permanent standard banner, as well as frequently appearing within timed banners as well. This means most players, regardless of if they are free-to-play or splurge money, can get the characters needed, and get the materials to upgrade and build them.
- Still hits like a truck: While it may not have the fire power (ha) of the other permafrost builds, it would be unwise to say that it is completely lacking in the ability to do damage.
- A strong generalist build: This build perhaps excels best as a strong generalist build, all around good for exploration, and allows you to save other builds for more intense fights like in the abyss or against bosses.
The specifics of this build:
- Rosaria (4 star polearm)
- Role:DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Staff of Homa>Primordial Jade Winged-Spear>Wavebreaker's Fin
- Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4) OR Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is what is recommended for most builds
- Chongyun (4 star claymore)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Wolf’s Gravestone>Skyward Pride>Sacrificial Greatsword
- Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Xingqui (4 star sword)
- Main Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Sacrificial sword>Primordial Jade cutter>Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
- Artifacts: Noblesse oblige (4)
- Sand: ATK%
- Goblet: Hydro DMG
- Circlet: CRIT DMG
- Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C6
- Diona (4 star bow)
- Role: Healer/Support
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Elegy of the End>Sacrificial Bow>Favonius Warbow
- Artifacts: Maiden Beloved (4)
- Sand: Energy recharge%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%
- Substats: HP%, HP, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C1 is enough, C2 is decent, C6 will be the most bang for your buck
3. Reverse Melt Build

What this team does:
This build is another build where Rosaria takes the role of DPS, with Bennett becoming a very familiar friend. In essence, Bennett takes the role of healer/support as he applies pyro, and Rosaria, taking the role of DPS, applies cryo, invoking a reverse melt reaction (pyro first, then cryo). The other two slots are filled with either two Sub DPS, or one Sub DPS and one Support. Either way, it is usually recommended that one of them be cryo.
- Rosaria takes the mantle of main DPS
- Bennett takes on the role of Healer/Support, setting up the reverse melt with his elemental skill and burst.
- A Sub DPS is added, usually a cryo character. Options include;
- Chongyun
- Shenhe
- A second Sub DPS or a second support takes the last slot, with options such as;
- Kazuha (can be built either way)
- Sucrose is a good free-to-play option for a support
- Nahida can be used as a Sub DPS or as support (the builds the same either way)
- Cryo Sub DPS applies cryo buffs to Rosaria.
- Bennett applies buffs and healing with his elemental skill, as well as setting foes on fire.
- Rosaria then applies cryo, causing the aforementioned reverse melt.
- Now, the second Sub DPS/Support differs slightly
- Kazuha: spreads both statuses around, and helps induce swirl, increasing the DMG.
- Nahida: the application of Dendro to something burning helps increase the time that that foe is burning, as well as bursting DMG as well.
Advantages of this build:
This build often lacks the crowd control that other builds might have. In exchange though, it focuses and concentrates the DMG. The best place to apply this is against ground-based bosses, such as the Maguu Kenki.
- Very good at focused DMG: Unless you have Kazuha, this build might be hard at crowd control. Instead, its speciality lies in dealing massive DMG to a singular foe. Again, this makes this a very good boss killer (special boss mechanics aside).
- Flexible and accessible: Depending on who you choose to fill this team, this team can be easily made by both those who have plenty of resources and access to the ideal characters, and those who are more free-to-play.
- Resonance and Synergy: The melt reaction is largely considered a very famous and useful reaction, which this build exploits. Furthermore, elemental resonance of multiple Cryo (Increased CRIT rate on enemies frozen or affected by Cryo), means that the natural build up of the both reactions and resonance, creates a very well balanced buff and damage multiplier.
The specifics of this build:
- Rosaria (4 star polearm)
- Role:DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Staff of the Scarlet Sands>Staff of Homa>Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
- Artifacts: Gilded Dreams (4)
- Sands: EM or ATK%
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, EM, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is what is recommended for most builds
- Chongyun (4 star claymore)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Wolf’s Gravestone>Skyward Pride>Sacrificial Greatsword
- Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Shenhe (5 star polearm)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Calamity Queller>Engulfing Lightning>Favonius Lance
- Artifacts: Gladiator's Finale (2) Shimenawa's Reminiscence (2)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: ATK%
- Circlet: ATK%
- Substats: ATK%, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Kazuha (5 star sword)
- Role: Can be built either as a Sub DPS or as a support. Here, I’ll portray him with a support build
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Freedom sworn>Xiphos Moonlight>Iron sting
- Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
- Sand: Mastery
- Goblet: Mastery
- Circlet: Mastery
- Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Nahida (5 star catalyst)
- Role: Can be either Sub DPS or as a Support, though it will largely look identical
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: A Thousand Floating Dreams>Sacrificial Fragments>Magic Guide
- Artifacts: Deepwood Memories (4)
- Sands: Elemental Mastery
- Goblet: Elemental Mastery or Dendro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Elemental Mastery or CRIT Rate/DMG
- Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Sucrose (4 star catalyst)
- Role: Support
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers>A Thousand Floating Dreams>Sacrificial Fragments
- Artifacts: Viridescent Venerer (4)
- Sands: Elemental Mastery
- Goblet: Elemental Mastery
- Circlet: Elemental Mastery
- Substats: Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG
- Ideal Constellation: C1
- Bennett (4 star sword)
- Role: Support/healer
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Skyward blade>Favonius sword>Sapwood Blade
- Artifacts: Noblesse Oblige (4)
- Sand: HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet:HP%
- Substats: HP%,HP, Energy Recharge
- Ideal constellation: C1
4. Melt-Vaporize build

What this team does:
This team focuses on dealing damage by invoking both the melt reaction and the vaporize reaction. Rosaria returns to her Sub DPS role, as does Xingqui. They provide the cryo and hydro statuses. Hu Tao takes the role of DPS, and applies the pyro. Finally, Zhongli is added for a shielder/support role.
- Rosaria takes the role of Sub DPS
- Xingqui takes the second Sub DPS slot
- Hu Tao takes the role of Main DPS
- Finally, Zhongli takes on the role of support, more specifically as a shielder
- Switching between Rosaria and Xingqui, applying cryo and hydro to enemies
- Hu Tao then applies pyro, dealing DMG no matter if the enemy is afflicted with wet or frozen
- Zhongli keeps shielding up, ensuring that the team survives
- Especially because Hu Tao does better with less HP, albeit not dead
Advantages of the Build:
This is another build well suited specifically for prolonged fights against a singular opponent. Bosses are a pretty good fit for this build, especially ground based ones. Maguu Kenki is a good example of a boss that this would work well with.
- Strong synergy: This build is built around the idea that you will freeze or get your enemies wet, then apply a metaphorical blow torch. This means that no matter who is on the field, some elemental status is occurring, and that there is always an element that can be used to get a reaction.
- Hits like a truck: Strong Cryo + Strong Hydro + Strong Pyro = No matter what, someone will hurt, and the odds are pretty firmly in your favor.
- Good survivability: Zhongli’s shielding via his elemental skill and burst, are particularly strong. Good luck getting through that.
The specifics of this build:
- Rosaria (4 star polearm)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Staff of Homa>Primordial Jade Winged-Spear>Wavebreaker's Fin
- Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4) OR Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is what is recommended for most builds
- Hu Tao (5 star polearm)
- Main Role: DPS
- Talent priority: Normal Attack = Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst
- Weapons: Staff of Homa>Staff of the Scarlet Sands>Ballad of the Fjords
- Artifacts: Marechaussee Hunter (4)
- Sands: HP%
- Goblet:Pyro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, HP%, Elemental Mastery
- Ideal Constellation: C1
- Xingqui (4 star sword)
- Main Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst> Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Sacrificial sword>Primordial Jade cutter>Fleuve Cendre Ferryman
- Artifacts: Noblesse oblige (4)
- Sand: ATK%
- Goblet: Hydro DMG
- Circlet: CRIT DMG
- Substats: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C6
- Zhongli (5 star polearm)
- Role: Support Shielder
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Black Tassel>Dialogues of the Desert Sages>Staff of Homa
- Artifacts: Tenacity of the Millelith (4)
- Sand:HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%
- Substats: HP%, HP, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C2
5. Eula-Superconduct team

What this team does:
Remember how I wrote earlier “Rosaria can be turned into a physical DPS or support physical DPS characters like Eula,”? Yeah, this is the build for that. Rosaria once more plays a Sub DPS role. Eula, meanwhile, takes over the role as DPS, via both her burst and her potential for physical DMG. Raiden Shogun takes on the role of Sub DPS as well, applying Electro to create the super conduct reaction. If you don’t have Raiden Shogun, then Beidou or Fischl make good free-to-play replacements. Finally, Zhongli once more returns as the role of support.
- Rosaria takes the mantle of Sub DPS, where her burst will help deal the majority of her damage and contribution
- Eula wears the crown of DPS with a vengeance, where her burst deals the majority of the damage, further buffed by Rosaria’s burst, and Zhongli’s artifacts
- An Electro Sub DPS is naturally a requirement for a superconduct build, and several options are available
- Raiden Shogun is the ideal, due to her burst and boosted energy recharge
- Fischl is a good alternative due to her elemental skill
- Beidou is another viable alternative, albeit a weaker one
- Zhongli takes the role of a support via shielding
- Theoretically, Noelle could be a good free-to-play option
- Rosaria bursts, applying cryo, the Electro Sub DPS then applies a constant supply of electro, and through their combined actions, help recharge Eula’s energy, enabling her to burst, dealing the majority of the DMG
Advantages of the Build:
This team, once again, functions best as a boss killer, such as the Pyro Regisvine or the Maguu Kenki.
- Strategically designed to break knees: The ideal form is designed to deal massive amounts of damage, using powerful units. Even the cheaper option still packs a punch. Between the bursts, the elemental skills, and buffs and resonance, this build packs a punch.
- Elemental resonance: As you probably have noticed, elemental resonance is a big part of Rosaria’s playbook. This build is no different, as it combines the best of Rosaria as a SUb DPS, with perhaps one of the best DPS to use her with, Eula.
- High survivability: Again, Zhongli’s shielding is largely considered one of the best shielders. If you lack Zhongli, Noelle is a sufficient substitute, who while providing slightly weaker shielding, also can provide healing and depending on how you build her, buffs. This means that no matter which choice you go, your foes have to have quite the punch to damage your team.
The specifics of this build:
- Rosaria (4 star polearm)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Staff of Homa>Primordial Jade Winged-Spear>Wavebreaker's Fin
- Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer (4) OR Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is what is recommended for most builds, but C6 is best for physical DPS support (like this build)
- Eula (5 star claymore)
- Role: DPS
- Elemental Burst>Normal Attack>Elemental Skill
- Weapons: Song of Broken Pines>Beacon of the Reed Sea>Wolf's Gravestone
- Artifacts: Pale Flame (4) OR Pale Flame (2), Bloodstained Chivalry (2)
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%
- Ideal Constellation: C1is the ideal, though C3 is also fine
- Raiden Shogun (5 star polearm)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent Priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Engulfing Lightning>Staff of Homa>Wavebreaker's Fin
- Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: Energy Recharge% or ATK
- Goblet: ATK% or Electro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery
- Ideal Constellation: C2
- Fischl (4 star bow)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Polar Star>Aqua Simulacra>Stringless
- Artifacts: Thundering fury (2), Gladiator’s Finale (2)
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK
- Ideal Constellation: C6 is the best for a Sub DPS role
- Beidou (4 star claymore)
- Role: Sub DPS
- Talent priority: Elemental Burst>Elemental Skill> Normal Attack
- Weapons: The Unforged>Skyward Pride>Serpent Spine
- Artifacts: Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- at least 180 Energy Recharge to use her Elemental Burst as frequently as you can
- Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
- Substats: Energy Recarge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%
- Sands: ATK% or Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C2 is the best, but C6 is also a pretty good option
- Zhongli (5 star polearm)
- Role: Support Shielder
- Talent priority: Elemental Skill>Elemental Burst>Normal Attack
- Weapons: Black Tassel>Dialogues of the Desert Sages>Staff of Homa
- Artifacts: Tenacity of the Millelith (4)
- Sand:HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%
- Substats: HP%, HP, Energy Recharge
- Ideal Constellation: C2