Healing is a crucial part of any team composition
When it comes to making a team in Genshin Impact, one of the most important members will be the healer, that character who will keep your party alive. and unless you recover HP with only food (which I wouldn’t recommend) you have to invest some resources in a healer.
With all this in mind, let’s check out what are some of the Amazing Healers in Genshin Impact, especially when some of them do more than just keep your party alive and well.
5. Barbara
One of Barbara's hangout endings
Our classic Deaconess from the church of the Knights of Favonius performs very well at her role as a healer in a team. Barbara is a character that you can count on if you want to keep your party alive.
Barbara Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/barbara/?lang=EN
What makes Barbara Great for Healing?
- Like many others, her healing capabilities depend on how much HP she has. Which makes it easy to build her and your team’s HP will recover faster thanks to it.
- Barbara’s Elemental skill stays in the current character that’s on-field, great to heal your main DPS as you attack.
4. Diona
Diona's healing is excellent for the whole party
Feline-like character Diona has very nice burst ability that can heal a lot, although her healing rate isn’t as fast as other characters, she can provide you with a shield that will absorb damage depending on her maximum HP. This strong shield complements very well her healing.
Diona Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/diona/?lang=EN
What makes Diona Great for Healing?
- Her shield will protect characters while they’re healing if you’re in the middle of a battle.
- Her healing can be high enough to properly recover all party members, this also improves with her constellations.
3. Sangonomiya Kokomi
The priestess of the Sangonomiya Island
Sangonomiya Kokomi is the newest addition to join the gang of 5-star characters. Many see her as just “Barbara on steroids” because she’s a Hydro catalyst user whose abilities heal other party members. But being a 5-star unit, her healing is excellent and she also applies fast the Hydro element, allowing opportunities to create elemental reactions.
Sangonomiya Kokomi Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/kokomi/?lang=EN
What Makes Sangonomiya Kokomi Great for Healing
- High healing rate thanks to her elemental skill.
- Her ultimate heals your whole party while you perform auto attacks with her.
2. Qiqi
Liyue's undead healer
The most adorable zombie in all Teyvat works at a pharmacy in Liyue, this lets us know that she’s incredible at healing, and indeed, she is. Qiqi’s ability kit is only about healing, she pretty much won’t do anything else but keep your team from dying, and she excels at it.
Qiqi Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/qiqi/?lang=EN
What makes Qiqi Great for Healing
- Qiqi’s abilities will heal your party easily and effortlessly, it is remarkable the large amounts of HP that can be recovered quickly.
1. Jean
Mondstadt multipurpose 5-star
Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt, Jean, is an extremely versatile character, not only she can be a great DPS, or Sub-DPS, but she can also be a healer. This is possible thanks to the fact that you heal your party every now and then when you do basic attacks. Plus, her ultimate can heal your character's full HP bars in the blink of an eye.
Jean Full Details
- https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/jean/?lang=EN
What makes Jean Great for Healing
- Constant healing with no effort thanks to her basic attacks.
- Ultimate ability heals tons of HP effectively.