Exploring, fighting, completing missions… All of those are good reasons to play Genshin Impact. However, be truthful, why do people love Genshin Impact so much? Its characters. And with those come beautiful girls.
There are many types of girls and women in this game, but in this guide, we’re going to talk about who’s the best girl. From Barbara to Ayaka, passing through Hu Tao, we’ll tell you who are the best girls in Genshin Impact.
10. Barbara
But she doesn’t only heal people as a nun, she can help you in battle too. Her healing output is bigger than you may think, and she can even revive a character after death. She’s also really versatile, thus you have different ways for your characters to heal.
What Makes This Character Great:
- High healing output.
- Elemental Skill can burst heal or heal over time.
- Can auto revive characters at C6.
9. Sucrose
Sucrose may spend a lot of time in her laboratory, but that doesn't make her less proficient in battle. She’s an awesome support-type character, who deals tons of off-field damage and can control your enemies with ease.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Boosts party's Elemental Mastery.
- Elemental Burst and Skill groups enemies together.
- Elemental Skill can gain multiple charges.
8. Noelle
Even as a maid, working for the knights she still needs to be powerful. Her superstrength may seem to be her main feature, but that’s not all she can do. Using shields, healing, and infusing Geo element are some of her other abilities.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Elemental Burst turns Normal Attacks into Wide Range Geo DMG.
- Naturally high DEF.
- Elemental Skill can recover HP for all characters.
7. Yoimiya
Of course, the other use of her Vision is in battle. With her bow, she can launch powerful fire-infused arrows. This can burn her enemies and cause powerful elemental reactions. She’s both one of the best girls and the best DPS.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Elemental Burst buffs party members' ATK.
- Deals damage from a safe distance.
- Can spam Elemental Burst with its low Energy Cost.
- Great against Single-Target Enemies.
- Refunds materials when crafting furnishings.
6. Mona
Where it does help her is in battle. Her knowledge of the stars together with the Hydro Vision bestowed upon her can be useful while fighting. Using her burst to control enemies and increase their taken damage is her main ability.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Unique movement style allows for high-speed actions.
- Elemental Skill provides a decoy for crowd control.
- Elemental Burst deals a lot of DMG and buffs DMG.
5. Keqing
As said before, her battle skills may be needed in some of her missions. Infusing her sword with the Electro element and teleporting to her enemies like lightning is what makes Hilichurls fear her.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Elemental Skill can hit weak points and has low CD.
- Can teleport using Elemental Skill.
- Very fast Charge Attack with High multipliers.
4. Hu Tao
It’s true her skill decreases her HP, however, the increase in her damage is outstanding. Moreover, she can use her burst to heal herself, which makes her almost invincible. Just trust this girl!
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Charged Attack and Elemental Burst DMG.
- High Base CRIT DMG.
- High Base HP and DEF.
- Provides CRIT Rate for other party members.
3. Ganyu
In battle, she makes use of a Cryo Vision and a bow. Her charged attacks can destroy enemies in one hit, and her wide-area burst can help freeze tons of enemies in a second. She may be shy sometimes, but she’s feared in battle.
What Makes This Character Great:
- High base CRIT DMG.
- Multiple AoE Skills.
- Deals massive damage even at C0.
- Provides Cryo DMG Bonus Support.
2. Sangonomiya Kokomi
Her Hydro Vision allows her to be both a DPS and a healer. Like Barbara, she can make her normal attacks heal the team. However, in her case, they receive a damage increase that increases her DPS by leaps and bounds.
What Makes This Character Great:
- Excellent Healing capabilities.
- Elemental Skill covers a wide area and can apply Hydro easily.
- Decent DMG Output with her Normal Attacks during her Elemental Burst mode.
- Normal Attacks during her Elemental Burst mode can heal the entire party.
1. Kamisato Ayaka
In that story, you can understand just how cute but lonely she is. Moreover, you can also try how good she’s in battle, with her Cryo-infused sword and her burst (the most powerful in the game right now btw).
What Makes This Character Great:
- High Base CRIT DMG.
- Uses a special sprint that's useful for both exploration and combat.
- High Elemental Burst DMG.
- Easy Cryo Application with all her Talents.
I hope you understand now just how pretty the girls in this game are. Exploring and fighting are good reasons to play but, come on, pulling the gacha for these girls is an even better reason to play. This is a personal opinion, so you’re free to love any character you want and play with them to your heart's content!