If you're not happy because you just got Jean, you might want to take a look at this Top. It'll make you change your opinion about her
Jean is a 5-star character that not many people loved in the first versions of the game. That’s not because the character is actually bad, people just didn’t understand how to play her. It’s no surprise that now people want her in their teams because of how versatile she is, being able to be played as a Main DPS, Support, or Healer. Here I’ll be telling you how you can build her depending on the role you want her.
5. 5-star Maiden
(5-star Maiden Build 02:48)
This build is an easy and effective one. All you need is 4 pieces of the Maiden Beloved set and that’s about it. I recommend going for it in the early AR ranks of your game.
Since she will keep your team properly healed, allowing you to get creative with your team compositions, you don’t really need to stress yourself over getting 5-star artifacts of this build.
What “5-star Maiden” excels in:
- Easy to farm because you can easily equip this build with 4-star artifacts.
- Effective healing thanks to the healing bonus it grants to Jean.
Build details:
- Circlet: Crit. Rate / Crit. Damage.
- Goblet: Anemo DMG. Bonus.
- Sands: Attack%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Attack %, Crit. Rate, Crit Damage, Energy Recharge.
4. Elemental Burst Support
(Elemental Burst Support Build, 02:28)
This is a great build if you want to focus your Jean on her burst utility, you’ll need two pieces of the Noblesse Oblige set and two pieces of the Viridescent Venerer set.
It can deal pretty decent damage, plus it heals and cleanses your party. So depending on your preferences you might want to equip this build.
What “Elemental Burst Support" excels in:
This build is excellent to heal and deal damage with your burst, which will have a 20% Damage Bonus thanks to Noblesse Oblige.
Build details:
- Circlet: Crit. Rate / Crit. Damage.
- Goblet: Anemo DMG. Bonus.
- Sands: Attack%
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Energy Recharge, Attack %, Crit. Rate, Crit Damage.