22 Feb 2022
If you’re stuck in the quest “Heart of Watatsumi” because you don’t know how to break the Final Seal, don’t worry! We know how to do it and we want to share our knowledge with you!
- First collect the four Spirit Pearls, return to Tsuyuko at the Sangonomiya Shrine and follow the marker and submit all four pearls to open the seal.
- This will allow you access to the area with four rotating statues.
- Three of the statues will be fish and one will be shell-shaped. This latter one is where you can pay respect.
- Go to the first circle, rotate all fish to face the center then pay respect.
- After you complete each platform, a wave of enemies will spawn.
- The final seal is the fifth circle in the middle platform. Once you have defeated all the enemies this should unlock.
- The circle should contain the Key of the Moon Bathed Deep which you should return to Tsuyuko.