Raiden Shogun is the vessel of Beelzebul, the current Electro Archong of Inazuma, and meditates inside the Plane of Euthymia while letting her puppet control the daily affairs of the nation. Yes, we know, Hoyoversegave her best with this lore.
This puppet follows a set of directives programmed into her. The Shogun is cold and stern in personality while Ei, her true identity, is kind and joyful.
Raiden Shogun is an Electro Polearm user who can be used as support and Burst DPS. She’s one of the Archons so we couldn’t expect less about her to be amazing. We’ll show you some of her best builds! Let’s start!
3. Support build: Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities and can be obtained from Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Burst DMG by 20%.
If you like to deal DMG with Raiden’s Elemental Burst while he deals DMG with his basic attacks, this is the perfect build for him!
This build excels in:
- Raiden’s Elemental Burst deals AoE Electro DMG and deals Electro DMG even when she’s not fighting. Noblesse Oblige will increase this Cryo DMG.
- This set is focused on an Raiden support, so you have to keep in mind that she’s not the one that will deal the DMG. You have to use another DPS to defeat those enemies.
- Since this set is focused on reactions, it’s perfect for big bosses or Abyss. In these places, elemental reactions are very important because they’re what deal more DMG!
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ER or ATK%
- Goblet: Electro DMG/ATK%
- Circlet: ATK%/Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 4.8%.
- 4-star option: the best option is The Catch, whose bonus effect increases ER by 16%.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Burst. The Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and deals AoE Electro DMG, using Musou Isshin in combat for a certain duration afterward.
- Elemental Skill. Unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents, and granting nearby party members the Eye of Stormy Judgment.
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.
Best teams for this build:
- Raiden Shogun, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Bennet
Raiden deals elemental reactions with Xingqiu and Bennet, but they support her by buffing or healing her at the same time! Also, Kazuha regroups enemies and decreases enemies’ DEF so it’s easier for them to defeat them.
- Raiden Shogun, Xinyan, Zhongli, and Xinqiu
Raiden deals Electro DMG but Xinyan and Xinqiu still support her doing Elemental Reactions with his Skill and Burst. Also, these characters deal DMG too. Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
- Raiden Shogun, Hu Tao, Xinqiu, and Zhongli
Raiden dealsElectro DMG but Hu Tao deals Pyro DMG too and does elemental reactions. Xinqiu supports her doing Elemental Reactions with her Skill and Burst. Also, these characters deal DMG too. Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
2. Sub DPS build: Thundering Fury and Noblesse Oblige
Thundering Fury is an Artifact Set which can be obtained from Midsummer Courtyard. Its 4-Piece Bonus increases the damage caused by Overloaded, Electro-Charged, and Superconduct by 40%.
Noblesse Oblige is an Artifact Set that can be obtained from Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern.
Noblesse Oblige’s 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Burst DMG by 20% and Thundering Fury’s 2-Piece Bonus increases Electro DMG Bonus by 15%.
This build excels in:
- If you don’t know how you’ll use Raiden Shogun this set is perfect for that. This one will give her a lot of Burst DMG for a support Shogun and it’ll increase her normal attacks when they’re Electro attacks after she uses her Burst.
- Since Thundewring decreases Elemental Skill CD too it's perfect for a support Raiden Shogun. When she uses her Elemental Skill and other character attacks, Raiden Shogun’s Electro attacks will increase Elemental Reaction’s DMG.
- A perfect team for this build is one formed by multiple elements, since they’ll benefit a lot from these Elemental Reactions.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ER or ATK%
- Goblet: Electro DMG/ATK%
- Circlet: ATK%/Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Staff of Homa, whose bonus effect increases CRIT DMG by 14.4%.
- 4-star option: the best option is Wavebreaker's Fin, whose bonus effect increases ATK% by 3.0%.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents, and granting nearby party members the Eye of Stormy Judgment.
- Elemental Burst. The Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and deals AoE Electro DMG, using Musou Isshin in combat for a certain duration afterward.
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.
Best team for this build:
- Raiden Shogun, Hu Tao, Xinqiu, and Zhongli
In this team, Hu Tao is the main DPS since she’s the one who will deal the DMG. Raiden and Xingqiu support her with those Elemental Reactions and Zhongli decreases enemies’ DEF and shields his team at the same time!
- Raiden Shogun, Cyno, Xinqiu, and Mona
This team focuses on Electrocharged. Raiden and Cyno deal Electro DMG and Xingqiu and Mona deal Hydro DMG! Also, Xingqiu increases their DMG and heals them.
- Raiden Shogun, Xinyan, Zhongli, and Xinqiu
Raiden deals Electro DMG but Xinyan and Xinqiu still support her doing Elemental Reactions with her Skill and Burst. Also, these characters deal DMG too. Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
1. Main DPS build: Emblem of Severed Fate
Emblem of Severed Fate is an Artifact Set that can be obtained from Momniji-Dyed Court in Inazuma. Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Energy Recharge by 20% and its 4-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of ER (max of 75% bonus).
This build excels in:
- This set provides a good boost on ER, making it really useful for Sub DPS and Supports that use their Elemental Burst often.
- This set is focused on Raiden support, so you have to keep in mind that she’s not the one that will deal the DMG. You have to use another DPS to defeat those enemies.
- Since this set is focused on reactions, it’s perfect for big bosses or Abyss. In these places, elemental reactions are very important because they’re what deal more DMG!
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ER or ATK%
- Goblet: Electro DMG/ATK%
- Circlet: ATK%/Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Engulfing Lightning, whose bonus effect increases ER by 12%.
- 4-star option: the best option is Deathmatch, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents, and granting nearby party members the Eye of Stormy Judgment.
- Elemental Burst. The Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and deals AoE Electro DMG, using Musou Isshin in combat for a certain duration afterward.
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.
Best team for this build:
- Raiden Shogun, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Cyno
As we said, Raiden is a support in this team so Cyno is the DPS who will deal the DMG! Raiden and Xingqiu help Cyno dealing Elemental Reactions, and Kazuha decreases enemies’ DEF and regroups them.
- Raiden Shogun, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Bennet
Raiden deals elemental reactions with Xingqiu and Bennet, but they support her by buffing or healing her at the same time! Also, Kazuha regroups enemies and decreases enemies’ DEF so it’s easier for them to defeat them.
- Raiden Shogun, Cyno, Xinqiu, and Mona
This team focuses on Electrocharged. Raiden and Cyno deal Electro DMG and Xingqiu and Mona deal Hydro DMG! Also, Xingqiu increases their DMG and heals them.