Genshin Impact How To Increase World Level

29 Mar 2022

Why is it important to know how to increase World Level?

When you increase your World Level, enemies’ level will be higher too so watch out if you’re characters don’t have the right level to defeat them.

Also, you can get better rewards at domains and world level bosses. That’s the best part about World leveling and the reason why it’s so worth it!

How to increase World Level in Genshin Impact?

  • When you reach certain Adventure Rank levels, you’ll unlock Ascension Quests. Those AR levels are: 25, 35, 45, and 50. When you reach the last ascension, your World level will be 8.
  • When you unlock those quests, you just have to follow them and clear the domain.
  • Also, when you clear it, you’ll obtain some rewards such as Mora, EXP books, and primogems.

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