Ayaka is a really beloved character and everyone wants to have a wallpaper about her, but it’s kind of difficult to find a good one!
Today, we’re going to show you 15 wallpapers that are freaking awesome! You can find all of them on Wallpaper Engine, a Steam application dedicated to wallpapers!
15. Ayaka and Ganyu
On this wallpaper, we can see Ayaka and Ganyu in traditional Japanese and Chinese outfits. Since Inazuma is inspired in Japan and Liyue is inspired in China, each one wears its traditional clothes.
This wallpaper is really beautiful because the colours look amazing and the way they’re drawn is very professional.
14. Ayaka and Yae
This wallpaper is for Inazuma women fans! Here we can see Ayaka with Yae in Inazuma’s temple! It looks like they’re praying or doing a kind of ritual.
The colours of this wallpaper are really pretty since they’re violet and pink to match the characters and it moves and plays music in the background!
13. Soldier Ayaka
On this wallpaper, we can see Ayaka in a different soldier outfit practicing her fighting skills with a mountain and sakura flowers in the background.
The black outfit matches very well with the blue sky and the pink flowers. This background moves too! But the best part is that it’s very relaxing because of the colours.
12. Ayaka’s Elemental Burst
This wallpaper is stunning! We can see Ayaka’s Elemental Burst animation with some neon sakura flowers floating. The shadows are very cool because of her sword’s light!
It’s kind of relaxing because of the lights and colours! Also, Ayaka looks kind of mysterious, but she’s as beautiful as always. And yes, this wallpaper moves!
11. Ayaka in a temple
This wallpaper is one of my favourite ones! It has really flat colours, but they match really well and it gives cartoon vibes!
Here we can see a tiny Ayaka looking at the sky near a temple with some flowers and sakura flowers!
The colours match amazing! The blue and pink colours are very relaxing and this wallpaper moves too!
10. Soldier Ayaka in a red background
This wallpaper is pretty cool! We can see Ayaka in a kind of fighting pose with a red background and sakura flowers floating around her!
It’s kind of relaxing because of the colours and her sword’s light and it moves! So yes, it’s a very cool and amazing wallpaper. Honestly, one of my favourite ones!
9.Ayaka smiling at you
This wallpaper is very simple, but amazing. We can see Ayaka smiling at you with a black background with some freckles of light on it. Her hair and eyes glow looking more beautiful if that’s possible.
The colours are very beautiful and it’s a very simple wallpaper, but that’s what makes it amazing!
8.Ayaka and Lumine
This one is very very beautiful! Here we can see Ayaka and Lumine enjoying some time together. Lumine is sleeping on Ayaka’s lap next to the water, so we can guess it is Kamisato Estate. There’s a board game too so maybe they played before Lumine fell asleep!
This wallpaper is very colourful and relaxing. It reminds me of summer a lot!
7.Ayaka with sakura’s trees
This wallpaper is very relaxing because of the colours that were used on it. We can see an Ayaka smiling with sakura trees in the background.
The pink of the trees matches perfectly with Ayaka’s blue colours! Also, it gives her a really beautiful hair colour! And yes, it moves!
6.Autumn Ayaka
If you’re an autumn fan and it’s your favourite season and Ayaka is also your favourite character or your favourite waifu, this wallpaper is for you!
Here we can see Ayaka in a traditional Japanese house with a red tree and snow in the background. Since there is a small lake, we can guess it’s Kamisato Estate!
It’s a very simple wallpaper, but the colours and the light are amazing. It’s very relaxing!
5.Ayaka smiling with a pink background
This is a very simple wallpaper, but we love it anyway! Ayaka smiles directly at you with a pink sky in the background.
The colours in this wallpaper match perfectly! Blues and pinks are always a good combination, but if you add Ayaka smiling, there you go! A perfect wallpaper!
4.Ayaka as a student
This wallpaper is different from what we’ve seen until now, but it’s still pretty amazing! Here we have Ayaka in a scholar uniform with her katana, probably practicing fighting moves. Also, there’s a sakura tree because sakuras and Ayaka have to be together always!
The light in this wallpaper is amazing, but the colours are perfect too! It’s an incredible wallpaper.
3.Ayaka’s Elemental Burst II
This wallpaper is pretty similar to the one we’ve seen before with Ayaka being drawn using her Elemental Burst, but there are two differences!
One of them is that in this wallpaper the hour and date are shown in the own wallpaper and it has music playing in the background! Also, you can see the music’s beat on the lower part of your desk.
2.Ayaka, Xinyan, Chongyun and Venti
This one is amazing for rhythm games because it kind of reminds me of it! We can see some Genshin Impact characters as a band: Ayaka as the vocalist, Venti as the guitarist, Xinyan as the bass guitarist, and Chongyun as the drummer!
This wallpaper is really cheerful and colourful! As we said, if you’re a fan of this topic, it’s perfect for you!
1.Ayaka in the water
We’re finally here! Let us show you our favourite Ayaka wallpaper ever!
Here you can see Ayaka laying on the water with some sakura flowers and herons around here, typical Inazuma symbols!
The composition is very beautiful and the colours are very bright! Also, Ayaka is drawn very beautiful and the pose the artist chose is amazing!