Kokomi is both a healer and a DPS. And not of little damage. With her new artifact set, the Ocean-Hued Clam Set, she deals tons of damage, both Hydro and Physical. Thanks to that, she’s one of the most wanted and used characters right now in Genshin Impact. In this guide, we’re going to talk about Kokomi’s team-building. We’ll explain three team compositions that will, at least, give you some ideas to form your own.
3. Kokomi + Ganyu + Ayaka + Venti
Both Kokomi’s burst and her skill will continuously apply Hydro to enemies. This will allow Ganyu or Ayaka to use her Cryo DPS capabilities to freeze enemies and destroy them. And don’t forget about Venti, whose amazing crowd control can speed up your battles like never before.
What This Team Excels In:
- Amazing crowd control
- Cryo elemental resonance
- Huge DPS
- Constant freezing enemies
2. Kokomi + Fischl + Beidou + Kazuha
This shield counter and Fischl’s skill, Oz, will continuously apply the Electro element on enemies, causing electro-charged reactions. With Kazuha’s passive burst damage and elemental resistance decrease, Kokomi will deal tons of damage. Who can say she’s just a healer now?
What This Team Excels In:
- Counters strong hits with Beidou’s shield
- Constant electro-charged reactions
- Electro elemental resonance
- Enemies resistance decrease with Kazuha
- Tons of passive damage from all characters
1. Kokomi + Diluc + Albedo + Zhongli
Zhongli’s shield and nuker burst are great assets to increase the damage of the team. Albedo doesn’t only give you passive Geo damage but activates the Geo resonance as well. Protected, healed, and dealing tons of damage. What more can you ask from a team?
What This Team Excels In:
- Geo elemental resonance
- Constant vaporize reaction that amplifies damage
- Healing and shielding
- Good passive damage thanks to Albedo
- Double DPS
Sangonomiya Kokomi, surnamed that way of because her role as Sangonomiya’s priestess is one of the most powerful healers in the game. Not only is her healing supreme, but her DPS is off the charts as well. Moreover, Kokomi having a Hydro vision allows her to make two of the most powerful elemental reactions: vaporize and freeze. We hope you liked this guide and are ready to build your own Kokomi team.