Genshin Impact: How To Heal In Town

29 Mar 2022

Why is it important how to heal in town?

Healing is very important since it keeps your characters alive, but healing in town is obviously safer than getting healed next to an enemy camp. You can’t get healed in town just by being there, but you need that town to get healed.

How to heal in town in Genshin Impact?

  • Food. When you’re in town, you have access to cook food and heal your characters. It’s very difficult to cook in other parts because it’s difficult to find campfires, but in town, it’s very easy.
  • Statue of the Seven. You won’t find these in cities like Inazuma or Mondstat, but some towns have statues like Ritou in Inazuma or Mingyun Village in Liyue.

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